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2002 年 9 月 23 日 星期一 【晴】





1. odnwires1/opgwire:馬來西亞雙子塔進行防火演習

to beef up (加強、增大) security measures

Petronas Twin Towers (雙子塔)

stretcher (n) (擔架床)

fire drill (防火演習) (這個專欄是有中學生看的,各位千萬不要說我連這麼淺的字也放在這裡)

metal detector (金屬探測器) (設於雙子塔下的保安系統)

x-ray scanner (x光掃瞄器) (設於雙子塔下的保安系統)

2. 明報:sweet的用法

Does Wai has a sweet tooth﹖(陳威愛吃甜食嗎﹖)

Chicken Hong is sweet to everybody (雞康對人人都和藹)

Ming was never really sweet on Kam (Ming從來無真心愛上Kam)

3. AFP、AP:世上首個向日葵迷宮(英國)、阿拉法被以軍圍困

idle talk (空談)

sunflower maze (迷宮)

armored vehicle (裝甲車)

besieged compound (被包圍的大廈、建築物)



>>September 24, 2002 at 2:35:29 AM GMT+8

2002 年 9 月 22 日 星期日 【晴】


前日問題解答:umpah band


1. sunday mail (uk):蜜糖具醫學價值,可治療傷口及遭火燙處

to smear (塗上) honey on the wound

stomach ulcer (胃潰瘍) (ulcer是「潰爛」的意思)

The bee sting (叮) has left a swelling (腫脹) on my hand. ( sting 也可指「刺痛」;swelling 可指身體任何一處「腫脹」)

skin graft (皮膚移植)

2. timesonline (uk)、AP:美姐冠軍出爐、英國鄉村共廿多萬人往倫敦遊行,反對立法禁止獵狐

Erika gasped, (喘氣) covered her mouth and bent her knees in disbief, then ducked (彎低身、彎低頭)her head to receive crown from outgoing (卸任、離職) Miss America Harmon (以上是描述 erika 得悉自己摘冠的心情)

the ban on fox-hunting lit the fuse of rural resentment ( lit 是 light 的過去式,light the fuse 表面解作「點燃著保險絲」,代表「爆發」、「激起」)


美國人叫做 American

英國人叫做 British 或 Briton


>>September 23, 2002 at 2:24:01 AM GMT+8

2002 年 9 月 21 日 星期六 【晴】


>>September 23, 2002 at 1:54:10 AM GMT+8

2002 年 9 月 20 日 星期五 【晴】



1. AP:維也納政府想拉馬車的馬兒襯尿布,免污染歷史名城

to don diapers (穿尿布) 或 to diaper (v)

carriage-drawing horse (拉拖架載客載貨的馬)

keep horse dropings from sullying (沾污) the street

rear (口) (臀部)

to spell out (讀出、叫)the slogan

pooh bag (屎片) (pooh (俚) 糞便)

stench (n) (惡臭)

2. AP:新任聯合國人權專員

to roll up one's sleeves (捲起袖子準備大幹、動手) to raise money

to hail (歡迎) the newly-elected officer

suave (adj) 溫文爾雅

smooth-talking (adj) (巧舌如簧、說話圓滑)

to ruffle one's feathers (激怒某人)

outspoken (adj) 直率

3. captions 雜項:日本格蘭相撲大賽、德國十月啤酒節、湖上泛舟、菲律賓綁架案

sumo wrestler (相撲手)

ferris wheel (摩天輪) (ferris 是設計師,摩又輪是他設計的,因而用他的名字命名)

to paddle (划) canoe

this has blackened the country's image (國家形象受損)and scared way (嚇走) tourists

he was trussed (捆綁) up with a nylon cord (尼龍繩) and blindfolded (蒙眼) while his mouth was covered with packaging tape (被膠紙封嘴)

to untie (鬆綁)

4. 明報雜項: 德國總理大選、社評

there are a hundred steps to climb (要爬百級樓梯) to reach home (留意不用walk,用climb )

do not let slip this chance (不要讓這個機會溜走)

frequent-flyer miles (飛行里數優惠)

box office takings (票房收益)



>>September 23, 2002 at 1:53:40 AM GMT+8

2002 年 9 月 19 日 星期四 【晴】

「男巫」的英語是 wizard


1. herald sun (au):大肥佬偷公司錢,卻因太肥不用坐牢

low self-esteem (自尊心低)

lack of prior convictions (以往未曾犯罪)

remorse (懊悔) for a crime

loot(n) (賊贓)

to roam (vi)(漫遊)about the world

to roam (vt)the street

2. reuters:泰式菜

lemongrass (香茅)

to run (經營) upscale (高檔的) restaurant

to open a franchised eatery (特許經營食肆)

decor (裝修)

ambience (格調)

condiments (調味品)

overheads (經常費用) (燈油火臘o個o的呀)

3. 明報:go for的用法

he goes for me (他向我撲過來)

the media goes for (抨擊) Mr. Tung over ..... (an issue)

