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2010 年 2 月 13 日 星期六 【颳風】

難得回家渡假 但就乜都做唔到
好辛苦 .........
幾時會好點?? (會好點嗎???)
World’s strangest aphrodisiacs
Bird’s Nest Soup, poisonous snakes ... oh, the things we consume for love
Bon Appetit / Alamy
<br>Bird’s Nest Soup: The nests made by Asian swifts—which employ the cave-dwelling birds’ own saliva as a sort of mortar — have been prized for their aphrodisiac properties by centuries of Chinese. Restaurants in Bangkok’s Chinatown and luxury hotels like the Liu at the Conrad Hotel and Chang Palace at Shangri-La in China. Cost: $100 an ounce.

Photos:Sexiest Screen Kisses
Parton says she was suicidal over menopause and child woes WENN, February 11, 2010
The restaurant chain is reportedly up for sale. Can babes and wings cut it in this economy?
<br>法師完事索 3.6萬 女客報警指勒索
<br>【蘋果報訊】荃灣荃昌中心商場一家道堂發生驅鬼糾紛,一名妙齡女子報稱日前在道堂門外遭人強拉入內驅鬼,法師完事後向她索取法事費 36,000元,事後更被人禁錮三小時,逼寫欠單;她不堪滋擾報警指遭勒索,但警方將案件暫列刑事恐嚇案處理。道堂法師則堅稱從沒恐嚇及勒索事主,自己「幫咗佢,連一毫子都未收過」。
去年哪一本書最爛?由內地作家及學者等推選的 2009年度「爛書榜」出爐,眾多暢銷書和名家赫然在列,引起廣泛爭議的《中國不高興》位列榜首,余秋雨的《問學:余秋雨與北大學生談中國文化》、郎咸平的《郎咸平說:誰在謀殺中國經濟》也被評為爛書。
中國左派領軍人物宋曉軍等著的《中國不高興》之所以排榜首,評委給的理由是:「如果依着這幾位作者,除了美國必須打倒之外,日本、印度、法國等也要教訓一下。他們罵完國際鄰居,轉過頭來就對同胞大開殺戒。學者余世存被判成了漢奸,崔衛平被人身攻擊,他們甚至鞭屍了王小波。 2009年的文化界,因為幾個臆想狂而變得血光四濺。」
排位: 1 書名:《中國不高興》 作者:宋曉軍等
排位: 2 書名:《中國站起來》 作者:摩羅
排位: 3 書名:《中國大趨勢:新社會的八大支柱》 作者:約翰.奈斯比特等著
排位: 4 書名:《歷史是個什麼玩意兒》 作者:袁騰飛
排位: 5 書名:《問學:余秋雨與北大學生談中國文化》 作者:余秋雨
排位: 6 書名:《郎咸平說:誰在謀殺中國經濟》 作者:郎咸平
排位: 7 書名:《奮鬥烏托邦-奮鬥 2. 0》 作者:石康
排位: 8 書名:《易經的奧秘》 作者:曾仕強
英時裝界壞孩子 疑不堪喪母之痛
Alexander McQueen自殺死
Alexander McQueen
ps:十日至冇上過網 ......
2010年02月13日 Sat 2:22:40
<br>禁民建聯無恥 T恤
<br>【蘋果報訊】民建聯不忿社民連借其黨徽諷刺該黨無恥,找來海關主持「公道」,到維園沒收社民連年宵攤位逾百件使用疑似民建聯黨徽的「禮義廉」 T恤;「丐幫」大節當前慘遭「抄家」,卻造就另一款「民建聯最無恥」 T恤大賣。社民連主席陶君行批評海關的選擇性執法行動打壓表達自由,民建聯的投訴只是凸顯「崩口人忌崩口碗」。
<br>記者:張嘉雯、謝明明、林俊謙、張文傑 社民連主席陶君行指放在攤位寄賣的 T恤由網民設計,民建聯的指控是扼殺創作自由。
圖騙保金 推女友落海浸死

>>February 14, 2010 at 5:01:58 AM GMT+8

2010 年 2 月 3 日 星期三 【陰】

倡「太空的士」外判升空 被斥浪費50年研發經驗
美國債纍纍 上太空也外判
<br> 美國自命航天科技領先全球,但奈何國債達3.8萬億美元,為省錢,上太空也要外判...

吳靄儀 小鮮集
(憶起過年時... )
光影塗鴉 創意求愛 港男另類示愛奪芳心
2010年02月03日 Wed 3:32:49

>>February 3, 2010 at 3:37:10 AM GMT+8

2010 年 2 月 2 日 星期二 【陰】

<br> 大嶼山白銀鄉山頭昨早發現一具半裸女屍。消息稱,死者的面褲失去,內褲褪下,上身衣衫不整... 大嶼山白銀鄉山頭發現女腐屍,探員蒐證至入黑後,始由仵工將屍體舁送殮房。(葉漢華攝) 
半裸婦伏屍大嶼山山頭 失鼻子胸肌 不排除遭侵犯

綠色和平 發現新大綠
<br>相信以行動帶來改變。相信Web 2.0。相信群眾就是力量。相信人人都係綠色英雄。

英黑幫囚犯 社交網站遙控江山
(英黑幫大佬囚犯 Facebook遙控江山)
2010年02月02日 Tue 0:53:53
The No. 1 Medication Mistake People Make in Cold and Flu Season
Remedies contain hidden amounts of painkillers, making it easy to double dose.
Chevy Volt to hit the roads (quietly) soon
Enthusiasts will find plenty to like about the Volt, our reviewer says
J. Scott Applewhite / AP
<br>The Chevy Volt on display at the Washington Auto Show. Chevy says it is gearing up to begin production this spring with mass production by November.

尋日買嗰本車書都有好多靚車呀 ~ 雖然本車書講嘅都係日本車
但覺得原來有啲美國車都好似日本車 ~ 就好似呢部恁 ......
本車書重講到 有啲日本車廠同外國廠合作的車 (同一款)兩地嘅型號名可能會唔同
最好笑/特別係可以行駛日本的就用「外國」名 ~ 在歐美行駛的就用日本名 .......
Breaking news
〈Avatar〉, 〈Hurt Locker〉 lead Oscar field
Bullock, Bridges, Mo’Nique, Waltz among top acting contenders
Breaking news
<br>updated 10:13 a.m. ET Feb. 2, 2010
<br>BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. - The science-fiction sensation 〈Avatar〉 and the war-on-terror thriller 'The Hurt Locker' lead the Academy Awards with nine nominations each, including best picture and director for former spouses James Cameron and Kathryn Bigelow.
<br>For the first time since 1943 the Oscars feature 10 best-picture contenders instead of the usual five.
<br>Also nominated for best-picture Tuesday: 〈District 9〉; the animated comedy 〈Up〉; the World War II saga 〈Inglourious Basterds〉; the football drama 〈The Blind Side〉; the recession tale 〈Up in The Air〉, the 1960s drama 〈A Serious Man〉, and the teen tales 〈An Education〉 and 〈Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ By Sapphire.〉

updated 10:13 a.m. ET Feb. 2, 2010
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. - The science-fiction sensation 〈Avatar〉 and the war-on-terror thriller 'The Hurt Locker' lead the Academy Awards with nine nominations each, including best picture and director for former spouses James Cameron and Kathryn Bigelow.
For the first time since 1943 the Oscars feature 10 best-picture contenders instead of the usual five.
Also nominated for best-picture Tuesday: 〈District 9〉; the animated comedy 〈Up〉; the World War II saga 〈Inglourious Basterds〉; the football drama 〈The Blind Side〉; the recession tale 〈Up in The Air〉, the 1960s drama 〈A Serious Man〉, and the teen tales 〈An Education〉 and 〈Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ By Sapphire.〉
今日本來有好多電影台嘅戲(都係西片)想睇的 ~ mark晒時間都睇唔到 (唔係唔記得 就係痛得滯 睇唔成 / 冇睇)
e.g. 《十二月男孩》(December Boys)、《勝利大逃亡》(Victory)、《美國少年》(American Teens)、《離開以後》、《命運交叉點》 .....
原來下個月又係奧斯卡喇!!! (《希魔撞正殺人狂》都未睇呀!!)
8 Foods That Get You Going in the Morning
What you eat can help you be more alert.
(e.g.) Having trouble switching from dreamland to realityville? Head for the kitchen. What you eat can help you be more alert, think more clearly, have more energy, and even be more creative, says Elizabeth Somer, R.D., author of Food & Mood. Assuming you’ve clocked at least seven hours of sleep, these foods will get you up, focused, and feeling like a morning person—even if you're totally not.

bing search: punxsutawney phil groundhog day
(Bing: Did he see the shadow?)

What to Expect From the Final Season of 'Lost'
No doubt about it, the final season of 〈Lost〉 is one of the most anticipated events in TV history. Never before has there been a show with more mysteries at its core in need of answering. And never before have there been so many rabid fans awaiting resolution to those mysteries. 〈Lost〉 is that rare show that managed to have both an immensely complicated plot and a sizable viewership. And on Tuesday, Feb. 2, at 9 p.m. on ABC, in a two-hour premiere, viewers will get their first glimpse of the final season. At the recent winter press tour in Pasadena, Calif., executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, along with most of the cast, sat down with critics to discuss their favorite memories from the show as well as what to expect in the final season. Here's what they said.

