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2005 年 7 月 28 日 星期四 【晴】

Finished the extended interview yesterday.
So many people can go to the extended interview. (at this stage, at least have still 900-1200 people)
Actually if you can go through preliminary interview, if your outlooking is not bad, they will pass you to extended interview. That is. According from YKH, if you dont have any background, please dont think about final round. Btw, saw someone's diary also mentions about this. Therefore, better stop at here.

Good to have lunch with Colin for these days...nearly everyday...drive the car and go around Pokfulam...hehe...then have sunbath in Sandy Bay. What a nice day!

Last night, went to have dinner with Sum Chai and Bean. Long time didnt see them. nice to chat with them and had a yummy dinner~~~btw, finally feel dizzy when i back home....OMG~~~nearly cant stand on train and cant walk properly.....OMG~~~It lets me re-think one question...WHY am I so tired? WHY? Because of WHOM?

B Chai, Gummo: Happy B-day~
Honglu: Dont say any foul to me again when u ring me! You let me want to say foul! Lets go beach again!
LY: Thanks for calling me every morning.
Heidi: I soon die.......
Rennie:...lets go shopping!

>>July 28, 2005 at 1:39:20 AM GMT+8

2005 年 7 月 24 日 星期日 【晴】

001.最近喜歡的人: ......
002.最近喜歡的食物: 雞翼+朱古力
003.最近喜歡的飲品: 可樂
004.最近喜歡的電影: mona lisa's smile
005.最近喜歡的歌曲: 寓言
006.最近喜歡的運動: 依然都係游水
007.最近喜歡的地方: 依舊係sandy bay
008.最近喜歡的事情: 睇人diary
009.最近喜歡的朋友: 金毛 haha~~~
010.最近喜歡的品牌: arena
011.最近喜歡的課堂: 好耐冇上堂
012.最近喜歡的coffee: 從來唔飲coffee
013.最近喜歡的衣服顏色: 白
014.最近喜歡外出的地方: 朗豪坊
015.最近喜歡獨自一人嗎: 唔喜
016.最近喜歡到m記還是kfc: kfc


017.你試過因為一個人哭嗎? 試過
018.你試過傷害別人嗎: 傷左都唔知道...我估有gou....
019.你試過玩弄感情嗎: 唔知道....感情是不能玩弄的.....
021.你試過講大話嗎: 試過
023.你試過心碎嗎? 試過
026.你試過暗戀別人嗎: 當然試過la....


031.喜歡可樂或是雪碧: 兩樣都喜
032.喜歡被吻的地方: 額頭 + 面頰
033.喜歡被抱嗎: 喜歡
035.喜歡的天氣: 秋天
036.喜歡的國家: 歐洲所有國家
037.喜歡的明星: 楊采妮
039.喜歡的球星: 碧咸
040.喜歡的nba球星: 米拿
040.喜歡的藝人: 冇乜
042.喜歡的品牌: roxy、nike
043.喜歡的英文歌: queen--dont stop me now
044.喜歡打日記或寫日記: 打日記
045.喜歡男生或女生: 男生
047.喜歡牛奶: 喜
049.喜歡怎樣的戀人: 有上進心的男生


055.誰令你放棄自己: ...會嗎?


056.你的最長一段愛情: 6年半
058.你的最愛是誰: 屋企人
062.你最想要一個怎樣的戀人: 明白自己
063.你是一個執著的人嗎: 是
064.你自我中心嗎: 我想是吧
065.你會幫助別人嗎: 當然會la
066.你是好的情人嗎: 我估唔係
069.你暗戀別人時,會告訴別人嗎: 誰是別人先?
070.你相信會有一生一世的愛情嗎: 都信gei...


071.你最信任的是誰: rennie
072.你最搞笑的朋友是誰: 暫時想不到
073.你最白痴的朋友: rennie = must be
074.你最肥的朋友: 張國麟
075.你最瘦的朋友: 梁洛珈(only 80磅)
076.你跟誰番學: 好耐冇返學la
077.最信你的朋友: 唔知wor~~~
078.識得最耐既朋友:中學同學, e.g. charmaine, cc, syk, fyc, winnie, yyf, hwk....
079.呢排有咩係最搞笑: joe + 金毛叫我練腹肌去沙灘同人fight過 (omg)
080.最清楚你的朋友: rennie, pin, jojo, .......a lot
081.你最有錢的朋友: ada, charmaine, (zita 算唔算?)


