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2006 年 7 月 26 日 星期三 【雨】

unhappy ar....... ai........

keep observe la.......

>>July 28, 2006 at 12:09:54 AM GMT+8

2006 年 7 月 25 日 星期二 【晴】

there is nothing i can say! don't try to change me to be what u want, meaningless! once u can't withstand, just let it go! i won't talk to u simply because i can't trust u and i don't think there is any use to tell u.......u won't understand........

>>July 25, 2006 at 11:53:55 PM GMT+8

2006 年 7 月 25 日 星期二 【晴】

so happy that all the previous diary are uploaded~ today got a big big sun!

hv lunch with Cat, i'm glad to see that he is serious le~

>>July 25, 2006 at 3:31:19 PM GMT+8

2006 年 7 月 24 日 星期一 【晴】

2 November 2005

P shift, hea again at ward........

《Andersen, " The Nightingale"》
Writers are well-known for their powers of intervention and imagination.

1 November 2005


mgt really hv quiz......don't know the ans le.....lec w/out note then........tut.......lunch......discussion of FYP, Cynthia not yet sent......discuss ppt.......miss Chin lesson, just take hw......walk with Sarah @ campus for food sale......search.....make ppt for 2 and half hr........still need to go on

《Hemingway, "The Old man and the Sea"》
Man is made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.

31 October 2005

So So tired.......
search news without ideas, 1130 Yoga, lunch with Ka Bik & Fanny @金圓軒, 1430-1830 FYP present, just sit and listen w/out anything to do....
1900 interest class, play games with eyes closed, take the lift, buy food~
Cat brings me dinner @2245, thx~

exhaused .......

《Alexander Pope 布樸》
Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.

30 October 2005

有阿 Jack 衫著呀~




之後陪貓回學校拿袍,再到旺角捐血站,貓今次差 0.2 ,又不能捐血!順道去弄眼鏡,然後打算坐地鐵回家,卻在地鐵站遇上阿 Jack 衫,終於可以重遇了~哈哈~
自從上次一別,就再也找不到了,問過 salesgirl,原來除了第一個星期之外,只有地鐵沿線才有得賣,今次埋單是羊羊!

阿 Jack 衫可以當衛衣又可以當外套穿,好靚!而且抵過當年 Disney Store ,當年這個價錢只可以買一件短袖阿 Jack 衫而已!阿 Jack 衫還賣到斷碼,貓那一件要等人送過來呢!其間還有許多人身上穿著阿 Jack 衫買阿 Jack 衫呢~


晚上發現好像之前把哥哥的 msn blacklist 了...

《Joseph Conrad 康納》
You shall judge of a man by his foes as well as by his friends.

29 October 2005


今朝返去 overseas placement present,支持了兩小時就去了 CC 找資料做 mgt,不過沒有甚麼收獲...




貓又扭了兩隻蛋,有阿 Jack 髮夾和橡筋,Yeah~

《General MacArthur 麥克阿瑟將軍》
Old soldiers never die; they just fade away.

28 October 2005

好掛住 H3 的天堂,一時之間返回人間實在不習慣...

M6 就是傳聞中的女房,甚麼也不可以做的地方,除了 TPR & BP...好悶,情況好一點的會被安排做 OT,但 OT 姑娘又不喜歡我們跟正在做 OT 的 patient 談天,但其他的不是情緒不穩,就是 refuse,可我們又不可以自己傾計, patient 又 refuse,還有甚麼可以做?

好不容易有 admission,但我們又夠鐘 off...不過第一次數那麼多錢,這裡病人的 psychotic symtoms 真是很多,有許多都有 suicidal thought, attention seeking, delusion, hallucination.

最可憐是那些產後抑鬱的,生 BB 已經辛苦,但生完自己卻這樣,許多人連一點 insight 都沒有...

希望下次可以有意義一點啦~ 之後 duty: PAD APA


《R. W. Emerson 艾瑪遜》
To different minds, the same world is a hell, and a heaven.

27 October 2005

今天是告別 H3 的日子,很不捨得呀~

今日返 A ,差不多是昨晚的原班人馬,多了梁 sir ,因為昨天 G3 「爆大獲」,sick 了三個,所以本來今日要調人過去,但由於很 cool 的 Ng 姑娘 sick leave,所以沒有調~我們繼續拍賴 sir !

做完 first routine,超舊,賴 sir 任我們吃甚麼 round,我們吃 first,之後回來派藥~

返來後,燒肉雞話因為剃完鬚已經收了早餐,所以未食早餐好肚餓,想我們給他零食,梁 sir給了他一粒香口珠,我們叮囑他不要吞,但梁 sir就叫他一定要吞,因為是大力丸,燒肉雞話佢當然不會吞,梁 sir就話一定要吞,因為粒大力丸去到個胃會發大變腸仔,笑到我呀~仲話燒肉雞食完即刻大隻了,超衰呀~

今天幫 SA 抽血,好成功,因為佢自己幫我谷到成條水喉咁粗,阿 sir 話佢仲清楚過我應該點打,咁又係...第一次抽血遇到 SA case,唔知算好唔好彩呢~但第一次就抽到,都好開心~佢其實係前幾日我們收的症,當佢見到支針,即刻話「咁大支呀!」,希望佢可以成功排毒啦!
第一次抽血,真的 feel 度 syriange 入面的血是暖的,都幾...第一次抽,不敢用 vaccum,因為難度比較高~


超搞笑!水怪二號幫流浪伯「丘褲」,高到大長今咁,賴 sir 仲話佢好似著 tube top 咁,笑到我落晒淚,停不下來~

今日捉了梁 sir 簽 pink book,他看也不看就簽,超好人!又叫我們留 contact,等我們可以 send 功課佢抄,比大隻佬張 sir 更認真...

之後賴 sir 又勁 sell 梁 sir,話佢起碼有幾百萬,之後又同我們講男人經,哈哈~

係大廳看雜誌準備收工的時候,梁 sir 叫我們入去,初時以為有甚麼事,怎料是文仔煎午餐肉,仲有福麵...請我們食,超感動~



《George Moore 摩亞》
A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it!

26 October 2005

返 P ,有點不習慣,雖然是 second last day,但今天才是我第二次返 P ,所以不太熟悉呢...

今天學抽血,有真人試呢!手不夠穩呀,用 vaccum 很容易走位,有難度!多謝賴 sir 的指導,H3 確是天堂~很不捨得呀!

今天隔壁 ward G3 出大事,有病人發作一傷三,結果一個阿 sir fracture,一個 staff 眼角爆,血流滿地,另一個扭傷腰...好危險... 

簽好 evaluation form 啦~

《Walt Whitman 韋射曼》
To have great poets, there must be great audiences, too.

25 October 2005

今天 0900 朝聖,要改 proposal 呀~ Cynthia 終於認真地找人看了我們的 proposal 一遍...

上 mgt lec,最驚喜是收到「情書」,第一次收到 patient 的情書,還要是 psy 的女 patient,只有一面之緣的 CPN MD + personality disorder client,真是多謝!平時送咭送得多,第一次收番張 patient 親手造的咭,幾驚喜...多謝晒~我估你咁鍾意我,唔多唔少係因為阿 Jack 的關係~

之後再上 tut,吃個飯後上中文,然後幫貓試袍,希望合身啦!

之後大家一起做 proposal ,做到 2130+ 呀...

似乎每一日都是 0900-2130 呢‧..

《Robert E. Sherwood 舒活》
The happiest miser on Earth ---- the man who saves up every friend he can make.

24 October 2005

今天 0830 返學校討論 fyp,皆因要 peer review,又要傾自己個 powerpoint,好睏! 

上午打了流感針,好好手勢,一點也不痛!之後上了 Yoga,將隻腳擺上手,實在是...

下午 1430-1830 上 fyp present,呆晒~
收到電話有 TUNS,屯門醫院,11月開工,幾驚喜~ 


晚上直落 programme leader meeting,然後再上輔學,晚餐只是三文治!

輔學玩 007,但不斷有人叫錯,因為大家上了一整天學之後已經很累,不能集中精神~


0830-2130 的一天!

Sharon 應該 11月中返來啊!太好了~

《Gandhi 甘地》
You must not lose faith in humanility. Humanility is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.

23 October 2005



然後返教會崇拜和領聖餐,今日聽道有 take note 呀(因為怕自己睡著...)此方法果然有效!

之後 join 貓,和媽媽一起探婆婆,跟她喝下午茶!吃得十分飽~

我又捉他們陪我行 LCX,沒有了阿 Jack 專櫃...玩完便回家~


《Richard Garnett 加納》
Ascend above the restrictions and convections of the world, but not so high as to lose sight of them.

22 October 2005

今天起床之後就吸塵洗衫,然後趕回學校交 CRE form,再拿 flu vaccine time slot ticket,在 SAO 巧遇 Wisky~

然後在 CC 展開慢長歲月,FYP‧..edit powerpoint,好在有 Sarah,她做晒成個powerpoint 呀!真是不好意思!

一邊做埋中文功課,一邊等媽媽驗眼,之後去了蔣震吃下午茶,$40 可以包場,全場只有我倆!都不錯呀~

然後我們去了 TST Sogo 逛,地方很小,小熊國好可憐,被 Sogo 佔領了,不知大嘴鳥往哪去了...在超市有幫襯!

之後送媽媽上車,我就在 YMCA 和 HMV hea,因為貓今天擺大壽!
本來訂了去吃法國越南餐廳,不過世伯不滿餐廳安排的坐位,所以 ROA 精神,掉頭走!結果去了香港老飯店,不知和上海那一間有沒有關係,不過一樣好高檔呀~而且大家似乎更喜歡這間食肆呢!其實最緊要大家開心~



《George M. Trevelyan 托利維揚》
Education has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading.

21 October 2005

今天四個一起返 A,做了一個 discharge,派藥,routine,被問書-- cardiac arrest mgt!學了四種 colour 的星星代表甚麼~

今日有 patient 被 staff 罵,雖然確是 patient 不對,但當我聽到 patient 說:「是,你罵得很對 !」的時候,我忍不住笑了出來...個 staff 還要叫 patient :「以後唔好啦!」真是...

放工和 Andy tea @ Panda Hotel. 他很忙呢!

《Ferdinand Raimund 雷文》
No matter how fair the sun shines, still if must set.

20 October 2005


今天返 A,學了聽電話,call 醫生,做了一個 home leave,照舊派藥!


應該是在這裡才會有這種場面--大家一起剃鬚,5 mins breakfast/ lunch/ dinner,搬椅子給我們坐的是雕龍雕鳳的人事,爆粗是日常溝通語言...



《Schopenhauer 舒伯夏亞》
Hatred comes from the heart; contempt from the head; and neither feeling is quite within our control.

19 October 2005

CPN--8 cases!

上下午都有 cases,坐車用了許多錢~

最開心有 MD patient 話摺星星送我,原來 personality disorder = 格衰!無得醫...
有 patient onset at 20+,好驚自己 psy.‧..
miss 好好,請大家食雪條~
做了 case report & 3 assessments today for one case!


《La Rouchefoucauld 羅摘福確》
The mind is always the dupe of the heart.

18 October 2005

今天上 mgt,果然有 quiz,不過我沒有溫呀...

lec 不斷抄,最後她竟然說不給今堂的 ppt,好在眾志成城...然後上 tut。

之後傾 FYP,又遲了一個小時上中文堂,連阿 sir 都話我們準時...

《William Shakespeare 莎士比亞》
A little fire is quickly trodden out, which, being suffered rivers cannot quench.

17 October 2005


放學後去了 CC 找資料,很久沒有聽到圖書館休館前播放的音樂,而今晚,我聽到了!

《Will Rogers 羅格茲》
I always like to hear a man talk about himself because then I never hear anything but good.

16 October 2005



今天知道表姐在英國生了個 BB 女,恭喜恭喜!細姨和細姨丈已經飛了過去~


之後我和貓去捐血,我的 Hb level 竟得 11.5,broaderline pass 可以捐血,第一次要用機 check 呀!而貓竟然差0.1才合格,Hb level 得12.9,沒有得捐~今次又拿了一個 batch~

《艾迪斯 Huxley Aldous》
Most ignorance is rincible ignorance. We don't know because we don't want to know.

15 October 2005

今天起床等貓放工後去了中環,在 IFC 的 McDonald & McCafe 吃午餐,竟然吃了 $70+,M 記應該出張 VIP 給我們...個熱啡真是湯碗那麼大,幾抵~


因為想在熊貓館關門之前去看牠們,所以我們很早就到了海洋公園的入口。雖然手續有點麻煩,但下午四時多就可以入場了,一入場就看見許多「鬼」,因為天還未黑,所以都沒有 mood 和他們拍照,而且我們趕著去探熊貓,所以沒有理他們。


看過熊貓之後,我們就出發去第一間鬼屋。這是鬼神村內(Haunted Chinese Village)的「『驚』劇冤伶」(Legend of The Peaking Opera House)。等了廿分鐘就可以入場,可能因為還是天光,所以我不太怕。宿命一般的又是我們走在最後...雖然這裡有不少鬼,但我沒有一個位是驚的,因為全部都估到,大概每兩步有一隻,因為不是那種伸手不見五指的鬼屋,所以我還可以很輕鬆的跟他們揮手 say Hi~ 而我身邊的貓卻很認真的阻止我,說我這樣做會引那些鬼追我們,所以我改了揮手 say Bye~ 貓實在太認真,我知道那裡有鬼,好心告訴他讓他有心理準備,反而每一次都嚇到他,走出來後,我不得不說一句,他已經收回成本,值回票價!值得一提的是鬼是會從後面追出來的,而那隻女鬼冤伶的妝化得不錯,眼神幾兇,我站著看了好一會兒!這個是我玩得最有成功感的鬼屋,第一次連一個驚位也沒有~

之後我們坐纜車上山。山上纜車站有一間鬼屋叫「瘋人島」(Psychotic Island),不過有很多人排隊,所以先去第二間叫「驚慄馬戲班」(Carnival of Chaos) 的鬼屋排隊。我們只排了三十分鐘左右就有得入屋了!我們很高興沒有買至尊套票,否則連喘息的機會都沒有,不用排隊就可以立即進埸,那實在...因為我們不想排最尾,所以急急腳走在別人前面,誰不知,我們後面的人竟然被截停,我們是注定行最尾...這裡開頭有幾塊鏡,之後就時不時有鬼出現,我全程拉住前面的陌生「女朋友」的袋前進,聽到她叫就知有料,彎下身衝過去便算,所以也不太驚,但貓就緊張到連路也不看,前面有樓梯都超推我行,差點 PK,我的忠告是:小心樓梯!我於此鬼屋留下橡筋一條,如有拾獲,請通知,無酬。

玩完兩間鬼屋之後入了海洋館走了一圈,涼冷氣,順便看魚魚,有 Nemo & very big 肥佬魚!然後就去了玩摩天輪、飛天秋千和越礦飛車。因為很多人都去了排隊玩鬼屋,機動遊戲就相對比較少人,我們每個遊戲都只是排了五至廿分鐘左右而已。玩越礦飛車難得坐車頭,拍照的時候,貓面竟被我們舉起的手完全遮蓋,而我當然是一號表情啦!


今年海洋公園的Halloween 有幾多鬼,我們影了很多相,很開心呢~不過要小心他們會隨時嚇人!


2230看了「活火祭」(Flames of Horror),外國哥哥表演玩火食火十五分鐘,不錯。



《Jean Cocteau 高克多》
Young men must not buy safe stocks.

14 October 2005

今天返 A,多了些工作,就是 BP, H'stix & temp,但每樣只有一兩個,所以食頭輪之前真是可以做完 routine~

吃完頭輪就派藥,幾好,阿 sir 由得我們慢慢執,今天有 dressing,個 SA 食粉食到隻腳又爛又黑...還有 admission,之後 Dr J. Chung 竟然問書,還要考我們 ethical & legal aspect‧..他還一教書就用英文,當正我們是 medi. student...但他真的很好人,想不到他會特意待久一些教我們~

可以出到這個 ward 真是很幸福!

《Jean Paul Richter 里希特》
A variety of nothing is better than a monotony of something.

13 October 2005

今天返 P,沒有甚麼 routine,所以只是派了藥,但也很開心,因為完全沒有 3 checks 5 rights,阿 sir 又很有耐心教我藥,我執錯他也沒有話我,好感動~

d patient 食飯好特別,會分開,一批留 ward,另一批去 day room,但大家排隊好守秩序,輪飯輪水輪小食,甚麼都要排隊,每次出入都要數人,鎖門,其實幾似監獄...

還未敢與 patient 傾計~

受不住誘惑與嘉碧和嘉婉睡 P/A 房,傾了一陣計就睡,可是我那張可憐的摺床實在是...睡不太好呢!

《Richard Cumberland 甘拔蘭》
It is better to wear out than to rust out.

12 October 2005

今天第一日出 mental,不知何故返 day 都要 0645 起身...很不習慣呢!

原來 KCH is just next to PMH,今日主要是 orientation,聽了許多 lec,下午才上 ward~

今次最開心是可以和嘉碧、嘉婉、Fanny、Iris & Josephine 一齊出,第一次 lunch 可以一齊食,好感動~

上到 ward 就驚喜啦...全世界望住我們四個,我還是第一次出 male ward,沒有女 staff,全部阿 sir & male patient,好怪...

但 d 阿 sir 超好,甚麼也肯讓我們做,又教我們藥,又肯讓我們看牌板,又給我們 keys,勁好!

不過,還是有點怕 patient...

《Gilbert Chesterton 柴斯達頓》
A yawn is a silent shout.

11 October 2005

病情好轉,早餐幫襯仙桃園,之後 hea 到下午和貓去美麗華買雞鞋,因為他的銀雞被盜,UNIQLO 還是很多人,望而卻步~

《Boileau 貝勒》
The wisest man is he who does not fancy that he is so at all.

10 October 2005

繼續病,晚上上輔學 Games to Creativity 第一堂,世和 Pauline 都有上,幾好玩~

之後貓特登接我,因為我還有下一場,就是小威威、Maggy、 Yan、 Carey 的約會,兩年來終於齊人啦!雖然時間很短,但看見大家也很開心呢~



《Richard II 查理二世》
How sour sweat music is when time is broke, and no proportion kept! So is it in the music of men's lives.

9 October 2005




8 October 2005

今日返去做 info day helper,很累!

今次的安排很亂,嘉婉嬲到同我自己走去 clinic's booth,而且今年 UHS's staff 係不同往年,叫我們 lunch 匿係 booth 後面食,她們自己就吃了個多兩個小時,然後又明明有禮物都留起不派,勁古怪!

但今年很厲害,拿了許多東西呀!見到幫 SN 的同學,連出來逛的機會都沒有,很可憐~



《William Shakespeare 莎士比亞》
The amity that wisdom knits not folly may easily unite.

7 October 2005



今日又去扭蛋,扭了一隻阿 Jack 一隻 Sally,當然把Sally給嘉碧,阿 Jack 給自己,哈哈~

《William Shakespeare 莎士比亞》
Sweet are the uses of adversity; which like the toad, ugly and venomous, wears yet a precious jewel in his head.

6 October 2005

今朝做晒準備返去見 Cynthia,諗住佢會叫我們改許多東西,怎料她很快便收了,還替我們交去 ethical board,太好了!我們還一起討論 mp3 呢!
Iris & Josephine 很厲害,最後一個 version 是 0235,Josephine 還飛的返來,如果是我,我相信會...下次朝聖是過了 ethical board~ YEAH~

今日分別被 Josephine & miumiu 撞,大家似乎想我跌多次...

之後去 CILL 做 IELTS,吃了愛心早餐做午餐,果然是有蛋殼的!哈哈~不過好好味,好開心,多謝貓~

由於現實和理想是有距離的,所以最後我站在 UNIQLO,想不到那麼多人,好像輪米!但我看那些價錢一點也不便宜,雖然不是很貴,但我至少完全沒有覺得「抵!」的感覺~完全不明白大家何以掃貨,我覺得上海同日本店的氣氛好好多,從沒有見過衫山,很可怕,而且那些特色小東西那裡都沒有得賣,現場還要有保安看守,一邊入,一邊出,完全沒有心機逛!幾失望呀!







5 October 2005

finish the principal letter+summary last night........Zzzz......Zzzz

wake up then do the proposal part, forgot how Cynthia draw it tim......
listen to leung b ho, 網上情好聽-- 放棄的愛!
Do hw with Cat!

Nearly forgot to go to post office!! 15 mins left, change clothes+ walking.......arrive with 5 mins before it close~Lucky~

hope tmr can go to ethical broad la!

《O. A. Battista 巴迪士打》
Temptations, unlike opportunities, will always give you second chances.

