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2005 年 2 月 19 日 星期六 【陰】

tony allen 和 big al 係 rookie challenge 2005 都有唔錯既表現呢. 值得開心.

>>February 22, 2005 at 10:01:56 AM GMT+8

2005 年 2 月 18 日 星期五 【暴雨】

big al 代替受傷的 okafor 打 rookie challenge 05. 值得高興呢. 不過 big al 剛復出, 還是不要多上場好了.

>>February 18, 2005 at 12:18:30 PM GMT+8

2005 年 2 月 17 日 星期四 【晴】

big al 回來了, 但是還未入狀態. 還是 ricky 最後一射最妙~

>>February 18, 2005 at 12:38:57 AM GMT+8

2005 年 2 月 9 日 星期三 【晴】

McCarty 於被 trade 走. 這次 celtics 和 suns 的 trade, 是以 McCarty 換一個 suns 從 warriors 而來的 2nd round 的選秀權. 由季初開始已不想再看到 McCarty 太多上陣時間, 不過 McCarty 在 celtics 已打了一段時間, 對他的感情少少還有的. 這個世界就是這麼現實吧.

Walter McCarty Farewell Letter to Fans

February 8, 2005

Dear Celtics Fans:
I would like to take this opportunity to send a sincere thank you to each and every one of you for your support during my eight and a half seasons with the Boston Celtics. Although I am moving on to a new team, it is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to the fans that I consider to be the best in the NBA. I hope you understand that this decision was made after considerable thought and necessary at this stage in my career. Nonetheless, it was not reached without mixed emotions, including sadness. Every time you called out my name out during a game, or asked for an autograph, it made me feel as if I were a special part of this city. It also made me work harder on your behalf both on and off the court.

My involvement with the Boston community has been an experience I will always cherish. I cannot thank you enough for your support of my "I Love Music Foundation," as well as the several community initiatives in which I have been involved through the Celtics. You truly welcomed me and my former teammates and me into your lives with open arms. Although I am moving on to Phoenix, I will continue to be involved in the Boston community with my foundation, including hosting my "I Love Music Foundation" Concert in this area.

Again, thank you for being instrumental in shaping my experience in this great city of Boston and your support of me and my family. Although I am looking forward to this new opportunity, I hope you realize that you will always hold a special place in my heart.

