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2005 年 11 月 17 日 星期四 【晴】


點解要忍痛?因為celtics太多green people了。這些有talent但又green的球員,不可否認佢地既潛質,但係要慢慢磨練。gerald green,gomes,big al,dikau,reed,greene,perkins...呢堆球員我都仲覺得ok既,但呢個moment真係幫唔到手住...尤其係gomes,bug al,dikau呢3個球員,celtics黎緊打唔打得起都要靠佢地,因為celtics的bench真係嚴重不足。celtics會收到成果的,但唔一定係team,最大機會球員,不過celtics頭半年真係好痛。另一方面睇,如果celtics頭半季都頂到,green gomes...都打到少少成績出黎,celtics出年什至季後賽會嚇人一跳


開頭都唔太驚backcourt,但banks受傷後,tony allen坐監後,backcourt的替補已經係無乜人選。reed佢會破壞offense個流𣈱,gomes就好似仲未打得起,green更加唔駛講。預計最快要打季中,swingman backup會好d,因assume左gomes會開始有少少成績(少少都夠,起碼唔駛挨打10min),無意外的話季尾什至明年會開始見到green(唉...)到時swingman會由唔夠backup變到過盛,不過亦希望見到,好想睇下到時一隊無敵swingman組合既celtics~

控衛嘛...睇怕有排都唔會有答案,要求既就係west打耐d,swingman人手過盛時調ricky過黎,dickau真係信唔過住,除非佢offense好好為止。由dickau開始由bench上黎打開始,都仲叫做頂得住控衛呢個位,但以celtics迷咁話佢,應該不是長遠解決方法...開始懷念n年前的kenny anderson了,celtics係呢個moment係咪應該諗諗簽返個vertan point guard返黎呢?

big manbackup方面開始不成問題,big al翻生了!!!如果到big al打20幾30min,有更多produce時,celtics的front court有排唔駛憂住,big al可信程度太高了。perkins可能會做到少少野,不過亦不足掛在口邊。veal更唔駛講。所以,如果perkins同veal可以頂到一陣,celtics的front court 更無憂。

frontcourt要擔心既,反而係lafrentz同blount可唔可以穩定咁交出成績。blount係最大問號,offense黎講,佢係nba算得上中等以上級既centre,得分好穩定,defense都仲可以,不過要用扮野黎防守不是個高明既防守,rebound就係個big concern,佢既數字真係少到嚇死人。如果blount維持到成季而家既成績,相信唔駛怕比人話,或怕比人trade走了。lafrentz...唔知點講佢,係celtics度,d人concern blount多過佢,佢既rebound都唔好得去邊,同樣係鬥唔贏人果類,但似乎好過blount,亦有數字增加現象,offense只會穩定d,已經係好大忙。不過我想big al取代佢個位starter位多d,亦可能係不久將來既事


>>November 17, 2005 at 3:32:36 PM GMT+8

2005 年 5 月 18 日 星期三 【晴】

講下 france 6’6”的 g/f mickael pietrus


防守方面,身體素質比較好,對單對單防守有一定的優勢。不像是個 team player,但以他單對單防守能力,亦都需要這樣做。他的防守能力很好,後退速度不錯。

他進攻始終還是麻麻。不太會單對單,jump shot 也不太穩定,傳波麻麻地...


到 latvia 的 c bedrin

一個很幼的球員,進攻意識很好,常常走空位。他的進攻意識在於低位進攻,相信他的 low post 進攻會更上一層樓。身形龐大而健碩,低位進攻有一定的優勢。防守方面,以他這樣的身形,相信將來會是個不錯的低位防守和 shot blocker



geogia republic 的 7'0 F/C tsikishuvili

進攻方面,能控波,jum[ shot 不錯,低位開始好返d。防守方面,不過不失啦,開始利用下身令對方失平衡大不了又是用身形企係度阻住人進攻。



到 6'10" C foyle

他是一個有名的 block shot machine ,是補位時間來得好。主要貢獻還有他的防守,不是一個絕頂的防守中鋒,但防守能力是中上的,以他 265 lbs 的身形,已令進攻者很難在 low post 得到好位,他的頂位亦很辣,用下身頂住你,難以擺脫。