No doubt about it, the final season of 〈Lost〉 is one of the most anticipated events in TV history. Never before has there been a show with more mysteries at its core in need of answering. And never before have there been so many rabid fans awaiting resolution to those mysteries. 〈Lost〉 is that rare show that managed to have both an immensely complicated plot and a sizable viewership. And on Tuesday, Feb. 2, at 9 p.m. on ABC, in a two-hour premiere, viewers will get their first glimpse of the final season. At the recent winter press tour in Pasadena, Calif., executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, along with most of the cast, sat down with critics to discuss their favorite memories from the show as well as what to expect in the final season. Here's what they said.
(有咩期望??) => 一啲期望都冇 ...... 因為都冇乜點睇過 可以有啥期望??
期望嗰啲 ~ 不如祁望 啲字打番快啲 寫字寫番好啲
行路行番好啲、快啲 對眼好番啲啲 (至少散光要好番啲啲)
最重要係痛少啲、健康啲 長命啲!!
尋日唔記得+冇精神寫番七年前 穿梭機哥倫比亞re-entry失事 .... 本來喺個blog度都想寫呢個的 .....
ps: 相信個「壽星仔」今日應該過得好難忘 ~ (感覺會唔會係「死去活來」? .....
*咦!! 重以為應該聽日先會做頭版添 ..... (原來唔係)
<br>陳振聰:冇擔心 龔家:平常心
<br>【蘋果報訊】華懋集團已故主席龔如心千億遺產花落誰家,全城引頸以待。高等法院鐵定今日下判詞,宣佈鬧雙胞的遺囑,哪一份才是有效遺囑。一直堅稱「法理情俱在」、胸有成竹的龔家,自稱跟龔如心相戀 15年的陳振聰,不約而同均以「平常心」面對。到底龔如心立 02年遺囑是否只為博取中方支付她打翁媳爭產案;陳振聰收下 30億元是否龔如心愛的饋贈; 06年遺囑是否偽造,或只是續命法事用的風水遺囑,這一切一切,預料會在判詞中得到答案。記者:梁偉強

>>February 3, 2010 at 3:14:25 AM GMT+8

2010 年 2 月 1 日 星期一 【炎熱】

今晚明珠台(明珠930)冇紀錄片睇 ....
救世殺機之極樂 Messiah The Rapture >>
New Messiah cop Joseph Walker is haunted by a past of violence, passion and betrayal, which threatens his ability to hunt down a killer with a terrifying message for the world. But are Joseph and his new squad just tracking a criminal or are they themselves part of the murderer's plan? Powerful two-part crime drama.
DCI Walker is haunted by his past. Recently on secondment in Israel, he was separated from his beloved Palestinian girlfriend Salma following a suicide bombing perpetrated by Salma's own brother. Now back in England, Joseph has no idea how or where Salma is – or indeed how much she knew about her brother's suicide mission.
When Joseph heads up the investigation into a series of gruesome and elaborately staged murders, he is puzzled by the bizarre nature of the killings and the presence of mysterious symbols traced into a layer of sand at each murder scene.
一連兩個小時的驚慄偵探劇集《救世殺機之極樂》,由Marc Warren 領銜主演,並獲得包括英國衛報、每日電郵及時代週刊的好評。Mark 飾演的總督察 Joseph在被借調到以色列期間,因為一宗自殺式炸彈事件,與巴基斯坦籍女友Salma分散,到現在回到了英國,仍未能聯繫上,Joseph不禁懷疑Salma與這宗案件的關係;事緣那身繫炸彈的並非別人,就是Salma的親生兄弟,究竟Salma 是否牽涉其中?
得兩集 ?! 即係要到15號先有得睇第2集 (亦係最後一集) ~ 都唔知有冇得去my tv / my tvb睇重播
*但其實對呢套劇冇乜興趣 .....
都係對其他劇集同documenteraies有興趣啲 .....
今日重買咗幾本雜誌同漫畫未睇添 .......
A recession divorce: No one wants the house
With the housing market still struggling, one of a couple's biggest assets can be a liability if they're breaking up. Should they stay together for the sake of the house?
2010 Hyundai Accent vs 2009 Nissan Versa
2010 Hyundai
<br> http://autos.msn.com/research/vip/overview.aspx?year=2010&make=Hyundai&model=Accent&trimid=110491 2009 Nissan

Golf, gaming and girls.
Drumming up the ideal golf ‘mancation’ in Las Vegas

<br>Las Vegas National Golf Course
<br>Las Vegas National is a great value, especially if you book an afternoon or evening tee time.

Fighting the Monday Morning Blues By Mary Lorenz, CareerBuilder.com
Grammy 2010-winners(to be)

Most travelers say obese fliers should pay more
Survey: 76 percent of people polled believe airlines should charge a ‘fat tax’
A passenger waits for a delayed flight at Heathrow airport's terminal four in London.
<br> View related photos 
<br>Toby Melville / REUTERS

一幢倒塌 八幢傾斜 居民走難
<br>【蘋果報訊】土瓜灣馬頭圍道塌樓現場呈現結構性塌樓危機。肇事 45J唐樓已化作頹垣敗瓦,與之相連的 45A至 45H共 8幢舊樓失去依托, 45A外牆裂縫不斷擴大。工程師警告樓宇有向 45J方向傾斜之勢,擔心造成骨牌效應,連環倒塌。危樓告急,居民四散大逃亡,無力搬家的天台屋住戶大嘆倒楣。屋宇署則強調 45A至 45F樓宇結構安全。
<br>記者:雷子樂 簡明恩 張珮琪 馬頭圍道 45J座倒塌後,專家指毗鄰八幢相連舊樓已現傾斜迹象,有倒塌危機。
今日依然係好痛 ~ 本來想上晝落街嘅 ~ 最後都要改到下晝
阿爸又話張陪人落去 但就咪咪摩摩
講好準時三點落樓 就偏要摩摩摩 ~ 未夠到點半已經再三提佢
但臨出門口都係要去多幾次廁所 ~ 根本就係同人作對 ......
結果 買幾本雜誌同一本漫畫 ~ 都要攪到搭八先番到上樓 ......
只係睇到難得重播嘅《星期日大班》訪問陳淑莊 ~ 最尾尾嗰幾分鐘
雖然臨出門時有錄音 (如果可以錄影就好喇) 不過錄成點都未聽番 ......
坐又痛 .... 啲書同雜誌都未睇 ......
好奇怪 ~ (唔知報紙檔有冇賣) 一本只係出咗三期嘅車書 似乎只係OK先有 7-11就冇 ....
更奇怪係 《項羽劉邦》只係定天有得賣 ~ 華昌(光輝)冇得賣?! 攪錯呀 應該尋日,甚至今日先出jor噃 ......
定大就賣埋「清兒」另一部著作《孔子.論語》嘅一、二 ~ 個看舖嘅 (唔知係咪太子爺) 竟然拾下拾下
《項羽劉邦》賣幾錢佢唔知 ~ 都唔知有冇攪錯 ~
講番光輝 ~ 佢又有本日本漫畫 (好似係講殺人定生化戰爭嘅) 定天就冇賣
ps: 朝早發現屋今同自己都唔見咗一個釘書機 .....
前者就用咗十幾廿年 未搬來已經開始用
自己嗰個就因為唔捨得 ~ 一直收喺個盒度 好少用 ...... 一直擺喺櫃桶 .... 都唔見咗 ~
雖然應該買咗超過十年 但冇生锈 ~
而更可惡係(唔係)喺7-11跌銀包先(都唔)發現 早幾個月已經喺銀包拎番出嚟嘅美金一仙
應該係放喺個罐度 就係唔見咗 ~ 究竟去咗邊呢 ~ 去得邊呢 .....
ps2: 今日暖番好多 不過過到日又會涼番些少 ~
ps3: 唔知今晚《我的2009》訪問嘅「米芝蓮一星大廚」之一 : 阿鴻小吃 喺邊呢 ~
不過 ... 搵到又點呢 以前都要排個幾兩個鐘 而家要排至少三個鐘!!!
今時今日嘅snoopylee ~ 邊有本事排呀重?!
嗚嗚嗚 ~ 2010年02月02日 Tue 0:22:08 / 0:31:51

>>February 2, 2010 at 12:37:32 AM GMT+8

2010 年 1 月 31 日 星期日 【晴】

無綫累 Eason
2010年01月30日 (10:51 pm)
港台《十大中文金曲頒獎禮》圓滿落幕,由容祖兒以18個獎奪得傳媒大獎,總共奪得19個獎,陳奕迅在港台頒獎禮奪 6個獎,惜因為在無綫《十大勁歌》捧蛋,故以兩獎之差失落傳媒大獎。
一定要畀佢拎嘅咩 ~ 奉旨嘅咩?! ~ 真係吖 .....
2010年01月30日 (10:13 pm)
第 32屆十大中文金曲頒獎禮得獎名單:
全年最高銷量歌手大獎組合: Mr.
全國最佳中文歌曲獎:《Yes& No》張敬軒


古巨基 、 陳奕迅 、 容祖兒 、 楊千嬅 、 王菀之
謝安琪 、 張敬軒 、 蔡卓妍 、 衞蘭 、 林峯
方大同 、 G.E.M 、 Mr.
《如果我是陳奕迅》 Mr.
2010年01月30日 (10:16 pm)
領獎時陳奕迅欲發表得獎感言,卻因為時間不夠被阻,不過他獻唱時卻興奮地由樓梯小步輕躍而下,狀甚輕鬆。 2010年01月31日 Sun 1:22:58
<br> 土瓜灣塌樓意外造成最少四死兩傷,目擊者指事發前5名裝修工從空置地舖衝出大喊塌樓...  土瓜灣昨發生嚴重塌樓意外!一幢55年樓齡、曾7次接獲修葺令的5層高唐樓,昨午在地舖進行裝修期間突然隆然倒塌,造成至少4人被活埋死亡。生還者陳太憶述抱著歲半女兒逃生經過,又自責未能救回在家中午睡的家翁...