With warmest regards,

>>February 18, 2005 at 12:15:37 PM GMT+8

2005 年 2 月 3 日 星期四 【晴】

February 3, 2005
Hey everyone… I hope you are all doing ok and surviving this winter and the snow. Now that the holidays are over, everything seems to have calmed down. I am back practicing with the team, which is great. At first, practice was a little awkward for me… when I broke my right hand I damaged the nerves of two of the fingers. So I had to work on getting my rhythm back at practice and feeling comfortable again. Right now, things are more steady, and I am even getting some playing time.
When coach calls my name to go in to the game I am just ready to go out and contribute and get into the flow of the game. Standing at the Scorer’s Table I usually take a quick look at who is out on the floor, which player I will be guarding, who has the hot hand for our team and who on their team is playing well. Then I will go through any plays that I might think will work well with the flow of the game – all of which I have been keeping track of from the bench. So in that split second I am standing there, a lot has to go through my mind before I walk on to the court. Some people wonder if I hear the fans when I am out there. I love the fans – you guys are great. We have a nice union between the players and fans, and always appreciate the support we receive. But when I am on the court I have to stay focused and worry about getting my job done.
Getting into the lineup is a little tough right now. Since everyone works hard I have to push myself to work harder and harder and harder. It means spending extra time in the gym – being the first one there and the last one to leave when practice is over. Hard work is part of any sport, but I really enjoy the work that goes into it. Some people only enjoy playing the game, but I like the preparation part, too. I enjoy those times I am alone in the gym, working on a certain aspect of my game… when the game becomes easier to play, you remember all those hours in the gym. Justin Reed and I also work together – he is in a similar position where we both have a lot to work on. It is good to have Justin around because we push each other to work harder, and point out to each other what they need to work on. It is important for me to have someone like that, and we have a good time going up against each other trying to improve our game.
So I thought I would tell you all what a regular day is like in the life of an NBA player. We usually have practice in the late morning or early afternoon… around 11 am or noon. Practice will last about two hours, so after that I head home. Today, for instance, I am looking forward to getting home and settling into my new massage chair I bought from Sharper Image. You know how you walk by the store window and see the chair, or go into the store and sit in one and try it out? Well, I finally bought one. Anyway, when I get home today, my three year-old nephew will probably be camped out in the chair waiting for me. Since I’m just a boy at heart, I really enjoy spending time with “Q” – he calls me Uncle Redz (my nickname is Redz) - playing with him and watching him grow. Usually when I walk into the house we go over to the pantry and pick out some cereal – I will lift him up so he can reach the top shelf and pick out what we are going to eat that day. After that, we settle in to watch some cartoons – usually the Cartoon Network or Spiderman (which we have seen a million times). And that’s it… pretty normal.
I do want you all to know that I don’t just eat cereal. I have a great chef – Antaun Teasley, or “Young Chef.” He is Ricky’s chef, but he also takes care of all the players. He is the man – the best cook in Boston. Sometimes all the young guys will get together at someone’s house, and we will all chip in to have Antaun come over and cook us some dinner. He lays out an amazing spread – it’s like Thanksgiving or something. He’ll cook us up some catfish, macaroni and cheese, sweet potatoes, sweet potato pie, cabbage, fried chicken, fried codfish, salmon and mashed potatoes. He is amazing – if anyone is ever interested in having someone come to their house and cook them a serious meal, you should call “Young Chef.”
Like I mentioned, the young guys hang out together a lot. Most of us don’t have a routine down yet, and it is nice to have a good, home cooked meal once in a while. After dinner we hang out and play some video games – I am still the team champion at NBA Live 2005. Tony Allen thinks he can beat me, but he hasn’t been able to do it yet. And yesterday I beat Justin by 46 points!
I am looking forward to the All-Star break coming up in a few weeks. Of course everyone wants to be an All-Star, but for me it wasn’t in God’s plans this year. I think we have two or three guys that should be representing the team during the festivities out in Denver, but if T.A. is the only guy we have, I am fine with that. I am proud that Tony will be holding it down for the rest of us rookies here in Boston. But more important than becoming an All-Star, I want to win a championship ring. The day I get that ring, I am going to hang it on a shoelace and tie it around my neck. Then I’m going to get a pair of the sunglasses that Dwayne Wayne wore in the show “A Different World” and visit ever state in the country on a moped wearing nothing but the ring, those sunglasses and a pair of Chuck Taylors with the inscription “What Would Jesus Do?” written on the sides. I’m serious!
But back to the All-Star break… it will be nice to have a few days off. I bought my mom and sister a house in suburban D.C., so I am going to go back there for settlement on the 18th and help them get situated. Over the weekend I am also planning to go to go to church with my mom. I really like hanging out with mom and talking to her – she is one of my best friends and we talk about everything. It is great having someone like that in my life. Unfortunately the visit will be short because right after All-Star we head to L.A. to play the Lakers.
So with all that said, it’s time for my movie reviews for this entry. For those of you who liked the movie “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” you will love “House of the Fighting Daggers.” I also saw the new De Niro movie, “Hide and Seek.” It was a little scary, but nothing really makes you jump up out of your seat. I give it three and a half stars out of five. “Million Dollar Baby” is a good drama, and “Coach Carter” was excellent – I give that one five stars. We saw that together all together when we were down in Atlanta, and Justin Reed looks just like Samuel L. Jackson did in that movie. Speaking of look-alikes on the team, Tony Allen looks just like Jimmie Walker.
One final thought – to the kids in Miss Lieberman’s third grade class at South Lawrence East School, thanks for the SpongeBob joke book. And something for you guys to think about – sometimes when you least expect it, surprises come…
Stay warm and I’ll talk to you all soon.
Take care,

>>April 6, 2005 at 12:26:03 AM GMT+8

2005 年 1 月 27 日 星期四 【晴】

講下 serb & mont 既 pf-c krstic

簡單咁講下佢, 佢個 wingspan 都好大, 手好長, 企係度都嚇得下人. 佢既移動力都好快. 佢都係個 smart player, 知道點樣補防, 點樣走位. 同埋可能 ser & mont 每個中鋒都係差唔多性格啦, 佢同 rebraca 都係差唔多.