4 October 2005

fyp meeting: 0900-1030 but Cynthia forgot today is Tue, so come at 0930! wait for half an hr le......Cynthia asks if I was riding bicycle when she looked at my foot...... and nearly late to mgt lec, she said she will tell Alice if Alice blame us......

mgt lec: Daniel's gp is late because of fyp meeting as well, and Alice reply is: no matter what u said is true or not, u hv the responsibility to be puntual, that means u choose to be late this lesson in order to attend the meeting...........oh........
sleepy....take Barrel out and play during break, Ka Bik wants it as well~ Haha~ Good taste!

mgt tut: much better

Ka Yuen B-day party @都會, 3 cakes ar!!!!
watched Josephine's placement photos

chinese software lesson: just attend half(one hr)! Cat's hw get 100 marks~

Then hea @ discussion rm to wait Cynthia! decide to do case study instead of action research lu!

meeting with Cynthia 1830-2100! Queenie is so .........haha! poing at Cynthia!!
such a long time haven't been leave school so late and the key pt is i still didn't hv dinner yet!

back home........so tired!
ethical broad ar.......proposal ar......

《Idiom 諺語》
Speak well of your friend; of your enemy, say nothing.

3 October 2005

mum visit optometry clinic, no booking record? How come! Mix up with my booking......bring mum to clinic to try OSIM, measure BP, height & weight & BMI.

drink tea with mum @ 都會,$1蝦蛟,Yummy~ Yummy~ but 激氣!(skip Yoga class! )

FYP 1230-1730

cook dinner with Cat

《Joyce Brothers》
Listening, not imitation, may be the sincerest form of flattery.

2 October 2005

fly cockcoach
poor sleep ....
skip morning school
visit grandma
rain dogs and cats
chicken dinner
broken a cup
tired, sleepy ,ill?

《George Herbert 靴拔》
Life is half spent before we know what it is.

1 October 2005

buy ticket
drink tea
watch film--The Emperor's Journey
chase bus
delifrance tea without tea set
shatin walk
teased @ home
dressing with tears

《Mark Helprin 赫比倫》
Well-timed silence is the most commanding expression.

30 September 2005

FYP lit @ CC
night show in poly with knowns and unknowns........long time haven't watch a concert, even a mini one!
tofu dinner, 豆腐花好滑~

《Socrates 蘇格拉底》
Let him that would move the world, first move himself.

29 September 2005


在家做 FYP,看軍曹,好 hea~

《Philip Massinger 英國劇作家 馬辛加》
Be wise; soar not too high to fall; but stoop to rise.

28 September 2005



《William Shakespeare 莎士比亞》
The fool does think he is wise, but the wise men knows himself to be a fool.

27 September 2005


一早返去朝聖,都好,Cynthia 解答了許多問題~個 proposal 幸沒有被狠批!

之後上 mgt lec,坐第二排見到隻死頭胸腹( very likely is cockroach)仰臥在 projector 上,兇器仍在現場--報紙!好肉酸!但這一堂,我仍然睡著了...

再上埋 tut 後就邊開飯邊傾 FYP,然後再上 2 hr 中文軟件,竟然有功課...

輔學中了 games,可以玩遊戲~之後交埋學費,去到 CILL 累得睡著了...

《Michael D. Eisner 愛窿拿》
Recovering from failure is often easier than building from success.

26 September 2005


抵不住牙痛,終於看了急症,牙醫說是牙肉發炎,消炎加藥水,盛惠 $155,買了個心安,順便照了 X-ray,看見智慧齒努力生長,不過仍未破肉而出~

早上去 CILL 報 IELTS preparation course,之後幫阿恆借了本《心靈地圖》,然後和嘉碧、Fanny & Sarah walk in Yoga PE course,老師好好人讓我們上堂,但那些動作都好有難度,做到腰酸背痛!

下午齊人討論 FYP,終於傾完 proposal!
之後做了一會 IELTS 便返歸~


《William Shakespeare 莎士比亞》
To mount for a mischief that is past and gone is the next way to draw new mischief on.

25 September 2005

visit Grandma, tea with her, mum, aunt & cousin

endless quarrel in this world.......Is it the way how people live?

《H. J. Brown 布朗》
You can get by on charm for about 15 minutes. After that, you better know something.

24 September 2005

Tired...... mentally!

There is nothing I wanna say......

I can't find any meaning at all......

《Wallsall 華里沙》
Words are plentiful, but deeds are precious.

23 September 2005


《Idiom 諺語》
An ounce of discretion is worth a pound of learning.

22 September 2005


看了很想看的 60 mins,"silver ring thing" is such a good programme even the successful rate is still not high at this moment....... commitment, which is very important! It must be great and touching to hear those words.......

um......mission, responsibility, navy, accident......problem of "too trusting people"?

loan-- something that I must try my best to keep away from in my life!

《La Rouchefoucauld 羅摘福確》
It is more ignominious to mistrust our friends than to be deceived by them.

21 September 2005


之後回學校做 IELTS,超悶!中途客串 technician,因為不斷被師弟妹問東問西。 CILL 有許多 orientation,人來人往,好熱鬧!

《John Bunyan 本恩》
He that is down needs fear no fall. He that is low no pride.

20 September 2005

今天上 mgt,老師攪了一輪還未弄到 ppt,最後決定以後不去 Y 上,改去 TU~

之後的 tut 講 stress,又提起偷竊被捕的 HD 事件,這不是自毀前途是甚麼呢?

然後繼續討論 FYP,同嘉碧 & Sarah 慶祝生日,切蛋糕呀!Yeah~

之後見 Cynthia,似乎簡單了許多~

《Matthew Green 格蘭》
Be happy alchemy of mind. They turn to pleasure all they find.

19 September 2005

今天是中秋公眾假期,睡到中午才醒,下午約了 Akina、壞人和貓 BBQ! 玩了貓珍藏的超任炸彈人,還有奇蹟,我竟然還未弄清楚怎麼玩就嬴了?

《Will Smith 韋史密夫》
Money and success don't change people; they merely amplify what is already there.

18 September 2005





《William Shakespeare 莎士比亞》
Brevity is the soul of wit.

17 September 2005

今天早上返學校,去到圖書館發現今年可以借走 DVD ,VCD,所以立即借了隻~

下午打算和貓去迪欣湖,所以先去青衣醫肚,試了 M 記的新款包,都不錯,可以一試!然後坐地鐵去迪士尼,架地鐵真係幾靚~但入到去,倒水咁,所以原車遣返~看見 BB 孖車,好得意!



《Leon Uris 郁里士》
The ability of a person to atone has always been the most remarkable of human features.

16 September 2005



《Maureen Dowd 杜特》
The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less that you settled for.

15 September 2005

今日去了逛旺角,看見許多阿 Jack...發現自己一個是不懂得去潮流特區,哈哈!到處都是內地同胞呢~


14 September 2005

今日全力看軍曹,看到軍曹他們去埃及呢~哈哈~全日 hea~



13 September 2005



返學上 management & leadership,今次攪了一小時都還未看到 ppt,最後都是齋講...因為又餓又凍,所以睡著了...

之後還要上 tut,雖然穿上了厚厚的 soc 褸,但還是很冷呢~

落堂後終於可以開飯,去了東南亞開大會,之後再見 Cynthia,好在她之後有堂,所以只談了 45 mins,然後繼續自己傾 FYP,好累呀...

《Isaac Asimov 艾斯莫夫》
It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly.

12 September 2005



返學上堂,上完 Honours Project ,上 Programme Leader Meeting,今年的Programme Leader 是 Shirley,apply 了 TUNS,希望可以有份啦~


《Philip Massinger 馬辛加》
He that would goven others, first should he master of himself.

11 September 2005



竟然又有人問我何時結婚...我看起來真的那麼像快要結婚嗎?有那種幸福快樂的樣子嗎?是我的演技太好?還是我的 EQ 太高?還是大家太了解我 ?還是...只覺得諷刺...


「你們饒恕人的過犯,你們的天父也必饒恕你們的過犯;你們不饒恕人的過犯,你們的天父也必不饒恕你們的過犯。」  (太 6:14-15)




10 September 2005

今天早上去了 PGDP debriefing,然後交了IELTS form,之後和媽媽及貓飲茶,跟著去了探小妖怪,她的破壞力很驚人!


你有你的 values,我有我的 values,可以和而不同是最好,不過有抵觸衝突的時候,和平共存似乎已經是不可能了!








《 Leon Uris 郁里士》
Often we have no time for our friends, but all the time in the world for our enemies.

9 September 2005


地鐵站附近派報紙,今日覺得自己出一出去,大有收獲呢!因為一朝已經集齊了《都市》、《頭條》、《am730》和 Recruit,還有貓買的《黃巴士》~呵呵~呵呵~(師奶心態)

《Thomas Hardy 哈迪》
To say a little is often to tell more than to say a great deal.

8 September 2005

今日似番個人,作完 1000 words placement reflective journal,吸了塵(已經污糟到見有虱跳跳下,頂唔順...),還把以前會考高考的書丟掉。終於捨得放手,因為已經找不到位置放相簿了~看到那些書那麼新,還要貼著 $178 的價錢牌,真是令人心痛...可惜一翻開,入面的東西全都不懂,冇晒引,即刻拎出街,廢事眼冤!



《Kurt Vonnegut 禾樂古特》
Another flaw in the human character is tha teverybody wants to blind and nobody wants to maintenance.

7 September 2005

今日超 hea‧..

全日煲 Keroro 軍曹,看了十集,累了就睡覺,最後晚上睡不著呢...


《Chesterfield 柴斯特菲爾德》
Adbice is seldom welcome; and those who want it most always like it the least.

6 September 2005

今日上 management,個 miss 幾惡,似乎...

第一次去 Y 上堂,好新,新到有一陣裝修味,其實的確仍然在裝修中,只有下面的幾層才開放,工友們出出入入,仍然努力趕工。雖然是新,但 lecture hall 好細,同 TU 差不多,只是山頂位沒有那麼斜!不好坐呢~

management 沒有 note,大家只好聽她說 history,想不到要學歷史...

落堂去新 can 開飯,又感受到 poly 開學人才濟濟的盛況,好可怕!今年又不知有幾多萬學生...

想不到那麼大間的日本料理都沒有人形燒,最後吃了個蕃薯雪糕,可以啦!Sorba 不好吃呢,那些醬汁不夠味,還是在日本自己搓的最好吃~有一個類似窩蛋牛肉的幾好味,其他就一般啦!


《Idiom 諺語》
A man is known by the company he keeps. A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.

5 September 2005

今天返學才發現 Honous Project 竟然是 Marian 帶,實在是不祥之兆...

後來想去退學生會,點知已截止,話 payment due day 起計 within 14 days,所以是 9月2日,激氣!冇得退,拿拿臨弄一張新學生証,然後換埋 organizer!算數,當好頭好尾,第一年和最後一年支持下,本organizer 就當買俾貓~

今天還拿了相,又拿了証書,IELETS class FULL 啦...



《Gertrude Stein 史坦恩》
If you are too careful, you are so occupied in being careful that you are sure to stumble over something.

4 September 2005





《James Joyce 發爾蘭小說 祖斯》
A man of genius makes no mistakes. His errors are violitional and are the protals of discovery.

3 September 2005


貓放工後便趕入去,有 Carey、小威威、貓、我,還有 Carey's friend Heidi,同船還有許多 unknowns,friens's friend's friend‧..。見到Heidi 覺得勁面熟,原來是輔學同學~世界真細小小小,小得真奇妙妙妙...





《Thomas Jefferson 傑弗遜》
Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances.

2 September 2005

晚上上 breakaway workshop,好好玩,勁開心~


《Lewis Allen 亞倫》
Learn to understand first and to be understood second.

1 September 2005

一開學就上足全日,0845-1700~晨早返去 CC print note!

今日全部都是關於 mental placement,上午是 lec,當然沒有聽入耳。一個暑假沒見,大家都在聯誼和交換手信~好開心~


晚上和 Terry 吃日本料理,不錯!



31 August 2005

因為被 Akina 點名玩呢個係blog界咁hit的遊戲(完全不知有幾 hit,因為剛回香港),所以要公開我不可告人的...



icq 長期 invisible mode.



請寫出自己五個怪癖,然後點選五個網友把Blog Tag傳開去,記得要到被點名的人的guestbook告訴他被貼了!
my diary: http://diary.jesslam.net/cgi-bin/blue/diary.cgi?usr=karen

Ka Yuen
William (http://gb.drawflash.com/?id=tongw)
Daniel (http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=smatot)

《Joan Baez 比雅士》
Action is the antidote to despair.

30 August 2005


可以開 msn,icq實在是太好了~



《Beryl Markham 馬咸》
If a man has any greatness in him, it comes to light not in one flamboyant hour, but in the ledger of his daily work.

29 August 2005





<馬拉松> 阿濃

28 August 2005


呵呵,今朝 0700 起床努力塞行李,然後跑落酒店買蛋餅做早餐,北京最後的早餐呀~


做了一陣學習日誌便上機,最喜歡港龍的 HaaganDaz 雪糕~


《Edmond Burke 英國政治家柏克》
Liberty, too, must be limited in order to be prossessed.

9 August 2005

It is my second time to hv access on internet. So great~ Again I am in the hospital library.

I am assigned to the "treatment room" (which is a part of outpatient department here) to hv my placement today. However, they give me nothing to do. I just got 1 IMI injection, and no more. It is not their fault as there is rare patients to come today especially in afternnon, maybe due to the bad weather. Anyway, I request to go to library and that's why I am here now. And they, I think, still continue reading their newspaper or chating.

I think these few days would hv bad weather here as the typhoon pass Beijing.

I can't get access on icq and msn, so please leave me messages here~

Wanna go out, but.......troublesome le!

Already counting when I can get back to HK lu, missing u guys~

4 August 2005

Today finally can get online.....I 'm now @ the Beijing Hospital Library~
It is quite tired and boring these days. I can't use msn and icq here le.....ai! I don't know when I will hv another chance to access internet.

Um......really want to visit more and see more~ But it is too tired to go anywhere after standing from 0800-1145, 1345-1730.

Most of the staff here is very nice. It is glad to meet them~

29 July 2005

Today have tea with Cat's family and then we back home to tidy up the things.

Cat has selected the Red Sea sand le......

Don't hv time to meet Cynthia, just pack the luggage in afternoon. Many many things le, already hv hand carry......

28 July 2005

Today wake up after Cat has back from interview, then we go to EGL to return the stuff and back to school as well.

We then go shopping to buy some stuff to Beijing. And we cook a big meal tonight~~ Yummy~ Yummy~

I still feel a bit tired today~ But It is so nice to come back!!

27 July 2005

taiwan day4

26 July 2005
It is very hot in Taiwan. Today is day 3, tmr will be the last day~

It is the free day for clients, I take them to Xiemen by MRT and then I go to TaiChung to visit Felix and Nancy.

It is already 3 o'clock when I arrive TaiChung. And when I ask a man where I can find a telephone booth, he justs take out his cell phone and dial the no. for me.......and because of this, he talked with me for 15 mins, and of course saying something silly.......anyway, thank you!

Then my brother takes me to hv tea @ Wood Stone, a chain Italian restaurant. I eat a lot of pizza there! It only costs NTD199 for 2 hr buffet, including drinks and desert ~ Nice~

Now, I am @TaiChung and Felix is standing right in front of me smelling my taste~~Haha~

I take a few pics with them and I can hug Felix le!! Hehe~

My brother has to make some important decision these few days which will affect his whole life......I can't help in fact, but I pray for him! I truely hope that he could choose the right thing, may God always Bless him & Lead him!!

25 July 2005
taiwan day2
24 July 2005
taiwan Day1



briefing @poly--overseas placement

lunch w/ Andy

briefing @EGL--Taiwan


tea w/ Cat's family

meet Aunt and hv dinner w/ 表姐夫, 表姐

21 July 2005


買完貓糧,看了軍曹,睡完午覺便回公司。之後去了雅蘭的 Trendyland 開倉,但沒有收穫~



《Mandella 曼德拉》
A leader does not impose a decision; he molds one.

20 July 2005

今朝繼續應驗《 出ward 大魔咒》,七時起床。和貓一起飲完早茶便返學打波,打了羽毛球和 table tennis,我們當然是胡亂打的,哈哈~吸了印仔後和嘉婉一起換了條學校毛巾~不錯!

吃過午飯,大家齊人去朝聖。想不到 Cynthia 不會畫鬼腳,哈哈~而我找的 tool 也合用,這就好了!因為不用 request consent 的~這樣又談了兩小時...

放學跟了 Iris 她們去護協,第一次去呢!結果買了 Yogurt~真的有許多便宜貨~

Josephine和 Karry明天便走了,一路順風!

Carey 不要太擔心了,希望你的朋友早日康復!

《 James Webb 韋伯》
Where principle is involved, be deaf to expediemcy.

19 July 2005



跟著,我們去了旺角看《龍咁威2》,是上次 David 送的。本來以為是去些阿伯戲院,想不到那裡剛裝修好,很漂亮呢!而且只有小貓幾隻,真是一望無際~



《Joseph Sobran 蘇伯萊恩》
The attempt to silence a man is the greatest honour you can bestow on him. It means that you recognize his superionty to yourself.

18 July 2005



今日主要是做 FYP,可惜很難找呢...



<Charles Dickens 狄更斯 >
Now, what I want is, facts....... Facts alone are wanted in life.

17 July 2005

今日繼續上課,上午在 campus,下午出 outing,去了又一城,都 ok 啦~

中午和貓吃飯,Air Cadet 真是...

今日又有禮收,另一名同學仔 David 送我《龍咁威》換票証兩張,好!



< Shaw Bernard 蕭伯納>
Liberty means responsibility.That is why most men dread it.

16 July 2005

今日還是要上課,就是上輔學,0930-1700,返工一樣,題目是 Creativity Adventure,普通啦!

最開心是認識了一位剛剛旅行回來的同學 Neo,他去了廿多天旅行回來,問了他關於內蒙的景點和生活,又看了他的照片,最後他還送了包羊奶茶粉給我試味,好開心~

<William Shakespeare 莎士比亞>
Brevity is the soul of wit.

15 July 2005

今日一返去未簽名就有人 desat.,houseman 在一邊又抽血又 ECG,而另一邊的我就要 cat.,所以甚麼 routine 都沒有做過,但後來竟然不斷有人問我呀邊個邊個的 BP 呢?呀邊個邊個的 neuro obs. 是否你做?我只好說沒有,我全個朝早就 cat. 人和幫houseman,她就說:「這是你負責的,你說你不知道?」我勁無奈,只回她一句:「我幫你問問...」心想:「我可不是 man power,而且我今朝根本完全沒有掂過,你逼我篤數吧了!」

然後和 staff 一起吃 second,但叫我一起吃的那位 miss 卻問我是否第一星期,我說我今天是 last day 了,她驚訝地說怎麼之前從來沒有見過我...哈哈!

今朝本來約了 Terry 吃早餐,不過他起不了床,這樣也好,否則他就呆等一小時了~


終於完了 placement~太好了!

<William Shakespeare 莎士比亞>
Time travels in drivers paces with drivers persions.

14 July 2005

今日第一次包糖,看著個病人 desaturation,BP drop,SaO2 drop,其實個心都幾...今朝一返去SaO2 已經 undetected,我想 suction,但唔得,於是叫人,但個 runner 竟然叫我陣間先,繼續餵她的 Ryles,還問我懂不懂餵 Ryles,我只好說:「懂,不過 IC 叫我食早餐,咁我做邊樣先?」,結果佢黑面叫我食早餐先...
不明白她怎樣分 piority,更不明白她如何作 patient advocator,雖然是 DNR case,不代表不用救吧‧..
食完早餐不久,個病人就 cert.了,第一次叫花車,第一次碰一個軀體,雖然猶有餘溫,但已經離開了...姐姐超好,教我姑娘應該怎樣做,負責甚麼...

今日還做了 evaluation,HCI 叫我 round case,寫晒全部她負責的 Kardex,我問她用不用寫 draft,她說不用,我只好個個都寫那幾句,她說我喜歡寫甚麼便寫甚麼,她真的看也不看就 counter sign,最後 evaluation 的 comment 是我可以有多些 confidence 會更好...

今日 housemen 姐姐和哥哥輪流叫我幫手按著 patient 抽 ABG,他們都不好意思,問我叫甚麼名字,說我很好人,我說明天是我 last day,他們問我會去哪裡,我說放暑假,他們立即勁羨慕,我說:「你選了這科,便沒有暑假了!」,又問我讀 Kong U 還是 CU,我說 Poly,他們驚訝地問原來 Poly 有 nursing...



13 July 2005

今日返 day, 0900-1700,因為聽 ICN talk 1300-1700,一小時吃 lunch,所以 working hr is 0900-1200,中間還有 tea time,太好了~

ICN talk 當然是睡了,還早放了半小時~

晚上貓買了東西來弄大餐,太好了!因為太累了,所以沒有看 ER!