但他的籃板一般,只是佔了禁區,但有時頂位而來不切搶籃板。單對單防守,都很難防守一些靈活的中鋒。沒有進攻技巧,只靠兩下 ab 位入禁區的中鋒式勾手,或是籃底的射波。


>>May 18, 2005 at 2:37:14 PM GMT+8

2005 年 5 月 9 日 星期一 【颱風】

今日看過超音速@馬刺的比賽。從中分析 ukarine 的 potapanko

這個曾過何時還是 celtics 的球員,一個 6'10" 285 lbs 的中鋒。他最大的優點是很強悍的貼身防守,一個大隻佬咁追住一個禁區球員黎防守,的確唔易擺脫的。他是個很勤力的球員,周圍走去協助補防。他上場時充滿拼勁,成場周圍走。另外,以他的身形,是很適合頂位的,如果你真的去做。進攻方面,聽聞他可以射中距離的,但未見過射。亦都有少少低位腳步。


欣賞他打球的精神,但以這種技巧打 nba ,很難打出名堂。

>>May 9, 2005 at 1:02:36 PM GMT+8

2005 年 4 月 5 日 星期二 【晴】

Around this time a year ago, Al Jefferson was competing in the McDonald's high school all-American all-star game and mulling his future options. The 6-foot-10, 265-pound Jefferson was stronger and quicker than his high school peers, even the ones in the all-star affair.

When he decided to bypass a scholarship to the University of Arkansas and make the leap directly from high school to the NBA, there were many who questioned his decision. The thinking went among personnel people that Jefferson needed at least a few years in college to hone his considerable, but raw skills.

Jefferson felt otherwise and his play this season suggests that he made a prudent decision. While other rookies who came directly from their high school prom to the NBA such as Orlando's Dwight Howard, Atlanta's Josh Smith and New Orleans' JR Smith have statistically made a much bigger immediate splash, Jefferson has more than held his own during his first year in Beantown.

The difference between Jefferson and the rest of his high school brethren is that he is playing for a team leading its division, where earning minutes isn't a given. While Howard is also competing for a playoff contender in Orlando, the other high school players such as both Smiths, Portland's Sebastian Telfair and Shaun Livingston of the Los Angeles Clippers, are piling up minutes for teams that appear light years away from postseason contention.

Jefferson is averaging nearly 15 minutes, along with just over 6.5 points and 4.3 rebounds. He was actually seeing even more time before the Celtics reacquired Antoine Walker in a Feb. 24 trade deadline deal. Despite cutting into his minutes, he has embraced the idea of having a former All-Star such as Walker to lean on.

"He's been great for us," Jefferson said about Walker. "It's my first year and I have a long time in this league and my time will come."

And while the grind of the marathon NBA season is admittedly wearing on the 20-year-old Jefferson, he realizes how much he has progressed in one short season that right now feels awfully long.

"I feel real good about what I've done, but I also feel I have a long way to go," Jefferson said. "I have surprised a lot of people who thought I wouldn't get off injured reserve list all season."

Among the most surprised has been Doc Rivers, the Celtics' first-year coach.

"He has exceeded our expectations early on," Rivers said. "But I don't think he has exceeded our expectations as far as where he wants to go some day."

Jefferson isn't a flashy player. He won't overwhelm teams with his athleticism, but is a relentless worker inside, who is strong enough to hold his ground, and quick enough to get by many of the power forwards in the NBA.

"You look at him and he's not a great athlete, but he is a quick athlete, a quick jumper and that's what allows him to get that shot off and to block shots and rebound," Rivers said. "I think that is something we all missed."

Then referring to Celtics president of basketball operations Danny Ainge, Rivers added, "Danny didn't miss it but everybody else did."

