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2005 年 1 月 27 日 星期四 【晴】

Try to remember 嘗試去回憶

Try to remember the kind of September 嘗試去回憶那十月
When life was slow and oh so mellow 當生活是那麼的緩慢而又那麼的美好
Try to remember the kind of September 嘗試去回憶那十月
When grass was green and grain was yellow 當小草是那麼的級而穀物是那麼的金黃

Try to remember the kind of September 嘗試去回憶那十月
When you were a tender and callow fellow 當你是個懂得照料別人的人 去提攜那些幼嫩的後輩
Try to remember and if you remember 如果你還記得的話 那麼請你嘗試去想想
Then follow, follow oh.. oh.. 然後繼續...繼續...噢..噢...

Try to remember when life was so tender 嘗試去回憶那十月
That no one wept except the willow 除了柳樹 沒有人哭泣
Try to remember the kind of September 嘗試去回憶那十月
When love was an ember about to billow 當愛是餘情跟快要爆發
Try to remember and if you remember 如果你還記得的話 那麼請你嘗試去想想
Then follow, follow oh.. oh.. 然後繼續...繼續...噢..噢...

Deep in December it’s nice to remember 在嚴冬 回憶是親切的
Although you know the snow will follow 雖然雪花會跟隨著你
Deep in December it’s nice to remember 在嚴冬 回憶是親切的
The fire of September that made us mellow 十月的火花令我們感到喜悅
Deep in December our hearts should remember 在嚴冬 請用心去回憶
and follow, follow, follow 然後繼續...繼續...繼續... 


>>January 27, 2005 at 7:16:09 PM GMT+8

2005 年 1 月 26 日 星期三 【晴】


晚上隔離屋的阿姨 (我們還在吃飯 )
還抵死地說: 噢 你看 現在地版那麼的爽爽滑滑
父親說她自己不舒服 聲也沙了還可以說咁耐 真是....

>>January 29, 2005 at 11:10:39 AM GMT+8

2005 年 1 月 20 日 星期四 【晴】

哈哈 總算沒有浪費我的時間...
我依家o係度裝緊office 啊~
頭先死搵爛搵先搵到隻 NextOffice


今日派了eng.week 張抓人講中文張紙
一定好好玩 >V< 嘿嘿

>>January 20, 2005 at 7:23:13 PM GMT+8

2005 年 1 月 19 日 星期三 【微冷】


隔左一陣間 有兩個人(學生) 都走左入來~
然後就一手拎左 :)
聽到其中一個講: 唔係咁邪丫?
我都覺得佢地講緊我~ 不過又冇理佢地
好快咁 都冇10幾20秒
佢地好長盡咁解釋俾我聽 佢地的miss指定聽日用我手上的書
之後我就好快咁話 你地拿去啦~
(因為我都唔係好急要用~只不過想睇下 有用先加落條essay 到)
之後佢問 tomolo 我去唔去圖書館
我話冇你地咁急 你地聽日用你地拎去啦
佢地話 : 咁就o岩啦!~
@@" 咁佢地就約我去m記到等
聽日佢地俾返我 @0@~

哈哈 真是遲鈍的肥君君

我同肥君君同阿金在recess 騙個校工開返個電話亭俾我地打電話
訂了個$119 PIZZA
同佢一起食pizza時 阿波重話好似同緊劉老師食飯添
之後阿米趕住返工 我去左買lemon tea 的時侯佢就走左嚕 連掰掰都冇同我掰掰 -.-

然後一心諗住free堂去mmlc 印野
攪到我5堂空堂都print 唔到野

重畫左好多好靚的圖片添 哈哈~~~~~~~
一定開心死佢~ :)
個獨孤后重話 唔怪得之D電影要拍三年=_=


之後放學去左mmlc print 野
終於把D中史PAST PAPER 題目印晒出來~~~~
死人林少君趁機推人落地係咁拉起人地條裙 又摸人地個胸 QQ
攪到我俾D 師妹望住晒 =.=
我重見到個保母o係度笑 嗚嗚嗚~~~~~~
我真係陰公啦 >_<~~~~~~~

由於prepare last day 的早會
大家就聚首一堂排下個格局 唱下歌咁
無神神企左過來我同何嘉雯中間!~ @o@||||||||||||||||||||||||||
我重嗅到她身上有異味 ._.
唔知下個Day 5又會點呢...

>>January 19, 2005 at 6:42:38 PM GMT+8

2005 年 1 月 15 日 星期六 【微冷】

不過無聊無野做搵d野玩下 :P

Personality Profile Rank Click here to see your celebmatch.

Intelligence 7.8 Very Intelligent ?
Risk 2.8 Very Low Risk ?
Ambition 7.8 High Ambition ?
Gay Factor 1.1 Very Low Gay Factor ?
Honor 6.0 Average Honor ?
Politeness 8.0 High Politeness ?
Income 7.8 $50,000 - $100,000 ?
Sociability 4.8 Low Sociability ?
Promiscuity 2.8 Very Unpromiscuous ?


