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2002 年 10 月 3 日 星期四 【晴】



「透明薄裙」的英語是 sheer dress



black-and-white scarf in a form of a tress (扭紋狀的黑白頸巾)

persona non grata (不受歡迎人物)

be politically censored (受政治審查)

he is placed in standby even though he is off today

to grab (vt) (抓住)

the little child is belly-bloated of hunger (小孩因飢荒而「生股脹」)



>>October 4, 2002 at 2:12:03 AM GMT+8

2002 年 10 月 2 日 星期三 【雨】



那些巴士叫做「灰狗」巴士,英文是 Greyhound bus


1. 美國某報:童黨用武器殺害成年男子

prank (n) (胡鬧、惡作劇)
play pranks upon someone (作弄某人)

to follow a group's mentality (本地俗語解釋:跟大隊做 ...) (本文指小孩跟大隊殺人)

I'm just one person (單身)

the pack of youths (一群十多歲的年輕人) bludgeoned (用大頭棒打) Young with bats

be orchestrated by (某事是某人的精心編排)

殺人兇器有:rake (草耙) 、shovel (鐵鏟)、folding chairs (周星馳:現代家庭殺人武器排名榜 no. 1)、bats (棒球棍)

to throw / toss an egg at somebody

to prod (挑起) a bean with a fork
to prod (戳,即「篤」) little poles in the damp sand (濕沙) with parasol (太陽傘)

to pummel (用拳連續揍)

savage (殘暴的) beating

he had been tormenting (adj) (使人煩惱) me much

to run at breakneck (極快的) speed

melee (n) 混戰

2. AP, AFP:海高斯吹襲日本、莉莉吹襲古巴、墨西哥,將吹往美國德州

the typhoon batters (衝擊) Cuba

be electrocuted (觸電) after touching severed electric cables (斷了的電纜) (AFP寫法)
downed power lines (斷了的電纜) (AP寫法)

to go near waterfront (海、河、水邊) to watch the typhoon whip up the waves (看颱風激起浪花)
(AFP 寫法)
to watch the surf (海浪拍岸) (AP寫法)

Higos is expected to be downgraded (風勢勁度減弱) in evening

Higos lashes (鞭打,風、雨、波浪等猛烈衝擊) Tokyo

typhoon sidewiped (擦邊撞擊,即「掠過」) Tokyo

steel tower of power line (架空電纜塔) (用o黎承托住電纜o個o的呀,行山成日見到)

to weld (焊接) steel

3. AP: model description

a) 一條連身長裙,上身:大 v 露出大半胸,下身:條狀 (像草裙)、雪紡製、刺繡

these strips (條狀) of chiffon (雪紡) worked into a gown with skimpy (用料極少而大量裸露)embroidered (在上刺繡的) top (上裝)

b) 上身:蜘蛛網狀,胸部只有兩點有遮掩 下身:黑色皮褲

this net-like outfit worn with black leather trousers

c) 連身粉紅短裙,像洋娃娃穿那些,袒胸露乳,裙底有「喱士」邊,隱現藍紋底裙

a pink baby doll dress with blue slip (有背帶的女式長襯裙,即此文的「底裙」) peeping (隱現), below the lace (喱士) trimmed (鑲有 ) hemline (衣服、裙子的底沿邊)



>>October 3, 2002 at 2:44:34 AM GMT+8

2002 年 10 月 1 日 星期二 【晴】


有人冒認白寶的姓名同email address o係度留言,這種行為異常可恥,請自重


Better luck next time!


