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2004 年 11 月 5 日 星期五 【微冷】

Got a sms from Joe at 04:37am...so touching...really wanna say thank you to him....

I wait for the call for whole day......
but the phone doesnt ring up.......

I sent a sms......
but no reply....


>>November 6, 2004 at 6:14:01 AM GMT+8

2004 年 11 月 4 日 星期四 【晴】

It is hurt.....a deep hurt....
it's about a call.....

I didnt remember how long we didnt talk in phone.....
I didnt remember how long we didnt go out.....see movie....shopping.....even meet....

If someone said "I dont wanna accompany with u to go home" at your b-day night....what do you think?
Is this person still your companion?
If someone who just rings you 50 sec per week....only 50 sec in the phone.....didnt ask about your details...Is this person still your companion?
If someone who doesnt know about what you are doing these days.....Is this person still your companion?

28-10-04....is a special day for me.....
only one.....never come again.....but we didnt see......and u also didnt ring me.......

I finally ask you one question tonight " Do you still want us get together?"
But you didnt reply directly......

7 years......not a short period......within these 7 years....even those there were some guys come to my life.....but I still keep our affection....as I trust that you are my Mr. Right.....even we were in the edge....we still never give up......but now......

I found that you didnt buy me precious moment this year...in Sep......our memorable time......Sep.....
you said you will call me back.....but you didnt make your promise......
it is a deep hurt.....

>>November 4, 2004 at 10:27:07 PM GMT+8

2004 年 11 月 2 日 星期二 【晴】

Ada, Plz wait.......
Let see whether I can "snake" to library to write my diary tmr morning.....

>>November 3, 2004 at 6:58:04 AM GMT+8

2004 年 10 月 28 日 星期四 【晴】

today is my b-day......even I dont feel very special....as I need to work...work....and work.....
cant have a break.....
btw, I got nearly 30 sms and 20 icq msg.....and some ecards......
Thanks for all of you......

I want to type the msg and sms that I got....
Joe is the first one who rings me and say happy b-day to me...at 0:00am....
Joe Lee: 0:03, 28/10/04, Happx birthday, enjoy it
Rennie: 0:09, 28/10/04, Happie birthday!! My lovely meichai...lets have a nice dinner tmr. need to escape from work!
Louis: 6:52am, 28/10/04, 師父, 生日快樂,靈命成長!
Chiu: 9:20am, 28/10/04, Happy birthday to u ar! Wish u always be happy la! Yeah~

not yet finsih

>>November 3, 2004 at 11:49:06 PM GMT+8

2004 年 10 月 27 日 星期三 【晴】

After a full day job.....I go to teach swimming again....
Joe wait me.....same as last time.....
but this time,,,,,we are different......as his fault.......not yet compensate.....
we go to a smoky restaurant to have a quick "late" tea.....already 6:00pm.....
then we take 76...to South Island..

really really hate him.....btw, got a fun time....u know....i am idiot of road recognization....
he is expert......he PLAYS MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, always ask me where is the busstop.....
how come I know
hate him.......

AFter swimming, as Joe need to go Holiday Inn to have buffet with his O-camp teammates.......then we have a dinner in Tsim Sha Tsui...that rice is ok lei.....ok nice.......
this is the dinner before my b-day.....

>>November 3, 2004 at 11:37:21 PM GMT+8

2004 年 10 月 25 日 星期一 【晴】

Joe promised to give me 3 interesting things.....to compensate his fault in last night.....
He suggests some brilliant ideas.....those are what I really wanna do...hehe......
BTW, 3 BEARS ARE A MUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
for Rennie, Daniel and me.....he said he will try during sem-break....

I didnt go to Shatin as so so so so many work in office.....
I work until 7:30.......feel very very tired.......
sigh......when will I die in IVE?!

>>November 3, 2004 at 11:32:39 PM GMT+8

2004 年 10 月 24 日 星期日 【晴】

Wake up at 7:30 but that funny Seasame street clock...
Cant sleep well since worrying about cant wake up + last night's event.
Lun called me....to wake me up.....I think he is so charm......but he made his promise....

Long time didnt be so unhappy and angry.....
I checked my mobile.....the missed calls and sms...all from Joe...I replied him by msn and typed "..."
--> He should understand what I mean. Dont wanna listen to his phone call.....

I walked to YMCA and the street is so quiet. Chak Lun is so nice to draw a map to guide me. He is a nice guy....if no him.....i should be die in street last night. You know, in TST morning, No people on the street, but I met Joe Ma who acted on Street. He is very tall. I taught until 12:30, u know....already very tired....those parents still asked me about their kids' performance...diu...dont wanna teach anymore....so fan.....