咪住 ~ 佢真係有自責?!

>>January 31, 2010 at 2:28:12 AM GMT+8

2010 年 1 月 30 日 星期六 【微冷】

10 Things You Don't Know About Attraction
There are some surprising — and kinda crazy — factors that come into play when choosing a mate or even just a hookup. Like his belly button and the color of your clothing. Intrigued?

video: CNBC Jim Jubak; WSJ & more market news
Alzheimer's: Is it in your genes?
What role does genetics play in developing Alzheimer's? Are you at risk?

Kobe-LeBron Nike ad features gun language
10 Famously Bad Bosses ~ By Mary Lorenz, CareerBuilder.com
From Mr. Scrooge to Mr. Burns and "Office Space" to "The Office," the bad boss is one of the most common Hollywood archetypes. Oftentimes, the outrageous demands, unbelievably overblown egos and sadistic natures that typify these characters amuse because they seem too outlandish to be believed. But when life imitates art, it's not so fun for the employees who must put up with such behavior. Take a look at some notorious real-life bad bosses and see how they compare to those of the fantasy world.
Real-life boss: Naomi Campbell
This trendsetter started the telephone-as-an-assault-weapon craze way before Russell Crowe made headlines with his infamous hotel tantrum. In 1998, Campbell pleaded guilty to hitting a former personal assistant with a telephone, after which she agreed to take anger management classes. In 2001, another personal assistant claimed her boss threw a mobile phone at her, a charge the notably temperamental supermodel denies. Most recently in March 2006, Campbell was arrested for, according to police, throwing a cell phone at her housekeeper, striking the back of her head, and opening a cut that needed four staples to close.
Reel-life counterpart: Dr. Evil, "Austin Powers"
Much like being a supermodel, taking over the world seems like a glamorous job, but so few people actually understand the pressures that go along with it. Aspiring world-dominator Dr. Evil makes some interesting demands, like requiring his evil staff members to produce ill-tempered sea bass with laser beams attached to their heads. Naturally, when his wishes aren't granted, he lets his annoyance get the best of him, firing and often torturing the worker responsible. Who else but Campbell, who has fired several employees in the past few years and whose rage led to a violent run-in with at least one, understands how hard it is to find good help these days?
Real-life boss: Leona Helmsley
Dubbed "Queen of Mean" by the media, Helmsley was infamous for her gross mistreatment of employees at the Helmsley hotel chains nationwide and even more notorious for being a perfectionist. In addition to verbally abusing and firing employees for the slightest infractions, she also extorted money from both workers and business associates by threatening to sever pay or business relations. As powerful as she was intimidating, Helmsley often got away with this behavior, although it eventually led to her downfall.
Reel-life counterpart: Miranda Priestly, 'The Devil Wears Prada'
The fictional head of a Vogue-like fashion publication, Priestly has unattainably high standards for perfection and, like Helmsley, routinely and shamelessly bullies employees and business associates alike, striking fear in the hearts of all who cross her path.
Real-life boss: Donald Trump
Spectacular businessman, yes. Boss of the Year? Not likely. Think about it: Would you want to work for someone who has turned his reputation for firing employees in front of a national audience into an outrageous marketing gimmick?
Reel-life counterpart: Montgomery Burns, "The Simpsons"
Both Trump and Mr. Burns built a fortune after following in their fathers' career footsteps, made a return from bankruptcy, and are probably worth more money than all of their employees combined. Heck, there's even a bespectacled right-hand man, Waylon Smithers, who serves as the George H. Ross to Burns' Trump. And although he has yet to host his own television show, Burns isn't above deriving pleasure from routinely firing employees.
Real-life boss: Ken Lay
The former head of Enron continually reassured employees that the company's financial security was in tact when he knew the opposite was true. Aware that Enron's liquidity was not nearly as "strong" as he purposely described it, Lay sold 918,000 shares of company stock from August through the end of October 2001.
Reel-life counterpart: Gordon Gekko, "Wall Street"
Ken Lay epitomizes today what Gordon Gekko symbolized in the '80s: the high cost of greed. In "Wall Street," stock market big shot Gekko is only out to serve and save himself. He involves himself in a deal that will cost thousands of people their jobs. Like Lay, Gekko is well-aware that so many jobs are in jeopardy, but only acts to cover his own misdealing in hopes that someone else will take the legal and financial fall down the road.
Real-life boss: Jim Bakker
In 1987, the high-profile television evangelist and owner of the hugely-successfully PTL ("Praise the Lord") Network was living with his wife at a level of luxury highly unusual for the head of a non-profit corporation. Their assets included annual salaries of $200,000 each, a $600,000 house in Palm Springs, four condominiums in California and a Rolls Royce. When accounting books surfaced that revealed that Bakker was illegally keeping a large share of the company's income for himself, he was indicted for tax fraud; however, not before the public learned that the Christian leader had paid off a former secretary to keep quiet about their adulterous affair.
Reel-life counterpart: Warden Norton, "The Shawshank Redemption"
Warden Norton, the Bible-quoting head of the Shawshank prison, turns out to be as morally corrupt as many of the inmates he watches over. Hiring inmate Andy Dufrene to do his dirty work, Norton, like Bakker, manipulates his company's accounts in a way that leaves a hefty payoff for himself, while buying his employees' silence. But whereas Bakker offered his secretary cash, Norton ensures Dufrene's loyalty with the (empty) promise of freedom.
Mary Lorenz is a special contributor to CareerBuilder.com.
Copyright 2006 CareerBuilder.com. All rights reserved. The information contained in this article may not be published, broadcast or otherwise distributed without prior written authority.
Story Filed Monday, September 24, 2007 - 3:50 PM
咩話?! 2006 / 2007 年?!
http://lifestyle.msn.com/your-life/video/default.aspx?vid=1ee665ac-5838-42c9-ad48-47054d613523%26tab=Relationships%26ap=true%20>1=32045">video: Why men have trouble on 'I do'? 2010年01月30日 Sat 22:59:50
冧樓 三死兩失蹤
<br>【蘋果報訊】土瓜灣昨日發生恐怖塌樓事件,一幢有 55年樓齡的五層高舊樓,懷疑工人在地下進行清拆僭建工程時,意外破壞唐樓的主力牆,導致整幢唐樓結構有如筋脈盡裂,各層外牆及天花石屎紛紛剝落,住客爭相逃命。整幢唐樓在 15秒內,由下至上頹然倒下,至少五名住客走避不及,慘被埋在五噸磚石瓦礫中。消防員至深夜先後掘出三人,惟均告不治,另兩人仍然失蹤,拯救行動通宵進行,事件中另有兩名男子受傷。 記者:黃學潤、譚健文、劉柏麟 馬頭圍道 45號 J一幢五層高唐樓整幢塌下。 譚健文攝
「冧樓 三死兩失蹤」 ~ ...... 到今朝已經變成係四死四傷喇 ........
懷疑係位於地舖嘅大業主裝修 ~ 影響大廈結構而導致冧樓 ........ 早幾年算係做過修葺/維修 不過到月初 (六年!! 政府都叫呢啲做「密」)政府話唔合格
但無即時危險 ~ 就係(可能)因為恁 大、小業主、租戶未夾到錢或根本唔打算夾錢 ~ 棟樓就冧咗
最好嘢係一個年輕媽媽 事發前同BB、老爺一齊
明明在事發前都已經感到唔妥 不過佢喺冧樓前只係抱走BB,冇叫埋老爺一齊走
結果老爺就死咗 ~ 喺證實老爺死前:擔心嘅就好似賠償問題 ;喺老爺死後 佢同佢老公表現亦(仿佛)毫不傷心 ......

