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2004 年 10 月 7 日 星期四 【晴】

同 tina 傾左關於同Bee+ icq 既情況
(Bee+ : 希望你不介意, tina 是我一位很能交心的朋友)

因為轉了學校, 才有機會喜歡上一個人
因為這 "第一個" 和日記, 令我巧合的碰到一個在我日記留言的陌生人
他跟我分享了很多, 又給我意見
(最後, 我都是不明白自己為何喜歡 "第一個"
可能是一點兒好感吧, 但他毫不知情..... 諗起都覺自己浪費青春
現在我對 "第一個" 的感覺退減了很多, 當然是因為這種感情無根基可言啦

不過, 我要多謝 "第一個", 沒有他, 我就不能認識這個陌生人 ^^





對不起, 我也有脆弱的一面


我其實很開心 ^^ ~


但我的確有點怕, 我怕我又...... 唉

(Bee+ : hey ~ 你誤會了, 我又怎麼能寫出這些文字呢? ^^ 歌詞呢架, 我的中文很差架
這是我的習慣呀~ 某段時間喜歡聽的歌, 就會貼上歌詞, 之前的 open diary就貼了許多
這首舊歌是by Beyond >> 情人)

我不想留低 你的心空虛
我的心如水 你不必癡醉

你可知 誰甘心歸去
你與我之間 有誰

是緣是情是童真 還是意外
有淚有罪有付出 還有忍耐
是人是牆是寒冬 藏在眼內
有日有夜有幻想 無法等待

每一天望海 每一天相對
我即使離開 你的天空裡

多少春秋風雨改 多少崎嶇不變愛
就這麼神奇 就這麼有趣 多虧世界有你



>>October 8, 2004 at 11:11:26 PM GMT+8

2004 年 10 月 6 日 星期三 【晴】

我好怕中化說話堂......當我沒有準備好的時候 >_< 快要昏倒
今日早放, 2:30去新世紀廣場食lunch, 飲紅豆冰, 然後睇<2046>, 耐心專注看
激死~ 手電響聲不絕於耳, 又有人食煙.... 喂~ 呢度係戲院呀 !

雖然有人話悶, 有人話睇唔明, 亦有人話沒有失望, 而且拍得漂亮
我當然同意後者, <2046> 確實幾好睇 ^^ 咪走雞
齣戲的故事性不太強, 時間雖然交代得清楚但又不大重要
主要是感情& 內心戲賞心悅目, 要份外俾腦汁去想箇中關係
乘車回來, 擺脫從前........用了多少時間, 又有何遭遇

頗喜歡章子怡的角色及其性格, 還有王菲在2047故事裡飾演機械人的楚楚可憐
睇住木村與王菲 (機械人) 無結果 (有點想哭)......
"不是遲鈍, 可能是不喜歡, 或有喜歡的人"
再跳想到寫2047的梁朝偉對王菲(房東女兒) 唔清唔楚既感覺.... (最後無結果)
他遇到眾多女人包括鞏俐, 章子怡, 劉嘉玲.... 偏偏與真心喜歡的兩個女人無緣

事情不能勉強的時候, 當個聖誕老人可能更舒服 ^^
窩心, 但不會使我分心

減肥, 要減去減不了的肥

>>October 7, 2004 at 1:01:25 AM GMT+8

2004 年 10 月 3 日 星期日 【晴】

下一個永遠 張信哲

希望有一天 偶然能在回憶遇見
咖啡 張學友


悟空 古巨基
就算心很痛 這顆心一早掏空
就算心很痛 未夠病痛那樣痛

閑靜的一天 ~ chat on icq
本來睇緊<棋王>, 睇睇下變左課外書<爸爸媽媽的愛情故事>
睇左其中一個故事, 覺得好甜 ^^ 甚麼唔開心都飛走, 復元
哎呀~ 我唔記得左要去買生日禮物 & 幫阿媽買野.....
(sorry Bee+ >_< 我好想同你繼續傾)
唉 ~ 白走一趟...... 老闆娘為什麼不肯賣最後的一個給我...... 咁狠心架
只好再找過吧, 或者改買其他東西.....都是覺得有點失望
結果在某商場既food court 飲泡沫咖啡 ~ 好味 ^^ 又睇下geog 既hw 同notes
之後back home, continue chatting with Bee+, 傾左好耐, 佢講左好多野俾我知 ^^
自己講左舒服哂, 諗諗下都係迷戀....... 仲要唔知迷甚麼..... ridiculous me
(Bee+ : 我會專心讀書, 唔諗住d 男仔架啦, 連你都唔諗 ^^ haha )
跟同學說我今天的心情的確不錯 ^^ 吉堂既時候跟 tina 說了.....
會否因愛成恨? 變討厭? 咁又唔會, 我不懂得再去努力折磨自己

總要經過跌跌碰碰後才知道最後需要愛的是誰, 或者, 根本沒有這個需要
只能愛一個人, 這是終生的承擔與承諾
我固執的賭我命運, 不想, 不相信, 不希望那句話成真..... 神 ~ 保佑我

good dream......


to 所有重要人物 :
不管你怎樣想, 我都那麼在乎
if i cant convey what i mean by my words
let me tell you with my eyes, my smile, my hands and my heart
from 表達能力極差的我
聽返 Beyond 既舊歌 >> 光輝歲月, 海闊天空, 喜歡你, 情人
> 大發現~ 學生會參選內閣的宣傳單張內有乾坤? "三尖八閣收工", 妙, 不過低俗d 喎
> 我覺得她對我不夠好, 妳覺得我對妳不夠好..... insatiable we are.....
> 走前一步是黃昏, 退後一步是人生
> 你從不知, 那時我曾為你而快樂和憂愁了多少次, 也不覺倦
> 女同學的笑臉很美, 但如果不是為了某些事情, 會更美
> 我一向絕情, 特別在原則問題上....雖然我非常明白人是自私自利.... 絕對深表同情
> econ 上到 5:00pm >_< 坐到八月十五都痛
> 近來有點鬆懈, 不過我還是決定繼續減肥
> TCKY 最新雪糕 ~ 開心熱賣中 ^o^ 傻了 ~ 一齊努力
> Bee +..... 我真的很高興 ~ also thx for your b' day present... 感動 ~^^~


>>October 5, 2004 at 11:50:31 PM GMT+8

2004 年 10 月 2 日 星期六 【晴】

終於見到自己個diary........ 鬆一口氣.......搬 diary & back up 進行中
好開心見到 Bee+ 來留言 (喜歡涼子呀? ^^ 我也是)

今日涼左, 秋天來了..... 睡了十小時, 發了許多夢, 奇奇怪怪的
其中一個夢裡既一幕, 被唔知甚麼同學話我係 lesbian.... choi 大吉利是 ! 諗起都想笑 ^^
我唔係歧視不同既性取向, 只係諗緊有甚麼刺激自己發這樣的夢....
How things went wrong..... or became ridiculous......
Remember, laugh it off and everything will flow
And i am free again ^^
發夢見到阿媽被毒蛇咬.. 要送她到醫院.. 我發怒及心痛的感覺超逼真 (thx tina listened to me)
我知我一直很擔心佢, 有時擔心到痛心的地步 >_< 我要做個堅強的女仔, 好似 grandma
要生存, 就先要有生命力同健康, 絕不能唔清唔楚, 咁樣一d 都唔偉大, 係對唔住自己同父母
(唉 ~ 我個人一睇野不順眼, 就會道理多多, 瞬間老左幾十年......)