1. ananova: 帶con 的女士去晚會時被邀請跳舞機會大增

a busload of people (一車人)

do / make a swap (作交換)
to swap something over / around (對換)

fondling (n) (被寵愛的人) (另一意思:<英國方言> 傻瓜、笨蛋)

2. 明報:社評

(non-) indigenous NT habitants (非)新界原居民

two-head system (雙村長制)

to strike a proper balance between various interests (平衡各方利益)

the government makes a poor job of district selling / publicity (政府地區推銷工作不濟)

small house (丁屋)

burial grounds (祖墳)

don't be so futile (別犯傻) (futile指無用的、不重要的)


chiffon (n) ( 雪紡綢)

stole (n) (長袍、長巾)

ready-to-wear (adj、n) 現成服裝(的)

marble (n) (大理石) (泰姬陵由大理石砌成)

face pack (美容潔面膏) (印度政府用美容潔面膏替泰姬陵「美白」)

cave in to pressure (向壓力低頭、屈服於壓力下)

favela (葡) (貧民區) (與shantytown 同義)

runway (機場跑道)

flight path (飛行路線)

to slash the throat (割喉) (美國一巴士司機被人割喉殺死,導致巴士失控翻側)

causing the bus to careen (翻側) out of control



>>October 2, 2002 at 1:45:36 AM GMT+8

2002 年 9 月 30 日 星期一 【晴】



晚上又有驚人發現,白姑娘又在拙欄留下一堆很 pro o既文字,擺明挑戰本人及各讀者的英文、醫學程度。不過我想白姑娘這樣做一定有她的苦心,依我推斷,她的用意為:

1. 對未患上 genital herpes 者示警,要他們小心「行事」。
2. 對已患者提供一個了解這個病的機會,讓他們及早獲得適當治理。 聽到未呀雞康!!!!以後檢點o的啦!唔怪之得白姑娘唔同你唱 k 啦,怕同你共用一支咪。

>>October 1, 2002 at 1:51:54 AM GMT+8

2002 年 9 月 29 日 星期日 【晴】



isn't it a bit steep﹖

1. New York post:環姐被奪后冠,傳被富商包及與普京有染

raven-haired (adj) (有烏亮黑髮的)
ravenlocks (n)(pl.) (有烏亮黑髮的人) (比較 14/9 curlylocks)

a tangled (糾纏的、混亂的) love life

seasoned (adj) (老練的)

shirk (逃避) her responsibilities

she is kept under watchful eye of wealthy tycoon (意譯:她被某某富商「照顧」)

money is never an issue for her (對她來說,金錢從來不成問題)

2. AP :十一年前南韓五名男童(南韓人叫他們做青蛙仔)進入森林捉青蛙,一去不返,其骸骨終於尋回,懷疑被人槍殺。

woods (n) 森林

sneaker (n) (運動鞋) (橡膠底那種)

hypothermia (n) (體溫過低) ( 「體溫過高」是hyperthermia )
(以後見親 hypo- 就一定係「過低」、「不足」,hyper- 就一定係 「過量」、「過高」)

to clutch (抓緊) each other to keep warm

skull (n) (頭骨)

to conduct DNA test and autopsy (驗屍)

don't dwell on (老是想著) the past

to dress in worn (舊) clothing

distraught (心慌意亂的) parents

offspring (n) (單複數都是offspring ) (子女)

3. 雜項

to rebut (反駁) an allegation (指控)


有時在外國你玩遊戲或賭博輸掉時,有人會跟你說 「祝你下次更好運」,這句口語應該怎麼說﹖

>>September 30, 2002 at 2:51:27 AM GMT+8

2002 年 9 月 28 日 星期六 【晴】

今晚睇番先知原來肥狗兄o係前幾日留過言,就此謝過,讀 translate 要讀很多沒趣的文字,似乎不適合好動的妳

另外,我o既好友空男ricky 已經學成歸來,也在此留言,多謝捧場 ....... 希望你會為法文班增光。




「壁畫」或「濕壁畫」的英語是 fresco,「乾壁畫」是 fresco secco (secco 是意大利語 (問下小茵先),解作 dry )