今朝遲起身 冇落街 ~ 唔可以坎大家樂食早餐
但人哋明明過過就算落唔到去 都想買番來食
阿媽原來亦都已經吩咐落 攪掂我同阿妹啲早餐先
但個衰人就係只顧洗衫 ~ 又話阿媽話煲粥 佢就唔同人落去買早餐 .....
唔好話粥 就連糯米雞都唔買 ~ 話咗買番嚟兩份食 ~ 佢就係唔肯落去買
算點喎 .......
人哋個女今朝又遲遲唔肯起身 ~ 攪到唔知幾多點先去沖涼
沖完本來啱啱好一點 ..... (有冇咁準呀?!) 結果 ~ 唔知係佢心急定真係黑仔 ~
佢啲乜鬼護膚露 跌咗落馬桶 攪到佢要沖多次恁話
佢就嘈喧巴閉 ~ 好似係人哋累到佢恁
到佢出來 重唔畀人睇日劇 要讓畀佢睇新聞 (又早啲起身?!)
開埋部手機睇now新聞台直播 佢唔睇 (now報得先啲喎) 係要睇無箭新聞同 日劇就唔畀人睇 .....
咩意思呀 ~ 收貴電視係我畀錢o架
個衰人一毫子都冇畀屋企 ~ 重夠膽白食白住 重巴閉到用粗口鬧人
根本上次個風筒都唔算係我跌壞嘅 點解要/想我賠呀
唔賠就得閒就摷番出來講 ~ 到買咗個新嘅就想人出錢
今日沖完涼 佢自己整到舊嗰個燒咗 ~*好在冇跳掣 亦冇著著火
之後佢想搵個新嘅出來用 搵唔到就鬧人 話人收埋佢嘅
搵咗好耐 搵唔到 就到最後嬲爆爆出門口
到後尾阿媽返來 好似就搵番出來 ~ 原來根本就唔喺個廳度
而係佢自佢擺咗喺房 ~ 都有諗過佢可能係放咗喺房 ~ 係未幫佢摷到出來
兩父女都咁鍾意屈人 ~ 到證實被佢屈嘅係無辜後又往往唔會同人講對唔住 ~

>>January 31, 2010 at 1:00:03 AM GMT+8

2010 年 1 月 30 日 星期六 【晴】

<br>Snow-covered footbridge with trees in background
New York's Central Park? No, it's actually at Oxford University, taken by Ruth McCulloch on 12th January.
<br>Two goldfinches on bird feeder, snow-covered bushes in background
Anne Sandland captured this picture of two goldfinches getting a welcome meal despite the snow in Clacton.
<br>Freezing sea water and ice on rocky coastline, blue sky in background
This otherworldly scene shows ice forming on the coastline in Tananger in southwest Norway. Elizabeth Gyurgyak took the picture on 14th January.
<br>Two cars drive down wet road banked by snow on either side
The Hartside Pass in Cumbria was closed for several days due to snow. Alan Marsden took this picture on 17th January after it re-opened.
<br>submerged bicycle and rubber ring tied to railings in foreground, swollen river threatening to flood buildings in background
The melting snow brought the risk of flooding to some parts of the British Isles. Nick Fletcher took this picture of the swollen River Ouse in York on 18th January.
<br>Figure and cairn in foreground, snow-covered mountainside beyond, thick white cloud in background
Graeme Conlan took this picture above the clouds on the way up Ben Chonzie in Perth and Kinross, Scotland, on 20th January - a cold and windy day.

bbc weather galleryBBC Weather Gallery
Page last updated at 15:51 GMT, Friday, 22 January 2010
23:51 HKT

>>January 26, 2010 at 2:03:45 PM GMT+8

2010 年 1 月 29 日 星期五 【陰】

*今日API達30-110 同 110/129-145
好得人驚 .....
馬頭圍今日下晝就無端冧樓 ~ 好得人驚 ......
6 ways to get top dollar for your car
By Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine
<br>Selling a used vehicle is easier than ever, thanks to the Internet. Just post an ad and wait for the calls.
<br>Just one problem: Thanks to the Internet, buyers are smarter, too. So to get a good price, you need to have an edge over the thousands of others selling similar vehicles.
Some sprucing up and savvy marketing can help you sell your vehicle for a lot more cash than a dealer would ever offer you.

1. Think like a dealer
2. Fix the little things
3. Research what it's worth
4. Post a killer ad
PC Gaming 2010 Preview
We look ahead to the year's best RPGs, strategy games, shooters and sequels.
by IGN Staff
《Edge of Darkness》 (2010)
<br>  Add to Favorites Recommend This Get Showtimes Mel Gibson, Bojana Novakovic, Caterina Scorsone, Danny Huston, Gbenga Akinnagbe ... (see more)
<br>Edge of Darkness 
<br>70% want to see it View Trailer 
<br>Mel Gibson, Bojana Novakovic, Caterina Scorsone, Danny Huston, Gbenga Akinnagbe, Jay O Sanders, Peter Hermann 《Edge of Darkness》 is an emotionally charged thriller set at the intersection of politics and big business. Thomas Craven (Mel Gibson) is a veteran homicide detective for the Boston Police Department and a single father. When his only child, twenty-f... (read more)  《Edge of Darkness》
〈Edge of Darkness〉 (2010)
Add to Favorites Recommend This Get Showtimes Mel Gibson, Bojana Novakovic, Caterina Scorsone, Danny Huston, Gbenga Akinnagbe ... (see more) , Jay O Sanders , Peter Hermann , Ray Winstone , Shawn Roberts , Tom Kemp

〈Edge of Darkness〉 is an emotionally charged thriller set at the intersection of politics and big business. Thomas Craven (Mel Gibson) is a veteran homicide detective for the Boston Police Department and a single father. When his only child, twenty-four year-old Emma (Bojana Novakovic), is murdered on the steps of his home, everyone assumes that he was the target. But he soon suspects otherwise, and embarks on a mission to find out about his daughter�s secret life and her killing. His investigation leads him into a dangerous, looking glass world of corporate cover-ups, government collusion and murder � and to shadowy government operative Darius Jedburgh (Ray Winstone), who has been sent in to clean up the evidence. Craven�s solitary search for answers about his daughter�s death transforms into an odyssey of emotional discovery and redemption. "Edge of Darkness" is directed by Martin Campbell ("Casino Royale") and stars Academy Award� winner Mel Gibson ("Braveheart"), Ray Winstone ("The Departed"), Danny Huston ("X-Men Origins: Wolverine"), Bojana Novakovic ("Drag Me to Hell") and Shawn Roberts ("I Love You, Beth Cooper").A GK Films Production based on the BAFTA Award-winning BBC miniseries of the same name, "Edge of Darkness" is produced by Academy Award� winner Graham King ("The Departed," "The Aviator," "Gangs of New York"), King�s business partner Tim Headington and Michael Wearing (producer of the original BBC miniseries). The screenplay is by Academy Award�-winning screenwriter William Monahan ("The Departed") and Andrew Bovell ("Lantana"), from an original story by Troy Kennedy Martin. The executive producers are Dan Rissner, David M. Thompson, Suzanne Warren, Gail Lyon and E. Bennett Walsh.The behind-the-scenes creative team includes director of photography Phil Meheux ("Casino Royale"), Oscar�-nominated production designer Tom Sanders ("Saving Private Ryan"), Oscar�-nominated editor Stuart Baird ("Gorillas in the Mist"), Academy Award�-winning composer Howard Shore ("Lord of the Rings") and Academy Award�-winning costume designer Lindy Hemming ("Topsy-Turvy"). "Edge of Darkness" was filmed on location in Boston, Northampton and other areas in Massachusetts.Opening nationwide on January 29, 2010, "Edge of Darkness" is being distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company.
Lottery winner received check the day she died
Motorist kills Ohio woman who had been celebrating her $5,520 winnings
Deborah McDonald on the Ohio Lottery's Cash Explosion. The Ohio woman died after being struck by a car while she was walking in Margaretta Township on Tuesday.  
<br>updated 2:10 p.m. ET Jan. 28, 2010

SANDUSKY, Ohio - A lottery winner who was struck and killed by a car in northern Ohio on the day she got her check had just spent some of the money on wedding rings for her and her husband.
The Ohio Highway Patrol says 47-year-old Deborah McDonald of Crystal Rock was walking home from a bar when she was hit by a car.
McDonald had been drinking and celebrating her winnings before she died, investigators said.
McDonald got a check for $5,520 on Tuesday and treated her husband and friends to dinner. Friends said she also bought a pair of wedding rings that the couple had been unable to afford.
McDonald won the money in the Ohio Lottery's TV game show "Cash Explosion Double Play."
The show is set to air Saturday
Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed
Mass Effect 2 Review
BioWare ups the ante once again.

Sleeping with the Boss
Call it the Letterman Effect … here, Marie Claire explores the darker side of having an affair with the guy in the corner office.

找不到任何「rutgers sorority hazing」的搜尋結果。 2010年01月29日 Fri 18:57:35 / >2010年02月02日 Tue 0:26:01

>>February 2, 2010 at 12:35:16 AM GMT+8

2010 年 1 月 28 日 星期四 【晴】

蘋果平板電腦 今晚深夜亮相
蘋果平板電腦 今晚深夜亮相
<br> 期待甚久的蘋果平板電腦,預計將於今晚亮相。蘋果總裁喬布斯形容,新產品「十分強勁」... 
<br>http://hk.yahoo.com/s/218886 蘋果本港時間今晚深夜將舉行產品發布會,外界預期蘋果將推出平板電腦。蘋果總裁喬布斯形容,新產品「十分強勁,令人興奮」...http://hk.yahoo.com/s/218886">

假如我是民建聯 ~ 余若薇 「假如我是...」

*今晚 林醫生來喇 ~ 會唔會痛到要取消呢 ///// ~ 做咩(會)咁痛o架!!!! 2010年01月28日 Thu 0:38:09

Book: John Paul II used belt to whip himself
‘Why He's a Saint’ also includes previously unpublished speeches

<br>Tommy W. Andersen / Keystone via Getty Images
<br>Pope John Paul II grimaces after being shot by a would-be assassin on May 13, 1981.