Ainge came under fire for taking Jefferson with the 15th selection in the NBA draft. Yet it has proven to be a wise gamble. In fact Ainge should earn points for his other first round picks, starting guard Tony Allen, already a
defensive stopper and point guard Delonte West, who despite an up and down season, has also shown flashes of potential.

Yet it's Jefferson who has grown the most. Allen was a four-year college player from Oklahoma State and West played three seasons for Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia.

Without the benefit of college tutelage, Jefferson has had to learn the game on the fly. Every day in practice is like an advanced course of Basketball 101 for Jefferson.

"Practice is really intense, with guys going hard at each other," he said. "I have learned a lot from my teammates."

Jefferson is also learning about pacing himself through the rigors of an 82-game grind.

"It's a big process and I'm feeling it a little," he said about the long schedule. "My body is getting tired, but I have to keep on going and can't give up now."

Jefferson still shows his inexperience at times. For instance in a recent 97-93 loss to the visiting Philadelphia 76ers, he was a force down low with 10 points and four rebounds in 13 minutes, but he also fouled out of the

"He has a great confidence about him, down the stretch of games," Rivers said. "Offensively he is extremely good, while defensively he still has a ways to go, but he works at it."

Jefferson says he has no regrets about bypassing college for the NBA.

"The whole idea of going to college anyway is to go here," he said about the NBA. "If you can skip that and go on, it's to your benefit."

How much work Jefferson put in during the offseason will go a long way in aiding his development in the NBA. He didn't enter the league with the type of hype associated with his other high school counterparts, but his upside is intriguing.

"He is a very good offensive player and better than I thought he would be this quickly," Rivers said. "He just has composure that most youngsters his age don't have."

Of all he has learned, the biggest lesson is that in the NBA, a player is only as good as his next game.

"I made big progress, but I knew I had to get better," Jefferson said. "Guys are always working on their game and getting better and knew I had to step up my game."

It's those potential steps that he takes in the future that have everybody in the Celtics organization justifiably excited.

>>April 5, 2005 at 12:32:34 AM GMT+8

2005 年 3 月 29 日 星期二 【晴】

March 29, 2005
Hello again… my goodness, March has been a crazy month for us! The last time I spoke to you all, we had just traded for ‘Toine, and GP was on his way to Atlanta. We were hoping he would come back, but we weren't sure it was really going to happen. Well, as everyone knows by now, he is back and our team went on quite a roll, winning 11 of 12 games before we hit a small bump in the road.

A lot of people wanted to know my reaction to GP coming back, especially since it meant that I wouldn't be starting anymore. I would have loved to continue to be a starter, but I am still able to contribute and that's all that matters, especially as a rookie. Gary brings good leadership to our team, and helps keep us going. He keeps the pace up, which helps keep me ready for when I enter the game.

When we got back from our West Coast road trip, we put a nice little run together at home. We went 5-1 (losing only to Minnesota), and we really started to come together as a team. And although we have lost three straight, we are still going to be ok. Once we started winning, other teams started gunning for us. They started coming after us, and we weren't ready for that. But right now we are playing with more intensity. You can see it in the locker room – there is a passion in everyone's eyes. We all want to win… we see the light at the end. We know what's at stake – we've talked about the playoffs. See, that was part of the problem with these last three games. We knew the playoffs were out there – and we got caught up in that instead of focusing on our opponent. We were looking behind us, seeing who was chasing us in the standings, who our first round opponent might be. But now we have our focus back. We know what the agenda at hand is, and are more on the same page. We know where the focus needs to be, and that we need to follow the old cliché – one game at a time, one opponent at a time.

I am such a competitive person, that when we lose it really affects me personally. I will go home and think about the game all night, going over the plays in my head, wondering if I made that one play that cost us the game. I'm still getting used to playing an 82-game schedule… I'm not used to playing so many games, and losing so many. But when I look at where we are now, I know we are doing ok. For me, though, it's going to take a lot to ever get used to the feeling of losing at anything. When I was younger, I used to share a room with my older brother – until I was in the 10th grade. He's a year older than me, and we were competitive at everything… these days we still compete, but only at video games.