夜晚傾電話中, 俾雯雯激到哭笑不得.... 算了吧, 我清楚我是怎樣的一個人... 唉.... 都幾失敗

得悉某些 "秘密", 愕然 ^^ 我自己也大概差不多罷.... 無奈..... 不過都放棄左
大頭蝦的我忘了7:50 要補 geog...... 所以唔去得睇煙花, 其實都無乜心情去睇, sorry

下午4:30 同雯雯出街, 如果可以永遠都習慣留段時間一齊出街就好.... 雖然我知好難
非一般既飲食朋友, 又迫我請飲汽水, 請野食, 真係無良 (老虎機...係我先咁好騙~ 笑 ^^ )
今日又輸左比你 (5 : 7) 都無天理既 ~ 哼









(不過, 我好想有幾個人可以很了解我
因為, 我需要你們在我身邊支持我)

>>October 3, 2004 at 1:36:54 AM GMT+8

2004 年 9 月 27 日 星期一 【晴】

化悲憤為食糧, 三個月無食栗子杯, 一口蛋糕一口恨
今次真係會唔合格啦.......傷心 >_<~ 好難做呀
亂填左十題comprehension, matching 做唔到, 一臉迷惘 (最難做的section c... S***)
阿Q 地安慰自己
>有其他section 同exam 拉分, dont be so worried !
> 豈有此理, 下次報仇 !
唉 ~ 死雯雯放我飛機, 陪舊鄰居都唔陪我...
都無試過同你過中秋=.= 無得上山睇夜景........失望至極
人黎呀 ~ 點解今年中秋都係咁悲哀架..... 唔通要待家... 溫書....不可以
我要出街 ! 我要出街 ! !
便服日, 著便服, casual look
無早放, 同另一個新同學katheriny 出去買lunch, 第一次同佢傾多幾句 ^^
估唔到一講就係感情事.... 其實又有幾難呢..... 大家一齊討論下
(個位virus兄台唔多掂擋喎....咁多歷史, 宜家又一腳踏兩船, 真係複雜)
中史堂, 睇棋王, 睇完三個chapter, 仁至義盡zzz
3:40 離開學校去7-11等雯雯放學, 之後二人行又一城, 我好久無去hk record 聽歌~ ^^
最後都決定左 join 雯雯, 一齊過中秋

掃興... 個肚越來越痛....不過有雯雯陪...呢d小事又算甚麼
(不過返屋企既時候真係痛到死得人....彎著腰 x_x 前所未有...)

今年新興閃閃的飾物 ^^ 買了紅色玫瑰花戒指~ 靚&型

第一次唐樓天台點蠟燭, 談心, 別有一番風味
起初我都有d 心不在焉, 另外又覺得我既存在怪怪地.... 一個無關的人
幸好最後我還是可以專心 enjoy 玩 ^^
(兩邊都無感覺 ? 應該會有種恐懼感吧.... 兩邊都有感覺才恐怖)
(其實, uncle既 "人和論 " 都幾岩架, 起碼這是生存的智慧之一)

之後二人拿著紙燈籠一齊去通州街公園 &後面的公園, 後者特別好環境
最適合躺臥在草地上望住皓月當空 relax & romance (yet not suitable for us ar...)
不過周圍逛都一樣咁開心 ^^ 下年都黎呢度就好lu~
"八點啦 ! " 阿媽叫我....要返學...?! 唔係喎, 應該係假期....
死 ! 約左人朝早8點去游水 god ! 改約8:30am... 哎呀 ~中秋夜去得太盡, 一爬上張床即睡
oh, havent packed thing up ! ... 忙亂... 我極度討厭自己遲到...九秒九飛奔落街...往東京街
時間剛剛好 ^^ ~ lucky

差唔多三年無去泳池... 兩年無去海灘...
終於著新泳衣...仍然都係一個字...肥 =.= 唉~ 著件大 tee就算... 睇唔到... 無眼睇
無食早餐, 無氣無力, 蛙式 &背泳 &自由式都唔算係識游... 游唔得遠... 唔知點...
游既時候有時連手都懶得郁... 踢腳就算... 好似一條魚???
我最喜歡訓水... 懶洋洋... 好寧靜舒服... 無憂... 時間停止

11:00去譚仔食米線, 凍咖啡~ 醒神

>>September 29, 2004 at 3:45:25 PM GMT+8

2004 年 9 月 23 日 星期四 【晴】

> 唉 ~ 先兩年既中秋真係不知所謂 =.= wasted
今年做乜好, 去邊度? 或者可以 "兩邊走" (希望有時間) 咁就最 happy ^^ 齊人之福 ~
> 在桌上畫公仔, 放輕鬆.....小息行出走廊曬太陽 ~ would you be happier ~ singing
> 點解.......... ? 奇怪, 唔通......
> 傾電話中, 阿媽話 : " 又係講死個一張被... 悶唔悶 ...." 我樂此不疲
> 雖然害怕劇情發展會很糟糕, 但有種就送個樣野俾我做生日禮物....公告天下人
> 想同璐珈打 table tennis ^^ 但係我驚我無從招架, 不是對手
> 由始至終討厭紮頭髮, 唔識紮, 好煩但又唔想剪......xyz school rules
> 呢排好 "dry" >.< 好想有新鮮既野可以俾我小小樂趣....特別係英文歌....快枯死了
> 喜歡狗, 特別係大狼犬, 不過唔係好想養寵物, 因為不忍見其死, 太傷心
> 想睇 <2046>
> 8:15pm 補 eng section e, 之前唔知乜頭乜路就報左名, 原來係 k oten
佢同dick hui 既style 都幾似, 還可以既..... try not to panic but enjoy doing it
fact, opinion, indicator, authority + 集四個section 之大成 & skills
我呢d 學生一點就明, 衰在做野無乜時間觀念同效率, 太騰雞, low AQ
> 上英文堂玩 crossword puzzle 提神...... 班主任都無面俾
> 多休息, 玩少d 電腦, 趕走飛蚊症
> 感覺好像走掉不少, 三分鐘熱度, maybe it's over
> Everything will flow....... Suede
A million cars, a million trains
Under the jet plane sky
Nothing lost and nothing gained
Life is just a lullaby
> Listen to the music in your head
These are the sad songs, the broken words
These are the sad songs, the lies you've heard
These are the good times you keep inside
These are the good things that you can have if you try