12 July 2005



返 P,沒有甚麼特別事,都是 routine!那些 confused 婆婆很可怕,餵她吃東西會抓人,又會 bu 人~
第一次 check E-trolley,竟然支水過了期五天都沒有人換,平日大家每天 check 甚麼呢?

11 July 2005


今日 A 看了 bone marrow biopsy,做了 swabbing,抽了 csu,insert Ryles's tube,簽了 pink book,準備好 cat. Foley,怎料 patient 自己又去到...

放工後和貓去了平民茶樓飲茶,之後回家看卡通片《Karoro 軍曹》,好好笑~


10 July 2005







9 July 2005


首先去醫肚和買零食,十足十小學生去旅行!然後我們坐旅遊巴款的大嶼山巴士去大澳,真是彎多路急又大霧,車程差不多 45 分鐘,途中還看見野牛~幾興奮~

到了大澳,雨下得頗大,不過我還是很有興緻捉了貓去參觀大澳舊警察局、蝦漿廠、洪聖古廟和荒廢了的大澳公立學校。雨下得愈來愈小,我們買了烤魷魚和雞屎滕吃,又替鯊魚咸魚拍照,最後我們打算離開的時候,有位嬸嬸兜客出海看中華白海豚,其實我一直都想看中華白海豚,上次報團人數不夠未能成團,今次竟然有機會,而且不用怎樣等,全程只是 25 分鐘,每人 $20,所以就參加了!





8 July 2005

Today A shift done:

- swabbings
- insertion of Foley
- bladder scan
- dressing

watched LP and formative evaluation is done.......pass is already fine to me~

next wk duty: APDAA


7 July 2005

Today P shift done:

- dressing
- Admittion
- routine

tired le......

Everyone is talking about sick leave le.......

6 July 2005

Today A shift done:

- swabbing (Foley + ....)
- dressings (toe gangleen....)
- NPA (excited!)
- cat. once ( my first female ar........i think i contam. lor in that situation)
- endless routine

After that, meet with Cat and go to TST. We visited the Robort Zoo in Science Museum. Still quite a lot of people especially kids, but much better than Sunday. Not really big inside, so quite crowded.

Watch ER at night. Good~

5 July 2005

Today P shift.....

- Admittion without telling me what I should do
- peritonial dialysis?
- endless routine

4 July 2005

Today is my first day go to Geri/ A5 ward....... 一個字--亂!

今天跟著個 EN,而今天剛好有一個新 EN和我一起,所以一齊做一齊學~而我也看見了我的 HCI,阿姿千叮萬囑叫我小心的人,唔...

經理很好人,不過某些 staff 就...對我不是不好,而是竟然可以這樣對 patient‧..做 swabbing 竟然落咁多lotion,又不扭棉花,攪到人家個樹濕晒,然後就咁貼埋條片,仲從來沒有 swab 條 Foley,我唔明咁點會叫 Foley swabbing....... 下面咁嗡法,d 細菌仲多啦,想induce UTI 就真...唉!

大開眼界, 咁既 nursing care.......另外有 ward 做 dressing 只是 change dressing material (gauze),連 NS 都沒有落一滴,只因 patient hv multiple wounds...食飯時聽阿 V 說她在 duty list 上的 post 是 runner, 有沒有人記起我們不是 man power 呢?

勁做 routine,沒有東西學......

只看了 NPA 和 CVP, 最有意義是上了水!

3 July 2005

Go to church with Cat in morning and then hv lunch with mum together.

Then we planned to visit the Science Museum, but we found that there is a long queue, we need to wait for an hr in order to enter the exhibition centre. Therefore, we changed to shop at City Harbour. Back home then.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

作曲:Ty Lacy 主唱:徐若瑄 填詞:于光中

*想著你 小雨滴

我的煩惱想不到 是你



Oh我的煩惱 你怎麼 想的到 是你
我不想訴苦因為我知道 能給你幸福


Oh我的煩惱 你怎麼 想的到 是你
我的煩惱 你真的 想不到 是你

2 July 2005

visit grandma

......but there is one thing that always true.......

我真的受傷了 (國語)
作曲:王菀之 主唱:王菀之 填詞:王菀之
燈光也暗了 音樂低聲了
窗外陰天了 人是無聊了

*電話響起了 你要說話了
 是你變了 是你變了

 燈光熄滅了 音樂靜止了
 天下起雨了 人是不快樂



1 July 2005

apm with mum









30 June 2005

Ka Bik & Fanny come this morning to borrow first aid textbook and looked those photos taken in Egypt~ I wake up early to tidy up my home to greet them le~ They choose the sand in red sea le~ Then we went to eat 米線, it rains cats and dogs, but we played very happy~~

Today many people P ar~ so very crowded, and very happy at changing room, we are so noisy!!!

I meet Chi @ changing rm and it is so great that she copied the duty for me, that means I don't need to go there once more to check my duty. But........ when I look at the duty list......my name is "Wong Ka Yuen".......but I am not going to go there just to inform this, because I don't want to be ignored once more, hence, I prefer "let it be". Anyway, I hv reported my duty already~

Today is very great ar~last day in paedi~~happy to play with those nurses~we bought them a box of chocolate~~But they were so busy that don't hv time to tea, so we don't hv tea as well ><

Hoi Yee signed pink book for me and said I was the only guy who answered her question correctly so far! Actually, it is just a first aid question about 流鼻血 mgt. It is so funny that I answered that correctly but I failed my first aid exam.......haha~~

I saw Edmond today when I walk out from canteen and I am so surprised that I only 揮手 to him!

Today done:
-IV medication (Ampicillin)
-Escord patient to D5 (ICU) because his SaO2 only has ~35%
-read 水
-feed 白白豬
-learn post-op
-today finally hv NAI case (epidural haematoma, #skull) so pity!

next wk duty:

29 June 2005

Admit A&E case: M/4 .# radius, total dislocation because he fell from table in restaurant. So cute le, he continues to scream and scold people. Haha~~

Resource person come and said we are the first one who completed the evaluation form.

28 June 2005

Admit because of IDDM poor control? so strange......

Summative evaluation done by Hoi Yee~

27 June 2005

New HCI--Hoi Yee, she seems like more serious le~ I and MAn Fei will be guided by her this wk~

26 June 2005

visit Grandma
dinosaur exhibition

25 June 2005

1000-1300 EGL briefing......3 hrs!

gathering with Becky, Wendy & Claudia,very happy~

24 June 2005

formative Evaluation
最後一次坐阿 B 的順風車

23 June 2005

今日返 P,1030 才起床~總共睡了 14 hr~

中午煮了飯,貓斬了料,吃過飯後貓就送我返工。我有中 Eeyore 啦!可以同 Gossie 鬥~
今天上了水,學了 read 水,餵了 Ryles,數了人,大概都是這些~Resource person 有來過,不過只是和 miss 說話~

晚上放工剛好有巴士到,太好了!回家發現 first aid fail,可以省回點錢,而且之後也不用那麼忙,都是一件好事!

下星期的 duty 是 AAPPA~

22 June 2005

今天返 A,超睏~未開眼咁!

今日做了一個 admission,一個 back from home leave,obs.,餵 Ryles,off HB,bed making。

今天終於見到 Dome,連 ward man.都恭慕敬敬...原來Dome只穿西裙,不用穿制服~

放工有順風車坐, thanks B,然後和貓去了井戶前吃下午茶,之後回家看了猜猜猜!
晚上沒有吃飯, 8p 便去睡了!

21 June 2005


昨日 request 成功,所以今個星期的 duty 是 AAPA。今朝有貓送我返工,呵呵~

今天和 Eenoch、OU TUNS 、Poly 師姐TUNS 一起。其實這個 ward 真是不太忙,人又少,所以我們四個好明顯是僧多粥少~

Poly 師姐之前出 ward 見過,所以總算是一場相識。今日沒有甚麼做,只 take 了 AR,埋 I/O,跟了醫生巡房,餵餐而已!真是...

今日有個 2 歲仔,懂多國語言,好好笑,佢又聽話,令到我覺得佢爸爸好似訓練狗咁...


20 June 2005

今日第一日出 ward,今朝有貓陪返工~其實整天都是 orientation!

早上當然是安排 locker, 聽 talk 等,下午上 ward,主要都是聽 routine,學 admission,然後大家陸續去做 fit test,我的型號是 1860s。

我的 partner 有阿 B、文輝、Eenoch,第一次同 3 個仔一齊~而當中阿 B是我初次認識的同學仔,無意中知道他和我住同區,而他又有綿羊仔,老實不客氣的我於是便有順風車了~


後來和嘉婉談起才知他是另一不知名女同學的 bf,幸好,我一直和他維持遠距離!


19 June 2005

今朝和貓一起上了主日學,學了新東西呢~之後去了拿相,是聖誕節時影的相,現在終於可以看了!然後我回去崇拜,但不斷釣魚,太睏了~今朝還 reflex action cut 了貓的 morning call,不好意思~所以立即買了個腸仔飽給你賠罪~嘻嘻~

>>July 24, 2006 at 10:13:34 PM GMT+8

2006 年 7 月 24 日 星期一 【晴】

1 March 2006

very busy today le, short call .......just busy to be a small potato.......

see chest + abd tapping today (same pt)

want to look at the case but don't hv time ar.......

evaluation continue.......oh........so so so many Ques don't know how to ans......ai........

off then back school to hv FYP meeting with Cynthia, still confused honestly speaking..... still hv one month for the report.........ai........

skip the Putonghua lesson because hv a date with Sharon~ can meet her la, yeah yeah yeah! although only a short time.......very happy still~

still hv a lot want to say le~

28 February 2006

the guy that i admit yesterday evening pass away lu, his condition deteriate dramatically......CVP with first reading 2 (insert just before the end of P shift)......than can't see him this morning lu.......

formative evaluation done today~ ok la~ put on others' shoes.......

dressing a stage IV (i think) wound, very offensive odor........still remember that odor now......

still quite busy today.....

watched part of "Angel Without Face".......um.......really a bit .......what will I do if I give birth to such a baby......will I got the faith and love as much as her parents? they are full of mercy!

It is a rainy and cold day~

27 February 2006

present day with nothing to do, no need to present and no need to ask Que, so just hea from 0830-1145......of course fallen asleep a while and it's the first time that I can have time to read 3 free newspaper in one day.......

then hv lunch together and back YCH, very sleepy....... long call today, still very dull when start to work.......

luckily done nothing wrong ge......i think.......

rain when off le.......Cat has hair cut today~

26 February 2006

don't know why wake up @ 0700 this morning, so go to drink tea with mum~

then go to church, it's been a long time haven't go to church lu~ feel so GOOD~ meet 兩位師母, both of them look fine~

hv lunch @ 五月花, then go to 尉司 home with Cat to install printer, ......... so so so boring.........ai........no plan at all.........better go back home to rest or meet Sharon ar........low mood ar........

I got NOTHING to say to U!
totally waste time!

hv a look on TV, so expensive le.......

SO SO SO Disappointed on U!

25 February 2006

TUNS P today...... quite peaceful, just admit 2 cases after call time, the ward is nearly full~

24 February 2006

today is a Great day.......話說今日我好好運........

Josephine is A today, only I Day......there are so many things happen.........in patient's lunch time,當我餵粥時, 個阿伯完全無先兆突然就咳, 我被噴到全身由頭到腳都是粥........隔離床阿伯仲好好心咁同我講:「姑娘你連個頭都有!」我即刻苦笑咁講:「啊.........係呀........」心諗:「鬼唔知咩!」之後仲要同個兇手阿伯講( 雖然唔知佢明唔明 ) :「姑娘要去抹身, 你等我一陣, 轉頭再餵你!」(呢一刻真的覺得自己好專業) 之後即刻衝入男洗手間照鏡, 四年來第一次被人噴到咁甘........好在有 mask, 否則阿伯咳出來 d 粥飛落咀就想死........(雖然家陣好不了多少)......

之後下午, 個姑娘起床欄唔夠力, 路經的我咁近無理由扮睇唔到, 於是過去幫手, 點知一上, 度力太大, 掛係床欄隻鴨仔翻騰一周半落地, 我即刻感覺到有些液體滲過對絲襪接觸皮膚.......個姑娘即刻問我有無事, 唔通話有事咩.......好無奈咁話無事.......但reflex action 仍然是對眼會望向災區 (對腳) 視察災情........個姑娘見我咁又再問我有無事.......我講完無事即刻入去 treatment room 拎起支 alcohol 70% 起勢倒係對鞋上面, 直至我再 feel 到濕濕地.....

今日由頭到腳都中晒, 勁呀!
上帝好公平, 最尾有姑娘放完大假請食 tea, 好在今日星期五, 件制服都拎去洗.

返屋企即刻洗頭沖涼, 同埋用一比五的漂白水浸對絲襪同制服~

21 February 2006

this morning very busy ar......although all the BP/P, temp, CSSD are done by HCA already......

Today done:
- dressings
- i bring a case for ENT consult + ulrasound abdomen = total 1 hr ar......
- treatment
- off Foley

non stop today le.......p is better.....

today eaten unknown miss's 天津甘栗, haha~

Congratulations for Andy passing the exam!

20 February 2006

today is present day.......this is my turn la........

0720 arrived school lu......had breakfast + rehearsal. then fall asleep in the lec because my group is the last group to present~ too tired.......

just speak out from the slide, ai.......被 Vera 狂插, die.......then meet Cyn 姐 afterwards,o.........

no time for lunch, just pie & tart......
back YCH then, p le........so so so great ar! can leave @ 2045, oosh! much better then day shift la, only 6 working hr~~

very very tired today..........0600-2330

19 February 2006

tuns A today, first time A on Sun le! don't familiar with the routine......

first time see OU student in this ward, she is CPH EN le........psy EN ar.......i asked her if psy. good, she said very happy le.......um, i want to be psy RN as well~

um.....very drowsy this morning, luckily very peaceful in this shift, next duty is A on Sun as well~

off then go to meet Sharon and Amy, it's great to see Sharon le~ really long time no see, um, listen a lot from her.......add oil ar! my dearest~

i must meet u very soon ge!

18 February 2006

play ATM in mtr station........don't know how to pay the bill le.......

return reserve book to lib in the morning, then breakfast @ new can, then fyp + part time application, meet HD schoolmates @ AS.......

leave early at noon, um........seems to be useless le......just look for the useful pic......

watch " Keeping Mum" afternoon with Cat, ok ar~ 戇豆牧師 Rowan Atkinson is not that attractive but 管家 Maggie Smith is good le! quite interesting~

then warch Keroro and had dinner with 尉司 family~

back home to prepare the fyp present lu.......

tmr TUNS A.....

haven't go to the Wing On interview today......so lazy.......

17 February 2006

阿爺請食壽司剌身 today, so very full @ lunch le........

ward ok peaceful ar~ one of the Sir said private is not good le because always scolded by the Dr.........um.......Josephine found a Gelofusin with expirary date year 01 when checking E trolley......wow~

back school w/ Josephine to do FYP, my part is content analysis of research design.........dinner with Cat @ new can. then back home together~


Queenie called me when I slept.....won't wake up le.....

6 February 2006

new ward today~ 14S male medical!

day duty all along~ 阿爺請飲 tea, so called icy milk tea in A, then there is a nurse 請飲 fruit juice in P, so i hv a mango juice in P la! but today no tea time le actually!

the staff are very nice, even I did the wrong things, they haven't scold me, just tell me what I should do. Great ~

today done:
-SaO2 (no BP/P, round bed for nurses)

where is Cynthia ar?


5 February 2006

0845 @ CC with Fanny, Queenie and Karry, discuss the SPSS........don't know how to run the test.......what test should be used.....

email Cynthia, auto reply saying that she is on leave till 31 Mar......How come? don't know what's had happened........

borrow a SPSS book. then leave school to hv lunch with Cat. Ai...... don't know what's mum's plan.......a mess!

meet 舅父, 舅母, 表弟, 四眼表哥, 表嫂, 已經很大個的小欣欣,姨媽, 姨丈 then. Next back home to hv a little gathering and I go to visit Cat's home. Then go to small aunt's home lu~

very tired le........

4 February 2006

37.5 fever this morning, cancell the interview......

TUNS P........

still hv 1500 words and data analysis, can't find the SPSS.......

quite hea today, feel better, at least no fever la.....

meet Queenie when I off, Cat comes to pick me home le~

tmr 0830 for FYP SPSS........

3 February 2006

today no. of red pocket: 7

last day in AED, quite busy today.

2 T/A case, both are motorcyclist......um, it seems riding motorbike really dangerous le....

R rm cases:
- low BP, vomiting-- dehydration
- asthma, cynosis-- Ventoline 10 puff
- low BP
- ?MI
- 百無, 原來是哽燒賣, 成粒夾番出來
- T/A, 路人被私家車 high 到, 司機想剎車卻踏錯油門, 結果撞到訓低, LOC, repeatly asking why he was in hospital, we tell him he has T/A, he still continue to ask and claim he forgot he has asked the same question many times......

many ECG, many case......very busy

38.5 fever @ night, ai, nausea......diarrhoea x 2...... panadol.......

2 February 2006

this morning go to visit 姨媽,姨丈,四表姐& 五表姐 with mum~ take taxi le, quite expensive~

nice lunch @ 姨媽's home! then back to TW a bit earlier and hv a drink with Cat~ Next back YCH to work!

today 跟司徒miss take red pocket money.........haha......total:10 today~

hv burn case today ( town gas exposion?), accept 4 cases( facial and hand burn mainly), but then refer to other big hospital lu~

today special:
-food poisoning x 3 (1 family) because of 蘿蔔糕?
- drunk man with PK (multiple abrasion)
- psy woman
- hernia old lady (can hear bowel sound @ hernia)
- a young lady fell from bicycle......lignocaine 2% has been used during dressing, she still cried.......

quite busy today ar......

hv sweet soup with Cat tonight when i off~

1 February 2006

first day work in Lunar New Yr, 3 pocket money @ ward~

today done:
ECG, ATT injection, Stemetil IMI, Buscopan IMI, dressing x 4, off stiches, R case x 1, discharge........

BUT scolded by sister because of discharge.......she said I can't work w/out supervision......something like "U are just a student, u don't hv the liscence......" and hold my pass to remember my name.......ai.......'線' by Dr........he put the file in discharge folder and so I pick it and asked him once again and confirmed the case is discharge, so i explained to the patient and check all the medication and sick leave letter with the patient, but i missed that the patient has to reaccess becasue she got the injection........then sister hv to call the pharmacy in order to catch the patient.......so i died..........ai.........

FYP meeting @ 哈迪b, a psy. guy walk around le......um.......haven't apply the psy course yet.......

FYP.......dying.......1500 words + present + school fcn.......

舅父舅母, 表弟 x 2, 細姨丈, 細姨, 表姐, 表哥, 小小妖怪 and Cat come to 拜年tonight, 十分熱鬧, 筵開兩席~

31 January 2006

back HK lu~

hea 3 hr @ airport! to kill time, we go to the Terminal 2 specially by skytrain and hv a walk in the new Terminus........haha........there is a science exhibition, play there~

these 3 days actually only sleep + eat.......so i think i must gain weight la!

i heard there is a traffic accident in Egypt near the Red Sea......um.......pray for them! that 's a beautiful place........

30 January 2006

go shopping with mum @ big supermarket.......haha.......spend NTD2000

clean the rm for brother la, Felix (real Cat) & Nancy all looks good~

29 January 2006

arrive TaiChung @ 0530 la, sleep @ 0600, then wake up @ 1430.......

hv big meal at night--上閤屋 again! very full.......HaagenDaz, many kind of cakes, flower tea, BBQ, steak, lamb.......

28 January 2006

tuns A........follow Dr round , obs, round bed 2 times, admission

Cat drives AP duck today le~big dinner tonight with little monster, sister, brother in law, mum & Cat~

go to airport at night~

27 January 2006

1 R.......successful but 1 rib break

evaluation done

26 January 2006

ecg analysis....... peaceful

25 January 2006

R case, but fail at last

24 January 2006

Slept from 1900- 0900, 14 hr total last night

Do FYP in the morning, can't find the lit .review le.......P today.

not many cases due to cold weather, even Triage hv little things to do...... tried to ask questions for assessment.

R rm: 2 cases, not that urgent.......

Do: ECG, dressing, IMI Stemitil

Labour: 2 cases, 1 穿水, 1震痛, both transfer to PMH

meet a case that mum palpate a mass on daughter's breast in home, girl c/o pain, but P/E can't find the mass, and the mum can't palpate as well today........the only medication mum given to daughter is 六神丸, then the Dr ask: 六神丸醫咩? mum said: 無名腫毒. Dr said: 果然夠神........all of us laugh la.........including the mum.........