2009 Winter Movies
Best New Exercises for Men
Upgrade your old workout and sculpt the body you’ve always wanted with this list of the best new exercises for every part of a man’s body.
CBS reacts to controversial Tebow Super Bowl ad
Unattainable Beauty The Decades Biggest Airbrushing Scandals - Newsweek Culture - Newsweek.com
http://www.oscarpro.co.jp/talent/ueto/ 2010年01月28日 Thu 0:50:44

>>January 29, 2010 at 5:58:18 PM GMT+8

2010 年 1 月 27 日 星期三 【晴】

神探福爾摩斯 (IIA) 
<br>128 分鐘
<br>導演:   佳烈治 
<br>演員:   羅拔唐尼, 祖迪羅, 麗素麥雅當斯 
<br>Sherlock Holmes (IIA) 
<br>128 mins
<br>Director:   Guy Ritchie 
<br>Cast:   Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law, Rachel McAdams 
<br>English with Chinese subtitles
<br>Released on Dec 24  
<br>  The action-adventure mystery 《Sherlock Holmes》 is helmed by acclaimed filmmaker Guy Ritchie, for Warner Bros. Pictures and Village Roadshow Pictures. Robert Downey Jr. brings the legendary detective to life, and Jude Law stars as Holmes' trusted colleague, Watson, a doctor and war veteran who is a formidable ally for Sherlock Holmes. Rachel McAdams stars as Irene Adler, the only woman ever to have bested Holmes and who has maintained a tempestuous relationship with the detective. Mark Strong stars as their mysterious new adversary, Blackwood. Kelly Reilly plays Watson's love interest, Mary.   
<br>12月24日上映    著名作家柯南道爾爵士筆下最受歡迎的角色--福爾摩斯和他的好拍檔華生再度面對棘手奇案。福爾摩斯不僅擁有非凡才智,功夫亦十分了得,今次他將會與復仇者硬拚,拆解一個足以毀滅整個國家的致命陰謀。最新一齣《神探福爾摩斯》由著名導演佳烈治執導,華納影片公司和Village Roadshow Pictures貢獻。由《鐵甲奇俠》羅拔唐尼飾演傳奇偵探福爾摩斯,《緣份精華遊》英俊小生祖迪羅則飾演福爾摩斯的得力助手華生。麗素麥雅當絲飾演唯一打敗福爾摩斯的女人、與他一直勢成水火的艾琳艾德勒。 《神探福爾摩斯》Sherlock Holmes (IIA)
128 分鐘
導演: 佳烈治 Director: Guy Ritchie
演員: 羅拔唐尼, 祖迪羅, 麗素麥雅當斯 Cast: Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law, Rachel McAdams
英語對白,中文字幕 English with Chinese subtitles
12月24日上映 Released on Dec 24
著名作家柯南道爾爵士筆下最受歡迎的角色--福爾摩斯和他的好拍檔華生再度面對棘手奇案。福爾摩斯不僅擁有非凡才智,功夫亦十分了得,今次他將會與復仇者硬拚,拆解一個足以毀滅整個國家的致命陰謀。最新一齣《神探福爾摩斯》由著名導演佳烈治執導,華納影片公司和Village Roadshow Pictures貢獻。由《鐵甲奇俠》羅拔唐尼飾演傳奇偵探福爾摩斯,《緣份精華遊》英俊小生祖迪羅則飾演福爾摩斯的得力助手華生。麗素麥雅當絲飾演唯一打敗福爾摩斯的女人、與他一直勢成水火的艾琳艾德勒。
The action-adventure mystery "Sherlock Holmes" is helmed by acclaimed filmmaker Guy Ritchie, for Warner Bros. Pictures and Village Roadshow Pictures. Robert Downey Jr. brings the legendary detective to life, and Jude Law stars as Holmes' trusted colleague, Watson, a doctor and war veteran who is a formidable ally for Sherlock Holmes. Rachel McAdams stars as Irene Adler, the only woman ever to have bested Holmes and who has maintained a tempestuous relationship with the detective. Mark Strong stars as their mysterious new adversary, Blackwood. Kelly Reilly plays Watson's love interest, Mary.
十月圍城 (IIB) 
<br>135 分鐘
<br>導演:   陳德森 
<br>演員:   甄子丹, 謝霆鋒, 曾志偉, 黎明, 梁家輝, 任達華, 范冰冰, 胡軍 
<br>Bodyguards and Assassins (IIB) 
<br>135 mins
<br>Director:   Teddy Chen 
<br>Cast:   Donnie Yen, Nicholas Tse, Eric Tsang, Leon Lai, Tony Leung Ka Fai, Simon Yam, Fan Bing Bing, Hu Jun 
<br>Cantonese with English and Chinese subtitles
<br>Released on Dec 18    
<br>《Bodyguards And Assassins》 concerns efforts by a group of martial artists to protect Dr. Sun Yat-sen who is popularly referred as the Father of Modern China, from an assassination attempt while visiting Hong Kong to raise funds at the beginning of the 20th century.  《十月圍城》 Bodyguards and Assassins (IIB)
135 分鐘 135 mins
導演: 陳德森 Director: Teddy Chen
演員: 甄子丹, 謝霆鋒, 曾志偉, 黎明, 梁家輝, 任達華, 范冰冰, 胡軍
Cast: Donnie Yen, Nicholas Tse, Eric Tsang, Leon Lai, Tony Leung Ka Fai, Simon Yam, Fan Bing Bing, Hu Jun
粵語對白,中英文字幕Cantonese with English and Chinese subtitles
12月18日上映 Released on Dec 18
"Bodyguards And Assassins" concerns efforts by a group of martial artists to protect Dr. Sun Yat-sen who is popularly referred as the Father of Modern China, from an assassination attempt while visiting Hong Kong to raise funds at the beginning of the 20th century.
美食風球 (3D數碼粵語版) (I) 
<br>90 分鐘
<br>導演:   菲洛得, 基斯米勒 
<br>演員:   張繼聰 (配音) 
<br>Digital Cantonese version) (I) 
<br>90 mins
<br>Director:   Phil Lord, Chris Miller 
<br>Cast:   Louis Cheung (voice) 
<br>Cantonese with no subtitles
<br>Released on Dec 31    
<br>Tired of people telling you what you can and can't eat? Disappointed that you have to stomach the same boring foods day in and day out? Waiting for the day when you can just order whatever you want, whenever you want? Well, the wait is over. In 2009, prepare to get served by Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs -- a hilarious adventure of epic... portion sizes. Inspired by the beloved children's book, the film focuses on a town where food falls from the sky like rain! Aspiring inventor Flint Lockwood is the socially awkward genius behind some of the most bizarre contraptions ever conceived. But even though all of his inventions, from spray-on shoes to a monkey thought translator, have been spectacular failures that caused trouble in his small town, Flint is determined to create something that will make people happy. When Flint's latest machine, designed to turn water into food, accidentally destroys the town square and rockets up into the clouds, he thinks his inventing career is over. Until something amazing happens -- cheeseburgers start raining from the sky. His machine actually works! The food weather is an instant success, and Flint forges a fast friendship with Sam Sparks, the weathergirl who comes to town to cover what she calls 'the greatest weather phenomenon in history.' 《美食風球》 Cloudy With a Chance of Meatball (3D Digital Cantonese version) (3D數碼粵語版) (I)
90 分鐘 90 mins
導演: 菲洛得, 基斯米勒 Director: Phil Lord, Chris Miller
演員: 張繼聰 (配音) Cast: Louis Cheung (voice)
Cantonese with no subtitles
12月31日上映 Released on Dec 31
Tired of people telling you what you can and can't eat? Disappointed that you have to stomach the same boring foods day in and day out? Waiting for the day when you can just order whatever you want, whenever you want? Well, the wait is over. In 2009, prepare to get served by Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs -- a hilarious adventure of epic... portion sizes. Inspired by the beloved children's book, the film focuses on a town where food falls from the sky like rain! Aspiring inventor Flint Lockwood is the socially awkward genius behind some of the most bizarre contraptions ever conceived. But even though all of his inventions, from spray-on shoes to a monkey thought translator, have been spectacular failures that caused trouble in his small town, Flint is determined to create something that will make people happy. When Flint's latest machine, designed to turn water into food, accidentally destroys the town square and rockets up into the clouds, he thinks his inventing career is over. Until something amazing happens -- cheeseburgers start raining from the sky. His machine actually works! The food weather is an instant success, and Flint forges a fast friendship with Sam Sparks, the weathergirl who comes to town to cover what she calls "the greatest weather phenomenon in history."