(Bee + : 唔好成日爆粗& 勞氣啦....唔係s 就 f.... dont give up and quit degree ar.......
What you wrote in your diary is what exactly happen to me
i've never felt easy when i am with the so- called "group"
while i am always "caught in the middle", involving in different groups....
Yet sometimes being an inactive or quiet person.....)
There was a girl who flew the world from a lonely shore
Through southern snow to Heathrow to understand the law
There was a boy who loved the noise of the underground
He left the coast and overdosed on that London sound

He said,
"I don't care if you're black or blue,
me and the stars stay up for you
I don't care who's wrong or right
and I don't care for the U.K. tonight so stay, stay"

And then one day she moved away from those garden walls
She left some flowers, he smoked for hours
She understood the law
feeling exhausted....... long day
最終決定去城大 open day, 既然大家都動身一齊去.... 沿途超多人
碰到寶兒 & 我班同學 ... 雯雯想爆我大鑊, 我即刻伸腳踢佢 ^^ (你唔好玩野)
想讀有咩用, 都唔知可以做咩.....避得一時就一時.....而且我真係想讀書
想, 發夢..... 12 or 13分
社會科學系 (犯罪學 & 心理學 & 應用社會學) , 英文與傳播系
水泡 : 翻譯及傳譯副學士
>> 要好好考慮自己的去向

之後去譚仔食米線.... 我的五小辣好像跟嚴嚴的四小辣調換了..... x _ x'' hot !
5:00 同shirley去溜冰, 兩年無玩真係生疏左 >_< 難以再次飛馳冰場....嗚嗚 ~
二人互相 "扶持" (始終shirley 係新手, 有人拖住安全d, 不過佢唔係好掌握到....重心問題)
(shirley : 你話我多疑過慮都好, 我強烈感到個幾個細路女不安好心, 分明玩你, 唔好咁易信人 !
最火遮眼係俾小朋友玩, 佢地自己又唔係溜得勁喎, 好想xyz 佢地, 討厭, 無大無細)
有d 人無建設性可言架, 特別係聰明又心腸惡毒個d , 不好野, 避之則吉

yeah ~ 我今日終於跌左一次, 終於肯跌 ^^
咁就有機會爬起身..... 無膽跌就好難有進步..... 永遠原地踏步.... 都唔知做乜
可惜唔係因為練某種技巧, 而係講緊呀邊個 ~ too bad ~ haha
7:30 back home 對腳好似唔係自己的... 酸軟...十七歲就已經一副老骨頭
p.s. shirley, 不如每日一齊去自修呀, 我 join你 ^^

hold my hand
and we will be flying on the skating rink
that's the eternal heaven we long for

整理舊照片, 細看一番
等中秋, 等放假....... 期待

忠孝東路走九遍 穿過陌生人潮搜尋你的臉

也許有一天 我會愛上你
也許有一天 我們在一起
也許有一天 等一個也許
也許有一天 我們都忘記

如果一切都會過去 不如留點回憶
當我看著你的眼睛 我等的是奇蹟

也許有一天 你會想起我
也許有一天 我們都忘記

就算一切都會過去 還是應該相信
當你睜開你的眼睛 看一看我的心
同情, 後悔......兩種無實質意義的感覺
要人乞憐, 或不斷為前事自怨自艾都無用......別鑽牛角尖
每次處理事情不理想還要人讚, 想人維護你....也要給人理由呀
做人最模稜兩可就係心軟 & 人太善良..... 唉 ~ 我阿媽.....次次都係咁
為什麼不能快樂 ? 為什麼 ? 因為阿爸 ? 健康 ? 錢 ?

人不為己, 天誅地滅
我的致命傷是我的感情..... 曾嘉盈, 你死左條心啦 ! ! ! ! ! !
你宜家好樣衰呀 ! 半死不活, 拖泥帶水, 一塌糊塗....... 白癡
不要問, 只要信, for my own good

我究竟可是做甚麼? 無前途?! 天呀 ~

>>September 27, 2004 at 12:24:25 AM GMT+8

2004 年 9 月 21 日 星期二 【晴】

課室的電腦又會充滿英文歌 lu ~ ^^
原來新同學都不大喜歡 linkin park, 唔係個個接受到 hard rock & metal
不過當我好火, 好想咆哮既時候就想聽...... down既時候都想聽
I've become so numb I can't feel you there
I've become so tired so much more aware
I'm becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you

Every step that I take is another mistake to you

And every second I waste is more than I can take

I had nothing to say

And I get lost in the nothingness inside of me

I wanna heal, I wanna feel what I thought was never real
可以笑著談話, 但不欣賞其性格態度...... 這些人的存在仍是有意義的
縱然他們與我有天大不同, 但是過埸時間不可能沒有他們
對不起, 我只能這樣說