We had this past Sunday off for Easter, and it was real nice because my mom – Sweet Dell – and granddad were in town. My mother came into town for a week to help me get settled into my new place, which was really nice. Of course she tried to help me with some home decorating, which I had to stop, especially when she tried to add a little feminine touch with some pink flowers in a vase. Sorry mom, but I had to throw those out. I can't have any pink flowers in my apartment! Anyway, she took good care of me all week, cooking me some big meals. And then my granddad, he just decided to come on up for a visit. My mom's dad, Henry Addison, is 81 years old and used to work for Amtrak. So he is able to take the train whenever he wants, and just showed up in Boston and called my mom to tell her he was in town. I came back from the New York game and found him sitting in my living room! Every morning when he was here he would get up at 5 am and walk two miles to the store for some coffee. I love my granddad, but he must have told me the same story eight times in two days about the adventures he had while working on the trains…

Anyway, on Easter I went to church with Tony Allen and the pastor gave us a private communion. Since Easter signifies a new beginning, I am going to make it my goal to cut sin out of my life and walk a new path. This week my sister – Danielle (aka Lil' Danny/ Lil' Diva/ Tweety Bird – she gives herself a new nickname all the time) is visiting. She just turned 16, so I am looking forward to spending some quality time with her and showing her around Boston and just being a good big brother for a while. She and I haven't really had any time to just talk so hopefully we'll have some time to do that this week while she's up here visiting.

Before I go, I have to say hi to a couple of people. I want to say hello to my cousin Crystal and all the fams – they call me after every play and leave me a message on my cell phone telling me either I'll get the next play or I did good on the last one. Between them, Sweet Dell and Lil' Diva, I have at least 20 messages after every game to go through! But it's great…

Also want to say hi to my brother Clifton. I haven't seen his little big head in a couple of months, and I miss him. And little “Q,” who used to keep me company up in Boston and help me pick out my cereal after practice. I miss you too!

And to the kids in Miss Lieberman's class at South Lawrence East School – it was great meeting you all a couple of weeks ago. Thanks for coming to my game and cheering for me – I saw you all up there in the stands. I hope you did well on your test, and although I'm going to be real busy over the next couple of weeks, maybe I can try and make it out to visit you again after the playoffs end before school lets out.

Of course, I have to wish good luck to St. Joe's – they play Memphis tonight in the NIT Semifinals. Even though they didn't make the NCAA Tournament this year, I've still been keeping up with the games, especially since they've been so exciting. I think Michigan State just might be able to pull it off, but you never know which way it's going to go. But with St. Joe's out of it, I couldn't fill out a bracket sheet. I just couldn't do it.

(NOTE: St. Joseph's defeated Memphis, 70-58 on Tuesday night to reach the NIT Finals. They will face South Carolina for the tournament championship on Thursday. Best of luck to the Hawks!)

Finally, here are my movie reviews. I saw two new movies, and didn't really like either one of them. The Ring II wasn't very good – I didn't think it was that scary. And Be Cool (the sequel to Get Shorty) was just ok.

Thanks again for all of your support this season, and I'll try to talk to you guys soon.

Take care,


>>April 6, 2005 at 12:22:41 AM GMT+8

2005 年 3 月 15 日 星期二 【晴】

Ricky Davis Embraces Sixth Man Role

By: Brian Gleason
March 15, 2005
photo: NBAE/Getty Images

Top NBA Bench Players
Player PPG FG%
Davis - Boston 15.7 46.8
Stackhouse - Dallas 15.6 41.1
Gordon- Chicago 14.7 43.2
Turkoglu - Orlando 14.3 42.3
Bell - Utah 12.5 45.7

Celtics Sixth Man Of The Year Award Winners*
1983-84 Kevin McHale
1984-85 Kevin McHale
1985-86 Bill Walton
*Award Originated in 1982-83

Red Auerbach has widely been credited with developing the sixth man role in basketball. His thinking was that if you take one of your top scorers and bring him off the bench, he'll be matched up with one of the opponents' weaker players when he enters the game.