佢進攻比勁. 佢最強係係三秒區走空, 然後等傳球, 命中機會高. 佢有單打能力, 係 ab 位背籃進攻, 腳步係 raw 左 d, 但係都仲可以走入禁區黎個勾手, jump shoot. 可以係牛角位射波. 佢係進攻籃板方面做得唔錯, 用佢手長, 高大, 加上佢肯去搶, 所以都搶到 d 進攻籃板.

防守方面, 佢多數做協防. 佢移動速度都幾快, 加上高大, 阻嚇性都幾大. 不過單對單防守就差 d. 感覺上他的腳步防守仍然很 raw. 他的後移速度不夠, 所以防守機動型大前鋒可能有少少麻煩, 不過就算係防守中鋒都唔多好嫁喇. 其實佢防守邊個都無所謂, 因為主要佢都係做補防姐, 四圍走.

一個好有潛力既中大前鋒, 尤其係進攻方面.

>>May 18, 2005 at 1:46:41 PM GMT+8

2005 年 1 月 21 日 星期五 【晴】

今天講 serb & mont 的 f radmanovic.

簡單地介紹他, 他是個 solid defence, solid offence, can do a little bit of many thing, 多用途, 有籃球智慧的球員.除此之外,他是個很稱職的 role player

防守方面, 他能防守 2-5 號位. 這是因為他有 6'10" 高, 但身體結實. 他可以單對單防守 swingman, 他的後移腳步是慢了一點, 易被 quick first step 的 swingman 盤球而過, 但總括而言以他的速度還是可以防守 swingman 的, 他有身高, 所以對防守 swingman 多少有優勢. 防守4-5 號方面, 高度,身形還是差了一點, 不過還算結實的身形, 防守 4-5 還算可以. 他防守的靈活性在 4-5 號是好的, 尤其是防守那些有高度機動能力的大前鋒, 他的腳步是跟得上.

進攻方面, 他能圍在 3 分線作定點 3 分, 幾準的. 他有單對單能力, 能鏟入禁區作鈎手, 上籃..... 在籃底, 有假動作的功夫. 他的傳球視野算是良好, 進攻時能留意到身邊的人的移動, 有時還能做 assisst. 基本上 sonics 對他進攻的依賴並不多, 所以多數他不是作進攻點, 但是他的進攻能力絕對可以比數字上做得更多.

有幾方面比較差的, 他的籃板不好, 多少是因為身形不夠, 頂不到好位. 所以如果要他來做 4 號, 可能會失去一定的籃板. 好彩既係佢都仲可以搶贏 gooden.

一個好用的鋒線球員, 能在鋒線上幫忙 a little bit of everything.

>>May 18, 2005 at 1:47:44 PM GMT+8

2005 年 1 月 20 日 星期四 【晴】

今天說 slovenia 的 pg udrih.

他的防守很好呢. 6'3" 200 lbs, 是一個很好身形的 pg. 他主要是單對單防守對方的 pg. 他可以防守低位進攻的 pg. 他很強壯, 不怕對方在低位爆籃. 他的移動速度也很快, 能追上對手的移動. 不過對於對方鏟籃時的後退腳步還是較慢, 不過他已是一個很好的防守者了.

進攻方面, passing skill 是有的棒球式長傳, 傳 pick & roll, 彈地波........... 他的視野也是可以的, 有些 no look pass. 不過他的助攻還是太少, 而且他很少會做主導組織者, 亦好像不太會控制節奏. 他是個 above average 的 shooter. 三分線都是不錯的. 三分主要是定點三分. 另外, 他的鏟籃不錯的, 有插花盤過對手. 他的速度很快呢, 快攻一流.

不像個好的 pg.

>>January 20, 2005 at 6:31:21 PM GMT+8

2005 年 1 月 19 日 星期三 【晴】

順便講一講 celtics. 老實說, 以 celtics 這個陣容, 根本不能有所成就, 與其擔心誰會被換走, 不如快點進行交易, 消除大家的恐懼更好. 被換走方面, 頭號目標應是 mark blount / lafrentz吧, mark 有很好的進攻, 但是沒有防守和籃板, 令人失望; lafrentz 不算差, 但他的薪水太高了, 以他的薪水足以找一個更合 celtics 需要的大前鋒, 最大問題是兩個都不像會打大前鋒-_- 所以兩個只能留一個, raef 走了不會影響我們快攻, 因為 celtics 的 guards 開始証明他們能打快攻了; 二號目標應是 jiri, 他是一個很好的射手, 但是 celtics 的 swingman 人手實在太充足了, 而且 ricky 等也有 jump shot 功能, tony 又是一個會製造驚喜的球員, 所以 ricky 和 tony 都不應該走, jiri 真可憐; 三號目標可能大家會比較意外, 我會選 paul, 在 nba 打滾了這麼多年頭, 但是到現在卻不見得有什麼進步, 他的百萬薪水會給 celtics 帶來新希望呢. 其他主將, 留和不留已不重要了.