Another case is all the nurse left the MO(~HO) in the labour rm......he is 超灰, haha~

Ask MO (~HO): urine test result indication, good~

23 January 2006

very cold today........don't want to wake up this morning.......

back to AED.........今日繼續跟司徒姑娘

suture case x 3 :
- 爆腳趾公,要成塊腳甲鏟走,等佢自己再生,但很大機會不再生
- 跌倒血流披面,inner layer 5 + outer layer 5 = 10 針 total
- 跌倒,仆損鼻頭,人中,口唇

O ward:
dementia + confused 阿婆,refuse all the things........refuse 吊手,所以腫過隻豬蹄,個 POP splint x 2,now bivalve,形同虛設...

HT & creatine & urea relationship?

Police case:

R room:
飲藍威寶自殺,SMO Dr. Ma 講書

lunch meeting......with Alice.......pre op? post op?

22 January 2006

今天和媽媽返教會,守聖餐,但中途有一個婆婆懷疑因為空氣悶焗,所以不醒人事數秒,鄰座的婆婆見到又受驚,結果都感到不適,最後要召救護車來...我沒有幫手,因為已經太多人圍住她們,我再過去,只會令空氣更加不流通,大家更加緊張,而且已經有註冊護士在旁...但媽媽似乎不明白...不過其實我心裡還是有點害怕摸不到別人的 pulse...


貓沒有甚麼興趣,最感興趣就是玩遊戲,吸印仔,過所(travel permit),哈哈!我們還參觀了香港創意的展覽,也不錯啊~當然還有兒童王國啦~



21 January 2006

今天早上回去開 fyp meeting,遲到 ...因為起不到床,對不起大家~有許多事,大家仍然摸不著頭腦...

之後和 Queenie 一起返工,食 lunch,返去開工,但大頭蝦忘記了放好衫褲,留在椅上,被 sister 捉到...

今日 P 得我一個 runner,又有 dressing,又有 obs.,又超多奶,連我在內只有五個姑娘...所以做唔切,但 miss 好好人,幫我上奶又幫我 check E-trolley,但被人話我咁樣唔得...唉~做到成身汗...

之後 cert 了一個,包了粒糖,然後晚上比較平靜了~

今日最特別是有drug addit,所以有兩名警察在看守病人,最好笑是警察很明顯很生硬地用他最有禮貌的言辭和我說話~原來師姐都會說粗話...


20 January 2006

今天早上幫媽媽做信差,所以唯一的 p 也要早起...

之後返工阿 Lam Sir 教 respi, 之後我們便要每個 case 都試,guide nurse & SMO 都超好~ 看了 suture x 2,ultrasound,玩了 Ambu Bag,遇上超攪笑 MO,R 房一個大力過我們的 ?CVA case...會打人起腳...

學了新東西,很好~多謝 Lam Sir & 司徒 miss 借我們 stertho.

19 January 2006

Thank You Ka Bik for collecting the IELTS report for me........6.5 ar........haha.........let it be !

the Putonghua lesson last night is very comprehensive......so pack! many test, present.......

it is hard to wake up this morning..... the 3rd A this wk.......got nothing to do ar......the HCI teaches us nothing, just let us do the ECG........

there are few cases today, the nurses and female Dr chat together, what a large gp of noisy people (幾個墟)?
then a women that sounds like come from mainland carry her baby to visit the Dr (a female Dr that sounds like come from mainland as well), the baby is found to hv high blood glucose level, so the Dr said the baby got DM, and the mum become crazy and yield at the AED saying that her baby won't got DM and complain the Dr.......it become a mess........then SMO come to explain........slove it ........but the mum clearly hear that the 墟 teasing on her, the staff of course deny but they really did. when the mum and baby transfer to ward, the staff start to talk again on them as well........ai.....

later come a drunk case, yielding and violence...... nearly kicked by him.......ai.......

so hea........until Lam Sir come back to teach us ......triage case!

when 4 of us present, Lam Sir talk about the C-spine injury and the lock roll, but in the meantime, a bradi. case come and he really talks about how to use the primary ABCD. good to learn le~

18 January 2006

today w/out HCI, so flooding in AED.......

4 of us all are 'A' today......so nothing to do le.....finally, assigned to go to "O" ward by N.O. miss is quite cool at first, just seen me as transparent and a bit impolite, i know what is erect and supine BP, but what I do is just proper, so she keep silent........but later, when jenny come, miss start to introduce to us, such as 接 case and 送case. and let us write Kardex~ ok ge~

today done eye irrigation, IMI injection and ECG, BP, H'stix lor.......
seat in Triage after lunch, but Ben Sir is too busy to teach me...... learn not much.......

today enter the ward with gown on, DOM is staring at me........a miss come and say to me, so kind of her!

go to apply the Taiwan visa when off. slept when taking MTR, siliva drop.........oosh.......hv my first Putonghua lesson tonight!

17 January 2006

it has been a long time haven't wake up that early...... luckily YCH is near~

this morning rains le........

today hv 4 resuscitation case, 親手搓了兩個, but both of them died...... so up to now, i am 100% failed........it is very hush because 3 of them come at the same time le.......

then continue doing ECG, and we find that O ward is a good place to get a rest.

and the staff is very nice ar~

16 January 2006

一早去惠康掃出前二丁,難得媽媽咁神心打電話提我,結果掃了 60 包(兩箱),更因為身穿紅色衣服被誤認為職員,那些阿嬸不斷問我價錢,結果還是趕不到坐專車...

today is the first day of A&E, become a ECG nurse....... YCH AED is really small.......meet a HD 師姐 today, she is the first day in AED as well, rotate 3 wards in 2 yrs.....

orientation in morning then hv a rush lunch because NS (Nurse Specialist) Lam Sir is very hardworking......it is difficult for us to voice out......

AED tea room is very full, so we plan to "ding" the lunch box @ quarter, however the common rm is closed and the microwave oven next to the changing rm is out of order, canteen even doesn't hv microwave oven..... at last we find a staff rest room and asked the staff inside.......it is so difficult to find the little pantry.....that used up 30 mins total.......ooh shh......

then just flood in A&E to look for things to do in the afternoon, used deptone le......so surprise........miss asks us the normal range of fetal heartrate ........luckily still remember~ see one resucitation case before off........第一次見 bag 住入, cut the clothes....... we are still ECG nurse........the fireman is really 厲害, just like part of the nursing team.......

I think AED is routine ECG........first time to see ECG stick to breast(tissue?) and without KY jelly?
Lam sir gives us a lot of handout today........and played a online scenario resuscitation case.......quite interesting~

classmate Kammy has vomitting this afternoon, so come to AED to wait for 4 hrs.......



Josephine is abscent today, pray for her!

15 January 2006

go to church with mum this morning, then hv lunch with mum & Cat. then visit grandma together~

grandma is fine in general although she has some physical complaint.

it is great to hear that 傑仔 can achieve his goal-- a future policemen, congratulations & add oil!

then go to market and back home lu.

play some sports facility with Cat afterwards. it has been a long time haven't play, so a little bit scared..... but happy~

back home and ppl come to fix the toilet and kitchen.......angry! Cat thinks a way to slove the symptom-- use of plastic bag~

I am so sorry to hear that news from Josephine, may GOD bless you and comfort you! Pray for U!

strange thing happen.......want to change to Ka Yuen's gp, i can't see there is vacancy, but i see my gp hv. however, Ka Yuen can't see my gp hv vacancy but her gp has......

14 January 2006

skin burn....

very busy just back to A8, crazy! ward man. wants us to work more days le....... but hard to...... say to her about the matter of salary lu.....

well........cath two times today, one to BSB, another is cath once. cath once BD? poor........
first time to use 1 hr urine bag + BSB. luckily, both bingle for first attempt~

then tried to change PD fluid myself~

today heard that one of the staff is resigned because of criminal affair(?), just heard police hv come and she is the most suspicious.......um........human is really difficult to understand.......

13 January 2006

今日返去沒有甚麼特別,都是那些工作,中午四個一起吃飯,因為下午要和 Justina 開會。終於試了油渣麵,果然好油...


放工之後立即回家睡覺去了,晚飯後晚覺醒來,Joyce 告訴我下星期 duty,然後貓放學買宵夜糖水給我吃,幸福~

下星期 A&E:9-5 A P A P

12 January 2006


miss 一早問書,當然的不識答....中午和 Josephine 一起整理 FYP ,發現細路欠我們很多東西...

下午miss 繼續問 case mgt,無奈自己沒有溫書...正如自己所料,她對我的 comment 是 "revise basic theory"...終於簽完所有 OT evaluation form!


晚上和 Andy 吃飯鋸扒,別來無恙,分享了我出 ward 見到的事,難得他覺得有趣~

回家看成績,second upper 無望...

11 January 2006

今日朝早四個齊齊一起 tea, 還要是一返工就 tea, 都算經典......

之後我同 Josephine 一起入房, 但無耐她就被召繼續問書, 後來 lunch 問返 miss 問甚麼, 竟然逐樣問, 問完 pink book 問evaluation form, 一個 lunch time 我當然溫唔晒....... Josephine 被問了四小時........我立即 feel 到粒唇瘡想發.......

下午終於到我, 又問 nursing diagnosis, mgt.......簡直是 care plan......我好坦白, 一問到唔識就話唔識算數, 一係就直接話好難......... miss 無奈地笑.......


10 January 2006

今日去 Recovery Room 都好平靜, RR 果然是 hea 的聖地, 一入去竟然一隻 case 都沒有, 第一次一返工即刻 tea........從同學口中得知 miss 似乎對我們有點不滿.......

今日 Josephine 簽 form, 但我見到好可怕, 好似當年 AOM 問藥咁坐定定逐項問, 問了整個下午還未問完......好可怕......

下午 miss 問我書, 唔識所以答唔識, 免得浪費大家時間.......

今日學了一句「心有事 肺有炎 老又殘」


9 January 2006

today meet very nice MO, let me touch the Ca lung and the gall bladder and gall stone, and he explain the picture shown on the TV when he use the fibroscope.

still doing something to help the circulating nurse, such as admission, cleaning and today hv tried to call MO ar~ Great~

今日不小心 hi 到 scrub nurse, 攪到佢要換晒衫,好彩佢無話我,幸好幸好!


8 January 2006

今朝和媽媽返完教會,便自己返家,貓後來買了白粥油炸鬼給我,之後 hea 了一會便吃下午茶,再看了《猜猜猜》,好好笑~



7 January 2006

P today ......

peaceful day ar .......except 一返去被 sister 串話我收晒症先返,ward man. 聽到即刻話:「你咁樣講ge?」



6 January 2006

very cold today......next wk duty:
9-5 9-5 9-5 9-5 8-4

see laser surgery today, Ca breast etc. learn some drugs as well~

meet a very nice anes.

when u decided to do it, just do ur best and God will do the rest.

5 January 2006

today very shock...... i see 立仁 in OT........emergency OT, appendicitis......

although i know he is admitted, but it is so strange that he is admitted to YCH, and then come to the OT room that I was assigned.......feel very frustrated when seeing a friend lying on OT table, under GA.......when he reverses, become more and more conscious, although I understand that he won't remember or recognize me at that time, it is so upsat that a friend of mine forgot me......

and I really think that it is hard to concentrate when ur friend become your patient.......when extubate, it is so sad to see a tear dropping down on ur friend's face, but i certainly will not be so moved if he is just a "patient"......

then I and Cat go to visit him, he looks fine, just a bit tired......Pray for U and recovery soon!

Next go to Cat's home to hv dinner~

4 January 2006

today i only see 2 cases ja because the second OT is quite complicated. it takes a long time le......it is still not finished when I off.......

still ignorance in OT......夾叉燒, second check of patient lor, prepare suction and diathermy...... nothing else.......

3 January 2006

today see another Rita wor, so surprise le.......she works in OT ar for 2 months+ till now....

booked air ticket to Taiwan in Lunar New Yr lu.......

dinner with Cat~

2 January 2006

Tuns P...... Cat go with me le~

one DNR patient BP drop, bradi.....staff inform relatives and then last office ........ feel sad when I hear their prayer.......May God lead them!

quite peace then........ just routine.....

Cat thinks about future le, May God bless him and lead him~

1 January 2006

finally hv holiday lu.......

go to church with mum in morning and then go to visit grandma with Cat. join mum there and then I and Cat go to 冬日美食展覽, so many people le.......too crowded but the Philipine ice cream is good there (coconut favour $15 for 1 ball)~

dinner @ Delifrance and go to Central by tram~

we go to the Christmas Santa Town, ok la......it is so strange there is no Santa Clause.......but see Beckham 蠟像 and other famous persons like QE II and Elvis there.

And then we go to Kowloon by ferry and take a few photos at Harbour City and back home lu~

31 December 2005

FYP day........

thought a long time in morning for the role play scenario and prepare for the focus group interview......but there was only 2 guys appear.......Oh! No........

still carry on the role play and focus gp interview.......Cynthia come in the middle.......and the Principle also come........shit.......

post conference for an hr .......very confused with the aim now...... extended proposal + pilot? gap between reality and plan? case study for common and difference?
I don't know.........

then hv a walk in MK with Cat and meet Beata and Fanny in Trendyland mega sale........haha...... buy a Eeyore bottle~

30 December 2005

pray last night and I find the locker key was left in the locker door this morning........thank GOD! I really know that YOU hear my prayer, thank you so so much! sleep poor last night because too worry and hv nightmare.......dreaming of scolded by Justina.....

back OT and learn a lot of new things le........all are unknown to me.......

HCI Rita teaches us with a lot of patience le, first time the HCI really look after us and we are in the same shift!

off then go to post office and bank to pay the bills........very long queue.....maybe because of so many public holiday these few days.

Then join Josephine and Fanny back to school to hv meeting with Cynthia. well ........seems not complicated.......

29 December 2005

唇瘡 4 粒,遺失 YCH locker key......

tried YCH canteen, no choice actually, only 兩送飯, but 阿姐超好人

OT.......all are new to me......miss Wong 好有心機教我們, but can't absorb that much at a time!


28 December 2005

back to TMH to take the shoes this morning because last night forgot to take them back to home......so wake up @0645........

orientation for nearly whole day, very tired le.......

Josephine is so kind that helped me to buy 白飯魚, but the size I ask her to buy is too large for me, luckily i find my old 白飯魚, anyway, thank you very much!

go to OT, people seems quite friendly and nice~ hope can hv a fruiteful placement here~

cancel the FYP meeting tonight because ppl are already exhaused~

dinner with Cat and Cat cooks the noodles le~

27 December 2005

TUNS P, working again in public holiday....

quite peaceful today and there was resuscitation this morning and the patient died, but I haven't seen anything at all.......

heard from miss about YCH, bad memory le......she was sad when she work @ YCH because of personel problem.......the staff are too experienced........worry le.....

26 December 2005



貓一早和我一起出發,第一站是 MK,碧琪準時到達,我們去了朗豪坊搵食,但太早未開,要 1100 個場才開...只見 Japanese Hour 介紹的四人組在梳洗,之後我們去了大檸樂食早餐,Wendy 登埸,因為太肚餓,所以沒有等 Claudia 便閞餐~

食飽後,地地登場,Wendy 好《情陷夜中環》,碧琪思想好淫亂,地地彷彿最正常,大家講完近況就開始在大檸樂發癲,喪笑~商業社會果然同醫院很不同,最少要講衣著打扮,連 Happy Hour 也很不同,至少我還未聽說過有人喜歡「去飲野」,但那些「智者」怎會可以生存呢?


第一次那麼旱離開 MK,去了嶺南和珍姐影相,只有阿柴,珍姐和我們準時,影了幾張後,朱到,之後叫河馬來,再叫皇后吃 tea @ TM,都好開心呀,可惜 Sharon & Ani 沒有來!逛了一會吉之島便散~嶺南給我印象最深的是那幾棵「野蠻女友樹」和整個山頭的貓,牠們還在山坡上行出一條貓路!又有許多貓糧吃,好幸福~

25 December 2005

第一次過這樣的聖誕節.......我寧願出團或者是返 TUNS ,總之無論如何都應該比這樣來得好.......







24 December 2005



今晚同媽媽的朋友一家人吃聖誕大餐,在熊貓酒店食日本料理自助餐,開了間房,開放式的,有不少途人和我們打招呼呢!赤貝刺身和牛柳粒最好味~多謝 uncle ~

16 December 2005

A, call shift.

So So busy.......篤數 and round bed 的時間也沒有, admission continuously, LP 跟檔, q15 mins BP/P, mission impossible.......still hv dressing with another tuns before leave, finish @ 1420 le.....

today sir allows me 篤 angiocat. 篤了 10 針, 終於篤到..... really sorry for the pt.....pt is a bit confused, but every time he said painful (slurring speech), sir said :係呀! 佢讚你手勢好!....... 我超唔好意思, 忍不住笑......

then another old man violence, 4 sir 一齊縛, don't know why they always call me but not another tuns.......我本來收緊症, 又立即衝去拎「重裝備」, 點知返來之時, 阿 sir 唔知攪錯咩, 張床變成 head tilt , 個阿伯又踢又打, 阿 sir 們一邊按住阿伯, 一邊又捧住張床, 阿伯又 slide 落黎, 好 le hea..........

and i got needle prick injury....... after injection of insulin, the needle just hurt me.......aiya........haven't report ar........just squeeze the blood out and use alcohol swab and running water to wash hand...... want to see the pt Kardex to know if he got any blood-borne disease, but he is discharged.........wa......how come?.........i think insulin is just SC, so i won't get contact with his blood ge if i really inject the right site......so haven't report ar.......god!

A bit worry........

最尾 off 後頂唔住在 tea rm take a sit to rest, 寶儀買了一大桶 KFC & Pizza Hut set, 吃了件 pizza and a piece of chicken, then off finally..........very tired le!

15 December 2005

p today, call shift.......

admission, obs, round bed, 接 case continously from T6.......first time even p shift without tea le.........

round 牌板時被 relative 捉住問病情, 只好即刻望住 Kardex 看 case, 然後翻譯.....

宵夜 with Cat, 有蛇羹食, Yummy~ Yummy~

喉嚨有點癢, 不能病呀! Cat is sick, Recovery Soon!

14 December 2005

very cold le......A........

today hv WTO tuns ar, Poly HD 3, um.....quite slow motion ar........

接了 two cases today, few injections, good le~ manager 訓勉我們要小心 CSSD, renal pt........

食完早餐上去聽到有 pt 沒有 pulse, 即刻出去叫人, 上床搓了一個阿伯, 出晒汗都救唔返.....第一次參與搓人, bag 人, 可惜返魂乏術, 個 cardic mon 一條直線到尾, 醫生來只是叫我們可以停, 照完 pupil 就 cert....
那一刻覺得有點可惜, 但很快就忘記了, 因為仍然有太多的事等著我做......是我心硬嗎? 知道他信主, 求主賜他永遠的平安, 安返天家吧!

next wk back to A8 lu...... see Emiley there.....WTO tuns?

tonight 是表姐的BB女滿月酒, 都是女家的親友, 貓也有去, 都幾熱鬧! 吃得很飽~ 恭喜晒~ BB女好乖, 沒有喊過, 眼仔碌碌, 好喜歡望人, 要快高長大, 同妖怪仔鬥過呀! 今晚妖怪仔沒有來, 否則...

13 December 2005

P today, sleep till 1200, good!

this shift got 4-5 sir, so great! Sir teaches me a lot ar~

same shift with Holly~ haven't think of can work together le!

WTO tuns come for a few hrs. tea time hv cake le~ P is so good! staff here is really nice!

12 December 2005

this morning very cold ar.......0530 wake up........meet Gil downstairs surprisingly.......

today A with 寶儀, so good! she helps me and teach me a lot of things~

first time dressing so far.....2 ppl go together, obviously septic technique, but too many dressings......10+.....

haha.....scolded by different pt with faul language many times today.....and one even say would kill me , just because i take BP? haha.....for me, they are just ignorance and confusion, poor!

many routine and admission.......the ward is full with around 70 pt i think.....guide nurse finally appear.....he thinks today is my first day.....

nearly forget to take H'stix.......just remember right before the lunch, the car has come already.......scare me!

medical.......woo..... no tea today ar....

take a break at home then go to Shatin to watch Perhaps Love with Cat, i think ok la......not really good or bad, but ok lor!

hv a big meal in Delifrance tonight~ And go to Hippo-fant to buy clothes as gift for 表姐女女! kid's clothes are so cute~

11 December 2005

go to church with Mum in morning.......立仁 says 我又傻笑......

then join Cat and all 3 of us go to visit grandma. she fell few days ago, but looks fine. we drink tea together~ she seems lack of confidence le! um, add oil! then we hv a walk in coastal area, big big sunny day!

next, I and Cat hv a walk in Pacific Place and return lu~

10 December 2005

today hv IELTS ar.......aiya!