Auerbach brought sixth men to the Celtics such as John Havlicek, Kevin McHale, Bill Walton and the first sixth man Frank Ramsey, which only makes it fitting that the 2004-05 Celtics have returned to their sixth man roots with one of the league's best, Ricky Davis.

Davis, who was penciled in as a starter coming out of training camp, was moved to the bench after just seven games. Skeptics wondered if Davis would accept the role, or even sulk and cause problems. But Davis has more than accepted the move— he's embraced his role as the Celtics energizer and big time scorer off the bench.

But Davis' role has been more than just the normal sixth man coming off the bench and scoring. Another reason for the move was that the second unit was filled with so many young and promising, but still inexperienced, players. The second unit needed a stabilizing force, something Davis has provided.

"Of course I would love to start," said Davis. "But if I can help this team win more games as the sixth man, then I'm all for it. Our second unit needed a lift and a go to guy, so I love being their leader."

After the Celtics 119-110 win at Charlotte March 14, Ricky Davis leads all bench players in the NBA in scoring, averaging 15.7 points per game. He’s scored 20+ points off the bench 14 times this season, the most a Celtic has recorded off the bench since Kevin McHale had 23 20-point games off the bench in 1990-91. Although he hasn’t received the publicity of players like Stackhouse or even Ben Gordon of the Chicago Bulls, his numbers are just as good, if not better.

But Ricky's impact hasn't just been just on the offensive end, like many other sixth men. Along with being a leader, Ricky has also been one of the Celtics best defensive players. In the Celtics recent 104-101 victory over the Los Angeles Lakers, Davis held Kobe Bryant scoreless in the 4th quarter, while scoring 29 points of his own in the game. Davis is often asked by Coach Rivers to defend the other teams' top scorer.

"Ricky has been great," commented Doc Rivers. "I just sat him down earlier in the year and told him he was going to be our Vinnie Johnson, if you remember the Pistons of the late 80's. He's our "Microwave", and he has been great in that role for us on both ends of the court."

"All I've ever wanted is a chance to play and to win," said Davis. "When I came to the Celtics, I was aware of the tradition and just glad to go to a place that cares about winning first. I had never even played in a playoff game before I came here, so being with the Celtics has been great for my career and I just want to make the fans happy and win."

For a player that just wants to win, Davis has had a huge role in the Celtics improvement this season. After the Celtics win over Charlotte Monday, the Celtics had 35 wins and Ricky’s numbers in 34 of the wins (excluding the game February 2 when Davis left early in the game due to an illness) were 17.2 points on 48.4 percent shooting from the floor. Coach Rivers has often used Davis as a go-to-guy down the stretch of big games, as he knocked down a huge game-winning jumper when the Celtics defeated Memphis February 16 and scored on a three-point play with just 21.1 seconds left to secure the Celtics win over Washington March 13.

Since Davis’ move to the bench, the Celtics second unit has outscored their opponents in 33 of 44 games and rank 5th in the NBA, scoring 34.6 points per game.

With Davis' impact on the second unit and the Celtics rise in the standings, he's sure to garner some strong Sixth Man of the Year consideration. When asked about the possibility of the winning the award Davis said, "I don't really think about the awards. That's not to say I wouldn't love to win the Sixth Man. I just think those things will come as we win. So the more we win the better my chances will be."

But even though Davis talks about winning as the key, and brushes aside thoughts of individual accomplishments, you can't help but recognize the smile that comes across his face with the mention of the Sixth Man Award, and what the recognition of the award would mean to a player who has often been misunderstood.