原來 tina 都話我有時會cool (不是對住佢既時候^^ )
當我發現別人warm既時候, 我就唔會cool

enjoy music together

如果你是怪, 那麼我就是很怪 ^^
我總是強烈的覺得自己不能缺少親密朋友, 幾多普通朋友都不能替代


【1. 在現實生活中,你會被哪一種人所吸引?!.........】
【2. 在求愛的過程中,哪種情況最容易使你覺得情不自禁?!...】
【3. 你想給你的愛人什麼樣的印象呢?!............】
【4. 你最討厭的個性中,哪一個 會使得你與愛人分手?!....】
【5. 你想跟你的愛人建立一個什麼樣的關係?!.........】
【6. 你會通姦(外遇)嗎?!.................】
【7. 你對婚姻的看法?!...................】
【8. 此時此刻,你對愛情的看法?!..............】
> 聖母烏龜真係一年不如一年... 唉... 大無畏 f.1仔.....耶穌牡丹就如溫室, 太美好
> 互動, 溝通就是要雙方的努力, 不能勉強, 請節哀順變如果對方無心努力
> 自己付出100, 不要奢望有80回報, 有60 就該感謝老天爺, 人心難測
> 有無人際關係科? 我想第一個去報名, 改善下自己既溝通技巧
> 我有能力幫到的地方, 即使是聆聽, 也會義不容辭
> 沒有永遠快樂的人生, 如果有, 那根本不是甚麼快樂.....要知道快樂是相對的
> 我好失敗, 俾時間我, 我都想消除陰影, 謝謝你的寬容與體諒, 太懦弱的是我
> 不想繼續做月亮, 想回到從前的光景, 變回太陽, 力量與希望都來自我
> 食完 KFC返屋企既時候落大雨, 本來可以淋雨(好久沒有), 可惜拿著書
個天閃過不停 (有點恐怖 ), neon lights + heavy rain 好靚 ^^ 等左好多個綠燈
雨都係咁大, 最後衝過馬路, 爽 ~
> 沒路用的social worker.... 就係我
> 我總讓人說得太累
> 秘密很誘人, 好奇, 不過又唔多想花時間調查
'Cos I believe that destiny
Is out of our control (don't you know that I do)
And you'll never live until you love
With all your heart and soul
乖女問我先幾日diary那首歌就是everyday i love you (當然不夠 i knew i love you 深情啦)
今日lunch 課室播英文舊歌yesterday once more & greatest love of all (三首... 太少了)
原來大家頗喜歡舊歌 ^^ country, folk, ballad 的確係較大眾化
wow ~ 與非門 & Ping Pung一齊 jam The Cranberries 既 Zombie ^0^

我總是不會知道班裡的氣氛有異, 小事都可以係大秘密
不過就算知唔知都無所謂 ....... 因為應該沒有關我事的 ^^ " sense

即使沒有如果, 我好像還未傷心得起
好強得要死, 卻裝作甚麼也無所謂, 把僅餘的都給你又何妨...
從你爬進我內心那天起, 我已變得不知所謂

>>September 25, 2004 at 10:08:25 PM GMT+8

2004 年 9 月 18 日 星期六 【晴】

終於到weekend, 在家充下電, 休養生息
4:00同雯雯出街行西九 ~ 買野, 九樓玩 (下次我一定會報今日既仇 ^^ )
原來乖女無話俾屋企人聽自己拍緊拖..... 或者好多人都係咁....
中秋節.....雯雯又唔出得街 (你唔係alternative, 兩樣野根本唔同....不過我知我無機會)
lonely mid -autumn festival....poor me =.=...

點解咁燥呀Bee+....我有時都會好helpless, low-esteem... Man, Be Happy
" You may think that I'm blaming others, well then excuse me,
cause I was never loved by others, I was never cared by others,
I've self esteem problem and I look down myself, I don't believe in myself,
I have great doubts and unhappiness. Who's to blame on this anyway?
I think I do believe in God, but when that kind of Christian friends around you,
you have to questions where is God, I do believe in Him mentally,
but I don't feel his present, perhaps because I've been alone since the beginning.
F***, I want to kill myself, I want to commit suicide. But I know I can't do that,
because I don't have the guts to do it, and I know the consequence when the
judgement days comes. "
雖然我還不擅長 幸福這種東西
可是我真的很想 把所有你要的 


裝聾作啞 陳小春

老朋友問我 你在幹嘛
喝了那麼多酒 說了那麼多話
愛由不得人 真的一點不假
時間會講真話 事情有點複雜
我捫心自問 我愛不愛她
把我換做是她 像我這樣的人嫁不嫁
我好怕 怕再愛她會害了她 我想了又想
可是 沒道理呀 我愛她 錯了嗎
想她 心情很差 一整天 不想說話
愛情 沒道理呀 我愛她 她愛他
可惡 愛的神話 這幾年 騙了我吧
Isn't anyone trying to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Wont you take me by the hand
take me somewhere new
I dont know who you are
but I... I'm with you, I'm with you


陷入泥沼可怕嗎? 戀愛指數越低越好喎
雙魚座 > 80% 人馬座 > 75% (唔怪得啦.....haha ^^ 祝福好多 fd )
天蠍座 > 35%

沒一兩道舊痕, 此生不免枉過
" 嘩~ 件衫咁細, 邊係人著架 " 唉~ 宜家真係好好好好好肥呀....S >> L?!
今日心血來潮清理衣櫃, 堆積了六七年既衫終於重見天日
由小五開始已經超喜歡自己買衫....叫得 " 阿平" 當然係買cheap 衫啦 ^^
呢幾年著既衫都變左好多 girlish > 中性.....試返d 舊衫, 感覺好得意

可愛 . 好笑
表弟黎我屋企, 當然係我陪佢玩啦 =.= (不過我今日無乜mood 玩.....逃走, 去食飯)
佢真係與眾不同.....舅父話佢走去攬住個女同學, 仲錫人地面頰 (勁 ~ 佩服 ^^ 有膽識)
唉 ~ 幼稚園就已經係咁, 大個都唔知會點.......
唔知係咪個個巨蟹座既人都熱情如火 ?
以前我有個同學都係咁, 俾佢又攬又錫(玩玩下)...女同學 law....唉 =.= 有咩咁好玩喎

其實港產片都有佢既特色, 不少黑色幽默, 刻意搞笑但係細膩

我有好多個世界想同你分享, 亦都好想了解你既世界

聽著歌, 覺得深夜有好多個你陪著我訓, 我竟捨不得睡著
寧願快樂失眠?......都係快d 訓.....要返學
想他 心情很差 一整天 不想說話....唉
不願你只是個過路人, 日日在我身邊行過.....

對住 tina 真係唔駛做功課, 我地無可能講得完 ^^ lunch之後到 4:10pm, did nothing
你的觀察入微....我超喜歡, 又超害怕....成日被看穿, 好似無著衫咁......佩服
咁想聽英文歌? 害我個腦 down 機了 ^^ 慢慢品嘗, 咁多首歌一齊會消化不良架 (笑)

" 每段愛情都會在對方身上找到自己,從而學懂去愛和清楚自己需要甚麼才是。

>>September 20, 2004 at 10:42:52 PM GMT+8

2004 年 9 月 16 日 星期四 【晴】

Bee+ 做了我的擋箭牌..... sorry
tina 無返學.... 我好掛住你 ^3^ 我幫你踢走感冒, 快d 好返
你唔會每日問我同一個問題吧 ^^ 哈哈 ~ 我唔答你架 ~
不過你咁聰明..... 有點擔心添 ^^ 猜情尋??
當甚麼都成過去, 我不存喜歡的感覺時, 甚麼也可以說
現在就算你估中, 我也會否決

今日好lucky, claudia 無返, 我未作文 =.='''''' 完全 "overslept"
都唔知點解呢排無哂 morale 又 down, 無鬥志的我, 連我也討厭自己, xyz 等打包咩
讀甚麼系又無頭緒....有能力, 無興趣.....慘不過有興趣, 無能力.....唔想諗...悲哀...救命