0820 @ City, so tired......meet Ar Lam there.......Listening, Reading, Writing without any break.....poor!
Writing is so.........haha.......horrible!

the time of speaking has been changed, good~ earlier le~ 1510, and then 1530 finish all tests lu~ just talk something silly to foreigner........

hope can get 5 la........

then go shopping in Festival Walk with Cat and buy Christmas gifts for mum and sister's family~ beautiful~

next back to home hv dinner all together becasue today is mum's birthday~ Yeah!

little monster is very energetic.......horrible~

mum lock the door and just hasn't take the home key.......and we do something like thieives......

9 December 2005

rest in morning.......go to school in afternoon to prepare for IELTS tmr, but very sleepy just after 2 hr revision........so give up!

hv dinner with Cat then back home~

8 December 2005

p today......

see ward man. today, she is really like to ask Que......and says 我返咁少......

hv lesson on 職安健.....a pt pass away lu.....

one of the EN is a bit .....others are very good~

still not familiar with the routine.....
next wk duty: APAPAOP

7 December 2005

any words from me for you are just excuses, so i keep quiet.....what the truth is meaningless, the fact is how people perceive it.....

first day @ D9, most of the staff are very nice, but there is really quite a lot of work to do compared with A8, no tea break, got to do it faster~

tmr p, then 12-18 Dec all hv to work except 17 for FYP.

alone doesn't hv to mean lonely! it's just time to be independent.....

《Joseph F. Newton》
People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.

6 December 2005

end of exam ar! haha.....actually is 70% test~

mgt, don't need to revise anymore~SO SO Good~

hv lunch together @ 沙爹王, very happy~ and then go to MK together ar, 7 of us, haha~

the feeling of end of exam is so GREAT~

The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.

5 December 2005

should be revision day, but today is hea + TV day~ because I am so so lazy.......

drink tea with mum in afternoon~ good!

although tmr is mgt exam, still don't want to revise.........till 11pm, deadline syndrome.......

very COLD today, fall asleep easily......everyone take care!

We never know the love of parent(s) till we become parents ourselves.

4 December 2005

43 Anniversary of my church today~ haha.......
the sharing is so so touching~

um......really want to contribute more....to the church, to the society, to ppl.......

self reflection is needed.......peace is needed.....time is needed.......

He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything elase

may GOD bless us!

《You Raise Me Up ----Westlife》
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up...
To more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up...
To more than I can be.

There is no life - no life without its hunger;
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;
But when you come and I am filled with wonder,
Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up...
To more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up...
To more than I can be.

You raise me up...
To more than I can be.

3 December 2005

Exhaused today......

back to school in morning to prepare for today FYP fcn---talk in Heep Woh! then hv lunch @ school and when we go to take KCR, the bridge is full of people and we can't move.......o.......and we hv to take a lot of stuff and walk the side track to the KCR station......today is graduation ceremony........HORRIBLE~

then we give the talk and there is so few parents present and the kids are attracted by the BBQ right next to our function venue....GOD!........
the function is smooth in general, but there are many little problems........o........and we don't hv time to discuss it until after exam.......ooh.......

very tired already, standing for so so long and hv to get back to school with part of the stuff.....and still hv to buy flowers.......2 batch........luckily, Ka Bik go along with me and she is so kind that she helps me to take one batch.......

the flowers is so nice that when I am waiting for the ceremony to finish, ppl "borrow" them to take photos........

and there are too too many ppl then I can't find the one i want to see ..... i really HATE hide and seek! can u tell me exactly where u are? or could u tell me ur next check pt?......ai.......

really really exhaused, i haven't got a break from morning and guys are playing hide and seek with me......NICE........

then hv dinner with sister's husband.....and of course his entire family members, eat so full but still very tired........food is good.....

anyway, congratulations to those graduates! but pls forgive me that i am really not enjoy in taking photos in these BIG days.....pls don't ask me to come!

2 December 2005

TUNS P, quite busy today......

go to D9 to get the latest duty......luclikily can get O on Fri and Sat, otherwise, my IELTS is........

Sister says my way of report has improved.......haha.......I will miss the staff in A8 esp HCI, those are very nice~

Joy said to me that the 'colour wolf' is very..... last night, so decide to take West Rail when off P from now on......

Most people seek after what they do not possess and are thus enslaved by the very things they want to acquire.

1 December 2005

time past so quick.....already Dec~

slept 10 hr last night, 好幸福~

wake up in afternoon, then back to school to attend a talk about 53072, part time BSN, but this 4 yr programme can get the psy. nurse liscence......so hv to think about it......

then buy a 按摩器 to Mum with Cat as birthday gift and hv dinner together.

30 November 2005

p shift today

ward man. tells me that I will go to D9 starts from next wk....but it is only "borrow", i will be back wor......

male M&G ward....don't know what will happen le......Fri is last day in A8.......

sister comments my way of report on 數人, i really believe that she is like this! always comment others without listening to the details.......

except this sister, whole A8 staff is really good! today only hv 20+ pts, so nurse hv time to teach me......so good~

go to CT @2045, but back @2115 ar....everyone gone la when i back to ward......but luckily can catch the bus~ Yeah!
when i wait @ the CT, a pt on bed is left for escord w/out nurse wor.....because after 2100? shock.....

D9 duty of next wk is Wed to Sat, i request O on Fri and Sat ar......IELTS wor......only 1 day for IELTS revision and Sat is already the exam la.....no time to revise le.....

29 November 2005

breakfast with Cat in McDonDon

back @ 0900 to hv meeting with Cynthia, she suddenly say we are a case study and there must be 1 to 1 follow up.......so so so surprise~ and so......we hv telecare now.........

she is supportive anyway.....we borrow the notebook, video camera and some other resources from her. and she even book a rm for us to practice and rehearsal. she is already very good~

mgt last lec.....then Edmond come and talk about placement, start from 28 Dec and continue 16 wks ar.....except Public holiday, no night shift......the happiest news is only 10+ in Tuen Mun and hv new site -- 仁濟, GREAT~ want to work there ar~ long consol.~

the Heep Woh principal doesn't allow us to come again, we can only measure the BMI on Sat.....and on the other hand, the TKT Catholic Primary School seems to be angry because of our refusal.....in fact, she lacks obese subjects!

rehearsal in the afternoon and make the pyramid together. i will be the runner that day......haha....but i am not confident in using the AV and taking photo together le.....

tired ar........

tonight watch 阿旺, haha, this afternoon, i & Ka Bik 都揹揹左~係舒服d ar~

28 November 2005

this morning feeling depress ar, although wake up @7, but hasn't go to play sports with Ka Bik and Fanny ar......don't hv motivation ar.......

then back to school for fyp discussion, rehearsal once and leave in afternoon....

go to window shopping alone and watch Ar Jack in MK~ feeling better~
want to buy toys ar! but even more eager to travel~

dinner with Cat!

27 November 2005

go to church with Cat this morning. then hv lunch together and hv a walk in mall.

back home for a break and then hv dinner and go to Albert Au concert with mum @ Poly.

She has high fever le....but she still wants to go and the music there is really good! although there is some songs that I haven't heard before, those are wonderful music~

good show tonight~

《First of May, Bee Gees》
When I was small, and christmas trees were tall,
We used to love while others used to play.
Don’t ask me why, but time has passed us by,
Some one else moved in from far away.

Now we are tall, and christmas trees are small,
And you don’t ask the time of day.
But you and i, our love will never die,
But guess we’ll cry come first of may.

The apple tree that grew for you and me,
I watched the apples falling one by one.
And I recall the moment of them all,
The day I kissed your cheek and you were mine.


When I was small, and christmas trees were tall,
Do do do do do do do do do...
Don’t ask me why, but time has passed us by,
Some one else moved in from far away

26 November 2005

today TUNS p shift with CU TUNS 婷, we seems to be the fulltime staff le....

today only hv 10+ pts, so the workload is very light. when the sister asks me to do a suction, i go to the treatment rm to prepare the items, then she followed me and ask me to be quicker, but it is not hurry, the case is not urgent........she just says 'what will happen if the the pt suffocate? '......' certainly, i will do it quicker in that case, different things should be done according to difereent situation' i replied in my heart.

then, there is little things to do and so the HCI talk to us a lot and share their experience with us.

dinner with 婷 and she leads me a new way to take bus. sister afraids that all 3 of us change clothes together, so she changed and then call us to off.......

meet class rep Josephine at bus stop and she said there was a 'colour wolf' in G/F changing rm....so horrible! the guy even got the password! how come? police has come but can't catch that guy!
um......luckily, i change my clothes in ward.....but the security here is so poor!

mum is still sick le....pray for u!

25 November 2005

today back to school at 0930 for supervised practice, the tutor Shirley is very good le.......

then we hv lunch and discuss FYP, we ought to carry out the intervention in Heep Woh after data collection.

Next, go to take the leaflets and posters......very heavy ar!

then back home for a break and hv dinner with Cat at night!

IELTS is so so so soon! No.......

All books are divisible into two classes: the books of the hour, and the books of all time. ---- by Ruskin

24 November 2005

today finally can feel that i hv rest enough la~ wake up at 1000, so so so 幸福~

do FYP .......but don't know how the cut off pt work tim......


Pray for my dearest brother, may God gives him strength and wisdom to overcome all the difficulties!

Most people seek after what they do not possess and are thus enslaved by the very things they want to acquire. ----- by Sadat

23 November 2005

hv breakfast with Cat in morning, then back to school.

go to JCA because there are free ticket of Albert Au's concert, surprisingly.....Marian is just behind me in the queue, with only few ppl in between.....and more surprise is she recognize me, so just say 'hi' to her.......o.......
got the ticket on Sun, yeah~

then go to CILL to do IELTS, IELTS is very soon......10 Dec, few wks later ja......

next go to salon in afternnon to hv hair cut and ion the hair lu~

hv dinner with Cat tonight. take a nap at 8pm but wake up already at 11p.......those tv drama has gone.......

Life is the garment we continually alter, but which never seems to fit. --- by David McCord.

22 November 2005

today back to school just to hv the 1 hr mgt tut......if i attend the chinese lesson, then i hv to wait for 3 hrs, so escape la~ instead, i go to mega sale after tut with Josephine, Karry, Ka Yuen. I buy a lot of photo albums le~ 2 small + 1 big~ haha~ in order to motivate myself to go travelling~ Yeah!

then join Cat in MK, hv lunch @ 星加坡餐廳, the service is quite bad there as one of the staff is very impolite! She asked us for what drink we want to hv, but at that time, Cat still hasn't got his main course, but she insisted to ask.........so we replied we would like to order later, her attitude and mannar is really poor!
then when we order the drink later she says: 你地終於點得啦....(一直"un"腳, 頭向上傾 45 度).......although the food is alright there, the service is really.......上菜慢, staff's poor manner.......

next we go to McMug shop, but buy nothing le.....then hv a walk in bookshop and back home after that.

very cold these days in morning and at night~

Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces up, snow is exhilarating; there is no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ---- by Ruskin.

21 November 2005

today back to school to discuss the mid term report (proposal).

then I leave earlier to take photos with Cat, 羊羊和變身貓隆重登場, taken quite a lot of photos~

and we hv dinner @ 霸王山莊 in TST, 小籠包好味, 鱔糊普通, but the food are quite expensive~

Life being very short, and the quiet hours of it few, we ought to waste none of them in reading valualess books. --- by Ruskin

20 November 2005

Very cold today! don't wanna leave the bed.......

today is church's day, spend near all day long @ church. 崇拜 in morning & 培靈會 in afternnon.

Cat goes to take photos with his friends & family today. go to UST le....so far far away......

Depeche Mode's Somebody

I want somebody to share
Share the rest of my life
Share my innermost thoughts
Know my intimate details
Someone who’ll stand by my side
And give me support
And in return
She’ll get my support
She will listen to me
When I want to speak
About the world we live in
And life in general
Though my views may be wrong
They may even be perverted
She’ll hear me out
And won’t easily be converted
To my way of thinking
In fact she’ll often disagree
But at the end of it all
She will understand me

I want somebody who cares
For me passionately
With every thought and
With every breath
Someone who’ll help me see things
In a different light
All the things I detest
I will almost like
I don’t want to be tied
To anyone’s strings
I’m carefully trying to steer clear of
Those things
But when I’m asleep
I want somebody
Who will put their arms around me
And kiss me tenderly
Though things like this
Make me sick
In a case like this
I’ll get away with it

19 November 2005

FYP in morning, then go out to hv lunch with Cat. Today is his last day in this WONDERFUL company~
So great!

Then want to find McMug @ MK, but forgot the exact add. so back home. Next we go to market to join Mum~

楊乃文's Somebody

想找個人來分享 分享我的生命
藏在最深的夢 埋在最深的我
永遠站我這一邊 從不曾改變
而我同樣也會 支持他到永遠
他會專心聽我 當我有話要說
關於我們這世界 和生活的種種
也許我會犯錯 甚至有一點點迷惑
他會靜靜等候 卻不會輕易被我的想法左右
通常他不同意我 可是到了最後 他會了解我
想找個人來關心 關心我的生命
他點亮另一盞燈 打開另一扇門
讓我學會去愛 我所有的恨 (試著)
當我閉上眼睛 渴望得到平靜
像這樣的事情 也許有點惡心
像這樣的事情 看得出他的真心

18 November 2005

work on fyp in the morning, not enough time to hv lunch @ home, just 'ding' the lunch and eat @ bus~

p today......very busy le......

just walk in and there is a lot of admittion, 13 cases ar. the ward is nearly full....then 上CSSD, obs., suction because low SaO2, ventilator, 帶OT & 接OT, housemen come as well, 訂CSSD, R/T inserted successfully......many things to do, very busy today!

little time to tea and then hv big meal $50 with staff.....the sister today is ........understand ge!
sister wait outside when I change clothes le....

get the pass today~

next wk duty is only Sat: P!

He who doesn't go forward goes backward.

17 November 2005

see dentist in morning, then do IELTS and search FYP @ school.
then back home

dinner with Cat @ 美樂沙

People dhould be beautiful every way -- in their faces, in the way they dress, in their thoughts and in their innermost selves.------ by Chekhov

16 November 2005

meet principal of Heep Woh Primary School @ 0900, then p duty.......

missing my dearest friends, when can I meet u le?

wake up early this morning again to meet the principal, I am the earliest to arrive le~ then Cynthia come and ask me to go inside with her while others are coming on the way......

then join and meet the principal, she is supportive~ then leave earlier to TMH with Queenie and Ka Yuen.
So sleepy.......

few pts this shift, only 15, so can work slowly......
包糖, insulin inj, obs, 帶 CT, 接 case!

learn new things today le~

Pride goes before a fall.

15 November 2005

today quite cool~
rain this morning, surprise.....

take mtr with Cat, 0900 back school to meet Cynthia...... make ppt for present? make agenda?send notice?

hv mgt lec then, really hv quiz......but I can only get 1 mark as I slept last night without revision.....so tired.....then hv tut, MayLin says there is Eeyore jacket in Giordano le, want to hv a look! of course we haven't prepared for the role play interview......she is a bit crazy.....
luckily, Lam go out to be the volunteer~

Then hv lunch in new can, but I forgot to bring $, borrow from Josephine.....after that, FYP of course, and hv my Chinese lesson next door in CC, late of course, next lesson is 1.5hr test wor!

back home first, leave @1645, so tired these days.......

endless work.......not in a good mood these days honestly, can't put the blame on others, w/out peace, w/out joy inside, lack of self reflection, wanna change for so long, but what hv been made so far?
strongly dissatisflied with myself.......wanna be a better man, may GOD bless me and keep me! i understand that without U, there is no success! May U lead me all the ways~ May U open my eyes to see what I shall see, to do what I should do, listen to voices that I should hear.....Glory to my dearest LORD!

Man propses, God disposes.

14 November 2005

FYP discussion day: 0900-1700
intervention, notice...

lunch with Cat! haha.....salad buffet~

Congratulations to Cat! Find a better job so soon~ Yeah!

Good Luck to u~

A tired day....

You can tell the charcter of every man when you see how he receives praise. ----- by Seneca

13 November 2005

day @ A8, 20 patients.

good to learn things~

掏金,cat. once, obs.,H'stix, I/O, admittion.

Time: That which man is always trying to kill, but which ends in killing him. ------ by Spencer

12 November 2005

visit to HK Observatory this afternoon, quite interesting~

there are many trees and old things inside....really good!

tmr TUNS 9-5, worry le....May GOD keeps me~

《Bradstreet, "Meditations Divine & Moral"》
If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.

11 November 2005

today A duty......

nothing to do as usual, just write the activity report....looking at patients to do OT 穿珠仔, their skills are really wonderful~
Gary helps us to draw the cover page le~
then read the Kardex, of course, there is a big difference between what we observed and their 'real progress', as they seldom disclose their feeling to us.......
um......patients frutruate a lot......

After that, wait for guild nurse to sign the evaluation form for us......wait until 14:30 le.......all "P"--pass? um.......
but surprisingly, Maggy is still waiting for us to collect the keys & cards, she is so nice~

then back home to watch Keroro and ZzzZz~

Not in a good mood today!

《Balthasar Gracian, "The Golden Mean"》
A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends.

10 November 2005

today P duty.......

given a talk on Avian Flu this afternoon, and Fong suddenly come and see how we present......luckily, I haven't teach anything wrong.....

then hea rest of the time......the only thing I get from this ward may be the experience of giving 'health education'.

Sleep w/ Ka Yuen & Ka Bik tonight...crazy good time~

《Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull》
The gull sees farthest who flies highest.

9 November 2005

Ka Bik called me that we hv school's principal hv interest in joining our studies, great!

nothing to do @ ward........

tmr will give talk to patients on Avian Flu prevention~

《Santayana, "The Life of Reason"》
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

8 November 2005

this morning hv mgt lec and tut. No tests le, good!

we are so high that after yesterday's clarification with Cynthia, we are going to hv salad tea buffet~ only $18/each! although the food is not expensive, it is really happy to sit together to hv a good tea time~ there are small cakes and fruits~ Full~
Ka Yuen 最後飛刀落我度呀! 佢下星期返足三至日 TUNS, 好可怕....

then we attend the Chinese course with 1 hr late as usual, Sir tells us that we will hv the last lesson next wk and then the fianal lesson is test......so surprise....test??? and I ask him about our attendence, he says we can't skip lesson anymore wor~

《Maugham, "Of Human Bondage"》
People ask you for criticism, but they only want praise.

7 November 2005

wake up @ 0630 to do the mgt, until 0800 finish. Late to the fyp present meeting.

Bring the floppy to save hw, but I only bring the box without the disc......shit! Luckily, I hv saved it in my drive.......thanks God!

Discussed about the ppt and extended proposal?

still hv present and course this evening!

um....the present is quite bad......i think........but Cynthia still give us B+.......um.....

post discussion after present, 1830-2000, um, Cynthia supports us to do the pilot instead of extended proposal, great! I really don't know how to write the 6000 words extended proposal le in fact....It is very diificult to write the proposal on trial.......

then go to the games course, skip the finance course le~

《Mark Twain》
Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.

6 November 2005

There is always something that happen out of your wish........

back to church with Mum & Cat.

Sitting all day long in a car, hv been to TST, 筲箕灣, Ap Lee Chau, Shatin.

Sun shower whole day, very hot~

In fact, this adventure is a bit too stressful for me, I just want to relax in holiday.....

Congratulations to Akina~

Too tired and too tense today.......

work on mgt paper from 2130 to 0230.....

《I know no such thing as genius; it is nothing but labour and diligence.》

5 November 2005

Octopus card no $, owes KMB $2~

1st day of TUNS, 0900-1700.

In the morning, do the adminstration work, taking photos, sign contract to late Mar, take uniform...so surprise that GOPC needs TUNS.

then back to A8, Medical & Geriatric ward, infection ward setting, so unfamiliar.....

Staff are a bit cool......checking E- trolly, H'stix, obs.,R/T feeding well......feeling a bit strange le......
see renal pt.....
Kicked by a Demen. old lady, 3 people pushed down her to take one BP le......scoled by faul language........

tired......next duty is next Sun, 9-5.
Request leave tmr and next Sat~ Back home with Cat.

Happy Birthday to Andy!

Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.

4 November 2005

reading journal at ward, taken a nap.....zzZZ......

very sleepy.....

Ignorance is not innocence but sin.

3 November 2005

A shift, slept very well last night.....Gary and Teresa find that I will speak when I fall asleep.....haha......scared them le......

hea at ward.....

《Stevenson, 'Solitude'》
Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weeep, and you weep alone.

>>July 24, 2006 at 9:48:14 PM GMT+8

2006 年 7 月 24 日 星期一 【綿綿細雨】

hee hee~ today finally can open showhappy lu~ i hv to keep 2 online diary for security reason! the previous di@ry is down le.......

