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2005 年 4 月 13 日 星期三 【暴雨】

好q tired...damn it...
連續3日,每日上6個鐘頭堂...shit~ tired到爆...
1) 一坐係個位到,唔夠3分鐘,d人就狂搵你,白痴架...仲要話"我揾左你成日,你去左邊呀?"...妖...唔通我唔洗上堂咩...我隻手係個位到完全冇停過落黎law......
2) 一開個outlook,一個下午,4個鐘,就有成50個未check emails,仲要個個都要睇清楚,又個個都長到死,detail到爆,唉...連續3日都係咁...我已經連lunch都做埋野,都做唔晒...
3) 星期一 & 二,都係公司做到8:00先走,shit.....sigh.....真係做死人呀。
4) 有時候,d 好零碎既野,真係做到我發"紋真"。我個year tutor叫我改幾阿百次個份interview report,diu...好心啦,d老細都唔睇既野,洗唔洗做到咁呀...其實我覺得佢只不過想"仙"我law...diu...我雖然係呢個hierarchy上面under佢,但好心啦...咪成日叫我左改右改,又叫我打電話去問人sao d野,其實可能只係佢自己想知law...頂...仲要吹3吹4...唉...我真係好想同佢講,叫佢咪再"仙"我呀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


放左學,即刻仆去south island,趕到爆,跑咁chai...omg~




>>April 14, 2005 at 9:53:47 PM GMT+8

2005 年 4 月 10 日 星期日 【酷熱】

yesterday very tired...on duty in Science Museum then rushed to teach swimming then went to LCX have dinner with Heidi, Ada and Ren Ren...it is long time didnt gather! last time...most likely is on Oct 2004..HKPSCAA...swimming competition..had a nice dinner..good food, good place, good chat, good pics..even my mood...still like that.....hollow....sigh......

went home then chatted with ren ren, daniel and joe...
It is totally 2 kinds of feeling when talking w/ Daniel and Joe...
Daniel: typical guy, cool answer, no "end tone", ask one sentence then reply one sentence. no more conversation beside u initate...typical reply "orr", "ok", "hm"...u can even feel his real reply by msn
Joe: a guy that really can take care of others...at least...a gd listen...especially when he says "What I can do is listen to you"...damn cool, rite? the conversation is touching...at least including sharing....
Conversation with two different style persons.....difficult to manage...hahaha........but the feeling is interesting.....

Renren: no need to wonder, Daniel really got gf once.

>>April 12, 2005 at 12:01:32 AM GMT+8

2005 年 4 月 9 日 星期六 【酷熱】

On bus 680x, cried again..thought about my ability again...totally desperate...what does my life dedicate for? for what? what is God's plan? why I cant go further?

Had 3.5 hrs Dept meeting, finally announce manpower allocation of coming year.
As excepted, cut 1TA..it raised a serious of ripple immediately. Even HoD said he would like to keep all people here, so what..still cut...btw, wonder why he added L but cut TA...it's totally not cost-effective, isn't it?

Had lunch with Fiona + Peggy, in 元氣, yummy in Susi...btw, I couldnt tell them I am desperate about my result...sigh..so harsh...btw,,,I like Peggy and Fiona..they are very very nice Lectures...just like my teachers...they teach over 10 years in IVE...haha...I found Fiona got earholes lei~~~~~~

Worked a while in office in afternoon then went to on duty in Science Museum...
then watched movie with Ren Ren in whampoo..."Miss congenality"...it's nice..at least can laugh a while...funny movie...thanks Ren Ren........

++++++dont know need how long time sin can back to normal+++++++++++++++++++++++++

>>April 10, 2005 at 11:10:22 AM GMT+8

2005 年 4 月 8 日 星期五 【酷熱】

Go office this morning, have student consultation.
Meet my students this morning, they praise me about my teaching in their Business Management subject..Thanks from deep heart...at least...they really feel that I use my heart to prepare lesson for them, Thanks God.

Rennie helps me@11:00am...as expected...same as last year.....but still wanna cry....
didnt do anything....as totally cant concentrate...
have lunch with my kids as Inti got b-day...we had lunch together and b-day cake together. Hope to receive their pics soon....hope are nice one....Got a call from Daniel..still as cool as usual.....I wonder he knows how to care a person....

Afternoon, nearly fall asleep in office, Emily (my kids) rings me and brings me to a student rest room to sleep. What a nice place! nobody can discover me to sleep during office hr!!!!!!!!!!!YEAH~~~~~~~I will always go there!