留低同璐珈, 芳芳姐食 lunch, 開心, 想起 f.1....我是愛起哄, 柴娃娃之一員
文字不美, 內容乏味, 亳無組織, 對住真想死 ~_~ 但我知係我衰唔起....
無進步的感覺很差, 極差勁

新電話, yeah ~ 唔駛煩 (咁未會鼓勵某d 人打黎 up 肺話??)
係咪要我飲汽水, 來來來, 本小姐奉陪
其實都幾 sum up......賭命的現實..... 人生在掌握之外
幾時擲骰子, 行前幾步, 罰停一次, 永遠看不透

學習計數, 將人生中大小不同既事加減乘除後, 若結果是正數, 就該慶幸
有時計錯數, 都不一定係壞事既.......還有許多未知數呢

銀河之旅 ~ 找尋 before i die
好飯伴, 好同窗, 好知心, 好敵手, 陪我逛一世的人
消除我的 " 不自然 "

乜我好cool 架? 第一次俾人咁講...... 好奇怪.....又多一個形象 ^^
或者我係外冷內熱啦..... 我從不自覺 cool
就女仔呢講, 有d 人我見到都唔想走過去同佢social (無野好講, 唔出聲, 所以 cool)
但有d 人我見到就會被吸引住, 好想同佢傾偈, 做 fd (絕對會打得火熱~ 笑)

今日教大家一個英文字 hypocritical
呢個字解 偽善的, 虛偽的........ 係人類行為特徵之一......小心
" 愈想你 其實未會有轉機
再別自欺 痛的感覺亦有限期
感激當中的 男友 曾經是你 "

不要對他說 一樣的話語
言多必悔, 娛人愚己 ? 蠢左添

吉堂同 tina &慧婷一齊, 之前講錯一句野, 後患無窮......唉 ~ 無日安寧
佢地問我係咪某同學, 我話唔係.....
(其實之前俾人問過一個好似既問題....好想知點解咁問 law.....大家既共同感覺??!!)
之後繼續問我其他問題, 我只好聰明的打太極......
當她們 "神交" 估緊我杯茶既時候, 某同學竟然出現喎
tina 對眼望一望我, 慧婷 get 到佢想點, 二人笑...... 又話虛則實之
真係無奈, 我對住邊個都係咁望架啦.....剛剛聽緊首歌, 心裡酸溜溜, 諗起呀邊個...
但又甜不起來, 我笑我太好戲.......唔通又要找多個擋箭牌 ??
(tina 我知你明既, 再估過啦)

遊戲太刺激會使我受不起, 不想累人累己, 又累死自己
其實我太認真了.... 忙著掩飾 .... 不想人知道

喜歡說一點謊的女孩, 她該有甚麼感受?

I don't know, but I believe
That some things are meant to be
And that you'll make a better me

I never thought that dreams came true
But you showed me that they do
You know that I learn something new

It's a touch when I feel bad
It's a smile when I get mad
All the little things I am

If I asked would you say yes?
Together we're the very best
I know that I am truly blessed
And I'll give you my best

或者不久將來, 我會可以在每段的結尾加上呢一句
Everyday I love you
火大, 又發自己脾氣, 作唔好篇文, 狂燥中, 唔好爆粗....
唉 ~ open diary all gone temporary.... 聯絡唔到 Bee+ >_<~ miss ur word
原來Bee+ 都係度發脾四 (University of Auckland既生活真係咁慘?)
" Just imagine when you've completed your course, or have not completed
the course, and you end up with at least $10,000 on your debt, with no job
in your field that you want to work, just what the hell are you supposed to do,
and just what the hell the government is doing about this situations?????
Shame on all those people who's responsible, shame on them.
Now, knowing this S*** and the media confirms and agrees with what you/I think,
what can you do or what are/should you do then????
I know for me I want to leave this pathethic F***ing place. "

唉 ~ 我好問想自己
" what the hell am i doing? what the hell am i supposed to be? "
我想讀個幾個系, 讀完之後無前途.......
無方向感, 我有太多興趣....有d 羨慕有一兩項專長或目標的人
chat chat chat ^^ i love spiritual friends......give thanks with a grateful heart
下午同 tina 在 hall 食 lunch, 談心, free ~ 二人的私人空間, 傾唔完
u are the one who accepts my negativity

夜晚同雯雯傾左好多野, 好滿足 ~ 世事如棋, 人亦如棋, 非常同意啦
點頭之交周街都有, 好朋友能夠志趣相投又可交心就真係難搵到 (哼~ 乜我唔算係咩 ~笑)
其實 olr 真係無乜邊個岩你口胃架(我都一樣呀), 我覺得你入左大學就會搵到, 信我啦
(俾阿媽鬧我煲粥, 佢話我煲壞電話喎....個幾鐘之ma, 好久無聽你講得咁in depth)

what if i never knew
what if i never found u.......又唱情歌 lu ^^ 呢度當然係友情

>>September 24, 2004 at 11:27:27 PM GMT+8

2004 年 9 月 14 日 星期二 【晴】

COPY 返 open diary 既日記..........

Lydia 不要迷惘 - 8/29/2004

0932 or 1874 其實都不是好結局 - 8/29/2004

想你..... 陪我.....

好想停下來, 專注其他事情

傻妹.......開始與結局, 一線之差


鬧市裡情侶有幾對 誰來決定哪一雙登對 旁邊那雙 才親過咀嘴 而到最後 吵了嘴 戀愛苦 不愛或更苦 偏碰不到喜歡在這都市無聊獨活 問誰會有心 但等待更切膚 你現在或太混亂 你並沒有注意 某一雙眼 熱切注視 (有一個熱切注視) 怕命運預訂道別 誰最後會閃 這分鐘更讓我眷戀 (還跟你回頭望見) 如像你共我被邱比特偷偷選中 要一世也忘記孤獨 不信像你這麼好 情人找不到 命運或是不可預告 主宰相戀的一箭何時放出 會將你共我擊中不信像你這麼好 情人找不到 命運或是喜歡讓凡人被難到 驅使你我這天相碰 愛神早將你我選好


我的好, 我的壞 - 8/30/2004

深謀遠慮 恩怨分明 直覺敏銳 有決定執行力 不畏挫折堅持到底 對朋友講義氣
天生性感魅力 堅持追求事情真相 善於保守秘密 有潛在熱情

太過好強 佔有慾過高 妒忌心重愛呷醋 疑心重 報復心太強 得勢不饒人
感情用事明知故犯 口是心非城府太深 愛恨太強烈




且看到他人有難,總會忍不住去幫助他;但有時候過度發揮,會讓別人覺得 妳多管閒事,


甲蟲與向日葵 - 8/30/2004




要坦白真係咁難? 你唔試過又點知




exactly la, if you never tell the other person how you feel about him/her,
how will you know what his/her reactions will be?! If the outcome is good,
then excellent, if the outcome is not good, then at least you know that him/her
is not meant to be for you ma.