秋田犬八千 (I) 
<br>93 分鐘
<br>導演:   賴斯荷士莊 
<br>演員:   鍾艾倫, 李察基爾 
<br>1月7日上映    改編自家傳戶曉的日本電影《八千犬物語》的《秋田犬八千》是一個關於一隻忠心耿耿的秋田犬「八千」的感人故事。忠犬「八千」每天清晨都陪伴主人-大學教授柏加 (李察基爾飾)到火車站送他上班,又日復一日的於下午在車站迎侯主人下班回家。不過,「八千」規律的生活卻因為教授的突然離去而改寫過來。忠心耿耿的「八千」堅守本分,風雨不改的按時於車站等著教授回家,體現了愛與忠誠的力量。《秋田犬八千》是一部感人肺腑、賺人熱淚的合家歡動人電影。
<br>Hachiko: A Dog's Story (I) 
<br>93 mins
<br>Director:   Lasse Hallström 
<br>Cast:   Joan Allen, Richard Gere 
<br>English & Japanese (in Parts) with Chinese & English (in Parts) subtitles
<br>Released on Jan 7    This heartwarming true story is an American adaptation of a Japanese tale about a loyal dog named Hachiko. This very special friend would accompany his master to the train station every day and return each afternoon to greet him after work. Sadly his master departs one day, passes away and never returns to the station. Hachiko faithfully returns to the same spot at the station the very next day, and every day for the next nine years to wait for his beloved master. During his daily visits, Hachiko touches the lives of many who work near and commute through the town square. He teaches the local people love, compassion and above all unyielding loyalty. Today, a bronze statue of Hachiko sits in his waiting spot outside the Shibuya station in Japan as a permanent reminder of his devotion and love.    《秋田犬八千》 Hachiko: A Dog's Story (I)
93 分鐘 93 mins
導演: 賴斯荷士莊 Director: Lasse Hallström
演員: 鍾艾倫, 李察基爾 Cast: Joan Allen, Richard Gere
English & Japanese (in Parts) with Chinese & English (in Parts) subtitles
1月7日上映 Released on Jan 7
改編自家傳戶曉的日本電影《八千犬物語》的《秋田犬八千》是一個關於一隻忠心耿耿的秋田犬「八千」的感人故事。忠犬「八千」每天清晨都陪伴主人-大學教授柏加 (李察基爾飾)到火車站送他上班,又日復一日的於下午在車站迎侯主人下班回家。不過,「八千」規律的生活卻因為教授的突然離去而改寫過來。忠心耿耿的「八千」堅守本分,風雨不改的按時於車站等著教授回家,體現了愛與忠誠的力量。《秋田犬八千》是一部感人肺腑、賺人熱淚的合家歡動人電影。
This heartwarming true story is an American adaptation of a Japanese tale about a loyal dog named Hachiko. This very special friend would accompany his master to the train station every day and return each afternoon to greet him after work. Sadly his master departs one day, passes away and never returns to the station. Hachiko faithfully returns to the same spot at the station the very next day, and every day for the next nine years to wait for his beloved master. During his daily visits, Hachiko touches the lives of many who work near and commute through the town square. He teaches the local people love, compassion and above all unyielding loyalty. Today, a bronze statue of Hachiko sits in his waiting spot outside the Shibuya station in Japan as a permanent reminder of his devotion and love.
<br>等 級 :  (IIA) 不適合兒童 
<br>導 演 :  奇連依士活  
<br>演 員 :  摩根費曼,麥迪文  
<br>語 言 :  英語 
<br>片 長 :  (133 分鐘)  
<br>  影片簡介 
<br>荷里活傳奇導演奇連伊士活再執導筒,講述前南非領袖曼德拉的真實故事,他跟當時南非欖球隊隊長方斯華皮雅納合作,透過一場精彩的欖球比賽,試圖令國家團結統一。 剛剛當選的總統曼德拉(摩根費曼 飾演)知道,種族隔離政策結束不久的南非,在種族共融上和經濟上都存在很大的問題,他自信能夠透過「運動」這種世界語言,令人民團結一致,所以他全力支持當時只是黑馬隊伍的南非欖球隊出戰1995年的世界盃比賽,與隊長方斯華皮雅納(麥迪文 飾演)建立出一份共同貢獻國家的深厚情誼。  
<br>Invictus (IIA) 
<br>134 mins
<br>Director:   Clint Eastwood 
<br>Cast:   Morgan Freeman, Matt Damon 
<br>English with Chinese subtitles
<br>Released on Jan 14   
<br> 《Invictus》 tells the inspiring true story of how Nelson Mandela (Morgan Freeman) joined forces with the captain of South Africa’s rugby team, Francois Pienaar (Matt Damon), to help unite their country. Newly elected President Mandela knows his nation remains racially and economically divided in the wake of apartheid. Believing he can bring his people together through the universal language of sport, Mandela rallies South Africa’s underdog rugby team as they make an unlikely run to the 1995 World Cup Championship match. 《不敗雄心》 《Invictus》
等 級 : (IIA) 不適合兒童 (IIA)
導 演 : 奇連依士活 Director: Clint Eastwood
演 員 : 摩根費曼,麥迪文 Cast: Morgan Freeman, Matt Damon
語 言 : 英語 English with Chinese subtitles
片 長 : (133 分鐘) / 134 mins ~ Released on Jan 14
荷里活傳奇導演奇連伊士活再執導筒,講述前南非領袖曼德拉的真實故事,他跟當時南非欖球隊隊長方斯華皮雅納合作,透過一場精彩的欖球比賽,試圖令國家團結統一。 剛剛當選的總統曼德拉(摩根費曼 飾演)知道,種族隔離政策結束不久的南非,在種族共融上和經濟上都存在很大的問題,他自信能夠透過「運動」這種世界語言,令人民團結一致,所以他全力支持當時只是黑馬隊伍的南非欖球隊出戰1995年的世界盃比賽,與隊長方斯華皮雅納(麥迪文 飾演)建立出一份共同貢獻國家的深厚情誼。
《Invictus》 tells the inspiring true story of how Nelson Mandela (Morgan Freeman) joined forces with the captain of South Africa’s rugby team, Francois Pienaar (Matt Damon), to help unite their country. Newly elected President Mandela knows his nation remains racially and economically divided in the wake of apartheid. Believing he can bring his people together through the universal language of sport, Mandela rallies South Africa’s underdog rugby team as they make an unlikely run to the 1995 World Cup Championship match.
本來今晚應該係去睇《神探福爾摩斯》的 ~ UA屯門最後今日映喇
不過阿媽唔記得咗 重打算今晚包水餃 (今朝都喺惠康買唨幾包「灣仔碼頭」 ~ 臨畀錢時幾個師奶一唱一恁係恁數灣仔碼頭 ~ 又話冇餡又話皮厚呀恁
都唔知係咪特登講畀我聽 ~ 激氣 ~ 我買啥關你哋鬼事咩 .....) *阿媽唔包西洋菜同豆苗吖嘛 ....
橫掂/橫豎聽日都重有得睇 (只係唔係UA 冇咁舒服同冇得儲分) 就都係留番屋今食水餃!! (阿媽包的幾時都係咁好味)
不過頭先商務打過來 話本書到咗 ~ 恁就即係卅一號前 (商務搬舖前) 就一定要去一次市中心
反正有點腳痛 (頭先都重好哋哋) 就一於一邊食水餃 一邊留番屋企睇有關五區總辭/五區辭職嘅新聞
一邊又(東施效顰)學泛民早兩個禮拜恁拉大隊走人 (重要拉埋工聯會同幾個功能組別議員添)
攪到五位打算辭職嘅議員 唔可以交代辭職原因 ~ 乜佢哋唔係好不恥呢種行為嘅咩 ~ 點解要有樣學樣同埋要有口話人冇口話自己呀?!
食完早餐經過OK重先到東方頭版話原來喺2001年個曾蔭權已經知道有迷你債券 重「隻眼開隻眼閉」恁批咗
個姓曾嘅原來根本係知(情)嘅 更係幕後黑手 ~ 累死咁多人 [出事(雷曼爆煲)後又即刻搵甘迺威幫佢親戚拎錢 ~ 但到甘迺威出事又唔理得佢死 .... 真係應該早死早著/拉去打靶)
同個衰人 講過好多百次 佢係瞓覺就唔好講嘢
係要講嘢/出聲 *好多時重要係講廢話/九唔搭八 就唔該起身 唔好再瞓
已經講過好多次 (忍佢好多次) 尋晚終於要佢喺瞓覺時重要擘大喉嚨講嘢唔收聲就唔准瞓
點知就被阿媽鬧到今朝 ~ 加上見到另一個「人」,人哋同打咗爐 更話埋佢聽 都係要打 (已經唔係第一次)
兩個都有老婆/阿媽撐腰就乜事都冇 ~ 更可以繼續亂噏 / 發爛渣 ~ 丟晒/掃晒人哋啲嘢落地 又唔執
(叫過佢哋愛發癲行遠啲呀 ~ 要丟就丟自己啲嘢 唔好丟人哋啲嘢!!! 試下調番轉人哋丟你啲嘢吖 ..... 青山出來o架?!)
咁巴閉就好似今朝新聞嗰個揸車撞到旅遊巴之後唔肯接受酒精呼氣測試 更嘈住要走 最後因為襲警而被捕那個唔講中文嘅香港女人恁囉
睇你被唔被人拉吖 ~ 你可能重衰過佢癲過人呀!!
既然你哋三個都咁憎我 留我唔係人嘅話 又點解唔合謀殺咗我呀??
可以丟我落街話我自己跳樓呀 再唔係就睇下點樣毒死我 (再夾口供話我自殺)
推唔甩咪搵個肥佬一個人孭上身 橫豎佢有見開心理醫生 只要佢肯見多次個啥「何博士」之後咪 證明佢真係精神有問題,甚至痴線嘅 ~ 咪萬無一失囉
使乜攪咁多嘢?! 2010年01月27日 Wed 18:20:07
(係咪應該講)好在冇出到去呢 .......
六點打算恰番陣 點知有(個衰)人校細聲部電視 ~ 結果醒番就完全睇唔到新聞 (啱啱做完新聞同天氣 .....)
明明未夠鐘食止痛藥 不過就痛到死死下
搽埋藥膏都冇好過 唯有迫住提早食藥 ...... 不過七點半食藥 到而家成十點都仲係好痛
痛到「神智不清」=> 打字同寫字照樣頻頻錯 (仲好似錯多咗) ##其實都唔知關唔關事## 好辛苦 ~ 究竟攪咩呀??
唯有慶幸今晚冇出到去 ... ... 因為真係唔知如果今晚出咗去會點?? 要提早離場? 甚至要call/截的士番屋企? 定係要call白車呢?? 真係唔敢諗 ..... (落去)
(明報)2010年1月27日 星期三 14:15
對於建制派議員拉隊離場導致立法會流會,泛民主派 議員譴責剝奪5名辭職議員發言權利,是可恥的行為。
民主黨 主席何俊仁表示,民建聯及工聯會 等議員集體離場,剝奪5名請辭議員表達為何辭職的權利,對此感到極度遺憾,指這種行為破壞議會的包容文化,破壞了議會的權利和自由。
同患精神病 兄疑殺弟伴屍1周
死者被人用冷氣被包裹,棄於垃圾房對開走廊,屍體嚴重發黑及有屍蟲。(蔡方山攝) 白田村二座昨晚揭發可疑命案,警方不排除涉及刑事成分,將死者兄長拘捕押返警署扣查。(衛永康攝)