今天才發現showhappy是基督徒的網站, 很高興~

今天有一個小小的見証......感謝會寬恕, 賜平安又聽禱告的主! 願一切榮耀歸主基督!
這幾天一直都不開心, 因為自己沒有守承諾, 是對自己的承諾, 也是對主的承諾, 心裡覺得很慚愧, 很悔疚, 已經不是第一次不守信用了! 為什麼我那麼軟弱? 總是抵不住誘惑...... 一次又一次改過的機會, 我卻沒有把握, 一錯再錯! 做錯事之後才懂得後悔, 害怕, 擔心....... 對自己很失望.........心裡再沒有平安! 我深知自己辜負了別人對我的信任, 憑我自己的能力, 根本不可能收拾殘局. 就好似明知自己輸不起, 卻偏要賭一樣! 好笨! 真是鬼迷心竅, 恨錯難返....... 悔恨的淚不知流了多少, 這一刻才想起禱告...... 求主寬恕, 求主賜我勝過誘惑的能力, 求主不要讓我遇見試探, 求主賜我智慧, 不要再放縱自己的私慾! 願主保守我的腳步!

雖然是很自私的禱告, 但慈悲仁愛的主卻聽了, 安慰了我的心, 感謝主!

也許對你來說, 我這幾天是在無理取鬧發脾氣, 但有些事我開不了口, 我當然希望你猜到, 不過那幾乎是不可能的! 我有想過放棄這段感情, 因為我真的想另一半也是基督徒, 那麼你就會明白我的愁苦, 我的難處, 但信仰是逼不得, 急不來的....... 看見你在書展買的書, 很開心你嘗試從我的角度去看這事, 感謝主!

我相信我今生至少有一件事是做得絕對正確的----- 信主!

21 July, 2006 Sunny

Go swimming with Cat in the morning, then hv a big lunch ( very gd absorption after exercise!)~ then take a nap in afternoon ( even better absorption after eating full!) read the newspaper in the lobby and a boy continues to climb up and down on the sofa, throwing pencil and scream and play with her elder sister.........his mum still hasn't scold him and at last she takes her son and daughter to outside ........ and when they back, the boy was hurt....... little bleeding on both knee, well~ I just want to say "u deserve~" kukuku.......where is my empathy?

fat......why u like me so much? become bigger and bigger........

20 July, 2006 Sunny

back to poly in afternoon with Cat, hv tea in old can! still haven't try Super Sandwich~ go to attend the 53072 briefing, from 1800-1900 are all about general stram, and psy. stream starts at 1900, and finally finish @ 1950. hence, i was late for 50 mins........ sorry for Andy! hv dinner with Andy in TST, eat very full again...... great to see ur photos in Germany~ very beautiful castle!

fat, ai.........麒麟臂

19 July, 2006 Sunny

go to buy food in the morning with Cat and auntie because we hv 打邊爐 in Cat's home to celebrate his sudden leave tonight, many people come, very crowded~ eat very full le! Cat, add oil to find a new job~

18 July, 2006 Sunny

finally receive the call from HA, YCH ar~ should start working in mid Aug, um........a bit worry le, they like to ask ques a lot........

17 July, 2006 Cloudy

Today just hea at home, buy the newspaper but don't wanna read....... lastnight had nightmare le....... feel a bit strange today........

16 July, 2006 Cloudy

Go to church in the morning with Mum and then Cat join us to visit grandma. She got severe back pain....... um , May GOD keep her! Then we go to market to buy food for tonight~ We got crab and fish~ Cat buy the computer stuff for me and help me to install, Thanks a lot!

15 July, 2006 Cloudy

Cat goes to work today although fever......, take care! The senior technician came and fix the wall.......aiyaya, scold by mum........

14 July, 2006 Sunny

I sign the contract for broadband in the evening and the technician came tonight and he "dig" my wall, there is a HOLE ........ he uses 2 hr to "dig " a hole on my wall, I called his senior to come and they would fix it tomorrow........ the "technician", a young boy, is so "clever" that trying to hide the hole le........ ai.........

13 July, 2006 Sunny

Sleep till 1300, very sleepy le.........too tired after the trip?! hea then......... waiting for HA call le........back to school to see Dr. but clinic says because the exam result has announced, I am "graduated"....... shock! then take back my FYP in G.O. no comment nor grade on it!

6 July, 2006 sunny

Cat wakes me up and then hea at home, kukuku!

5 July, 2006 sunny & rainy

go to school to hv dental check, late tim........ too sleepy! when i arrive, the Dr asks me if I am late because of having lesson......o........ yeah yeah yeah! no 蛀牙, first time can leave with the pay $80 only! haha~ male assistant, a bit strange~ the service is good ar! better than the previous one, and the place GH is new le~

then go to open the account and apply the poly card~ next rush to attend the tour briefing, 15 mis late tim........

Hong Thai tea party got ice cream le, mini DrumStick and 棉花柸, ok ar~ then go to buy my insurance~

back home and find that there is Keroro broadcast in Jade wor~

hv dinner with Cat in Panda Hotel, 貓魚, 甜蝦, 紫菜, 赤貝, 牛牛...... all are very delicious, yummy yummy~

4 July, 2006 Sunny + Rainy

go to 遊離子 , this time the smell is very awful and feel very "拿", tell the staff and wash the hair lor, um.........the staff 死撐 say because my hair is curry, so the 藥水搽貼頭皮, so will feel "拿", if i am sensitive to the 藥水, 頭皮 will become red.......... i think: is that too late already for the 頭皮 become red and then u realize that i am allergy? i am not the first time to iron hair le....... don't go to "In and Out" to iron hair anymore !

then wait for Cat and he got hair cut as well, first time seen family hairlist~ wow~ i hate smoking + waiting lor!

Next go to Cat's home to hv dinner, we got 6 people tonight again~ kukuku~ very sleepy tonight without bathing and brushing teeth tim~

3 July, 06 Sunny + Rainy

insonmia, and find that 我被貼了!

01. 點我的人: Akina
02. 寫出填寫的日期吧: 3/7/2006(依家係凌晨!)
03. 愛的食物: 雪糕, 水果, 羊肉串, 零食,牛扒, 海鮮........
04. 愛的音樂: pop, R&B
05. 愛的地方: home
06. 愛的口頭禪: 好呀!
07. 愛的顏色: orange, yellow, blue
08. 愛的偶像: no!
09. 愛的甜品: fruit tart, ice cream, jelly, sweet soup.......
10. 愛的活動: 行山, travelling, sleeping, reading
11. 愛的書籍: The Five People You Meet in Heaven
12. 愛的店: Uniqulo
13. 愛的作家: 杏林子
14. 愛的唱作人: no preference!
15. 愛的國家: HK
16. 愛的座右銘: Do your best, God will do the rest~
17. 愛的習慣: 賴床
18. 愛的腔調: 高聲喧嘩
19. 愛的是守定係攻: 守多
20. 愛的星座: no preference!
21. 愛的個性: 你話呢?
22. 愛的女人: 媽咪
23. 愛的男人: kukuku.......
24. 愛的公仔: XO, P仔鴨, 海怪, Jack, Eeyore
25. 愛的動作: no idea!
26. 愛係點的: 哥林多前書13: 4- 8
27. 愛的生活: 平安喜樂
28. 愛的牌子: no preference!
29. 愛企定愛坐: sit! (never stop in ward)
30. 愛的weekend活動: sleeping, watching tv, travelling.......
31. 愛的回憶: many~
32. 愛的飲品: Chinese tea, 火麻仁
33. 愛的電影: 地久天長
34. 愛的運動: walking, cycling, Yoga, 跆拳道
35. 愛過多少個人: countless!
36. 愛做小朋友定大人: 大人
37. 愛俾人愛定愛人: 俾人愛
38. 愛番學定番工定2樣都愛: 返學~
39. 愛外出定屋企: both
40. 愛出國定係留係香港: both
41. 愛的條件: 自己先成為值得讓人愛的人
42. 愛自己什麼: 沒有殺人放火~
43. 愛上一個人的感覺: 既驚又喜, 忐忑不安
44. 愛細水長流定轟轟烈烈的愛: 細水
45. 愛點既生活: 平安喜樂
46. 愛駕車定愛坐車: 坐車 definitely (手腳不協調)
47. 愛sms定愛電話: depends on situation
48. 愛的日子: today
49. 愛去戲院睇戲定DVD: depends on number of people and which type of film
50. 愛的天氣: 晴天
51. 愛的燈光: 燈火通明
52. 愛的願望: 願主的國來臨, 願主的旨意行在地上, 如同在天上
53. 愛的態度 (霎時喜歡 or 真愛): 真愛
54. 愛的結局: 大團圓結局
55. 愛的睡姿: 打側
56. 愛的語言: 廣東話
57. 愛的戀愛季節:有咩所謂?
58. 愛用甚麼方法關心人︰talk, leave message

today go to TST to make the Cambodia visa, surprisingly just takes me 15 mins because no people wait there and the receptionist speaks fluent Cantonese, much better than the guys in Vietnam. The visa only takes US$20, but it cost HK$180~ Anyway, much cheaper than through agent, which costs $350 each one!

then i go to school to pick the library books and book the dental check~ change the dental clinic back to 恆健 and the venue is also changed!

the new canteen is under reconstruction, only the SouthEast Asia is open and many constrution workers there, but i got no choice le.......

then go to MK to buy the pen for mum and wait for Cat off to take the new glasses~ looks smart ~ dinner eat fast food @ 椰林閣, then we watched the film "鬼域" , extremely boring, like "Silent Hill" , totally don't know what she is doing....... nothing scare.......the message inside is too heavy, the flow is too slow, no cast except 李心潔, the abortion baby is nothing scare for me, the real ones are more scare~ luckily, the tickets are free~ i ate the 印尼"糯米雞" before go home~ ok wor!

2 July, 2006 Sunny (Sun)

go to church in the morning with Cat and mum~ then go to visit grandma, but she refused to go out to drink tea becasue of too hot! so only 3 of us go and Cat 請客~ buy take away for grandma! then we go to market to shopping for tonight dinner. mum goes swimming le~

1 July, 2006 Sunny

public holiday ar~ so Cat goes to watch 早場 with me "四條腿,拯救隊" (Cantonese version), only $30, very good film~ very funny and interesting, better than "荒失失奇兵", highly recommand! and we took photos with big Garfield in the cinema!

then go to drink tea with mum @ 稻香漁港, Cat goes to drink tea with his family and join us to go to The WetLand Park in afternoon! buy the West Rail one day pass again and go to the Wet Land, many people there and it was very hot! most of the time we stayed indoor to watch the introduction film and play the games inside the gallery. We go out at 4 pm because we don't hv any hat and umbrella and so we stayed inside the 觀鳥屋, very comfortable ar~ But the park closed at 5pm, very early le~ still got many places not visited yet! many day tour and very noisy inside the gallery because of many many kids.......... horrible! number of equipment are broken.........

we saw the police giving 牛肉乾 to the 富豪雪糕 outside the park, and there is a long queue........ doing business is hard~

we go to hv dinner with little monster family after the park is closed, eat a lot tonight~ very hungry and tired~ little monster 被寵壞, got 2 new toys for 1 dinner and hv ice cream ar! the Doreamon ball is bigger than her le! we find the 思樂冰 ar, hardly seen!

30 June, 2006 Sunny

holiday lu, no more work~ haha~ received the call that the tour 成團, yeah yeah yeah~

hv lunch with Cat @Pizza Hut because he is off today for interview le~ eaten 迷你Pizza和千層闊麵, yummy~ next go to 交尾數, haha! then hv a walk in shopping mall and buy the ticket of "四條腿,拯救隊", already many students bought the tickets~

then hv dinner with mum in food court, eaten 上海粗炒 & 雜箘飯, ok ga!

29 June, 2006 Sunny + Rainy

P today, last day lu~ yeah! hv last day with Ting A le, we took some pics in ward with the staff ar~ i dress the working clothes and Ting helps me to return the uniform le, thx~ so happy to return the key and pass to sister, although a bit 不捨得 the pass!

got no mood to work le, last day! escord echo lor~ escord urgent CT @2030, 5 lor......i stayed at the CT to wait 3067 to bring the patients, and luckily back ward at 2110 je.......

Cat picks me when i off le~ kukuku!

28 June, 2006 Sunny + Rainy

A today, haha, second last day~ rains heavily when i go to hospital, always like this ar! then a big big sun come out! normal busy la~ last day with Nga Yee, don't know weather because of this , she 請 tea wor~ thx anyway~

27 June, 2006 cloudy
today got typhoon signal no.1, go to school to return the book and fix the watch!

26 June, 2006 sunny
報了團去金邊, 吳哥窟, 但未成團 ! go to take the photos today, wow~ very heavy! $ 420........入相入了 whole afternoon~
u got ur gathering, fine! respect........ i respect ur right, so u can go to meet ur friends; i do hv my right to refuse invitation, isn't it?

25 June, 2006 sunny
TUNS A, ok busy la.......don't wanna work but poor, still hv to work~ Cat picks me when i off, dinner at Cat's home~

24 June, 2006 sunny
holiday le~ meets Cat @ Shatin to buy the steak to cook! very crowded~ missing CitySuper again.......

23 June 2006

called EGL today for freelance~ meets Cat @ IFC, go to CitySuper to buy the big crab~ hv dinner in Cat's home, but Cat's family seems not very interested in eating crab!

22 June 2006

hv congee as breakfast with Cat this morning, haha~ very hot le! but long time haven't eat the 熱到辣手油炸鬼, yummy yummy~

then hv a gd sleep till afternoon and go out to Wan Chai to take the Vietnam visa. they made the visa in front of me le........ and asks me to wait a while wor......

they take the sticker and print, then ask the supervisor to sign and chop......... everything is in slow motion........

a foreigner is there waiting for them, and their English is so good to communicate....... the foreigner asks if he needs to pay now, then the officer replies ok........ the foreigner asks if everything alright and finish ( plan to leave), then the officer asks him to go to the next counter to pay....... haha.......and the most funny thing is next counter is empty, the officer shift himself to the cashier counter and asks the foreigner to pay........ haha......'one guy multiple role' ............ then the foreigner paid and ask if everything finish, they replied 'bye bye'.........haha........

the watch's glass is broken le, don't know why....... hv to fix lu!

Cat takes me 煎釀三寶 tonight~

eat 豬腳薑 with mum at night~ haha~

21 June 2006

WM told me that Ting and I both will not continue the contract le.......o~ haha~

today A, as busy as usual...... 跟了 tapping, round bed lor.......

Human resource phone to ward to find me........ because i haven't return the reply slip wor, her mannar is very........ then fax to me immediately and return to her by fax lor~ cher.......

today first seen bed no. 40......... this ward suppose max. is 30......... all temp. bed ar....... because of overload, every staff 's temper is a bit...... o........ let it be la, i am just the runner!

off and chase the bus le~

go to Cat's home to hv dinner tonight~ a nice msn chat with mum~

20 June 2006

today is holiday ar~

Cat got fever le, so haven't go to work, but he acompany with me to go to apply the Vietnam visa~ hv lunch in 明將, the sushi is ......... Cat is afraid le~ then take the tram and hv a walk in Causeway Bay! long time haven't been to Causeway Bay le~ visit McQuarter and Sogo supermarket! haha~

then go to take the smart ID, much more ok la! can show to people now........ no more prisoner photo!

receive call from WM saying that this wk 4條連A will be change because human resource has new guildline says TUNS can only work 2 days every wk, so i only hv to work Sunday A only! great!! haha~~ although gain less $$, but 4條連A will die ga!

hv dinner with Cat~

19 June 2006

TUNS P ar~ today buy the one day pass of West Rail, cheaper ar~

don't wanna work le....... round bed with 腰封 is better!

finally meet Ah Ting le, she is A~

got a OU student this week!

still hv to work OT le.... ai....... leave @ 2120....Cat picks me when I off le! kekekee~ hv snake soup ar! great~

18 June 2006

go to church in the morning with mum~

then Cat joins us to visit grandma and drink tea with her! today is Father's Day, waited a long time le........

then we go to CitySuper to buy the big crab~ Yeah Yeah Yeah! better than the one in Sai Kung wor~

Very Delicious~~Yummy Yummy~

17 June 2006

brother leave today lu~ and Andy as well~

best wishes to u all~

ai, argue argue argue.........low mood

16 June 2006

hea day again~

back to poly to return book! then hv afternoon tea with brother again~

15 June 2006

Cat offs half day for the matter of traffic accident, very troublesome le!

hv lunch with him hv to get permission le, ai!

hv afternoon tea with brother!

watching The Incredibles~ ok funny~

14 June 2006

drink tea with brother in this morning and then go to work~

P today...... normal la, not very tired ge!

seems very unfamiliar with the task, such a long time haven't been to work le..... everything is a bit strange.......

OT ar...... escord urgent CT...... leave @2120 le........ai! become night shift runner? nonononono......... i am ward staff!

13 June 2006

hea day~

12 June 2006

go to Disney again with mum and brother~ today is a rainy day!

see the Lion King show again with a much better position le~

leave at 3pm and back home to change clothes for the grad. dinner!
haha~ a bit rush le~

meet them at lobby, Wisky helps me to make up le~ so cool~ then go to Star Hall together~ Yeah!

nice dinner le~ i win a little prize le~ haha, suddenly so lucky, my name is D5....... very happy already, i don't hv 抽獎運 le~

Cat picks me and bring me the camera le~ thx so much!!

11 June 2006

go to church with mum and then Cat joins us to go to Shatin, today got many people ar~ 姨媽, 姨丈, 大表姐, 二表姐, 四眼表哥一家三口, 四表姐, 妖怪仔一家, many people le~

kukuku, then finish @ 4 pm and go to visit 羊羊, tonight call pizza ar~ 貓請客~

10 June 2006

ward call me @ 10 to hv p duty today...... no la, only 4 staff, that means i am the only runner! no no~
i want to see my Cat! but still haven't seen le.......

result is announced lu.......haha, ok la~ clinical C+, so so ........thanks to YCH ENT surgical la........

go to 深井食燒鵝 tonight, delicious wor~ but quite expensive! My brother, mum, sister, little monster and brother in law all come ar~ tonight, little monster always cry le..... don't know why~

9 June 2006
rain dogs and cats~

sing K with brother and sister~ because of me, all of us are student price, haha~ $28 + 10%service charge~

the lunch is ok la, but TST Neway got many more choices and with longer time wor~

today got yellow rainstorm alert, then red, then black ar! rains so heavy!

then we visit sister's home and take a nap there~

after that i go to MK to join Fanny, Karry, Meg, Iris, Ka Bik and Queenie.
Nice cafe but fair food~ good to sit lor~

chat and then back home lu~ on the way to MTR station, a bus at my back 濺起路邊的水, all my body are wet except my head~ shit! haha~ just like playing 'water game' in O camp, even under is wet ar!!! so high le~ haha~ the bus is 171 ar!!

8 June 2006

sleeping and hea day~ holiday!

wake up by brother....... for drinking morning tea....... ai! last night is P ar~

very sleepy....... then drink tea and sleep again!

sleep many many times today~

7 June 2006

P today, meet Ting today la, long time no see~

then everythink normal ge~

WM IOD ar, crashed down by a staff (師姐), whole leg edema...... but she is so good that haven't report le....... WM is really gd.......and she asks if i will continue the contract or not....... think think sin........

10 June 2006
ward call me @ 10 to hv p duty today...... no la, only 4 staff, that means i am the only runner! no no~
i want to see my Cat!i want to see my Cat! but still haven't seen le.......

result is announced lu.......haha, ok la~ clinical C+, so so ........thanks to YCH ENT surgical la........

go to 深井食燒鵝 tonight, delicious wor~ but quite expensive! My brother, mum, sister, little monster and brother in law all come ar~ tonight, little monster always cry le..... don't know why~

9 June 2006
rain dogs and cats~

sing K with brother and sister~ because of me, all of us are student price, haha~ $28 + 10%service charge~

the lunch is ok la, but TST Neway got many more choices and with longer time wor~

today got yellow rainstorm alert, then red, then black ar! rains so heavy!

then we visit sister's home and take a nap there~

after that i go to MK to join Fanny, Karry, Meg, Iris, Ka Bik and Queenie.
Nice cafe but fair food~ good to sit lor~

chat and then back home lu~ on the way to MTR station, a bus at my back 濺起路邊的水, all my body are wet except my head~ shit! haha~ just like playing 'water game' in O camp, even under is wet ar!!! so high le~ haha~ the bus is 171 ar!!

8 June 2006
sleeping and hea day~ holiday!
sleep many many times today~

7 June 2006
P today, meet Ting today la, long time no see~

then everythink normal ge~

WM IOD ar, crashed down by a staff (師姐), whole leg edema...... but she is so good that haven't report le....... WM is really gd.......and she asks if i will continue the contract or not....... think think sin........

6 June 2006
TUNS A, as tired as usual~

0700 admit overflow........

cat. once and fail the R/T insertion tim......