Go back to office afterward...finally can concentrate...prepare a super difficult exam paper for my kids as I got a bad mood today....sorry kids....you guys are bad luck...as I want to find some people to die with me together....hehe...

Got a series of sms from joe. finally decide to go teaching tonight with my bad bad bad mood.
Cried finally when i get out of office...especially during on 76 bus...sigh.......cant suffer anymore....
didnt talk much with joe after going to SIS...btw, Chan Hoi Yee keep going to ask me what happen...she is so cute..and innocent....joe shows me how to make donut bubble under 3m from my request...i got fun on it...at least...laugh under the water....the lifeguard is so scare both of us will be drown in the pool.....and immediately come to look at us......haha....crazy man......

On the way on 970x and 87D...phoned with Rennie...around 1hr 15 mins until my cell has no battery...


tonight in SIS...i look at the water...and think...why I have to work so hard in 2001-2004..what for? for what? prove again that is useless.......what does my life dedicate to? might be i should finally admit I am useless and no ability..., rite?

Thanks for:
*Rennie*, Honglu, Heidi, Eugene, Pin, Charmaine, Pris, Louis, Chan Hoi Yee = today's touching msg to me.
also thanks for:
Joe = the only one who I met today, patient to my bad mood, keep on suffer from me and show me donut bubble under 3m water......

>>April 9, 2005 at 12:59:59 AM GMT+8

2005 年 4 月 7 日 星期四 【晴】


Daniel: Happy B-day lei....


>>April 7, 2005 at 9:20:28 PM GMT+8

2005 年 4 月 6 日 星期三 【晴】

tonnes of things need to do in office...my colleague Janice...always brings me problems and troubles...
it is not wonder that so many students complain her..sigh...my module leader wants me to change class with her to teach...NEVER! I DONT WANT! as I dont want to help her to pick up her rubbish + the mess she made! this is the first time I say "NO" in office. Even my next colleague--Amy, seems also doesnt want to help her...even they are good friends...

Watched Leo Koo's concert with Pin, Rennie + Bean + his two friends...NICE CONCERT! EXCELLENT!
Justin = I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO COOL HE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~JustinJustinJustinJustinJustinJustinJustinJustinJustinJustinJustinJustinJustinJustinJustin = YEAH YEAH YEAH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

back home...work until 2:00am..sigh......when will I die?

Thanks X 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000 for B Chai tonight

>>April 7, 2005 at 9:15:08 PM GMT+8

2005 年 4 月 6 日 星期三 【晴】

quoted from Lee Ching Ching's xanga...I didnt do such things for a long time.