Take a deep shower in YM...then wanna go IFC...but too tired....give up the idea....
And I check my mobile....missed calls = Joe Lee again..He always calls me at the right time so he seldom drops msg to me. I finally call him back..I didnt say anything in the phone (my strength!) and 30 sec after, Gummo immediately took the phone and talked about last night's event after I left..haha....Coach = Pak Chi! Finally Gummo helped joe to say some "good words", wanna side-track me...NEVER can do it for me!

After an hr, joe calls me again, we talked until my mobile's buttery die...he left "VOICE" msg to me finally....the second time these two days, he is so clever to know that I am going home and soon can call him back...Bingo~.~.~.~ Finally, what a finally,,,,my mood seems better....I will remember: Magic 3 before Wed.....otherwise.......

Sorry for Jojo and jeannie and others.....I didnt go out have dinner with them.....I know they wanna celebrate my b-day....btw,,,,my mum wants me to stay at home to have dinner with her...as Friday and Sat I need to go funeral of my relatives......my mum said better dont celebrate during that or after that..
Btw, I give up to have dinner with my lovely pretty PolyU classmates~~~~~~~
Btw, WE WILL MEET SOON, WONT WE?! graduate PICs again~~~~ALL Lovely babies~~~~~~~I love you all ar!!!!!!!

Chat with Rennie for whole afternoon....and uploaded pic.....haha....
nice snapshots with many people......

I foresee that i will have a very busy week......
dim suen.......wanna die..........

>>October 26, 2004 at 4:58:22 AM GMT+8

2004 年 10 月 23 日 星期六 【晴】

Morning need to go to work, work until 1:00 and rush to CityU~~
I cant swim this year, but my heart is still belonged to HKU swimming team even we will lose today...
so what?! nobody cares! We win friendship in the team, that is the most important, isn't it?!

Daniel is so gang in 200IM~~ Daniel = gang yeah~
Joe...I told him I especially rush to see his 50 free...how come swim so slow...26'75...slower than last week...he is quite angry on the result...and he tells me he will win in 100 free.....finally 58'....got 3rd...ok la...he seems fat a lot.....
Even though our relay team all lose,,,,,SO WHAT?! We still win CityU!!!! We are proud of it!
Really need to thanks to NG Wai Yin in CityU....Sealion's guy....haha.....NEver see Wong Kwong Kee is so inch before....but when we see him to inch Ng....we realize sth....

Go to Shatin to teach then go K.....K is quite boring....not very fun.....btw, talk some secrets again....
haha...love affairs.....love..love...love....Ada...lonely heart......so what?! Gummo....no gf......so what?!
Why not enjoy what we have now....friendship.....and others in our life! Treasure those!
Happy to see somebody drunk...listen many things......

Dont wanna mention what happen after K.....
Btw, one word can say: JOE LEE = HATE DIE HIM~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sorry is useless at this moment~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

even Rennie also says it is an unacceptable event! HUH!

Daniel: thanks for your gifts!!!!!!!!finally go to rennie and me from joe
Gummo: be natural la...
Maggie: dont be unhappy about what happen today~tmr is a better day.......
Rennie, Heidi and Ada: we got some nice pics today ar~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SO SO SO NICE~

>>October 24, 2004 at 7:16:18 PM GMT+8

2004 年 10 月 22 日 星期五 【晴】

This song is very good ar.....the melody is so nice......


談情說愛又太早 但為何待我像寶
隨傳隨到 你我接近到戀愛程度
懷疑你會被難倒 不肯定可算最好
跨出半步 又偏差了半度 我察覺得到

單戀單到怕 相戀傷到怕
和你 是真的嗎

 從未被包圍 從未亂挑選某位


傳聞你信譽良好 多僥倖給我碰到
天天進步 不講也要做 你要對我很好

失戀失到怕 新片剛上畫
只怕 戲真情假


>>October 22, 2004 at 3:46:10 PM GMT+8

2004 年 10 月 20 日 星期三 【晴】

today teach BSA...lab 2...HLOOKUP, VLOOKUP and IF.......
The pronoucation of HLOOKUP + VLOOKUP is really the same idiot ways I thought.....haha....joe doesnt trust me......it is touching that joe accompany with me in PC last night until 5:00am.....i know he is tired.....but he still insists to accompany with me.....make his promise and I prepare my lessons...
Even I finally need to wake at 6:00am again.......btw, thanks to him........

It is so lucky that I wear dress today...Otherwise...X-ray my LUNGs again....(I mean my boss). very tired.....and BSA lesson is late...late for 1/2 hr...VERY VERY SORRY FOR JOE to wait for me 1/2 hr in front of school....I believe my kids will ask me in next lessons....they are PAk Chi.......