1350 tea......

off and hv afternoon tea with brother~

receive postcard lu~

5 June 2006
go to Disneyland with brother and mum~

not very crowded and many mainland tourists lor...... quite small really! the show is good!

the cartoon character is not many , no Eeyore and Jack~ i only seen 3 things of Jack and they all look very ugly! only take photos with Winnie the Pooh and Donald Duck~ 我"節" Donald Duck's "加拿大", 佢"節"番我 wor~

leave before the firework because too tired~watch all the shows lu and nearly play all the games~

4 June 2006
go to church with Cat and mum this morning~

then visit grandma and brother join us at Central to take the Peak tram~
not many people ar~ very haze actually...... but still can see a bit night view ge~ ok ga!

first time go to the 獅子亭, ok good view but 苓宵閣 is closed~

the bus go down is really 'shake'.... want to vomit after taking the bus.......

3 June 2006
drink tea with brother this morning, then hv my CRE...... 1355 to 1830, very tired ar!
so difficult, nearly all by guess, esp. the aptitude test.....

Cat picks me up then we hv dinner altogether at home~

2 June 2006
today got red rainstorm alert ar~
stay at home and do nothing! just sleep and sleep and sleep~

so hea......

1 June 2006
hv morning tea with brother~

interview today ar...... @ KWH

ok la..... i think, just everything normal........

take the con as well

then back home and go out to Shatin at night

watched 海神號 with Cat, the story is too simple i think, but the scene and music is fine~

31 May 2006
revise for interview today, so haven't go to work~

phone Fanny and Ka Bik, revise together le.......

ai, even exam, haven't been that hard working........

brother says my med/ surg is a new book, because haven't underline, the CD-R is still intact there.......

haha..... right! it is new for me!

30 May 2006
back to school to fill in the questionnaire for SAO, and gain $40 cash wor~ meet Iris there as well~

chat a little le~

then clear the locker and pick a book!

oops......... seems no more a student lu........

19 May 2006

big big sunny day~

when take the life-threatening mini bus this morning, a bird suddenly fly to the direction of my seat, and crash on the window heavily...... luckily, it is fine and fly back to the tree~

A today........bring 2 gynae case for consultation........ the MO is in bad temper...... first time le........

admission 10 cases total today, but i only admit 1....... (because i escord consult.)......... sister says i hv to admit faster.........oh.........

no time to check CSSD.........A and P check together........
bladder scan x 3

first time write Kardex in this ward le~ feel good!

many staff wear McMug and McDull these days, including me, 3 already lu~

Dr 請 tea, no time to eat, become lunch.......1330 tea........

receive voice mail, interview on 1 June for PMH, but venue is KWH, great~ although no YCH, not TMH is really great already~

thx GOD! hv to revise when back le!

18 May 2006

today hv breakfast with Cat @吉野家, buy the newspaper and plan to read in afternoon. But when i back home, WM call and ask if i can back this afternoon........ seems nothing to do, so go to work for P lor~

really busy for p le...... only i am the runner...... ai...... eaten an orange and biscuit before WM tim........ die.........
2 foley......just insert and then off because cancell OT......

even i hold the No.2 key....... Que: how many people are there in this ward?

17 May 2006

holiday ar~ No.3 Typhoon signal~

very big wind ar~

receive Cynthia's email....... refine FYP to join a competition to get the award??........ fyp again??? Oh..... no......

hv tea party of tour this afternoon.......
meet Becky @ MK and plan to buy insurance, but it moved to LCK...... so we go to the briefing first, very boring ar...... 20 ppl in this tour with a small kid and numbers of old lady........then go to buy the insurance after 1 hr briefing with nothing gain at all........

meet Cat at Kwai Fong to hv dinner @ 風月堂, the dessert is nice~

then we go to take ID card photo~ very strong wind~
the ID look is ok la....... compared with previous one, should be much better!

Cat depress ar.......so half day off~ cheers up!!

16 May 2006

Holiday........Typhoon No.1 signal~

back to school to drink tea with Fanny, Josephine, Sarah, Queenie, Ka Yuen, Meg and Iris~
only $25 and eat a lot of food u guys bring from Japan and Thailand~ Very nice trips le!~
Thank you u guys for the nice food and gifts~

check e-mail and find Cynthia send me e-mail on 11 May to ask for e copies of report and questionnaires, how come? only i hv to do.......aiya.... work @ CC.........

Then go to take the outbound leader liscence and back home to take a rest~

join Cat @ MK to take contact lens, oh....... no tester? hv to take later ar........ then hv diner @ 扒王, very full~

15 May 2006

phone to HA, ask about the interview period...... week of 29 May! how come ?! fall on my schedule......... i am on the flight on 29 coming back ar.......and want to inform to arrange immediately......... the guy says " there is no one that u can inform"........xyz...........

i call her again and leave my name finally, she says" u may not be fall on the 29 schedule, but if u fall into it, i won't promise there is any other arrangement"........xyz........

P today, ok la.........non stop........ 1 diagnostic tapping......

miss a H'stix tim.........sorry...........

see 太平新屎梁x德, but because she got nero obs & looks not smart (fall ........), so i think she tell lies at first le.........haha........ don't know y she won't go to private........

14 May 2006

today is Mother's Day~

Phamtom is the gift la~ Happy Mother's Day to all mothers~

go to watch Mission Impossibe III in the morning with Cat, very exciting and good movie~ esp. just $30~ keke~

then go to church, but nearly finish lu....... and accompany with Cat to donate blood, successful le! got an umbrella~

then go to visit Grandma and drink tea with her~

Next, go to restaurant to meet 妖怪仔一家, hv dinner la~ 龍蝦, delicious!

Yeah ! Yeah ! 妖怪仔好奸, only say bye bye immediately!

13 May 2006

stay @ home to watch VCD and then go to buy contact lens in afternoon.

eaten 臭豆腐, delicious ar~

12 May 2006

read newspaper, enjoy~

tidy rm~

buy MI III ticket and hv dinner with Cat @ 普洱, kukuku~

11 May 2006

tidy the rm....... many photos ar.......

10 May 2006

Holiday ar~ holiday~

sleep and watch VCD ar~ Happy~

dinner @ Cat's home!

9 May 2006

A today....

as busy as ususal

ask about the tea party........

dinner @ Cat's home~

8 May 2006

P today......

ok ar!

7 May 2006

go to church in the morning, but haven't visit grandma le, want to take a rest!

go to 陣間傢私 with Cat to buy a new bed~ become the role model le~

then back home lu~

6 May 2006

holiday ar~

go to TST to meet Cat~ Big Sale.....buy a new DC, yeah~

thank you Cat!

5 May 2006

A again......

even staff quirey y i always A...... i want to know as well......

tired...... then join Cat to go to hair cut!

no record??!! the client hv to find the old record........ i search for half an hr........ then hv treatment and Cat got a hair mask....... use up all the things! Won't go anymore!

貓第一次蒸燒賣, haha~ 寵物美容!

4 May 2006

A ar.......

tired le........ 1230 hv tea?

3 May 2006

first time go to work with Cat~ Haha! can walk to bus station in morning together~

Day....... no tea time??? ai......
2 May 2006

very busy for the council registration today.......

back to school in the morning @ 0910, then start the long day...... very crumpsy procedure......

take the Big Photo altogether le! don't know y some guys got the professional camera to take us photos.....

then Ka Bik and I make the application letter and ammend the document for council registration. this used us whole afternoon le..... thanks Ka Bik for helping me to ammend the CV, thx~

then copy the cert and send the letters to HA lu~

Karry, Ka Bik and I then go to join them to hv dinner @ Kowloon West. So great, they celebrate B-day with me, really surprise le! Haven't think of~ thank you so much~ Thx Fanny, Ka Bik, Ka Yuen, Karry , Josephine, Meg, Karry and Sarah~ U guys are so nice!!

i love Strawberries le~ esp. play with it!

Yellow Alert after dinner, rains dogs and cats le........


1 May 2006

today go to 大埔滘的嘉里白鷺湖互動中心 with Cat, and go to 小白鷺 restaurant, 人類民俗館 and 白鷺湖~

we visited the 人類民俗館, but it only got one floor, a bit too small....... not much display and the entry fee is $50 for two, so we buy the package $55 for two with half hr 水上單車~

the grassland next to 白鷺湖 got 5-6 goats, all are black in colour! surprise~ but people give the private food to them, that's bad for their health le........

after visiting the museum, we go to ride the 水上單車~ many small fish jump ans swim in the lake and a fish jumped inside the 水上單車 and hv contact with my lrg, i scream out loudly le.......
very tired ar....... it has been a long time haven't playing any sports...... and today i dress with a skirt...... never think of playing 水上單車before~

then go to the restaurant, the food is expensive ar, even a tea set costs about $50+, so we called a 牛扒 because Taurus got a half price discount. It costs $250 originally, after discount, it costs less then the tea set........ but it is not really tasteful, honestly, it doesn't worth $100, and of course not $250 la! the money is only for the environment !

A very nice day~ thank you Cat!

30 April 2006

go to church in the morning with mum and then join Cat to go to 西貢 altogether。

there are many dogs in Sai Kung, just like a dog Canival~ and we hv a walk along the sea, there is a 'sand hill' in the middle of the sea near the coast, the water level is so low that people, even a child, can walk to the 'sand hill'. haha~ the scene is beautiful there~

then we back to the down town to get a rest~ there is a street of of snacks。那條小食街實在有很多很便宜的小食賣。有一蚊一隻咖哩角、炸魚蛋、炸燒賣等等。我們在一間糖水鋪吃過糖水及小食後,又到了相隔兩個舖位的小食店吃咖哩魚蛋和炸雞脾。hv tea set tim ar~

but 西貢的海鮮很貴,a big crab costs $280, just like in the market!finally mum buy two smaller crabs for tonight~

29 April 2006

rest day!

28 April 2006

second day of A........ tired le, last night sleep badly because rains dogs and cats.......

first time hv 3 細佬 in A...... but still busy le....... frist time escord FNAC, very nice staff there~

escord a very nice patient as well~ very happy le~

today houseman last day, pizza hut ar~ but only had 15 mins tea ja!

27 April 2006

today A........ as busy as usual, admissions, cat. once, routine, round bed, escord CT.......

tired since 1400........ listen to handover, then sister says because of shortage of labour, so next time, don't hv to listen wor........ ai........

today tea just 10 mins......

back home then fall asleep @ sofa la!

wanna hv holiday~

Still haven't fill the HA form tim!

26 April 2006

today don't hv to work......... tonight Putonghua exam ar~ haha~

finished reading the 五體不滿足, ok ar~

brother back in 20 May?

25 April 2006

TUNS A today.....

just round bed, escord CT....... not done many routine

and i found that i hv done a WRONG thing yesterday........ culf measure, wrong patient ar........ ai....... sister knows as well......
1 st time done sunch wrong thing in TUNS le.....

WM today wants to teach me things, so read Kardex with me....... but outside is many admission and routine....... which is my duty....... ai, want to learn but other staff will.....
finally, i just said to WM: there seems hv admission outside, i go to hv a look......
so strange if i did nothing when other guys are busy......

WM seems change to labour ward....

Off , then fell asleep in sofa....... thx Cat for the b-day cake ar! hv dinner in Cat's home~

24 April 2006

thank you all for the gifts, messages, e card......

today TUNS p...... rains dogs and cats today....... don't wanna work.....
actually ok ar~ a psy. OU student come to this ward le~ very nice ar!

peaceful ar......

貞姐去完江門買了許多東西吃, 生日在ward 過也不太差~

thx Cat for ur gift~ ha....... from ur home to my home, very far far away le~ Hehe~

23 April 2006

today go to church and then Cat just wake up when i am leaving the church....... so mum and i go to visit grandma first, see 曹永廉拍劇 @ HK station, haha...... mum takes a few photos le~ then Cat is just right after us, the next bus wor, so quick!

meet @ bus station and take grandma to drink tea ~ grandma is very hungry?! eat and eat from the beginning till the end....... haven't seen before le~

then we hv a walk in IFC mall, see a large crab priced $200 @ citysuper, wanna to eat ar~

Next we meet 妖怪仔's family @ restaurant, today celebrate out b-day ar~ 吃乾鮑, yummy yummy~ and 壽包 + big fish also~ very full le~

then go to the park to play, 妖怪仔 is very active le, non-stop ga....... horrible! tonight 妖怪仔第一次玩鞦韆~

22 April 2006

hv breakfast with Cat~

today TUNS P, went to YL to meet Becky for travelling issue~ Silk Road?

confirm lu~ 20 May silk roads 10 days tour! good~
still wanna to go to Turkey......

P is peaceful ge~ WM asked if i can go to work tmr because a staff called sick, no la........ no holiday la.......

then Cat back home with me~

21 April 2006

today is holiday again~ yeah! yeah!

Cat made breakast this morning~ great! buy the Sun Daily to read fiction~

um..... finally u guys are going to Malina...... I hv been there before! um....... still can't have grad. travelling with u guys le.......o.....

discuss with Becky, family not allowed to go to Turkey?!...... then Silk Road la......

Cat skip the aviation class tonight~
Hv dinner together! Pingu~ Pingu~ Very Beautiful ar~ Thx a lot~ Haha~
Happy~ Happy~ KeroKeroKero~

20 April 2006

a bit cool today~

today is holiday ar~ so good~ sleep and sleep and sleep....... because of Piriton? running nose.......

do nothing all day long.......go to Cat's home to hv dinner! so so good~ play childish games with Cat...... hehe~

meet Wendy's bf 柏堅哥哥 tonight~

19 April 2006

no TUNS today~ just hv Putonghua tonight~

hv breakfast with Cat~ Then buy the Sun Daily to read fiction~

go to school for blood taking and chest X ray! oh! both hands are punctured for blood taking......

meet those guys in clinic~ latest BMI: 18.7....

After PE, 5 of us go to sing K! We hv Karry, Josephine, Ka Yuen, Sarah and I~ Yeah ~ Long time no sing ar!
Lunch k with 2 drinks= $32, ok ar~
1230- 1600 le~ really a good place to hea!
nearly all the new songs are unknown for us........

then we back to school to copy and hand in evaluation forms! hv dinner together and attend the PTH lesson lu~

Josephine got the Herpes Zoaster II le, another victim follow Ka Bik and I......

18 April 2006

TUNS A ar........ very busy le........ cat. once, erect & supine BP, q1h, q2h, Bipap, CVP insertion, routine, admission, round bed x 2......

finally meet WM today lu......
exhausted when off......

today got a patient to do external pacing, but don't hv time to see le.......o........

off then buy the ticket of Phantom of the Opera, only the most expensive tickets are left, the rest are full........
so $1580 fly away from me lu....... nevermind la, act as the gift for Mother's Day~ (although the show is in July.......)

then go to buy the gift box for tonight...... later, go to 莎樂美......

the dish is nothing special except there is a cockcoarch in the soup..... oh no! we tell the waitress, she just replace us with another soup....... no, thanks la!.......ai......... suddenly feel very full...... tell the boss, he refused to give any compensation......... ai....... we won't come anymore....... for ur GOOD hygiene and service!!

thx for the beautiful flowers~~

17 April 2006

hv morning tea with Mum and then we go to buy cosmetics.......

TUNS P....... ok for today la~

finally buy the gift for tmr lu~

tired le~

16 April 2006

a bit cool today but it is good for hiking le~

after going to church, Cat and I go to
嘉道理農場, it is my first time to go there le~

no admission fee ga~ and there are many family with little kids there!

we arrived there @ about 1500 la~ and we hv seen different anilmals like 豹貓、淡水魚、鱷魚、麻鷹、豬、貓頭鷹、蜥蝪等, 不過看不到貝貝呀!雞也因禽流感關係而謝絕參觀~

一路上都幾鳥語花香,親親大自然果然是很開心~行山行到 1425 feet,那裡有個世界各地指標,有許多隻手指指向不同方向,告訴那個城市在那邊,跨離有多遠,很想環遊世界呀~

農場1700關門,then we go to YL to hv tea together~ happy!!

15 April 2006

TUNS P..... Easter holiday

peaceful ar~ but seems very long time haven't been work for TUNS..... a bit not familiar.......

14 April 2006

today hv tuns originally, but called sick....... haven't think of rest before le.......

am i treat myself too bad or my memory is too poor?

nevermind, just wanna to call sick to celebrate the completion of placement!

13 April 2006

today is last day of BSN placement ar~ So great!

hv a small talk with WM and DOM, do nothing today ar in fact~

but the Mad IC is still crazy, saying that our nursing care is very bad.....

just take photos today!

12 April 2006

still hv 2 more days only, very soon, very soon!!

11 April 2006

follow horrible miss........ ai, let it be la! what she says, i don't care!

10 April 2006

last week la, follow horrible miss..... but soon will past!!

9 April 2006

TUNS A........so can't go to 掃墓!

very busy this morning........off then join Cat to go to visit 細姨, play cats there~

Billy ar..........don't 頂頭!

8 April 2006

FYP ar fyp, nightmare is over lu!

rest~ yeah~ yeah~ yeah~

tea with Cat!!

7 April 2006

call sick today because want to sleep and haven't fiished fyp yet.

today is deadline.........but i still sleep in morning.....

then back school to hand in homework and meet Queenie and Karry~ hv tea together and discuss the graduation picnic, yeah~

meet Kwan also and she told me about the nonsense IC......crazy! increase HCI workload?? are u joking? we are not man-power!

Alice has called me today, what for?

used up total 3 quota, next wk hv to face the IC..........for 2 days......

then go to Ma On Shan to play cats and hv dinner with Cat's family to celebratee his grandma's birthday~

Park'N Shop 's staff is so........Cat is annoyed.......

thank you all of u~

maybe too happy, can't fall asleep tonight~

6 April 2006

p today........ follow Wai Sir, ok ar.....

hea in p as usual, just escord OT

5 April 2006

Ching Ming Featival

breakfast with Cat, then haven't go to 掃墓 cause everyone is busy, change to Sun.... but i am A that day.....

donate blood in afternoon, get a souvenir of handkerchief, but Cat's HB only 12.9, so failed because of 0.1.......poor~

then go to Cat's home to hv dinner!

4 April 2006

international children's day~

call sick today to celebrate.........my fyp.........

but in fact, haven't done much at all...... low mood....... depressed le......

um....... just stay alone at home

3 April 2006

今日第一次跟 Yu sir, ok wor~

escord OT lor, handover, nothing special in p........except i take back my PASS la~ yeah~ long time no see le, my Pass~ Yeah!!


Alice call again........

2 April 2006

星期日終於可以返教會, 師母問隻貓去了哪裡.......

朝早問阿哥地震的情況怎樣, 他竟然完全不知, 還要問 Felix (his pet)......

散會後和貓一起吃午餐, 看了兩集 keroro, 之後又要做功課.........悶........

1 April 2006

愚人節, 相信是許多人的節日, 包括我...... 但沒有得玩, 只可以做功課...... 悶到爆........

和媽媽去了飲茶, 貓放工後, 一起去了吃雪糕, 勝在夠大, 而且見到秋官他們宣傳新片~ 商場好熱鬧~

晚上貓來吃飯, 有好豐富的晚餐~

31 March 2006

fyp nightmare ..........

30 March 2006

peaceful le........

just suffer from fyp........

29 March 2006

tired today........ day is very long le, um....... care plan+ pink book list+ observed by whom? nonsense....... how to remember ar?

queue up @ McDondon, a guy 撞開 me wor! how come?

still hv putonghua lesson at night le....... test tim wor........

wake up late this morning, so call "sick".........sorry to Joy, 到我放你飛機

then Cat brings the sweet soup as my breakfast, and I sleep again from 0800 to 1200...... so tired le.....

today got a big big sun le~ sunshine ar~

still haven't touch fyp le........will the care plan done last night still be useful tmr? i specially cook last night for today's lunch box le........

today just listen to music and sleep, seems like holiday~

when will i finish fyp? when will this nightmare end? want to go travelling ar.........eager to!!!

27 March 2006

study what program, join what course is totally up to u, it's none of my business! make the things clear is not responsible for me, it's for yourself! please never link these up with me~ for "support", i always support people to further study, just go ahead and add oil! May GOD bless all of U~

today rains ....... p, joy 放我飛機, forgot me ar....... then back to ward a while, handover? present case? not familiar wor....... tmr present care plan......o.........

阿爺 very funny, when Doreamon is shown on tv, he phones to home and ask the maid to record it immediately~ haha~
and he gives us an expire Sengstaken Tube as a gift le~ hehe~

luckily, today not follow last wk IC....

hv to do the care plan at night le........ when fyp is not finished.......

26 March 2006

um......... FYP........ nightmare!
still hv a long way to run, but time is running short, mood is still low........

can't back church le...... even p.......disappointed.....

so strange that see the same lyrics in 2 of my friends' diary........ what does this mean?