(goes for可解作「襲擊」和「抨擊」)

>>September 23, 2002 at 1:52:50 AM GMT+8

2002 年 9 月 18 日 星期三 【晴】


>>September 23, 2002 at 1:52:12 AM GMT+8

2002 年 9 月 17 日 星期二 【雨】


>>September 23, 2002 at 1:51:40 AM GMT+8

2002 年 9 月 16 日 星期一 【雨】



「報攤」的英語是 newsstand

「宣傳伎倆」的英語是 publicity coup

另外,昨日所談及的 stunt man 和 stunt woman,翻查 <> 後發現,字典的寫法是 stuntman 和 stuntwoman。


1. AP, AFP : 巴西一監獄「結業」、列車出軌、印度象頭神節

inmate (n) 監犯

penitentiary (n) 監獄 (美) (這只是美式用法,prison的同義字)

to quell (鎮壓) the fray (衝突)

an accident of train derailment (列車出軌) (出了軌的列車是 derailed train)

puff out (噴出) plumes of smoke (團團濃煙)

a plume of toxic smoke pours (原指「流出」,這兒解作「噴散」) from the factory

devotee (n) 虔誠信徒

to offer prayers to (拜、祈禱) the elephant-headed god Danesh

2. 明報:巫師 (鍾意<<哈利波特>>和<<魔戒>>的人不能不學)

to don (穿上) a grey-hooded gown (連灰帽的長袍) (請幻想一下 <<魔戒>> 戲中甘道夫巫師的造型)

magic charm (護身符)

wand (n) (魔杖)

crystal ball (水晶球)

healing potion (能治癒創傷的神奇藥水)

love potion (春藥)

witch (n) (女巫)

witchery (n) (魔法、巫術)

spells (n) (咒語) ( to cast/lay/put a spell on/over someone 用咒語鎮住某人)

fairy (n) (精靈、仙子) (<<魔戒>> 戲中射箭o個位靚仔就係fairy啦)

3. 明報:雜項

late (已故的) husband

a stone’s throw (短距離) away is the post office / the post office is within stone’s throw

HK’s role as China’s entrepot is fading ( .…作為…..的角色逐漸減退)



>>September 17, 2002 at 3:07:50 AM GMT+8

2002 年 9 月 15 日 星期日 【雨】

愈來愈發覺自己不懂寫新聞稿,只懂機械式地做翻譯,換轉自己是讀者的話,也覺得撰文者並未消化原文就勉強落筆 .........

「出去喝杯酒」的英式口語是 go out for a pint
另外,我今早翻查字典發現,昨日提及的 hairdo (髮型) 一字,原來限指女性所造的髮型,男士冇份,唔好意思。


1. 澳洲報:澳兒童體型肥胖,計劃讓兒童在課堂上吃紅蘿蔔及芹菜條,補充身體所需
to wean children off junk food ( to wean sby off sth 即要某人戒除、放棄、脫離某物)
school tuckshop (學校內或附近的糖果食品店,亦即香港學校的小食部)
a two-year pilot scheme (試驗計劃)
pack sth in school lunchbox (把某食物放進午餐盒內,用pack)
sandwich fillings (三明治餡料) (外國常用的餡料包括 pate (用肉或魚碎製成的醬)、salami (意大利蒜味香腸)、egg mayonnaise (蛋黃醬), Marmite (用發酵粉和菜的精華製成的醬)。以上各種都是不大受澳洲人歡迎的配料,他們多愛 ham同 chicken

2. AP:英國亨利王子度過十八歲生日,誓要秉承亡母遺志,多做慈善工作
he was caught drinking underage (未成年的) and smoking cannabis (大麻)
he will walk in Diana"s footsteps by doing more ........ (walk in sby's footsteps 是「仿傚某人、步某人後塵」的意思。)
now and then (不時、偶爾) he would become absent-minded (心不在焉) and lapse into silence (陷入沉默)

3. AP:菲律賓總統阿羅若夫人與內閣部長模仿 MIB 造型,為某雜誌周年特刊拍封面照
dark shades <美口> (墨鏡) (大家唔使成日用sunglasses咁悶)
Arroyo is very accessible to the public (阿羅若夫人很親民)
a political stunt (嘩眾取竉的政治花招)
publicity stunts (宣傳性噱頭) (留意此stunts 字必須有 s )
(stunt 字大多數認識都是指「特技人」,有stunt man 和stuntwoman之分,現在學多個用法,可指「花招」和「噱頭」,其實也與「特技人」的解釋不無關係。特技人是替身,並沒有將真正的東西帶給觀眾,花招和噱頭都帶有騙人的成份。

1. 「報攤」的英語是什麼﹖

2. 「宣傳伎倆」的英語又是什麼﹖
提示:publicity cXXX

>>September 16, 2002 at 3:25:49 AM GMT+8

2002 年 9 月 14 日 星期六 【雨】



街邊擺賣的菜販常稱為 vegetable peddlers (明報)