至於誰一定不能走, 第一號是 big al, 一個能低位進攻的能手是 nba 的大短缺啊; 第二是 ricky, 他能擔任所有角色的一部份, 是 celtics 的希望; 第三是 tony allen, 他的爆發力會給 celtics 帶來振奮; 第四是 banks, 不能傳球不要緊, 但是能有有效率的進攻, 沒有助攻也不是問題; 第五是 dolente , 只打了數場波, 但是他是未來 celtics 控衛的希望; 第六是 perkins, 做不了 big ben 不打緊, 即使能做到 fortson 算是 celtics 的 steal;. 其餘那些想動就動吧.

現在 celtics 那種輕快的節奏算是我們的答案了, 問題在於防守和籃板. 好的防守, 才令對方失波, 才可打快攻; 好的籃板, 既增加自己進攻機會, 又可減少對方進攻次數, 尤其我們的防守實在不行, 不能讓對手有太多進攻機會呢.

>>January 19, 2005 at 12:01:50 AM GMT+8

2005 年 1 月 18 日 星期二 【晴】

And, yeah, Z looks good. He’s just a smart player…does a lot of things (tipped passes, rebound taps, defensive switches) that don’t show up in the box scores. The problem with all of our bigs right now is that they foul a lot (and that determines a lot of the MPG as well). Z picks up plenty.

this is the comment about yug centre rebraca by some clippers fans in realgm forum. we can use it to estimate the work of rebraca in the game.

rebraca 有 solid defence, 亦有 solid offense, 有基本中鋒應有的動作. 進攻方面, 很少人會傳波比佢, 但唔代表佢進攻唔惦, 只因為 clippers 的進攻點唔係佢度. 他的 ab 位進攻是不錯的, 是可靠的得分來源. 他在籃底的射球很準的.

防守方面, 他的機動性和移動性還算 ok 的, 所以能防守大前鋒或中鋒. 他有一定的方法防守 低位進攻球員. 防守一些大前鋒, 移動速度還算可以, 所以對防守大前鋒鏟入中間都是 ok 的. 他移動的速度追得上對手, 但是最後還是犯規. 他多數會做協防, 不會死盯著自己要防守的球員, 會四圍走. 但是因為四圍走, 所以有時會回不及防守自己的球員和搶不到籃板. 他的單對單防守是不錯的, 如果他專心防守對方, 會個好的防守者. 不是個好的搶籃板球手, 被大隻的對手壓著下很難搶到籃板, 不過會 tip 比隊友. 他搶的籃板較少, 但他的頂位不錯呢.


講一講 yug 的 sf stojakovic.

基本上都不用多講他了, 因為他的招牌大家都會知的----- shooting. 他是一個善於走位的全方住射手 (基本上已說完了), 可以在整條 3 分線, 場邊那一個角落投射. 他的走位是值得學習的, 很簡單, 但不花太多體力, 而且足以為自己製造空間位, 時間投射. catch & shoot , open shoot 當然難不到他. 另一個 weapon, 是 pick & roll, 他是最後出手那個. 他會走位做 pick & roll 單對單進攻的確較差, 不過比起以往, 進步了不少. 單對單時, 會食人腳位, 身位, 然後射球, 鏟籃是慢了一點, 但還是可以的. 會帶球, 不過不是太順暢.

防守方面, 移動速度是不夠. 防守不是強, 但又係比以前有進步, 他的速度是追不上, 不過他的守比較老辣, 所以都是可以的. 他多數會幫忙做協防和搶防守籃板. 他有身高, 不過籃不多太多籃板.

nba 很少見這些射手了. 絕對是各隊需要的球員.

>>January 19, 2005 at 4:34:25 PM GMT+8

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