Coke light = Diet Coke???? [bee +]
Thank you ~ [kaying1029]

不同 - 8/30/2004

when men look for love, women look for life

他的愛情的夢, 輸了給她的現實 


Something Like You - 8/30/2004

So many times I thought I held it in my hands
but just like grains of sand
love slipped through my fingers
so many nights I asked the Lord above
Please make me lucky enough to find a love that lingers

I don't care what tomorrow brings as long as we're together
my heart is telling me that you could be my meant to be

I can't believe...that something like you could happen to me

I'm afraid I'll never find someone like you

好想你, 怎麼辦? 


也 許 , 這 便 是 女 人 - 8/31/2004

在 米 蘭 昆 德 拉 的 長 篇 小 說 《 生 命 中 不 能 承 受 之 輕 》 的 末 段 裡 ,
特 麗 莎 偶 然 看 到 托 馬 斯 在 彎 身 修 理 小 卡 車 , 她 發 覺 他 老 了 ,
疲 憊 不 堪 , 霜 染 鬢 髮 。 年 輕 時 , 他 未 嘗 對 她 忠 誠 ,
她 一 直 責 怪 他 愛 她 不 夠 。 直 到 這 一 刻 ,
她 才 驚 覺 自 己 不 停 地 向 他 展 示 傷 痛 , 是 迫 使 他 退 卻 。
他 投 降 了 , 陪 她 在 農 村 終 老 。 他 們 已 經 山 窮 水 盡 了 ,
他 不 可 能 再 找 別 的 女 人 。 她 用 軟 弱 來 使 他 成 為 她 懷 中 的 兔 子 。
她 是 多 麼 的 奸 詐 ?

是 的 , 當 你 鬢 已 成 霜 , 我 才 能 夠 相 信 , 你 是 我 的 。


我們分不開 - 8/31/2004

>哈哈~ 我同雯雯因為聽mp3所以變成連體^^'' 俾售貨員笑添

>一齊去滋潤棧, 飲coke light, 行西九, 選生日禮物

>超想買那件有軍妹的衫, 可惜我有減不了的肥... 你明啦... 真係慘


朋友 - 8/31/2004

心寒   鄧健泓

明明期待你  但對你說慌 還前來情場拾荒
我太令你失望 明明如像情人地響往 但冒充好漢陪你傾講
世界令你失望  我卻笑著陪你喊一趟
若是他非好漢  就隨便趟進我肩膊 你肯不肯上當


告別 - 8/31/2004

為你失眠    吳日言

能愛著你 不怕寂寞 為你失眠都不錯 
睡魔今晚不要撓讓 夜深偷偷把你細想
又靠著我的孤枕當你肩膊 而你獨個可會寂寞 
凝望著天花牽掛我 陽光清早不要照亮 淚水怎麼可以見光
就怕夜裡不肯去睡覺的只有我 想念你想到落淚 
仍然沒法安睡 你像幽靈 黑暗中揮不去


新的我, 最後 - 9/1/2004


6a to 7a 應該有甚麼改變?

一班舊同學, 5個隔離班, 6個新同學

在最後一段校園時間裡面, 我想變得更自信, 更主動


'在最後一段校園時間裡面, 我想變得更自信, 更主動


good for you, add oil....+_+ [bee +]

時不對 - 9/1/2004


偏偏是現在, 不是從前, 不是將來


偶然與緣份, 這算是無情嗎?

我受不起影響思考的刺激, 寧願不開口......


the timing never right......hum......this happenes a lot to me and
surely to lots of other people too......

perhaps it is because of this we feel that things just don't make sense at all.

希望你的心情會好轉la. [bee +]

寂寞的ICQ - 9/1/2004

唔怪得你hi我啦 ^^

去買sushi時碰到雯雯, 佢順便上黎我屋企, 剛好我開左電腦&icq,
佢就去hi阿婆了....阿婆即刻say hi....雯雯好開心....繼續利用我身份玩....

由此可見, 一個過份活躍和一個過份被動既人絕對會有截然不同既待遇




hahaha, I have the same situatuions too, but, nevermind la,
cause then that's just you ma.....just let yourself be yourself.....
[bee +]

黑. 白. 灰. - 9/1/2004

寂寞奏鳴曲   陳奕迅


原來愛上寂寞 會怕去愛

害怕走 郤得往前走

已經忘了很久 每個鏡頭


以前快樂的我 給消滅後 還剩下什麼


sorry, my chinese typing is really bad and novice. [bee +]

原來 - 9/2/2004

今日得知某男同學喜歡某女同學原來已有兩年, 原因是她美麗的笑容喎,

不過事實好殘酷, 該名女同學根本從不喜歡那男同學


單戀的路漫長而且孤獨, 可能是對另一個人的幻想, 或者是錯覺
Love is one big illusion I should try to forget but there is something left in my head


well, the sooner you wake up from it the better. I had like a girl for 5~7 years,
the truth was the she has never like me in that way, n it's only recently my friend
told me that she's going out with another guy, this really helps me to wake up
and just face the reality, it's hard and sad ga, but 'if the old one don't leave,
then how can the new one comes ar?' [bee +]
I agree. But he is the first person I truly fall in love with. Although I cant figure
out why I fall for him, I still want to tell him. The problem is that he likes somebody
secretly at this moment.... I doubt whether I should tell him right now.... [kaying1029]
oic oic. Well, it is a difficult question for sure, yeah, telling him now seems a bit
inapporiate knowing he likes someone secretly, perhaps later would be better,
but then again, to tell him now or later both have its advantages and disadvantages.
Do you know (in any way) does he likes you or not?