083.你最後接誰的電話: 林源
084.你最後打給誰: 林源
085.你最後吃了什麼: 牛肉
086.你最後飲了什麼: 水
087.你最後見到誰: 媽咪
088.你最後跟誰出街: 媽咪
089.你最後因為咩大笑: 今日無笑過
090.你最後買既野: cream puff
091.你最後把你弄哭的是誰: 自己
092.你最後msn/icq跟誰說話: 金毛
093.你最後send message給誰: 金毛
094.你最後收到的message: 金毛
095.你最後一個voice mail: 清河
096.你最後聽的歌: 化蝶
098.你最後講的粗口: haha.....無講呀~:p


099.你最想吃什麼: 飯
100.你最想跟誰在一起: ........
101.你最想去哪裡: 歐洲
102.你最想忘記的事: 被人鬧
103.你最想跟誰見面: rennie
104.你最想做什麼: 係沙灘hea...
105.你最想買的東西: 時間
106.你最想得到什麼: 愛
107.你最想扔掉什麼: 自己
108.你最想吃的雪糕: 朱古力
109.你最想看的電影: 神奇4俠


110.你最喜歡什麼顏色: 橙
111.你的戀人是誰: 宜家冇
113.你一天用多少時間看電視: 2-3 hours
114.你一天用多少時間講電話: 1 hour
115.你一天用多少時間玩電腦: 2-3 hour
116.你一天用多少時間出街: 除左工作,好少出街
117.你經常跟誰講電話: 呢排...林源同honglu law
118.你最討厭別人對你做什麼:鬧我 + 講大話 + 講是非 + 唔同我玩
119.你有沒有做一些後悔的事: 有
120.你最憎自己什麼: 外表堅強
121.你遇過最傷心的事: .......唔想記起
123.你有沒有暗戀對象: 宜家好似冇
124.你的暗戀對象知道你暗戀他嗎: 都無對象暗戀...
125.你會把唔開心掩飾起來嗎: 絕對會
126.你會用什麼動物比喻自己: ....想不到
127.你會用什麼詞語形容自己: ...白痴
128.你感到孤獨時會做什麼: 訓覺
129.你會跟別人分享你的快樂嗎: 會
130.你最貴的一對鞋是: jordon 11
131.你最貴的一件衫是: g2000 suit
132:你最貴的袋是: patrick cox
134.你的床上有什麼: 枕頭 + 公仔
135.你會發脾氣嗎: 會
136.你的短期目標: 想清楚9月想做乜
137.你的長期目標: 有一份stable既工
138.現在時間: 3:12am
139.你用了多少時間完成: 15mins

>>July 24, 2005 at 3:15:21 AM GMT+8

2005 年 7 月 23 日 星期六 【晴】

畢竟自己還是一個外表堅強,內心軟弱的女子(according to john's description)。
但看來,誰也會覺得,我夠tough可以自己解決問題,stand strong。

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~我才發現 夢想與現實間的差別~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

我逛到這條熱鬧的街 太陽曬得我有點累
奇怪最近我愛碎碎唸 但又覺得 I Don't Care
我站在喜怒哀樂面前 閱讀我下一個畫面
我想去冒險 不管一路多危險 Na ~ ~ ~ ~

★我期待童話般的愛情 卻不想那樣的絕對
給我一個大大的擁抱 什麼語言 I Don't Care
我要專心體會每一天 還是學會打發時間
飛得高一點 作我自己最特別 Na ~ ~ ~ ~

◆我才發現 夢想與現實間的差別
逆著風 讓自己體驗每一個感覺
就像是寓言 流淚喜悅看過這一天
我想追 追尋完美的世界
(我還要飛 飛得很高很遠在我的世界
(我還要飛 飛得很高很遠在我的 很高很遠在我的世界)
Repeat ★

Kan Ba De Ne不怕不後退
閉上雙眼 許一個心願
勇敢向前 夢不會碎
Repeat ◆

>>July 24, 2005 at 2:23:08 AM GMT+8

2005 年 7 月 21 日 星期四 【乍寒還暖】

You need security.

There has been many changes in your life and you have had to live in an unstable environment. This has lead you to be suspicious and always on guard. Your mind has a hard time to unwind and this could lead to you having sleeping problems, since you think too much. People are a category you don't give much trust at, and find yourself to be a better secret keeper than they could ever be. Because in your changing world you have learnt that you only have yourself in all times.


>>July 21, 2005 at 6:39:08 PM GMT+8

2005 年 7 月 21 日 星期四 【颱風】

Got a question before sleeping last night。I didnt answer fully actually.

In fact, my answer is:
如果兩個人一起,就要完全信任對方。 完全信任 = 冇條件去信任。
如果一段感情是充滿猜疑和妒忌,那就不是真正的愛對方。何為包容? 何為忍耐?
我覺得我ex講得好good既一句說話: "如果佢要走,要留都留唔住"。

如果以前,我估我會好大聲咁鬧返個個人,但宜家,我唔會咁做,我只會同d friends講下就算。as i dont want the situations become worse.