South Island is quite difficult to go...we search a lot of time......finally we found the bus stop.....I sleep on the bus...the water is quite cold......but those are nice water......very good for swimming.......joe swims some....then we go to TST....Vivian's home to have dinner and work some Sealion admin work......so so sso tired........it is lukcy that Joe accompany with me in MK......

~~~~~~What a MEMORABLE DAY AS I CAN arrive home, sleep earlier than JOEEEEE~~~~~~~~~
JOE: add oil in ur lab report la..............

>>October 21, 2004 at 2:05:32 AM GMT+8

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路人留言   |

>>June 4, 2006 at 7:41:29 PM GMT+8

I agree.........
>>June 1, 2006 at 10:57:51 PM GMT+8

陸師傅~~ <br> <br>保
>>February 27, 2006 at 10:55:17 PM GMT+8

唔係丫嘛....你咁玩我! <b
>>February 9, 2006 at 12:24:25 PM GMT+8

wow...u're so ha
>>January 15, 2006 at 8:35:56 AM GMT+8

huh? Vivian Lee'
>>December 12, 2005 at 4:55:54 PM GMT+8

媚.. <br>保重呢~
>>December 10, 2005 at 10:33:07 PM GMT+8

Take care! <br>去
>>December 9, 2005 at 4:31:58 PM GMT+8

>>November 27, 2005 at 8:56:59 AM GMT+8

>>November 22, 2005 at 10:07:25 PM GMT+8

>>November 21, 2005 at 8:23:58 PM GMT+8

>>November 21, 2005 at 12:10:57 AM GMT+8

邊個咁衰呀?打你大脾發洩? @.
>>November 11, 2005 at 8:03:26 PM GMT+8

happy b day. <br
>>October 30, 2005 at 8:42:35 PM GMT+8

Ha, free dinner?
>>October 27, 2005 at 8:44:47 AM GMT+8

Your dairy reall
>>October 17, 2005 at 6:11:34 AM GMT+8

What's up man? <
>>October 14, 2005 at 7:59:56 AM GMT+8

>>October 10, 2005 at 7:46:10 PM GMT+8

How's interhall
>>October 8, 2005 at 10:45:03 PM GMT+8

一把年紀? ha, 一把年紀?
>>October 8, 2005 at 9:18:26 AM GMT+8

Got your voicema
>>October 7, 2005 at 7:12:09 PM GMT+8

take care sweeti
>>October 4, 2005 at 1:36:30 PM GMT+8

Maybe I can shed
>>October 2, 2005 at 7:22:02 PM GMT+8

take care mei ch
>>October 1, 2005 at 12:54:16 PM GMT+8

What does that m
>>September 29, 2005 at 10:40:35 AM GMT+8

>>September 26, 2005 at 7:39:28 AM GMT+8

haha..I like tho
>>September 24, 2005 at 1:02:44 AM GMT+8

where's that guy
>>September 23, 2005 at 5:32:37 PM GMT+8

>>September 16, 2005 at 5:15:38 PM GMT+8

Don't cry babe!
>>September 15, 2005 at 7:51:23 AM GMT+8

Blog tag attack
>>September 12, 2005 at 1:57:08 PM GMT+8

好乖喎...改左個字喇! <br
>>September 10, 2005 at 9:51:05 PM GMT+8

don't 練水 <br> <b
>>September 10, 2005 at 3:03:33 PM GMT+8

ai, the job real
>>September 10, 2005 at 1:56:06 AM GMT+8

白痴婆...係「寧」願呀! <b
>>September 9, 2005 at 12:29:50 PM GMT+8

幾時請食飯呀?入伙喎! =p
>>September 6, 2005 at 1:16:42 PM GMT+8

>>September 2, 2005 at 6:18:18 AM GMT+8

1st Sept - a bra
>>September 1, 2005 at 8:00:12 AM GMT+8

Are you decided
>>August 29, 2005 at 10:51:57 PM GMT+8

Don't eyes on th
>>August 28, 2005 at 4:57:50 PM GMT+8

As I said, whate
>>August 26, 2005 at 11:01:42 PM GMT+8

>>August 24, 2005 at 6:03:59 PM GMT+8

why???? <br> <br
>>August 22, 2005 at 10:41:18 PM GMT+8

Yeah...I can fee
>>August 19, 2005 at 6:50:30 PM GMT+8

Ask your mom to
>>August 16, 2005 at 5:39:31 PM GMT+8

Am I a bit mad t
>>August 14, 2005 at 12:40:58 AM GMT+8

i'm quite sure u
>>August 8, 2005 at 9:25:11 PM GMT+8

take a good rest
>>August 7, 2005 at 11:09:02 PM GMT+8

>>August 7, 2005 at 5:04:24 PM GMT+8

see, everyone is
>>August 4, 2005 at 5:44:59 PM GMT+8

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