(明報)2010年1月27日 星期三 05:10
祖父入院 中年兄弟無人照顧
兄拒警入屋 三緘其口
(明報)2010年1月27日 星期三 05:10
【明報專訊】現年58歲的林煥光 ,自香港大學 社會科學系畢業後,1974年加入政府任職政務主任。他曾在多個政府決策局及部門工作,94年升為教育署長,96年調職至公務員事務長。2000至02年擔任負責人權事務的民政事務局 長,02至04年出任行政長官 辦公室主任。林煥光任特首辦主任時,多次替時任行政長官董建華 「護航」,包括在報章撰文替董解畫,又主動請纓代董出席立法會SARS專責委員會。
05年1月,林煥光因婚外情曝光而辭去特首辦主任一職。06年他申請成為奧運馬術公司總裁,並於06至08年擔任第29屆奧林匹克運動會 馬術比賽(香港)有限公司的行政總裁。2010年2月1日起,他上任平機會主席,月薪20.2萬元,任期3年。
人物•關聯﹕前高官掌要職 機構公信成疑 (明報)2010年1月27日 星期三 05:10
名人教英文﹕Government OF the people
(明報)2010年1月27日 星期三 05:10
【明報專訊】 英語文法困難之處,在於其系統性的語句用法,初學時必須下苦功硬記。其中一課,便是介詞(preposition)的運用。不過,英語的文法系統亦是它簡單易學之處,一旦取得竅門,又或所謂「語感」,立時語句通順,寫作得心應手。
要知道在什麼候用上什麼介詞,必先認清不同介詞的作用。Of是其中一個最常用的介詞,一般來說有從屬關係之意思,例如:I am Tanya Chan of the Civic Party,我是公民黨 的陳淑莊。除此之外,of也能表示意義和性質。Your opinion is of great importance to me,你的意見對我來說十分重要。The Chief Executive is not a man of his words,特首不是一個守諾言的人,not to mention the fact that the civil servant-turned-"politician" is the butt of the jokes,更不用提這位「政治家」已是大家的笑柄吧!
Speak of或think of則解作談到或想到某事。Speaking of the Chief Executive, has the "grandpa" selected the next one yet? 說起特首一職,不知道「阿爺」選擇了接班人沒有?不過無論是誰,the previous one always thinks of the days when he was at the seat, before the Hong Kong people gave him the red card,前任的董伯經常懷緬他在位時的日子,那時候香港人還未給他派紅牌,請他離場。
至於ask of,則是請求、要求,帶有誠懇真切的語意。「I ask of you what has been asked of Americans throughout our history. I ask you to believe not just in my ability to bring about change, but in yours.」奧巴馬 在演說中,請求美國 人做一件事,而美國人向來都被請求做這件事,就是相信他們自己的能力,改變國家,改變世界。《歌聲魅影》(The Phantom of the Opera)其中的一首All I ask of You,男主角向心愛的女主角Christine高歌「Wherever you go, let me go too. That's all I ask of you」,妳去到哪裏,請也讓我跟隨妳,我對妳的請求,只是這麼多。詞句截然不同,ask of用意一樣。
I ask of you for your support for the 5 districts Referendum。請支持五區公投,盡快落實真普選 ,廢除功能組別,選出我們的「民有」政府:The Government of the people。
作者電郵:[email protected]
時事通識教材 今日新聞焦點:梁家傑指請辭為履行承諾
(明報)2010年1月27日 星期三 05:10
【明報專訊】 今日學習焦點:不同觀點(今日香港)
公民參與(Civic Participation)
1.你較支持以上哪個想法?或者你有另一套想 法?試加以解釋。
顧問老師﹕資深通識科教師 許承恩
(明報)2010年1月27日 星期三 05:10
【明報專訊】 近年來,電視報章雜誌都有很多飲食節目及專欄,譬如《美女廚房》、《名人飯堂》、《名人起筷》等,給大家介紹世界各地的美食佳肴,正因如此,我們就要把「美食佳肴」讀好一點。
名家名著﹕承繼傳統與現代的啟蒙大師——胡適 文:葉國華 (明報)2010年1月27日 星期三 05:10
會考指南針﹕備戰物理 留意時事 (明報)2010年1月27日 星期三 05:10
考試溫習Q&A (明報)2010年1月27日 星期三 05:10
高秉忠何秀蘭「蟻聯」老戰友 (明報)2010年1月27日 星期三 05:10
雷曼迷債「爆煲」後離開證監會 的高秉忠,在證監會已工作超過19年,離職前是證監會投資產品科高級經理,但較鮮為人知的是,高秉忠在回歸前活躍於政壇,曾與公民起動何秀蘭 、人權監察總幹事羅沃啟等人,組成政治團體「蟻聯」,1995年更參加立法局直選,挑戰時任議員黃宏發,但最終落敗。
何秀蘭表示,蟻聯在1992年成立,主要是推動普選 的組織,高秉忠當年是蟻聯的活躍成員,不過,無論是何秀蘭、羅沃啟還是當年高秉忠曾助選的民主黨 劉慧卿 ,都不願多談高秉忠的為人和往事。
翻查資料,高秉忠曾任蟻聯發言人,1995年時,他以不滿民主派 議員表現為由,出選新界東南選區,對撼黃宏發及民建聯 溫漢璋,但最終以近1萬票之差落敗。
根據高秉忠向立法會 提交的陳述書,他於1990年加入證監會擔任投資產品部經理,1994年升為高級經理,2005年升任與保險相關政策及產品的部門主管,08年要求調任至對外事務科,09年8月離任。他稱,離開證監會是希望協助立法會調查雷曼小組,令當局日後更好保障投資者。
(明報)2010年1月27日 星期三 05:10
【明報專訊】身為天主教徒的曾蔭權 ,昨就議員辭職發表聲明時,特別引用《聖經 》中的話句,形容議員走上歧途。他在聲明中表示:「不少意見……希望他們懸崖勒馬,無奈他們仍然要偏行己路,很多市民會感到失望。」
今發請辭宣言 建制派擬離場抗議
(明報)2010年1月27日 星期三 14:25
建制派議員拉隊離場,令立法會流會,辭職5名議員未能在立法會發表辭職宣言。 ~ (即時新聞)
余若薇︰打壓發言逃避民意 (明報)2010年1月27日 星期三 14:55
「5區公投運動」發言人余若薇 表示,建制派議員打壓5名請辭議員的發言權,是逃避民意。
余若薇:建制派害怕民意 (明報)2010年1月27日 星期三 14:25
議員辭職再參選 限制須符人權法
(明報)2010年1月27日 星期三 05:10
明報記者 劉進圖