1.你中文名好唔好聽? 唔知, 有時覺得好"娘",但有時又覺得幾型,勁女仔feel,但唔係我character law...fully not match ar~
2. 你英文名係邊個同你改? 中學時英文老師
3. 你呢個電話號碼用左幾耐? Since Form 6
4. 你想唔想轉電話號碼? 冇諗過
5. 你幾耐換一次電話? 俾人偷左先換
6. 你個mp3有幾多首歌,你最鍾意邊一首? 15, behind the hazel eyes
8. 你有冇耳洞,仲想唔想啪? no, 但呢期日日都想穿呀
9. 你留唔留指甲? 有時啦
10. 你鍾唔鍾意自己個髮型? OK la.
11. 你而家戴緊咩飾物? 一條除唔到既頸鏈
12. 你有冇化妝? no
13. 你有冇近視? Yes,一隻眼近視,一隻眼遠視
14. 你出街有d咩一定要帶? 銀包、電話
15. 你有咩最近唔見左然後好唔開心? 一段感情
16. 你最近收到咩禮物? 一封acceptance既信
17. 你有咩最想要? A good guy~
18. 你最近買左咩係用得最多錢? 呢期好少買野
19. 有冇d咩想要但冇$買? notebook
20. 想要d咩係有錢但買唔到? 一個機會
31. 有d咩地方你去過最鍾意? gold coast, aussie
32. 一個最有回憶既地方? hku
33. 最鍾意邊個假期? 個個都鍾意
34. 假期裡面有無邊一刻係最想留住? 時時刻刻都想留住
35. 呢個假期有咩係你第一次見到? 自己個super lazy樣
36. 有咩係假期後令你改變? 一大堆野做
37. 有咩你假期前唔會做假期後變得會做? 備課
38. 咁呢個假期有無唔開心既時候? no
39. 問多你一次有冇d特別野你係未做過而呢個假期做左? no
40. 你對上一次假期係幾時? 今日
41. 最鍾意咩玩具?? 好細件個d模型,eg煮飯仔
42. 而家想要d咩新野? ipod
43. 買得最貴既一件衫? 唔記得
44. 買得最貴既一對鞋? 唔記得
45. 買得最貴既一個袋? $1750-patrick cox
46. 有幾個多件tee? 衣櫃入面9成半都係tee
47. 有幾多對converse? 2 (剛買了一對返工)
51. 岩岩對上食左咩? 蘋果
52. 岩岩對上拍過拖既男/女人? 男呀
53. 岩岩打比邊個? pin (1hr before)
54. 岩岩對上接邊個電話? joe lee (1min before)
55. 岩岩嚮ICQ/msn同邊個傾計? jacko
58. 岩岩對上睇咩戲? days of noah
59. 岩岩聽首咩歌? 張衛健--身體健康
60. 岩岩對上搭咩車番屋企? 巴士
61. 岩岩對上一次邊個上過你屋企? 好多人bor~
62. 岩岩對上一次邊個拖你手仔? 好似係陳可兒
63. 岩岩對上一次邊個同你影相? 方力申
64. 岩岩對上一次同邊個傾電話? joe lee
65. 岩岩對上一次暗戀既人? hehe~~咩叫暗戀呀?
66. 岩岩對上一次講大話呃邊個? ........
67. 講大話係因為咩事? .......
68. 岩岩對上一次發脾氣係因為邊個? 自己
69. 發脾氣係因為咩事? 唔知道,可能係p
70. 岩岩對上一次喊係幾時? 五個月前
71. 幾耐洗一次頭? 日日洗
72. 幾耐沖一次涼? 哈哈...唔定
73. 出門口要準備幾耐? 15 mins
74. 幾耐洗一次牛仔褲? 唔定
75. 收過花未? 有
76. 送過花未? 都有wor
77. 有冇比人批評過? 幾時? 佢話你咩? 有,唔記得
78. 有咩理想? 有一份穩定既工,勁鍾意自己既老公
79. 鍾意讀書定返工? must be 讀書讀書讀書讀書
80. 內向定外向? 我估外啦
81. 邊一個同你最老友? rennie~~~
82. 邊個人你最掛住? dr. 李一平
83. 邊個朋友嚮外地? 好多wor~~~
84. 你電話save左幾多個電話? 二百幾
85. 你電話save左幾多個sms? 30
86. 邊個打得最多比你? 阿媽
87. 邊個send得最多sms比你? hehe...秘密..我想好多人send sms俾我呀,可以嗎?
88. 你想唔想換個新環境生活? 都想既
89. 你而家最想打比邊一個? 冇
90. 最想去邊? 英國
91. 如果你而家大嗌,你會嗌d咩? 唉...
92. 答上面問題時有冇講大話? 冇呀。

>>April 6, 2005 at 12:45:47 AM GMT+8

2005 年 4 月 5 日 星期二 【微冷】


>>April 5, 2005 at 7:48:42 PM GMT+8

2005 年 4 月 4 日 星期一 【晴】

last night watched "beautiful mind"..John Nash...so touching story.
At least, it lets me understand what is truth love.
I really admire his success..the effort he puts in the maths.....and how large effect he does towards economics....a really touching movie...wanna watch twice...

tonight...with a tired body...go K with Kenneth, Clayton, Alvin and Ah Chung.
They are cute...haha...long time didnt go K ...last time...I think is Last year Oct after HKPSCAA..same K again..Neway in Kowloon Hong.....that night...got totally bad memory...never forget in my whole life...when I go K today...I immediately remember this place...
btw...got a fun time wtih them~~~~~~~they record my voice when I sing~ SHIT!
then we go to game station to play game...I didnt go for a very long time...
I remember last time was go with Li Ling Chun in summer...we always go there after teaching swimming...miss him tim.....didnt see him for a long time...we got a fun time in there!
Play the new games...........I think I really need some times to play!!!!!!! otherwise I will die....

my mind...always think about Friday.........

>>April 5, 2005 at 12:36:33 AM GMT+8

2005 年 4 月 3 日 星期日 【晴】

+++++++++++++++A very normal day+++++++++++++++++

Seems like just yesterday
You were a part of me
I used to stand so tall
I used to be so strong
Your arms around me tight
Everything it felt so right
Unbreakable like nothing could go wrong

Now I can't breathe
No I can't sleep
I'm barely hanging on

Here I am
Once again
I'm torn into pieces
Can't deny it
Can't pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up deep inside
But you won't get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes

I told you everything
Opened up and let you in
You made me feel alright for once in my life
Now all that's left of me
Is what I pretend to be
So together but so broken up inside