多謝好多三更半夜又或者係好早聽我發牢騷既朋友: daniel, pin, 金毛, rennie and colin~~~

仲有ho chun: "你上黎訓啦,我有好多pillows呀~"

++++++++++++難道就這樣回不到我們最快樂時候 無欲無求在鬧市夜遊++++++++++++++++++++++

. ..- --. . -. . ---... / .... .- .--. .--. -.-- / - --- / -.- -. --- .-- / .- / ..-. .-. .. . -. -.. / .-.. .. -.- . / -.-- --- ..- .-.-.- / .. / -.. .. -.. / - .-. . .- ... ..- .-. . / --- ..- .-. / ..-. .-. .. . -. -.. ... .... .. .--. --..-- / .... --- .-- . ...- . .-. --..-- / .. / - .... .. -. -.- / .. - / .-- --- ..- .-.. -.. / -... . / ... - --- .--. .--. . -.. / .- ... / .. / -.-. .- -. - / ... ..- ..-. ..-. . .-. / ..-. .-. --- -- / .- / - .-. .- -. ... .--. .- .-. . -. - / .-- .- .-.. .-.. / -... .-.. --- -.-. -.- .. -. --. / ..- ... / .- -. -.. / .. / .- .-.. ... --- / -.. --- -. - / .-- .- -. - / - --- / -... . / -... .-.. .- -- . -.. / .- --. .- .. -. / -... -.-- / .- -. -.-- -... --- -.. -.-- .-.-.-

>>July 21, 2005 at 6:11:11 PM GMT+8

2005 年 7 月 20 日 星期三 【晴】

今朝colin係flora ho 車我去sandy bay~~ohoh~~
我覺得佢變左好多,at least,more responsible! good changes!

之後我地lunch去左westwood食susi~yummy yummy~~好飽呀!
之後返左sandy bay練拋繩,撞到阿方生,佢問我做乜咁得閒係度拋繩,我真係好想問佢點解佢咁得閒黎游水,乜明星唔係好忙既咩?

colin之後車左我同joe出灣仔practice life-saving,so nice!
what a nice and fun day~~~~~~~~

>>July 21, 2005 at 6:47:15 PM GMT+8

2005 年 7 月 20 日 星期三 【酷熱】



Raymond: Thanks all for your help.
Honglu: missing you ar.....
Pin: XYZ....

>>July 20, 2005 at 1:19:06 AM GMT+8

2005 年 7 月 15 日 星期五 【清涼】


食左飯後,就take ferry去中環,好好好舒服呀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
跟住上左607b hea左一陣...就落sandy bay教水啦~
d水既水溫 = 34度.......crazy........

ps 非常感謝陳慖晶的幫忙。
Honglu: farewell.....seems....I cant come....u know the reason la..

++++++++++繼破釜沈舟之後,突然又收到extended interview既信....吹脹+++++++++++++++++++++

>>July 16, 2005 at 7:58:21 AM GMT+8

2005 年 7 月 14 日 星期四 【晴】

is 破釜沈舟really a gd method?

>>July 14, 2005 at 9:13:19 AM GMT+8

2005 年 7 月 8 日 星期五 【晴】

Today, go Interview. DL~ fired+ fired+fired.
Never think that the interview is so HARSH...Com'on~why need to harsh me in 1/2 hr...DL..
Very angry about my performance. Am I not smart enough? Oh no~suen la...forget it...
Good to lose a choice actually --> No need to think one more option! that is.

Meet Joe in CWB. Both of us wear suit today! He got interview today too. We interviewed at the same timeslot. Btw, finally both cant get the job...haha~~accompany with him to shop around and then we had our lunch at 4:30pm..damn it...then hea a while in WL...then go Sandy Bay.

Tonight I start my "REAL" training, the 1st training after I graduate.
warm up 200m
then 6 x 50m 1"00
then 100m relax
then 6 X 50m 1"00
then 100m relax
then 6 X 50m 1"05
then 100 relax
then 6 X 50m 55'
then 100 relax
= Totally only swim 1800m ONLY!!!! I already died...I keep between 39' to 44' in each 50m...Thanks God!
I didnt sink! Even I can feel I cant swim forward....sigh......why I swim so slow? damn it!

Then rush to CWB to meet Joe and Chung Ka Ming for dinner (w/ gummo, pris, and wkk). If I know I will die after swimming, i should skip the training then go dinner with Joe directly. Btw, I was rejected by someone for dinner during evening, so wanna swim tonight, that is.