屯門醫院否認醫護網上聲討病人 指護士生縱容父親濫用院方資源
八達通深圳通 有望年內「合體」
ps: 下晝搭正三點 ~ 又有人打來搵姓「洪」 ~ 咁多年來都係搵「洪」生多嘅
唔知點解 今次呢個叫人做「洪小姐」
唔知自已要搵嘅係先生定係小姐 更唔知自己搵邊個 有冇打錯 .....
好心就唔好打來啦 ~
今次呢個「金域假日酒店」職員更離譜到問人係邊個 (電話:21165360)
問佢係邊個打呢個號碼 先講自己係乜乜酒店 ~ 都唔知有冇攪錯
究竟六/七年前 唔見電話後 (到幾個鐘內報失) 到幾日後可以用番呢個用咗有十年嘅號碼 .....
期間呢幾日 究竟發生過咩事呢??!
又點解 到而家成十二點 都重係咁痛o架 ..... 救命呀!! 2010年01月27日 Wed 23:49:40
陳淑莊辭職演辭全文 (明報)2010年1月27日 星期三 22:25
公民黨議員陳淑莊原定今日在立法會 發表辭職聲明,但因建制派議員離席而流會,未能宣讀,以下是全文:
主席,本人將於2010年1月29日,辭去議員職務,以成就「五區補選,變相公投」的運動,讓市民可以表達盡快實現真普選 ,廢除功能組別的要求。香港爭取民主20多年,普選的目標似近還遠。此時此刻,民主運動實在需要注入新思維和新力量。
民主必須以人民的權利和福 為本位。熱愛民主的朋友,除了要目標明確,也需懂得寸土必爭。那怕有時逆水行舟,形勢比人弱,仍然要頂天立地,堅守承諾。因為本人深信民主,所以相信市民的判斷,選擇了在爭取民主的路上與市民同行。本人深信民主運動最重要的力量,不應該是黨派的席位和個別的政治人物,而是人民本身。
今天我請辭,就是為了成就一次全民直接參與,爭取落實普選行政長官 和全體立法會議員的運動。
香港是不是變成了《等待果陀》的主角?回歸以來,我不只一次要問自己同樣的問題。從04年人大釋法 ,拒絕07/08普選,到07年人大否決2012普選,到近日政府提出的政改方案,部分人士的言論,都令我對香港能否最終實現真普選的前境憂心忡忡,不吐不快。如果爭取民主的朋友不站起來向這些不公道的事情齊聲說不,恐怕單憑一己之力,聲嘶力竭,都不會成功。
然而,我相信,香港人擁抱的民主夢,始終如一。我相信,香港人一向引以為傲的拼搏精神。我相信,今天由五個泛民主派 議員請辭所引發的五區公投運動,正是發動全民參與的一次機會。
我和許多香港人一樣,不是一開始就投身民主運動。我是半途出家,加入爭取民主行列。06年,我和一班民主同路人組織公民黨,為公義、民主而奮鬥。1年後,我選擇參加區議會 選舉,第一接接受直選洗禮,走入政壇。當日的決定,改變了一生。沒有那場選舉,我就不會參加立法會選舉。在2年前的立法會選舉的向選民承諾爭取雙普選,為建設更公道的香港而努力。在選民的支持下,我有幸當選立法會議員。
然而,參與愈深入,就愈發現無論同事多努力,始終被局限在一個不民主的框架。我想,要推動社會公義,在議會為民請命固然重要。同時,必須走入群眾,結合民主與民生,雙線並行。年多的立法會議員生涯,卻讓我親身見證這個議會制度如何不合時宜。就連特區政府 也承認,現行的功能組別選舉不符合普及而平等的原則,而功能組別連帶的分組點票,也令民選議員的議案較難通過。
(即時新聞) http://hk.news.yahoo.com/article/100127/4/gbsr.html
遮打花園五區公投運動起動大會,主辦單位稱有四千人出席。 (何家達攝)
(明報)2010年1月27日 星期三 22:55
公民黨及社民連晚上在中環 遮打花園舉行造勢晚會,主辦者聲稱有四千人參加。
「五區公投運動」總發言人余若薇 承認根據民調,支持「五區公投」的人只佔少數,呼籲支持者游說更多人支持。
民主黨創黨主席李柱銘 上台發言時否認變相「公投」是搞港獨,他呼籲市民無論稍後的立法會 補選有甚麼人參選,都要出來投票,支持普選 及廢除功能組別。(即時新聞) http://hk.news.yahoo.com/article/100127/4/gbss.html
建制派杯葛 5子未能發言
建制派議員離席抗議,其中王國興議員(黃衣者)離開時高呼口號。(李紹昌攝) (右起)黃毓民、梁國雄、余若薇、陳淑莊、梁家傑、陳偉業。(李紹昌攝)

(明報)2010年1月27日 星期三 22:45
5名請辭議員梁國雄、黃毓民、陳偉業、陳淑莊及梁家傑,今日原計劃發表請辭演講。民建聯主席譚耀宗 表示,不滿有議員利用辭職搞公投,又利用立法會作宣傳,拉隊離場抗議。工聯會 議員王國興離場時,高叫口號。在中午1時15分,因出席議員人數不足,立法會主席曾鈺成 要求鳴鐘,召集議員開會,但過了15分鐘後,人數仍未過半,曾鈺成宣布休會,下周三才續會,令5人未能有機會發言。

>>January 28, 2010 at 12:10:13 AM GMT+8

<< 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  >>


(註 ~ 不代表寡人不渴求甚麼愛情 >> 向來只取愛理不理之態度 ~隨緣)
各位>>有空來訪的話...請留字... ^^ 寡人於願足矣!
*這「寡人」零四年起終日有病魔相伴 ( 從此「不在」孤單 ... ... ) * 個日曆唔見o左喇



路人留言   |

>>December 18, 2011 at 3:46:08 PM GMT+8

>>May 12, 2010 at 12:27:52 AM GMT+8

>>May 7, 2010 at 1:34:40 AM GMT+8

missing you
>>February 20, 2010 at 4:36:52 PM GMT+8

想留言給您, 讓您知道, 大家都
>>February 17, 2010 at 3:09:13 PM GMT+8

>>December 15, 2009 at 4:50:14 PM GMT+8

>>October 25, 2009 at 4:19:42 PM GMT+8

>>August 4, 2009 at 11:52:36 PM GMT+8

我鐘意夜少水母stamps =]
>>June 16, 2008 at 8:34:11 AM GMT+8

>>April 26, 2008 at 2:03:45 AM GMT+8

>>April 2, 2008 at 10:08:19 AM GMT+8

睇完你既野真係冇野好講. 我做
>>March 17, 2008 at 10:07:58 PM GMT+8

你又話寫日記既? 但最新upda
>>February 4, 2008 at 1:04:41 PM GMT+8

嘩. <br>又一年.. <br
>>December 30, 2007 at 2:04:47 AM GMT+8

snoopy 聖誕快樂, 希望
>>December 25, 2007 at 2:09:25 AM GMT+8

死啦, 會loan 咁做, 我咪
>>December 8, 2007 at 10:20:44 AM GMT+8

>>October 30, 2007 at 10:33:09 PM GMT+8

>>October 22, 2007 at 9:23:23 AM GMT+8

醫院放棄唔代表你要放棄, 老兄,
>>October 14, 2007 at 12:49:08 AM GMT+8

>>October 12, 2007 at 2:21:57 AM GMT+8

我頭先落街都見到個月好清, ok
>>September 25, 2007 at 10:55:02 PM GMT+8

做老師不易為, 我小一就知, 不
>>September 23, 2007 at 4:24:07 PM GMT+8

>>September 14, 2007 at 1:02:59 PM GMT+8

首先, 我都健在呀. <br>
>>September 12, 2007 at 10:53:04 PM GMT+8

嘩~~日記in the futu
>>September 5, 2007 at 9:46:05 AM GMT+8

hey, 又再傻&#21523;
>>August 31, 2007 at 5:41:07 PM GMT+8

Hi Snoopy( haha,
>>August 7, 2007 at 11:34:00 AM GMT+8

為什麼不update日記? <b
>>May 14, 2007 at 9:05:05 PM GMT+8

>>March 30, 2007 at 2:19:02 AM GMT+8

>>December 4, 2006 at 2:16:33 PM GMT+8

知道你的苦... <br>卻幫不
>>September 27, 2006 at 2:27:41 AM GMT+8

>>September 22, 2006 at 11:11:23 PM GMT+8

我個icq short左...成
>>June 29, 2006 at 1:57:08 AM GMT+8

to snoopy <br>好對
>>June 2, 2006 at 12:11:11 AM GMT+8

好似好耐冇聽過你d野咁... <
>>May 30, 2006 at 12:32:31 AM GMT+8

>>May 29, 2006 at 9:58:57 PM GMT+8

>>May 25, 2006 at 1:25:40 AM GMT+8

放心啦... <br>到時你好返
>>May 19, 2006 at 1:56:31 PM GMT+8

hihihih <br>加油呀!
>>May 17, 2006 at 2:10:16 AM GMT+8

>>July 5, 2005 at 11:00:40 PM GMT+8

>>April 1, 2005 at 4:17:45 AM GMT+8

>>March 25, 2005 at 3:37:51 AM GMT+8

琪琪似乎無乜力量 <br>整個人
>>February 5, 2005 at 1:53:42 PM GMT+8

i am having my l
>>December 19, 2004 at 7:01:40 PM GMT+8

Dear Raymond, <
>>October 8, 2004 at 9:03:53 AM GMT+8

你好嗎? <br>希望你真係好l
>>October 3, 2004 at 12:06:47 AM GMT+8

>>September 27, 2004 at 4:19:04 AM GMT+8

How are U? <br>
>>September 7, 2004 at 11:15:02 AM GMT+8

好耐世紀無上網lu <br>今d
>>September 5, 2004 at 6:10:12 PM GMT+8

>>June 12, 2004 at 5:18:53 PM GMT+8

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