I can understand how you feel with wanting to tell someone you
like that you like him/her a lot. [bee +]
I think he doesn't like me...I don't know since we haven't build up a
close relationship yet.I am a bit curious about how you confessed to the girl you liked.
How did you show her that you liked her? [kaying1029]
Well, for all the time that I liked her, I've not build up a close relationship with
her as well, that's because our common ground/interest is really minimum.
We hardly know each other, and I finally realised that I like her in an idol way,
which is not good lei. Actually my friend told me that she doesn't/won't like me ga la,
but that doesn't stop you liking/loving them.
[bee +]
Initally I thought I'll never confess to her, cause I'm too shy and I don't have the
guts to do so, and I thought I'll just leave things as they were, but don't know why,
suddenly I felt I need to tell her that I like her a lot, because I felt that if I don't do so,
I'll regret it in the future, so I finally made up my mind to confess to her.
[bee +]
I can still remember that day clearly, it was a bright sunny day, summer time even
though it's 8th December 2001 (because in NZ dec is summer, the exactly opposite to HK).
We met at Starbucks, we sit down and chat for a while and then I just told her
there's something I wanted to tell her, and before I can say that I've liked you for
all these times, I was so nervous and my heart was just pounding [bee +]
so hard, it was certainly nerve recking, and everytime I wanted to confess,
my mouth just seems unable to speak, with things like "I....", "I.....". Eventually
you just need to grap hold of yourself and take a deep breath, and then I told
her that I've liked her a lot for all these times, and I felt that I needed to tell you
how I felt about you.

That's how I confess to her. [bee +]
And then she reply something like 'I appreicate your thoughts', 'if we can't be
lovers we can still be friends', 'I don't want to lose our friendship', things like that.

I think what matters most to you is how important it is to confess to him and what
does confessing to him means to you. Because for me at that time I know I've to
confess her, cause I know if I don't, I'll regret about it later [bee +]
so, that was the 1st time confessions, I think there's this 2nd time too(sort of).
That's April this year when I had the opporunity to give her a copy of a song
(it was record as a demo on a CD) that I've wrote to her, the lyrics is about
how I felt about her, the lyrics is on my OD contents page.
I told her the lyrics of the song is how I felt about her and asked her what does
she thinks of it. [bee +]
she said she appreicate what I've done for her, however there's something
still missing. Now, if you were her, what exactly do you mean??? Cause I took it
and thought she mean that there's a chance there, just something is missing. But
when I share this with a friend she reminds me that she express herself in a very
ambiguous way, so she could well mean anything, and it's because of this I asked [bee +]
her what does she means by 'I appreicate what you've done for me, however,
there's still something missing'. I asked her is it A) There's a chance for us to be
together, there's just still something missing for it to happen? or B) There's no chance
for us to be together but I really appreicate what you've done for me.

Her reply was B). So, because she express herself ambiguously, I've got the [bee +]
wrong meaning from her. It's good that I check/ask her to confirm because then
I would know more exacrtly what she means.

So, that's me and just a while ago, my friend told me that she has been going out
with someone. And it was just so shocking to me, because of that guy she's going
out with lor, anyway I've put my thought to that on OD, and I think I've kinda sidetrack
from your question. [bee +]

Communication - 9/2/2004

一直很喜歡the cardigans既communication, 可能有親身感受吧

for 27 years I've been trying to believe and confide in different people I found
some of them got closer than others
and some wouldn't even bother and then you came around
I didn't really know what to call you
you didn't know me at all but I was happy to explain
I never really knew how to move you
so I tried to intrude through the little holes in your veins and I saw you
but that's not an invitation! that's all I get
if this is communication I disconnect
I've seen you, I know you, but I don't know how to connect
so I disconnect

you always seem to know where to find me
and I'm still here behind you in the corner of your eye
I'll never really learn how to love you but I know that I love you
through the hole in the sky where I see you
and that's not an invitation!
that's all I get if this is communication I disconnect
I've seen you, I know you but I don't know how to connect
so I disconnect
well, this is an invitation!
it's not a threat
if you want communicationthat's what you get
I'm talking and talking
but I don't know how to connect
and I hold a record for being patient with your kind of hesitation

I need you, you want me but I don't know how to connect
so I disconnect
I disconnect


If music doesn't amuse me anymore ... - 9/2/2004

近來許多英文歌都好像不太好聽, 粗俗無獨特之處, 只能搞笑... 
反而想聽多些舊歌, e.g bee gees, carpenters......country或者folk既味道重d既歌
(因為太多無意思的R&B在腦裡打轉@_@) 另外聽多左keri noble, norah jones
這類型的歌, 舒服~ 至於喜歡的band一直都係evanescence, 始終較rock & metal
& electronic 既實力組合e.g linkin park, suede, bonjovi...我只是喜歡兩三首




我自己中二放棄學琴, 學木童笛, 口琴又不算精, 還想學打鼓...



聽歌 = 抒情

不過近來入耳的都是苦情歌... 聽到的不是歌,是自己心聲
hey, I'm similar to you, cause I don't have a talent for composing music and
have a great interest in music too, I know it from the degree course I'm studying now,
at least the best thing for you is you know this way earlier then I do,
cause now I'm stuck in the middle. Anyway, it doesn't matter if you're gonna 2
work in da music industry or not, as long as you still likes music, then it's fine la [bee +]
Thanks for your sharing, I do feel better now [kaying1029]

選擇 - 9/3/2004


有權選擇的人面對眾多選擇, 難免多心



true, true, but remember that 'to choose' and 'be choose' works both ways.
It's important to know what suits you and what you really want, but I think this
changes with your age and attitude. Also, I think it takes a life time to know yourself,
because as life situations changes, you in a way changes as well. But the basic
personality and character should stay within some boundary. [bee +]

幻海奇緣 - 9/3/2004

從來沒幻想心中情人特徵 全部倚靠想像誰能定
情人像理想 始終遙遙像星 人海中 到底可有緣能遇見

從前在理想中的情人特徵 成長中已消逝
如夢境 凝望世事匆匆 癡情如幻影 漸不敢再奢望 愛情能作證

這一天 站在你面前 地與天 都彷彿牽於一線

看得清 日後每一天 在你身邊 多麼多麼溫暖 我要等的那位正是你


現實 - 9/3/2004

見到A1在icq info有這樣的一句 "
school is just a shit , an open jail it is"
唉~只能用stressful來形容現在的自己, geog & econ都有很多topics要去溫習整理,
好好記入腦, 可是新的課題又來了......

AL抗戰八個月, 悄悄揭幕



無錢真係萬萬不能.....我的興趣, 精神生活, 唔駛理屋企人咩....

一切都好現實, 挨苦我也願 


Beyond - 9/4/2004


Too Much To Ask

Everytime I try to make you smile
You're always feeling sorry for yourself
Everytime I try to make you laugh
You can't You're too tough
You think you're loveless
It was too much that I'm asking for


He Wasn't

He wasn't what I wanted, what I thought, no.
He wouldn't even open up the door.
He never made me feel like I was special.
He isn't really what I'm looking for.


Fall To Pieces

Wanna know who you are
Wanna know where to start
I wanna know what this means
Wanna know how you feel
Wanna know what is real
I wanna know everything, everything


Touch The Sky

I used to carry this big old world
On my shoulders and back I used to lie inside my room
Wondering where I'm at I felt a chill running through my veins
And wondered, would I be saved?
I felt the ice building in my soul
Would it melt away?