>>April 6, 2005 at 12:08:05 PM GMT+8

2005 年 3 月 3 日 星期四 【晴】

March 3, 2005
Hello there everyone... I hope you all are doing well. I am sorry it's been so long since I've been in touch, but things have been pretty busy around here. The month of February was pretty busy for us - we had some home games at the beginning of the month and then a nice break during the All-Star game. I spent that weekend going all over the place... first I flew down to Philly and visited some of my old friends and former teammates at St. Joseph's. Jameer was there, too and so were the guys who are seniors now so that was a lot of fun. It's always good to see those guys and catch up. Then the next day I took the train to Washington, DC and spent the day with my mom and little sister and helped them move in to the house I just got them. It was great to spend some time with them... I told you guys before that my mom is one of my best friends - I call her "Sweet Dell" and my little sister is "Little Diva." So after spending some time with them I flew out to Los Angeles and stayed out there for a few days. I ended up getting to LA two days before I had to meet up with the team for our West Coast road trip, so I hung out with some friends who live in Beverly Hills and was able to see how "the other half lives." Man, it was nice out there! It rained pretty much the whole time, but at least it was warm!

I did watch the Rookie Challenge on TV at the ESPN Zone, and I was really surprised when I saw Al walking out onto the court! I had no idea they had added him on to the team, but I was real happy for him and for Tony. They represented us real well... I was a little upset because I feel if I wasn't hurt that I might have made the team, too but I am just going to focus on the rest of this season. There is always the Sophomore team. But between Tony and Al at the Rookie game and then Paul during the All-Star game, the Green and White represented really well that weekend.

The road trip got off to a rocky start... we had a bad game in LA and then another pretty bad game in Denver. The day after the Denver game was the trade deadline and that is when stuff started to happen with the guys on the team. We had been hearing the rumors about Jiri, so that wasn't really unexpected. But the one with GP, Googs and Yogi took us all by surprise. We came down for breakfast on Friday (the day after the trade) and Doc told us what happened... I looked over and saw Antoine sitting there and I was shocked. But it's real exciting to have ‘Toine here, especially with the type of player that he is and the energy that he brings. I am going to miss GP; it was great to have his leadership. Anytime you can be around someone who has been through trials and situations like he has and is willing to share them with you, you can learn a lot from them. The most important thing he told me was to stick with the basics and to keep doing the things that I did to get here, and not to over complicate things... But, you know, now that Atlanta has waived him, I hope he comes back. The locker room is pretty quiet without him.

Since I played well in Denver (despite the loss) I figured I might start against Utah. I didn't find out until the walkthrough at shoot around that morning, and I was pretty excited. You always remember your first start - the first time you start your varsity high school game, your first college start and your first NBA start. You might not remember the specifics or the events, but you definitely remember when and where it was. I wasn't nervous, because this is what I train to do every day. I come to work so that I can be ready to produce when the team needs me. Just because I am starting doesn't mean that anything changes - it's just a new role with more responsibility.

With that responsibility comes more media attention. Some people don't like doing the interviews or talking, but I don't mind it. I know that without the fans, there is no us (as players). So I am always happy to answer the questions and let the media know what is going on in my mind and answer what they want to know. But they are definitely asking me more questions now then they did before.

So when I found out I was starting, I called my mom (Sweet Dell). Now I have a big family - my mom is one of 10 brothers and sisters, so I have about 200 relatives in the DC area (cousins, extended cousins, etc.). Within minutes of hanging up the phone with my mom, my cell phone was ringing off the hook with DC and Virginia area codes... she was calling everyone telling them that I was starting that night. And of course, she and my sister (Little Diva) were calling me throughout the game cheering me on or offering me words of encouragement. They like to call me during the game and leave me voicemail messages - usually I'll turn my phone on and have 8-10 messages from them - my sister talking with my mom screaming and cheering in the background, and then my sister will say "ok, you just scored we gotta go we'll call you later." Or, if coach takes me out of the game, they'll call me and say, "Coach just took you out and you have your head down, don't worry about it," and tell me not to be upset. They are my biggest fans and my number one cheerleaders.

After Utah it was on to Phoenix, where we beat the Suns in overtime. That was definitely a physical game - I hit the floor hard twice. Once when Amare took me down and once going to get possession of the ball. The first play with Amare, that was just part of the game. I think it was a couple of plays later, after some one took a few foul shots or something we were walking up the court and we both looked at each other and nodded, as if to say "You ok?" There wasn't anything to it other than it just being in the heat of the game.