1. AP : 美國一所大學發明藥物 valtrex,可令「包」疹病者(註:倉頡冇 x 疹個 x 字) 把病毒透過性接觸傳到伴侶身上的機會減半


genital herpes (生殖器「包」疹) (simplex virus type 2, o岩o岩呀白寶)

to pass the virus to others (「傳染」可用 pass 這個常用字)

transmission (n) (傳染) (正式o的o既寫法)

flare-up (n) 疾病(或怒氣)發作

carrier (n) (帶菌者)

cold sore (n) (唇瘡疹) (simplex virus type 1 ,雞康個嘴生過o架!!!!!)

cold sore can be passed through oral-genital contact (睇完上面o既解釋,大家都知呢句點解啦)


to beat / flag / pound one's dummy (俚) (手淫) (唔好意思,純粹教學性質)

2. 明報:社評

the government has to cut its payroll (發放工資額) cost as it makes up for 70% of its total expenditure.

disposable income (可資配收入) (即扣除屋租水電後淨下來自己買o野o既錢)

to spur (刺激) employee's enthusiasm by making his pay partly variable (部分浮動)

Workplace English Campaign (職業英語運動)

to place high premium on something (高度重視/評價某物)

casting-like production (倒模式作業) is no longer suitable

3. AP、AFP:馬來西亞很多學院賣留學簽證給不法集團,不法集團用此引入外勞、外國人前往西岸及加薩區聲援巴人,對抗以軍、CAPTIONS

ringgit (林吉特) (馬來西亞貨幣)

errant (adj) (迷途的、離開正道的)

to deport (vt) (把某人驅逐出境) someone

to defy isareli-imposed curfew (違反以色列強制實行的宵禁) (比較昨天的 in defiance of )

alma mater (n) 母校


如果想反問人家「這不是貴了一點嗎﹖」可以用 isn't it a bit costly / pricey / dear (已很少人用)外,還可用什麼呢﹖

>>September 29, 2002 at 3:51:34 AM GMT+8

2002 年 9 月 27 日 星期五 【雨】

今日屯門大塞車,害得我遲了半個鐘才回到公司,也害得我要遲半個鐘放工,幸好趕到十二點半的校巴,到旺角再轉亡命van返屋企,今次是第一次坐亡命van 咋!


「一時衝動」的英語是 sudden impulse


1. reuters:俄羅斯馬戲團 ---> 全球最高的人

一個 circus 裏面可能有o既奇異表演者:

bearded ladies (有鬚的女人)

dwarfs (小矮人) (今日有報道指 <<白雪公主>>作者格林兄弟雖是德國人,但其取材其實源自意大利北部煤礦,當地有一個很深而狹小的煤礦,需要個子矮小的人入內開採,這就成了七個小矮人的背景;而當地又有民間傳說流傳有一個懂施法術的巫婆,這就成了給白雪公主吃毒蘋果的巫婆)

Siamese twins (聯體雙胞胎) (siamese 是暹邏,即今日的泰國,為何 twins 前有siamese 一字﹖其實源起自 1811-74 年,暹邏出現一對連體男嬰,一個叫 Chang ,另一個叫 Eng ,雖然腰部連著,但依然如常過活)

three-legged men

knife swallowers (吞劍者)

tight-rope walkers (走鋼線者)

animal trainers

acrobat (雜技員) (唔好搞錯 pdf 格式o既acrobat)


Nicolay, billed as (被稱為) the tallest man in the world

to poke (用手指戮,即係「篤」) someone

to tug at (拉) his clothes (唔使成日用 pul l啦)

why the hell (究竟) do you have to go away ﹖(the hell,用於加強語氣,或指「究竟」,想知道句子的意思,只需要把 the hell 拿掉就可,另一個例子:how the hell can i do it ﹖)
(refer to 9 月14 日 「on earth」的用法)

basketball hoop (籃圈)

to wink at someone (跟某人「單」眼)

Felix brands (詆譭) Edwin a human oddity (怪人)

tender moment (溫情時刻)

2. AP:丹麥副相本特.本特森的兒子管有違禁藥物,被判監兩年半

to hand down (宣判) a relatively lenient sentence

naivete (天真、幼稚) (同 naive 無乜分別)

drug pusher (俚) (毒品非法銷售者)