TUNS p....... quite peaceful but got some special cases:
- PR bleed
- ?psy. case stand on the bedside rail and pull the lamp out which is on the ceiling.......consult psy.----no abnormality found, pls refer organic matter mgt (medical)---- all lab result normal.......
- 26.5kg 25yr old........so weak that even can't open package bag......

renew contract till end of June ar......

心中的謀算在乎人; 舌頭的應對由於耶和華. 人一切所行的, 在自己眼中看為清潔, 惟有耶和華衝量人心. 你所做的, 要交託耶和華, 你所謀的, 就必成立. (箴言16:1-3)


25 March 2006

hv morning tea with mum this morning~

we saw a man with a woman drink tea together near to us, we believe they are a couple. But the man 一直精讀風月版, 完全沒有看其他版面報紙, 只見他把報紙愈拉愈埋, 細心咀嚼每一段, 而女的也專心閱報....... 只覺得那男的實在太噁心了, 在女士面前看已經很沒有禮貌, 如果是太太就更加過份呢! 男人.......

去酒吧飲酒絕對不是罪行, 只是我不喜歡, 正如食煙,飲酒,賭錢,講粗口, 都完全沒有犯法 (當然是年滿18 歲)! 不過這些都是神所不悅納的行為~
可以說我頭腦簡單白痴天真, 但我相信:
去酒吧/ 食煙/ 飲酒/ 賭錢/ 講粗口 的人不一定是壞人, 但壞人一定會去酒吧/ 食煙/ 飲酒/ 賭錢/ 講粗口 ! 個道理就是這麼簡單! 所以我看不起作出以上任何其中一項行為的人, 好人好者會做以上行為? 當然凡事有例外, 但整體來說, 我一定不喜歡, 因為物以類聚!

不想掃朋友興是一個借口, 牛唔飲水點禁得牛頭低? 間唔中去一次也不是理由吧! 沒錯, 從法律的角度看沒有犯法就是好人, 但基督徒是應該學習從神的角度看事物, 你不是我, 所以我不應該以我的尺去量度你, 我沒有理由去拉高你的尺,也不可能去降低我的尺, 所以我只想找一把高度和我相近的尺....... 你有你的空間, 我也有我的天空, 亙相尊重並不代表要包容這些"惡"!

24 March 2006

today p, should be very hea, but......... the IC is.........

today guide nurse is a bit cool, but the most troublesome guy is the IC, when 3 of us (IC, guide nurse, I) restrain the patient together, she is certainly "manic"........just a case of confusion after OT.......ai........

i and guide nurse stand @ the R. side of the pt and help him to dress the safety vest + triangular bandage as limb holder, and because the pt is struggling, I can't see the opp. side of pt (IC's side) that he is not dressed with the gown's sleeves...... IC said "你有冇攪錯! 你明知要著埋隻袖先....." i keep silent and think "鬼睇到你個邊咩, 佢亂咁郁" then when i restrain the R. hand with 生結 , pt loosen the 結, IC said "你點做野? 佢一拳打埋黎點算....." i keep silent and think "有心, 我寧願俾佢打, 好過聽到你把聲" then, guide nurse 打死結 on R. side, i go to the opp. side to help the IC 打死結, but the connection between the triangular bandages is loosen, IC said "你睇下你做緊咩? 唔駛你啦! 你過來幫我禁住....." i keep silent and think "我打結時係無鬆, 鬆了話俾我聽綁番咪得 lor....... 唔駛咁呀....." then i change the position with her and i kick the oximeter finger probe which is already on the floor long time ago.......IC said "我頂你唔順! 你踐爛個 probe 啦!" 仲一邊dum 地添..... i keep silent and think "我要一邊捉住佢一邊行過黎, 你個人又塞住個位, 點睇到地下呀? 更何況我係踢到而唔係踐到個 probe, 咁易壞咩? 我同你有相同諗法----我頂你唔順!" 當我禁住patient, IC 縛緊 L. hand 時, 剛才 guide nurse 綁的 R. hand 鬆了, again is the connection part between the triangular bandages, 我即刻捉住pt 隻手, 唔通我又發顛學你大叫"你點做野? 佢一拳打埋黎點算....."咁咩.......我咪邊禁住邊同番 guide nurse 講佢隻手鬆左...... guide nurse say "係wor".......

then IC 又said "同學仔! 2L O2 咋, 你做緊咩呀?" 我咪答 "anthes. form 寫 4L O2 till mane" 佢睇完無聲出.......好心鬧人之前睇清楚啦.....MO Kardex 係寫 2L O2, 但張 anthes. form 寫 4L O2 till mane, 我落去接 OT, OT nurse 交俾我條氣一少, 個 pt desat. 架......even during OT, 個 pt 試過 SaO2 90% 咋.......要人接OT, 但又唔駛我交番俾你, 自己又醒, 真係.......

好在今日威 sir sign the pink book for us, and ask us to sign his name ourselves wherever we want...... and he ask us to practice how to sign his signature in front of him......haha~

23 March 2006

today done:

- escord to and from OT x 3
- escord X-ray
- check DDA

quite busy le, OT reception is Rita ar, haha, 不斷上落送 case 給她! 沒有 pass quite troublesome ar~

today guide nurse is Ms Wong, very nice le~

this morning, a bit late le....... walk to mini bus station terminus to take the mini bus........ run to quarter when get off, too rush to buy food this morning and one of the lift is out of order in quarter, so already a long queue when i arrive........

and i am so lucky that the lift is full just in front of me, i hv to wait for the next round.....

then late 5 mins lor at last.......

i only bring an apple for breakfast, and all the staff say that i will get sick if i don't eat enough, so they give me bread, butter etc. finally, i make a 花生漿多士, 牛油多士, icheban~

and today WM 請 tea, hv 紅豆冰 and 薯條雞翼~ thz GOD, I am very hungry le~

Congratulations to Becky! Find a Good job ar~

22 March 2006

today done:
- mouth care
- escord OT x 3

- dressing
- last office
- 剪鼻毛

生唇瘡, fyp 果然不可輕視.....

終於可以自己一個送 OT 啦, meet Fanny there~ miss Yu 沒有叫我, 我找了全 ward, 原來她自己去 tea, 所以自己找 sister 話 tea , yeah!

Jenny first seen last office today, cried le........ but i nearly laugh before the body because of the miss's bizzare behaviour! Am i got some problem?? no feeling at all.......even i feed him this morning.......

today skip PTH lesson, hv dinner with Cat, haven't tounch FYP le........

21 March 2006

today done:

WM teach chest drain today......

P today......so hea...... learn mouth care........haha, just like Year 1, I did the things that I haven't done before in Yr 1 and I think I don't hv chance to do at all, but I did in this ward like bathing, cleansing denture, mouth care, haha~

miss continue to ignore me ar......

20 March 2006

ok ar today, seen:

- gap wd
- off stiches

done: off foley

miss is ok ar!

WM is ........ again, safety vest VS limb holder

威 sir say I hv rice as breakfast again! and wonder why i am still thin.......he said there is only 2 kind of people will hv rice as breakfast:
1. he
2. building worker
and i am the third type .........haha~

crying out of love end lu~ so touching le~

19 March 2006

today TUNS A, luckily the driver drive slower than the pervious one~ thank God!

busy in whole shift, non-stop le, round bed, obs, bladder scan.........
admit 7 in this shift, but i only admit 2 cases because need to round bed..... hungry when off......

all the alarm is on in ward because of
the stop of electricity supply for 15 sec....... noisy~

then off and join Cat, eaten 蕃薯 ice cream, ok la~ and later join mum as well to buy mobile....... very tired le......used up 3 hrs at last to buy a mobile!

um........just hv 2 wks left for FYP.....dead!!!

18 March 2006

today a bit hot ar~

off today and back to school to discuss fyp in the morning, but can't draw the conclusion le......um........

then hv programme leader meeting, and then the Medecins Sans Frontieres come to introduce their job to us, and finally our Dean Professor Thomas Wong come to give us a talk~ quite funny ge~ but overrun lor!

leave earlier to join Cat to go to TST to hv tea buffet~ ok ar~ $80 hv 生蠔, cheese cake, 煙三文魚, 壽司, pancake, ice cream, 羊肉, 魚, 自製朱古力棉花糖 etc and a drink~

um....... FYP= 0......help!!

11:07 PM - add eprops - add comments - email it

Friday, March 17, 2006

17 March 2006

today done:

- bring CT
- dressing
- bathing ( under WM supervision)

better than few days ago already~

Alice come and tell her about our situation and the lost of my pass.
meet some nice staff today but the guide nurse is still very cool........

very proper here.......alcohol pack hv to check expirary date? off HB need to care the psychological aspect of client?

very peaceful compared with medical!

16 March 2006

today is warmer lu~

i am so LUCKY that my PASS drop into the lift 糟 in the morning.......haha.......everyone in the lift say i should buy the Mark Six......since then........i am so LUCKY........

when i back to pentry and open the fridge, a branch of banana fall, luckily 接住.......

today follow James Sir, so nice le~ the ward staff also ask me to buy the Mark Six.......
today is also ward meeting ar........

um, some staff seem to be very horrible...... but some are very nice~

back home when off and eaten whole bag of patato chips, then take a nap~ eat tutle noodle at night with Cat~


15 March 2006

still cold today.......hard to wake up in the morning!

buy 栥飯 this morning, but not hot ge......seems not fresh~

back to ward, ENT OT day, so just checking the PPP......and 阿爺 ask me to hv breakfast.......

back and then guide nurse Ms Wong is very kind to let me shift drain, but when i doing the swabbibg, the tubal drain slip out...... oosh......... reflex action is want to put it back, of course this is wrong, luckily, miss hasn't scold me je.........

WM say hv to present 1 case but Kardex don't let us write le........

today done:
- 接 and 送 OT
- 接 ICU case

and the most strange thing is after the handover, all the staff ask us to go and when we say goodbye to WM, she said we should leave @ 1420, at that time is 1405........so i just take obs for second routine lor....... extremely........oosh!

off and then back home to hv a bath and go to school lu~

very tired le......hv 湯圓 with Cat tonight!

14 March 2006

today is still very cold and don't wanna to wake up......P today

the guide nurse is very good le, extremely nice and friendly~ but WM and 阿爺 take both of us to listen the ICN talk.....about Avian flu and the drill this morning.....2 hr le.......till 4pm finish~

back to ward, not busy ar~ much better than medical!

13 March 2006

very cold today...... guide nurse is very cool.......and teach me nothing.......ai........luckily, another nurse willing to teach me ja!

off and hv tea/lunch with Fanny and Josephine, 吃了腩肉米線, yummy~

back to school but fall asleep and then hv dinner in Delifrance with Cat and used the cash dollar! the Delux Pizza is quite good~

Next, we watch the omnimax show in Space Museum which called 'Mystery of the Nile'. Rush to the Space Museum and the show just start........our seats are occupied by others le......
well, the show is quite good which documented the adventure from the beginning till the end of the Nile, crossing Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt. Ethiopia is a nice place which got carved churches build under 12m of the bedrock.......amazing! and the movie also shown the deadly corocodiles and hippos in the Nile. Abu Simbel is also shown and the team finaly reach the Alexendria in Egypt at Day114~ wow~

Traffic jam in TST tonight, used 2 hr to back home.......

12 March 2006

very hot today, dress short sleeves le~

go to church with mum in the morning, then join Cat to visit grandma and hv tea there.

After that, we go to MK to look for mobile phone for mum, but mission impossible ar~ the model is not exist le.......very crowded and noisy in MK...........oosh.......

then I and Cat go to Space Museum to watch the film, but all the tickets are sold out, so.......see it tmr lor~

want to eat ice-cream in TST, now only Sogo hv.......so hv a walk in Sogo and see the 雞鞋 got 30% off, and buy the last pair lu...... plan to use it in TMH.......then no need to carry the shoes every week la~

spend a lot this month le........but happy ge~

11 March 2006

today a bit hot, sleep till 1030...... the one and only one day that don't hv to waken up by alarm~ great!

TUNS P today...... nearly late because missing the bus~ luckily arrive on time~ very peaceful in ward! bring 2 CT scan, so don't hv tea time le.......oosh........ nevermind la........

coming Sun is A and then draft duty already till Apr, but my contract is only till 31 Mar wor, WM is on VL next week tim......???

coming duty from Mon: APAAPOA

Cat bring the 蛇羹 to visit me when i off le~

10 March 2006

今日是 medical last day, quite peaceful le~ short call only!

ai.....阿爺勁問書, 勁唔識...... 好灰....... 經理終於和我們見見面, 她很好人呀!

Alice 上來問我們 LA, 因為有同學出了事, 唔...... 唔好彩呢! 但多得她和我們說, 我們才知道 10S 改了 duty, 變成 APAAP~ 好辛苦, 不過總好過日日返 day......

今日收症, 去同個 patient take BP 時, 佢問我:「小姐, 你做咩?」我咪答佢量血壓 lor ! 點鬼知佢話:「唔好做啦! 你快d嫁左去咪唔駛做!」我呆了兩秒後答佢:「有咩好介紹先?」後面 "應鐘" sir 即刻話:「係 lor, 你有咩好介紹俾姑娘仔先?」
之後收完症,"應鐘" sir 又繼續叫我快d 嫁個有錢人, 救命~ 點解個 patient 會同"應鐘" sir 咁夾, 成日叫我嫁人......

派飯時,"應鐘" sir 繼上次好 surprise 我拎到兩份粥後, 又再次質疑我的體重, 問我咁瘦夠唔夠 100 磅, 梗係夠啦! 我都想唔夠呀~

回家太倦睡著了, 趕不及起來和貓吃飯, 算吧! 既然你已經認定了, 我也懶得去解釋甚麼, 我更加不想令自己愈來愈不開心~

9 March 2006

today very sleepy ar......

hv congee in the morning with Cat, very fresh~

then routine and routine, the pink book is signed by miss ar~ so great! she hasn't ask any Ques~ Yeah Yeah Yeah!

go shopping with Josephine when off to prepare the gift for the ward~ nice! many food le~

then go to TST to hv dinner with Andy. we find that both the NewZealand Natural and HaagenDaz are closed and Hyatt is closed also.... that means TST don't hv ice-cream la!

8 March 2006

today done:

-chest tapping, abd tapping, LP
- 接 ICU case, 見到五表姐, 不過沒有打招呼, 因為太多人了!
- return DDA to pharmacy

4: gouty and 17:小紅帽 pass away lu......their condition deteriate quickly.....

阿爺請食 tea, 叫了楊枝甘露, 不錯啊!

go to 10S report duty....... and find that D=0830-1654.......how come? more than 8 hr per shift??? 1654 off?? but D1= 0900- 1630?

then hv tea with Josephine @ Pizza Hut, very full~

Next back to school to hv Putonghua test....... ok la......let it be~

FYP:0 words

7 March 2006

today done:
- cat. Foley
- bladder scan
- routine

one patient aspirate coffee ground in the R/T, the Dr. is informed and ask me:" 抽到咩色?"
我答:" 下? 咪啡色lor! coffee ground ma....."
佢好尷尬咁話:" 又係wor...."

晚上和貓去樓下大排檔食大餐, 價值$150 大元~

之後還看電視看了埃及的盜墓者, 很厲害, 岩石也鑿穿, 辛苦錢呀! 都算是「一分耕耘, 一分收獲」~

6 March 2006



返去 dressing 完,就去了escord,之後回來無耐,正準備打 insulin 就有人 arrest, 都沒有甚麼興趣,所以打完 insulin 先埋去,咁多人,企埋去無事可做...發現原來這裡沒有 rescuitation chart, 要人手寫 point......中途又派了藥,再escord case返來,個 arrest 打了十支大 A 都無起息,所以大家撤退了,但要等 see relative,所以要繼續做樣搓,當然這些艱鉅的任務就落在我們身上,伯伯連屍斑都出埋,好明顯無論我們怎樣努力搓,結果都是...我們最成功是造到個好靚的 menu ECG,阿sir以為我們搓返起,但一摸落去, d skin已經凍...我造出來的 menu BP 是 72/42,都 ok 呀!第一次搓了差不多一個小時,就是為了要等人...

result is super Low Back Pain......although off call today, still very busy and tired!5 March 2006

today is horrible ar........sweating all day long......very "hot".......

first i take the "亡命飛車" to TMH because of A...... it only takes me 15 mins.....it's over 90km/hr most of the time and it always 衝紅燈, although i was very sleepy, 我驚到唔敢合埋眼....... and it charges me $15 ar.......(normal is $10).......ai.......0615 arrive TMH......... 勁驚, 個心怦怦跳, 返去要飲水定驚.......第一次覺得自己返工真的是搵命搏.......

then dressing, BW, round bed la......low back pain ar........after breakfast is call time, crazy admission........其中一個 tube 住上, 點知連第一個 admisssion BP 都 take 唔到, AED 送上來玩咩? 即刻搏晒 ventilator, 暖被, pacing 頂住先.......

next, one is cert. and later the tubed one is cert. also....... 一更兩粒糖, 我只包了一粒..... and then round bed, obs, suction, H'stix, routine.......so so many things to do........有些格主已經好好幫我上奶, 但真的是無停........

本來我覺得都 ok, but sister 一句:「細佬三點先放工咁慘, 快d入去飲啖水」at that moment, I really feel that "我好可憐".......

then leave @ 1515 ar......

meet Sharon after off, just take her gift and back~ meet Cat to pick the TV to home, can't wait for the delivery service, "perfect time match lor-- delievery hr:1100-1400 Mon to Sat "........is that everyone don't need to go to school/ work??? NONSENSE!

hv a new tv lu, but mum said the pic shown is worse than the old tv.......oosh!

4 March 2006

sleep enough today lu~ day off ar!

watched the film "天生一對", ok ar~ quite funny!

then look for a new TV......and finally buy a $6000 20" TV......... become very very poor.......

3 March 2006

although off call today, still don't hv time to look at Kardex..........Sir asked a lot of Ques on case mgt......ai........unhappy ar! care plan.....case mgt.......

dinner with Cat~

time is running too fast~~

2 March 2006

um......still hv many Ques don't know how to ans........

see tapping on same pt again......

long call today, very very busy ........ no time to trace the ans.....

look up at med-sur at home, but can't find the rationale le.......ai........how to face them tmr?

烚下烚下 with Cat at night~

Thank You for your breakfast & lunch box~ Hehe~

>>July 24, 2006 at 9:25:22 PM GMT+8

2006 年 6 月 11 日 星期日 【晴】











>>July 28, 2006 at 12:08:33 PM GMT+8

2005 年 11 月 1 日 星期二 【晴】


mgt really hv quiz......don't know the ans le.....lec w/out note then........tut.......lunch......discussion of FYP, Cynthia not yet sent......discuss ppt.......miss Chin lesson, just take hw......walk with Sarah @ campus for food sale......search.....make ppt for 2 and half hr........still need to go on

《Hemingway, "The Old man and the Sea"》
Man is made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.

>>July 29, 2006 at 4:23:19 AM GMT+8

2005 年 10 月 31 日 星期一 【晴】

So So tired.......
search news without ideas, 1130 Yoga, lunch with Ka Bik & Fanny @金圓軒, 1430-1830 FYP present, just sit and listen w/out anything to do....
1900 interest class, play games with eyes closed, take the lift, buy food~
Cat brings me dinner @2245, thx~

exhaused .......

《Alexander Pope 布樸》
Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.

>>July 29, 2006 at 4:24:17 AM GMT+8

2005 年 10 月 30 日 星期日 【晴】

有阿 Jack 衫著呀~




之後陪貓回學校拿袍,再到旺角捐血站,貓今次差 0.2 ,又不能捐血!順道去弄眼鏡,然後打算坐地鐵回家,卻在地鐵站遇上阿 Jack 衫,終於可以重遇了~哈哈~
自從上次一別,就再也找不到了,問過 salesgirl,原來除了第一個星期之外,只有地鐵沿線才有得賣,今次埋單是羊羊!

阿 Jack 衫可以當衛衣又可以當外套穿,好靚!而且抵過當年 Disney Store ,當年這個價錢只可以買一件短袖阿 Jack 衫而已!阿 Jack 衫還賣到斷碼,貓那一件要等人送過來呢!其間還有許多人身上穿著阿 Jack 衫買阿 Jack 衫呢~


晚上發現好像之前把哥哥的 msn blacklist 了...

《Joseph Conrad 康納》
You shall judge of a man by his foes as well as by his friends.

>>July 29, 2006 at 4:25:16 AM GMT+8

<< 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  >>


除了祂,我別無所求~ 願你的福杯滿溢,平安喜樂常存心間^^



路人留言   |

Karen, <br> <br>
>>November 10, 2008 at 12:08:37 AM GMT+8

Take Care! Thank
>>March 27, 2007 at 11:25:17 PM GMT+8

If u wanna find
>>September 29, 2006 at 12:21:04 AM GMT+8

wow.... welcome
>>July 27, 2006 at 11:44:48 PM GMT+8

人氣: 27975

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