Cause I can't breathe
No I can't sleep
I'm barely hanging on

Swallow me then spit me out
For hating you, I blame myself
Just seeing you it kills me now
No I don't cry
On the outside anymore

+++++++super like this song, from Kelly Clarkson, Behind these hazel eyes++++++++++++++++

>>April 3, 2005 at 7:17:53 PM GMT+8

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路人留言   |

>>June 4, 2006 at 7:41:29 PM GMT+8

I agree.........
>>June 1, 2006 at 10:57:51 PM GMT+8

陸師傅~~ <br> <br>保
>>February 27, 2006 at 10:55:17 PM GMT+8

唔係丫嘛....你咁玩我! <b
>>February 9, 2006 at 12:24:25 PM GMT+8

wow...u're so ha
>>January 15, 2006 at 8:35:56 AM GMT+8

huh? Vivian Lee'
>>December 12, 2005 at 4:55:54 PM GMT+8

媚.. <br>保重呢~
>>December 10, 2005 at 10:33:07 PM GMT+8

Take care! <br>去
>>December 9, 2005 at 4:31:58 PM GMT+8

>>November 27, 2005 at 8:56:59 AM GMT+8

>>November 22, 2005 at 10:07:25 PM GMT+8

>>November 21, 2005 at 8:23:58 PM GMT+8

>>November 21, 2005 at 12:10:57 AM GMT+8

邊個咁衰呀?打你大脾發洩? @.
>>November 11, 2005 at 8:03:26 PM GMT+8

happy b day. <br
>>October 30, 2005 at 8:42:35 PM GMT+8

Ha, free dinner?
>>October 27, 2005 at 8:44:47 AM GMT+8

Your dairy reall
>>October 17, 2005 at 6:11:34 AM GMT+8

What's up man? <
>>October 14, 2005 at 7:59:56 AM GMT+8

>>October 10, 2005 at 7:46:10 PM GMT+8

How's interhall
>>October 8, 2005 at 10:45:03 PM GMT+8

一把年紀? ha, 一把年紀?
>>October 8, 2005 at 9:18:26 AM GMT+8

Got your voicema
>>October 7, 2005 at 7:12:09 PM GMT+8

take care sweeti
>>October 4, 2005 at 1:36:30 PM GMT+8

Maybe I can shed
>>October 2, 2005 at 7:22:02 PM GMT+8

take care mei ch
>>October 1, 2005 at 12:54:16 PM GMT+8

What does that m
>>September 29, 2005 at 10:40:35 AM GMT+8

>>September 26, 2005 at 7:39:28 AM GMT+8

haha..I like tho
>>September 24, 2005 at 1:02:44 AM GMT+8

where's that guy
>>September 23, 2005 at 5:32:37 PM GMT+8

>>September 16, 2005 at 5:15:38 PM GMT+8

Don't cry babe!
>>September 15, 2005 at 7:51:23 AM GMT+8

Blog tag attack
>>September 12, 2005 at 1:57:08 PM GMT+8

好乖喎...改左個字喇! <br
>>September 10, 2005 at 9:51:05 PM GMT+8

don't 練水 <br> <b
>>September 10, 2005 at 3:03:33 PM GMT+8

ai, the job real
>>September 10, 2005 at 1:56:06 AM GMT+8

白痴婆...係「寧」願呀! <b
>>September 9, 2005 at 12:29:50 PM GMT+8

幾時請食飯呀?入伙喎! =p
>>September 6, 2005 at 1:16:42 PM GMT+8

>>September 2, 2005 at 6:18:18 AM GMT+8

1st Sept - a bra
>>September 1, 2005 at 8:00:12 AM GMT+8

Are you decided
>>August 29, 2005 at 10:51:57 PM GMT+8

Don't eyes on th
>>August 28, 2005 at 4:57:50 PM GMT+8

As I said, whate
>>August 26, 2005 at 11:01:42 PM GMT+8

>>August 24, 2005 at 6:03:59 PM GMT+8

why???? <br> <br
>>August 22, 2005 at 10:41:18 PM GMT+8

Yeah...I can fee
>>August 19, 2005 at 6:50:30 PM GMT+8

Ask your mom to
>>August 16, 2005 at 5:39:31 PM GMT+8

Am I a bit mad t
>>August 14, 2005 at 12:40:58 AM GMT+8

i'm quite sure u
>>August 8, 2005 at 9:25:11 PM GMT+8

take a good rest
>>August 7, 2005 at 11:09:02 PM GMT+8

>>August 7, 2005 at 5:04:24 PM GMT+8

see, everyone is
>>August 4, 2005 at 5:44:59 PM GMT+8

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