3. AP、AFP: captions

restauration (n) (修復) of a painting (唔好同restaurant 混淆)

Taliban fugitives (塔利班逃亡者)

foe (n) (對抗者、敵人) (唔使成日用 enemy 啦)

proactive (未雨綢繆的) measures = preventive measures
proactive 是預先的、主動的,與 reactive 相反,reactive 是待人「出招」後才作出反應

The US is not doing this for purely altruistic (無私的、利他的) reasons

that makes me nauseous (想吐、使人嘔心)


大家如果有去過意大利或其他有 basilica (天主教長方形教堂) 的城市的話,不難看到教堂內有著大大小小的壁畫,有些畫在牆上,有些畫在天花上,而壁畫又分「乾」和「濕」之分,請問「乾壁畫」同「濕壁畫」的英語是什麼呢﹖

>>September 28, 2002 at 3:31:50 AM GMT+8

2002 年 9 月 26 日 星期四 【晴】



要求別人幫忙,還可以用 turn to sby's for help


1. AP、AFP:美國與阿拉伯國家圖說服伊拉克總統赫辛流亡海外

feeler (n) 試探(手段)
例:the letter was a feeler to get his reaction on the matter

a senior State Department official, speaking on condition of anonymity..............
(一名要求匿名的美國國務院高級官員表示 ...............)

i can do nothing but to come to terms with (to come to terms with 指「妥協」、「讓步」)

lethal weapons (致命的武器)

riot control agents (控制人群用的化學劑) such as tear gas (催淚彈、催淚煙霧) and pepper spray (胡椒噴霧)

wathdog (n) (監察者、監察委員會)

the US is in defiance of (違反) the Chemical Weapons Convention

depravity (n) ( 邪惡、墮落、惡行)

to retaliate (vt) (報復) an insult (事)
to retaliate (vi) upon/against the US (人)

Mr Chen stepped down (下台、辭職) and Mr Tong takes over the office

2. AP、AFP:captions

dowry (n) (嫁妝)

postmark (n) (郵戳) (即郵chop)

sherry (n) (雪利酒) (原產於西班牙部的一種烈酒)

The University of Cape Town would confer honorary doctorate on Annam (南非開普敦太學將會頒授博士學位給安南)

an initial overtune (最初的提議) came in August / from sby

the T-shirt with an effigy (肖像) of Bush

the clock tower of Big Ben (倫敦大笨鐘)

3. 明報:smattering (道地英語)

I have just a sort of smattering of Portuguese (我對葡文一知半解) (smattering (n) 指「略知」、「略懂」

a smattering of sth = a very small amount of sth

I know a smattering of French (我略懂法語)



>>September 27, 2002 at 2:50:36 AM GMT+8

2002 年 9 月 25 日 星期三 【雨】


>>September 26, 2002 at 1:18:13 AM GMT+8

2002 年 9 月 24 日 星期二 【陰】



「親善大使」的英文是 goodwill ambassador


1. AP、AFP:三名槍手闖入印度一寺廟亂槍掃射,造成最少二十三人死亡

commando (n) (警方) 突擊隊員

to detonate a bomb (引爆炸彈) which had set the temple ablaze (著火)

to torch (放火燒)

intermittent (adj) (間歇的) attack

rescuers stretchered (用擔架床抬) the injured to ambulance (昨日出現過 stretcher 當名詞時的用法,今天則有動詞用法)

2. AP:經濟不景,阿根廷不少人一家大小摷垃圾過活

to yank up my shirt sleeves (拉起自己的衫袖) (參考 9 月 20 日的 roll up one's sleeves)

to plunge my hand into the trash bag (插隻手入垃圾袋中)

the butcher shop (肉店)

to scavenge (從垃圾堆中撿有用之物 ,若指人的話,就用 scavenger )

to slash the peso's value by 70% against the US dollar (to slash value 即 to devalue 貶值)