On the second play, the one late in the game, that was just natural instinct. Right before that inbounds pass, I had asked Doc in the huddle how many timeouts we had left and he said we had one more to use. When I saw the ball on the floor, I knew we had to get control of it, so I just dove down there and grabbed the ball, and my natural reaction was to call the timeout. It just happened. I didn't think about it or anything, I just did it. The only thing is that I really scraped up my knees pretty bad on that one.

And that was our road trip. Overall, it ended pretty good - we went 2-2 and definitely finished on an upswing. This was my first long road trip (I missed the first West Coast trip because I had hurt my hand), and one of the things I noticed was that we really need to work hard on finding ways to keep our energy level up. When you are getting on and off planes every other day, and playing games in between, it's hard to balance the time and get the right amount of rest in. For the most part I tried to focus on basketball, both mentally and physically.

So that's it for this entry. Before I wrap up I have two quick things. First - my movie recommendations. I saw "Hitch" and it was really funny. It was a great, feel good movie. "Million Dollar Baby" was also very good. It is sad, but you should still go and see it. I also saw "Constantine" which was supposed to be very scary. It was just ok.

Second, I have a message for the students in Miss. Lieberman's third grade class at South Lawrence East School. I know school is almost over, and that you guys have been doing well so far. Finish the year out strong so you can enjoy the summer and have some fun. I want you guys to get lots of rest and do well on your MCAS tests.

Everyone take care and I'll talk to you soon. Thanks for continuing to support the Celtics and I hope to see you at a game real soon!


>>April 6, 2005 at 12:24:22 AM GMT+8

2005 年 2 月 25 日 星期五 【晴】

Boston also made some moves of their own on Thursday. First, they sent Jiri Welsch to the Cavaliers for a first-round pick in 2007. Then, they brought Antoine Walker back to Beantown by sending Gary Payton, Tom Gugliotta, Michael Stewart and a future first-round pick to Atlanta. Walker is averaging 20.4 points, 9.4 rebounds and 3.7 assists per game so far this season.

Celtics Deal Welsch To Cleveland

BOSTON, MA (February 24, 2005) – The Boston Celtics announced today that they have traded guard Jiri Welsch to the Cleveland Cavaliers in exchange for a 2007 first round draft choice.

Acquired in an October 22, 2003 trade from the Dallas Mavericks, Welsch has career averages of 7.1 points and 2.7 rebounds in 20.5 minutes per game.
The 6-7 guard appeared in 136 games over his season and a half with Boston, including 100 starts, averaging 8.5 points and 3.2 rebounds in 24.3 minutes per game. Welsch has appeared in 55 games this season, including 32 starts, averaging 7.5 points and 2.5 rebounds in 20.5 minutes per game.

Welsch was selected by the Philadelphia 76ers in the first round (16th overall) of the 2002 NBA Draft. On draft night, his rights were traded to the Golden State Warriors. He averaged 1.6 points his rookie season before being sent to Dallas, along with Danny Fortson, Antawn Jamison and Chris Mills on August 18, 2003.

Celtics Acquire Three-Time All-Star Antoine Walker

Team Sends Gary Payton, Tom Gugliotta, Michael Stewart and a Future First Round Draft Choice To Atlanta

BOSTON, MA (February 24, 2005) -- The Boston Celtics announced today that they have completed a four player deal with the Atlanta Hawks, bringing three-time All-Star and former Celtic Antoine Walker to Boston along with cash, in exchange for Gary Payton, Tom Gugliotta, Michael Stewart and a future first round draft choice.

Walker, known for his versatile, all-around game, will be returning to Boston as he played seven seasons in a Celtics uniform from 1996-2003 averaging 20.8 points and 8.7 rebounds per game, and currently is tied for third (John Havlicek) on the Celtics all-time average points per game list. The 6-9 forward has career averages of 20.0 points and 8.7 rebounds per game. During the 2001-02 season Walker led the Celtics to their first playoff appearance in seven seasons including a trip to the 2002 Eastern Conference Finals as he averaged 22.1 points and 8.6 rebounds in 16 playoff games.