另外昨天提及monger一字,我今日又在AP (美聯社)新聞重遇,今日我看到的字是fashionmonger (趕時髦的人),所以此字並不單作「小販」解。


1. AP 新聞:紐約市前市長和克林頓女兒換了髮型,克林頓妻子衣著品味差 (美式口語)

straightback hairdo (向後直梳的髮型)

curly-locked hairdo (鬈曲髮型), curlylocks (n)(pl.) (頭髮鬈曲的人)

full-length (全身的) skirt, full-length mirror

missis (老婆 --- 男人稱呼妻子) (切勿與 missile 導彈混淆)

2. 明報:談信用咭 (英式口語)

the credit card bill is large/big (信用咭帳單數目很大) (想大家留意可用large或big形容)

how on earth did you manage to spend so much? (你何以花了那麼多錢?)

(on earth 通常用作 emphasis或表達 surprise,其餘例句有 who on earth would venture out in weather like this? 或 why on earth do you wear this shirt? 只要把 on earth 抽走,就能明白句子意思)

50% went on food, 40% went on books ( 想大家留意 go on ,指「花費在」,為何用on ﹖其實是取自 spend on 的 on )

3. 明報:八號風球電話線路負荷過重

to uncover HKEA's weakness(es) (暴露 ..... 的弱點)

the telecommunications market has dwindled (委縮)

the economy has slowed down (放緩)

my enthusiasm has already tailed off (我的熱誠已減退)

(大家以後唔使淨係用死 decrease 同 diminish 啦)



提示: go out for a pxxx

>>September 16, 2002 at 2:07:10 AM GMT+8

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路人留言   |

>>April 4, 2003 at 1:18:49 PM GMT+8

我以為你真係唔再寫tim <br
>>January 4, 2003 at 4:16:03 PM GMT+8

第一次係度留言~ haha~~個
>>November 29, 2002 at 11:43:23 PM GMT+8

>>November 28, 2002 at 1:33:25 PM GMT+8

>>November 17, 2002 at 1:17:32 AM GMT+8

>>November 14, 2002 at 9:32:19 PM GMT+8

>>November 13, 2002 at 11:21:02 PM GMT+8

>>November 12, 2002 at 11:28:27 PM GMT+8

大師哥,支持你呀~ <br>放心
>>November 6, 2002 at 12:13:10 PM GMT+8

臭jose, 勁喎, 你每日返工
>>November 3, 2002 at 12:15:51 AM GMT+8

喂, 靚仔~多謝你份生日禮物呀!
>>November 1, 2002 at 1:51:47 AM GMT+8

........... <br>
>>October 31, 2002 at 12:21:32 AM GMT+8

>>October 29, 2002 at 5:42:07 PM GMT+8

you are so lazy,
>>October 29, 2002 at 2:41:58 AM GMT+8

>>October 27, 2002 at 3:27:45 PM GMT+8

入 境 處 署 理 助 理 處
>>October 23, 2002 at 12:45:47 AM GMT+8

你的英語日記多麼實用有趣 <br
>>October 23, 2002 at 12:25:47 AM GMT+8

真正指「貼身」的英語係唔係 <b
>>October 18, 2002 at 10:05:46 PM GMT+8

>>October 17, 2002 at 11:45:23 PM GMT+8

小心身子喇, 獨臂人~~記住唔好
>>October 16, 2002 at 11:33:01 PM GMT+8

呵 ~ 你體子真係弱啊 ~
>>October 16, 2002 at 10:55:38 PM GMT+8

祝君早日康復... <br>保重
>>October 15, 2002 at 12:37:24 AM GMT+8

係咪they will marr
>>October 13, 2002 at 10:28:34 PM GMT+8

>>October 8, 2002 at 1:44:39 AM GMT+8

你個爛jose大官, 幾時先抄哂
>>October 5, 2002 at 7:54:15 PM GMT+8

白寶唔去唱k 完全係因為你唔叫佢
>>October 2, 2002 at 12:49:13 AM GMT+8

What is genital
>>September 30, 2002 at 11:09:37 AM GMT+8

你個爛jose'大官~ <br>
>>September 29, 2002 at 2:05:39 PM GMT+8

>>September 29, 2002 at 3:10:04 AM GMT+8

>>September 29, 2002 at 1:12:32 AM GMT+8

乜你原來都開了日記啦! 真好..
>>September 29, 2002 at 12:16:32 AM GMT+8

>>September 24, 2002 at 11:58:13 PM GMT+8

>>September 16, 2002 at 1:20:03 AM GMT+8

雖然已經好少online, 但仍
>>September 15, 2002 at 1:23:32 AM GMT+8

俾心機呀! <br>你的英文愈來
>>September 14, 2002 at 12:53:50 PM GMT+8

有無搞錯呀 ~ 開班授徒都唔著魚
>>September 14, 2002 at 12:46:50 PM GMT+8

>>September 14, 2002 at 10:25:21 AM GMT+8

好勁喎你,開埋專欄tim <br
>>September 14, 2002 at 10:23:29 AM GMT+8

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