3. 明報:英文口語

he's a bit under the weather (身體不適)

I catch your drift (我領會你的意思)

get my drift, buddy? (明白我的意思嗎,老兄﹖)


要求別人幫忙,除了可用 to ask sby's for help 外,還可以用 xxxx to sby's for help 呢﹖

>>September 25, 2002 at 2:07:57 AM GMT+8

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路人留言   |

>>April 4, 2003 at 1:18:49 PM GMT+8

我以為你真係唔再寫tim <br
>>January 4, 2003 at 4:16:03 PM GMT+8

第一次係度留言~ haha~~個
>>November 29, 2002 at 11:43:23 PM GMT+8

>>November 28, 2002 at 1:33:25 PM GMT+8

>>November 17, 2002 at 1:17:32 AM GMT+8

>>November 14, 2002 at 9:32:19 PM GMT+8

>>November 13, 2002 at 11:21:02 PM GMT+8

>>November 12, 2002 at 11:28:27 PM GMT+8

大師哥,支持你呀~ <br>放心
>>November 6, 2002 at 12:13:10 PM GMT+8

臭jose, 勁喎, 你每日返工
>>November 3, 2002 at 12:15:51 AM GMT+8

喂, 靚仔~多謝你份生日禮物呀!
>>November 1, 2002 at 1:51:47 AM GMT+8

........... <br>
>>October 31, 2002 at 12:21:32 AM GMT+8

>>October 29, 2002 at 5:42:07 PM GMT+8

you are so lazy,
>>October 29, 2002 at 2:41:58 AM GMT+8

>>October 27, 2002 at 3:27:45 PM GMT+8

入 境 處 署 理 助 理 處
>>October 23, 2002 at 12:45:47 AM GMT+8

你的英語日記多麼實用有趣 <br
>>October 23, 2002 at 12:25:47 AM GMT+8

真正指「貼身」的英語係唔係 <b
>>October 18, 2002 at 10:05:46 PM GMT+8

>>October 17, 2002 at 11:45:23 PM GMT+8

小心身子喇, 獨臂人~~記住唔好
>>October 16, 2002 at 11:33:01 PM GMT+8

呵 ~ 你體子真係弱啊 ~
>>October 16, 2002 at 10:55:38 PM GMT+8

祝君早日康復... <br>保重
>>October 15, 2002 at 12:37:24 AM GMT+8

係咪they will marr
>>October 13, 2002 at 10:28:34 PM GMT+8

>>October 8, 2002 at 1:44:39 AM GMT+8

你個爛jose大官, 幾時先抄哂
>>October 5, 2002 at 7:54:15 PM GMT+8

白寶唔去唱k 完全係因為你唔叫佢
>>October 2, 2002 at 12:49:13 AM GMT+8

What is genital
>>September 30, 2002 at 11:09:37 AM GMT+8

你個爛jose'大官~ <br>
>>September 29, 2002 at 2:05:39 PM GMT+8

>>September 29, 2002 at 3:10:04 AM GMT+8

>>September 29, 2002 at 1:12:32 AM GMT+8

乜你原來都開了日記啦! 真好..
>>September 29, 2002 at 12:16:32 AM GMT+8

>>September 24, 2002 at 11:58:13 PM GMT+8

>>September 16, 2002 at 1:20:03 AM GMT+8

雖然已經好少online, 但仍
>>September 15, 2002 at 1:23:32 AM GMT+8

俾心機呀! <br>你的英文愈來
>>September 14, 2002 at 12:53:50 PM GMT+8

有無搞錯呀 ~ 開班授徒都唔著魚
>>September 14, 2002 at 12:46:50 PM GMT+8

>>September 14, 2002 at 10:25:21 AM GMT+8

好勁喎你,開埋專欄tim <br
>>September 14, 2002 at 10:23:29 AM GMT+8

人氣: 3239

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