He's a warm breeze
Breathing life into me
He's the sunlight
Shining down on me

I pulled the burden from off my back
And tossed it into the wind
And stretched my arms toward the sky
And let my life begin


延續 - 9/4/2004



今生也是如此~ ^^

想逃 - 9/4/2004

"真的要唱?" 你一定話我現在還問這個問題了

如果你不嫌棄我沒有自己的聲音, 我們就試著練吧

如果沒有我, 你會獨唱嗎? 我怕我唱得不好

我又無自信了..... 又發放負能量


別了依然相信 以後有緣再聚未曾重遇以前 要珍惜愛自己
在最好時刻分離不要流眼淚 就承諾在某年 某一天某地點 再見

今年唱這首歌, 會流淚的...


舊發現 - 9/5/2004

f.4既時候A1借左savage garden既大碟affirmation俾我聽,
當時佢話affirmation既歌詞不錯, 但是我掛住聽crash & burn, i knew i loved you(太經典了)
忘記佢咁講過......今日找來歌詞, 的確有意思^^


I believe the sun should never set upon an argument
I believe we place our happiness in other people's hands
I believe that junk food tastes so good because it's bad for you
I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do
I believe that beauty magazines promote low self-esteem
I believe I'm loved when I'm completely by myself alone
I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye

I believe you can't control or choose your sexuality
I believe that trust is more important than monogamy
I believe your most attractive features are your heart and sou
lI believe that family is worth more than money or gold
I believe the struggle for financial freedom is unfair
I believe the only ones who disagree are millionaires

I believe forgiveness is the key to your unhappiness
I believe that wedded bliss negates the need to be undressed
I believe that God does not endorse TV evangelists
I believe in love surviving death into eternity


Crash & Burn

When you feel all alone
And the world has turned its back on you
Give me a moment please to tame your wild wild heart
I know you feel like the walls are closing in on you
It's hard to find relief and people can be so cold
When darkness is upon your door and you feel like you can't take anymore

Let me be the one you call
If you jump I'll break your fall
Lift you up and fly away with you into the night

If you need to fall apart
I can mend a broken heart
If you need to crash then crash and burn
You're not alone

Beautiful - 9/5/2004

1. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.




2. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.




3. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to
doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.




4. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.




5. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them
knowing you can't have them.




6. Never frown, even when you are sad,
because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.




7. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.




8. Don't waste your time on a man/woman,
who isn't willing to waste their time on you side.




9. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people
before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person,
we will know how to be grateful.


讓我們遇到那位對先生/ 對小姐時懂得珍惜。


10. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.




11. There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is
keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.




12. Make yourself a better person and know who you are
before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.


先把你自己變成一個更好的人和了 解你自己。


13. Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.





逃避你 卻又期待我可跟你做情人
暗逃避你 愛是遙又遠得很
而我始終不敢靠近 還是不相信能和你合襯

(p.s 原來會有喜歡到想逃避&逃離的意識架...


I waited 'til I saw the sun
I don't know why I didn't come
I left you by the house of fun
I don't know why I didn't come
I don't know why I didn't come

When I saw the break of day
I wished that I could fly away
Instead of kneeling in the sand
Catching teardrops in my hand

My heart is drenched in wine
But you'll be on my mind


冰火 - 9/8/2004

唔知係唔係我運氣好既問題, 被人蝦或者愚弄既事情都不會發生在我身上,
不過我身邊既人俾人玩就見得多... 有d人娛人娛己, 自己承受得起, 結果可能大家快樂,
要人地唔高興, 自己先快樂

要知道玩這種遊戲好容易玩出火... 甚至引火自焚

要無聊就拿其他事情玩, 一個人的容忍度賭不過 


自然 - 9/8/2004

折磨     星盒子

想著你在想什麼 想著你在做什麼
面對你無法開口 一次一次的錯過 漫漫長夜有誰陪你過
沒有應該不應該 沒有誰對跟誰錯
是否沒有發生過 還是我們已擁有 一種不用說明的承諾
Oh 明天我還是要過 面對一個人的生活
But loving you, needing you 我享受 這種折磨
想著你在想什麼 想著你在做什麼 能否繼續走下去 
連自己也沒把握 只是我享受這種折磨

>>September 19, 2004 at 12:19:51 PM GMT+8

<< 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  >>


有了你開心D,乜都稱心滿意,咸魚白菜也好好味...... 在灰羽人間, 尋找真實的我, 複雜, 矛盾的人啊........



路人留言   |

劉邦又點同劉備ar <br>差幾
>>November 9, 2004 at 12:13:39 AM GMT+8

>>October 19, 2004 at 2:11:15 PM GMT+8

wei, hello!! I c
>>October 2, 2004 at 10:45:25 AM GMT+8

哈哈,我都話我會黎ga la
>>September 15, 2004 at 11:10:11 PM GMT+8

>>September 9, 2004 at 10:39:03 PM GMT+8

>>August 3, 2004 at 10:47:50 PM GMT+8

>>August 3, 2004 at 12:54:05 AM GMT+8

好痛苦.... <br>無心機溫
>>August 2, 2004 at 1:28:23 AM GMT+8

I understand,no
>>May 25, 2004 at 5:52:43 PM GMT+8

hey, it is not e
>>April 13, 2004 at 12:09:25 AM GMT+8

>>April 9, 2004 at 10:36:41 PM GMT+8

>>April 5, 2004 at 9:39:23 PM GMT+8

^3^ <br>haha...g
>>March 29, 2004 at 11:02:55 PM GMT+8

>>March 20, 2004 at 3:04:43 PM GMT+8

我上次兩日內玩兩次 <br>第一
>>March 7, 2004 at 11:21:26 PM GMT+8

>>February 29, 2004 at 11:57:07 PM GMT+8

>>February 25, 2004 at 6:05:44 PM GMT+8

>>February 22, 2004 at 10:25:55 PM GMT+8

唔係wor chic,你真係唔驚
>>February 22, 2004 at 10:10:24 PM GMT+8

>>February 22, 2004 at 11:02:31 AM GMT+8

喂喂,俾你個MESSAGE bo
>>February 21, 2004 at 12:22:25 AM GMT+8

>>January 17, 2004 at 10:25:43 PM GMT+8

>>January 15, 2004 at 4:59:17 PM GMT+8

>>December 27, 2003 at 9:10:13 PM GMT+8

>>December 7, 2003 at 10:18:07 PM GMT+8

HEEHEE <br>多謝你睇我
>>June 21, 2003 at 10:54:09 PM GMT+8

人氣: 4585

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