Selected sixth overall in the 1996 NBA Draft by the Celtics, Walker also guided Boston to a second round playoff appearance in 2003, as he averaged 17.3 points and 8.7 rebounds per game in 10 playoff games. Walker made All-Star appearances in 1998, 2002 and 2003 in his first stint with Boston, and was named Eastern Conference Co-Player of the Month, with teammate Paul Pierce, in January 2002.

Walker was dealt from the Celtics on October 20, 2003, along with Tony Delk to the Dallas Mavericks, in exchange for Raef LaFrentz, Chris Mills, Jiri Welsch and a first round draft pick. He averaged 14.0 points and 8.3 rebounds per game in one season in Dallas, before being traded to the Atlanta Hawks along with Tony Delk, in exchange for Jason Terry, Alan Henderson and a future first round draft choice on August 4, 2004. Walker averaged 20.4 points and 9.4 rebounds in 53 games with the Hawks this season.

Payton, a 6-4 guard, was acquired from the Los Angeles Lakers, along with Rick Fox, a first round draft choice and cash, in exchange for Chucky Atkins, Jumaine Jones and Chris Mihm on August 13, 2004. In 54 games with the Celtics the nine-time all star averaged 12.1 points and 6.1 assists in 32.8 minutes per game. Gugliotta, a 6-10 forward, was signed as a free agent on August 14, 2004. The 13-year NBA veteran appeared in 20 games with the Celtics he averaged 1.3 points and 2.2 boards in 10.9 minutes per game. Stewart, a 6-10 center, was acquired from Cleveland, along with Ricky Davis, Chris Mihm and a second round draft choice, in exchange for Tony Battie, Kedrick Brown and Eric Williams on December 15, 2003. Stewart appeared in 17 games during his time in Boston.

交易於來臨了,離開 celtics 的有jiri, payton, googs,yogi,我們得到的,有walker.我們先後作出兩個交易.第一,先以celtics的jiri,換來cavs的07first round pick.第二,celtics 用payton,googs,yogi和一個first round pick,換取一個walker.這個交易是在24/2進行,在nba trade deadline前進行一次交易.在交易之前,已有很多傳聞,不過一直未有風聲.payton,jiri,pierce一直是被交易的對象,walker亦被傳為ainge 的目標.ainge在每年都有一連串的交易,不過自開季後一直未有行動,所以外間都猜測ainge何時會進行交易.

>>April 5, 2005 at 7:24:09 PM GMT+8

2005 年 2 月 22 日 星期二 【晴】

這幾天會是交易的高峰期呢, 值得留意又會有誰會被 trade , 包括 celtics 隊內任何球員. celtics 隊中有誰會最大機會比人 trade 走呢? 近日在討論區見到的有 pierce; payton 一直都是傳聞中的 trade block 之一; 在 allen 的成功後, jiri 應該不會逃出被 trade 的命運. 傳聞大致是這樣.

我心目中的 trade 是: 第一, trade 走 raef 或 mark 其中一個, 最好是 raef, 他們撞位了, 而兩個防守一般, 籃板都不算多, 所以一定要用其中一個換個防守, 籃板較強的回來, 我選 raef 是因為他的合約太貴太長了. 第二是 jiri, 我們的現在已不需用他了, 不如換個好的防守 swingman 回來. payton 在合理的情況下, 仍可考慮其可行性.

現在不作任何猜想, 靜觀其變.

>>February 22, 2005 at 10:20:40 AM GMT+8

2005 年 2 月 21 日 星期一 【陰】

paul pierce 入選左 all star 2005, 後備上場. 表現唔多搶鏡..... 咁又係, 東岸有咁多表演巨星.

>>February 22, 2005 at 10:04:54 AM GMT+8

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