Like WKK's "throw ticket" + "popcorn" + "drink"...It is luck that Joe accompanies with me to bus stop and I keep on roaring to him...haha....

Joe: Dont u know, i waste $20 for taxi to come CWB then waste $21 dollar for lemon tea! but finally, NO SHOW!

>>July 9, 2005 at 2:24:18 AM GMT+8

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路人留言   |

>>June 4, 2006 at 7:41:29 PM GMT+8

I agree.........
>>June 1, 2006 at 10:57:51 PM GMT+8

陸師傅~~ <br> <br>保
>>February 27, 2006 at 10:55:17 PM GMT+8

唔係丫嘛....你咁玩我! <b
>>February 9, 2006 at 12:24:25 PM GMT+8

wow...u're so ha
>>January 15, 2006 at 8:35:56 AM GMT+8

huh? Vivian Lee'
>>December 12, 2005 at 4:55:54 PM GMT+8

媚.. <br>保重呢~
>>December 10, 2005 at 10:33:07 PM GMT+8

Take care! <br>去
>>December 9, 2005 at 4:31:58 PM GMT+8

>>November 27, 2005 at 8:56:59 AM GMT+8

>>November 22, 2005 at 10:07:25 PM GMT+8

>>November 21, 2005 at 8:23:58 PM GMT+8

>>November 21, 2005 at 12:10:57 AM GMT+8

邊個咁衰呀?打你大脾發洩? @.
>>November 11, 2005 at 8:03:26 PM GMT+8

happy b day. <br
>>October 30, 2005 at 8:42:35 PM GMT+8

Ha, free dinner?
>>October 27, 2005 at 8:44:47 AM GMT+8

Your dairy reall
>>October 17, 2005 at 6:11:34 AM GMT+8

What's up man? <
>>October 14, 2005 at 7:59:56 AM GMT+8

>>October 10, 2005 at 7:46:10 PM GMT+8

How's interhall
>>October 8, 2005 at 10:45:03 PM GMT+8

一把年紀? ha, 一把年紀?
>>October 8, 2005 at 9:18:26 AM GMT+8

Got your voicema
>>October 7, 2005 at 7:12:09 PM GMT+8

take care sweeti
>>October 4, 2005 at 1:36:30 PM GMT+8

Maybe I can shed
>>October 2, 2005 at 7:22:02 PM GMT+8

take care mei ch
>>October 1, 2005 at 12:54:16 PM GMT+8

What does that m
>>September 29, 2005 at 10:40:35 AM GMT+8

>>September 26, 2005 at 7:39:28 AM GMT+8

haha..I like tho
>>September 24, 2005 at 1:02:44 AM GMT+8

where's that guy
>>September 23, 2005 at 5:32:37 PM GMT+8

>>September 16, 2005 at 5:15:38 PM GMT+8

Don't cry babe!
>>September 15, 2005 at 7:51:23 AM GMT+8

Blog tag attack
>>September 12, 2005 at 1:57:08 PM GMT+8

好乖喎...改左個字喇! <br
>>September 10, 2005 at 9:51:05 PM GMT+8

don't 練水 <br> <b
>>September 10, 2005 at 3:03:33 PM GMT+8

ai, the job real
>>September 10, 2005 at 1:56:06 AM GMT+8

白痴婆...係「寧」願呀! <b
>>September 9, 2005 at 12:29:50 PM GMT+8

幾時請食飯呀?入伙喎! =p
>>September 6, 2005 at 1:16:42 PM GMT+8

>>September 2, 2005 at 6:18:18 AM GMT+8

1st Sept - a bra
>>September 1, 2005 at 8:00:12 AM GMT+8

Are you decided
>>August 29, 2005 at 10:51:57 PM GMT+8

Don't eyes on th
>>August 28, 2005 at 4:57:50 PM GMT+8

As I said, whate
>>August 26, 2005 at 11:01:42 PM GMT+8

>>August 24, 2005 at 6:03:59 PM GMT+8

why???? <br> <br
>>August 22, 2005 at 10:41:18 PM GMT+8

Yeah...I can fee
>>August 19, 2005 at 6:50:30 PM GMT+8

Ask your mom to
>>August 16, 2005 at 5:39:31 PM GMT+8

Am I a bit mad t
>>August 14, 2005 at 12:40:58 AM GMT+8

i'm quite sure u
>>August 8, 2005 at 9:25:11 PM GMT+8

take a good rest
>>August 7, 2005 at 11:09:02 PM GMT+8

>>August 7, 2005 at 5:04:24 PM GMT+8

see, everyone is
>>August 4, 2005 at 5:44:59 PM GMT+8

人氣: 23266

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