Personality Profile:

You are a long-term planner, diligent worker and avoid risk as much as possible. You are of above average intelligence and have the ability to focus on tasks that seem unimportant at present, but can lead to greater things in the foreseeable future. You are not keen to interact with others or make social connections. You would rather gain material wealth before putting yourself in a position to be judged. You are not confrontational unless someone directly opposes your intellectual beliefs. You are highly concerned with your social status. You are keen to avoid risks that could jeopardize your long-term plans. You take a calculated approach to life, working hard to control all aspects of it in order to not leave anything important to chance.

You tend to be a perfectionist and quite self-conscious. You sometimes wish you were less reserved and more like some others you see who are more bold and outspoken in social situations. But as much as you try to be like them, you cannot, because you care too much about the future to ever be comfortable taking risks in social situations.

Your view of other types
Academic types can end up rich but it will take longer than with a Boss type. You see Boss types as potential business clients and as great resources to expand your contacts. Therefore you treat them with respect. For the most part you do not respect Artist types, however there are some Alpha Artists that you give some credit to. You look down upon Blue collar types as you consider them ignorant. You see White collar types as unsuccessful versions of yourself, but because of work situations you may have to interact with them often. You have very little in common with Charmers, therefore you avoid them. You consider Gambler types to make foolish decisions, and for the most part you do not interact with them. At times you feel sorry for Drifters.

Other types' view of you
Boss types consider you to be a valuable resource of advice. They constantly interact with you to make better decisions and they often respect your opinion. For the most part Artist types do not interact with you for they rather take it easy. They however may like you because of your knowledge of subjects that they find interesting. Blue collar types find you boring and uptight, they have very little in common with you. White collar types may respect your accomplishments and ambition. Charmer types regard you as mostly withdrawn from life and too uppity to hang around with. Gambler types think that because you play so safe you miss out on great opportunities. Drifter types have no regard for you, because your repetitive routines seem boring to them.

Alpha academic: Solid long-term planner. Highly intelligent, ambitious and loyal to close ones.

Expected Occupations: Lawyer, Doctor, Investment Banker, Chief Accountant, Corporate Consultant, Head Engineer, Stock Broker, Business owner (professional skill/knowledge based business operation)

Beta academic: Not as intelligent or ambitious as Alpha Academics, but still focused on being materially successful.

Expected Occupations: Lawyer, Doctor, Investment Analyst, Accountant, Architect, Engineer, Professor, Researcher, Psychologist

Theta academic: Not as intelligent as Alpha and Beta academics, but still intelligent.

Expected Occupations: Pharmacist, Accountant, Teacher, Journalist, Computer Technician


Personality Profile Rank Click here to see your celebmatch.

Intelligence 6.7 Very Intelligent ?
Risk 4.1 Low Risk ?
Ambition 6.2 Average Ambition ?
Gay Factor 1.3 Very Low Gay Factor ?
Honor 5.6 Average Honor ?
Politeness 4.4 Low Politeness ?
Income 7.1 $50,000 - $100,000 ?
Sociability 5.6 Average Sociability ?
Promiscuity 3.5 Low Promiscuity ?


Personality Profile:

You are a long-term planner, diligent worker and avoid risk as much as possible. You are of above average intelligence and have the ability to focus on tasks that seem unimportant at present, but can lead to greater things in the foreseeable future. You are not keen to interact with others or make social connections. You would rather gain material wealth before putting yourself in a position to be judged. You are not confrontational unless someone directly opposes your intellectual beliefs. You are highly concerned with your social status. You are keen to avoid risks that could jeopardize your long-term plans. You take a calculated approach to life, working hard to control all aspects of it in order to not leave anything important to chance.

You tend to be a perfectionist and quite self-conscious. You sometimes wish you were less reserved and more like some others you see who are more bold and outspoken in social situations. But as much as you try to be like them, you cannot, because you care too much about the future to ever be comfortable taking risks in social situations.

Your view of other types
Academic types can end up rich but it will take longer than with a Boss type. You see Boss types as potential business clients and as great resources to expand your contacts. Therefore you treat them with respect. For the most part you do not respect Artist types, however there are some Alpha Artists that you give some credit to. You look down upon Blue collar types as you consider them ignorant. You see White collar types as unsuccessful versions of yourself, but because of work situations you may have to interact with them often. You have very little in common with Charmers, therefore you avoid them. You consider Gambler types to make foolish decisions, and for the most part you do not interact with them. At times you feel sorry for Drifters.

Other types' view of you
Boss types consider you to be a valuable resource of advice. They constantly interact with you to make better decisions and they often respect your opinion. For the most part Artist types do not interact with you for they rather take it easy. They however may like you because of your knowledge of subjects that they find interesting. Blue collar types find you boring and uptight, they have very little in common with you. White collar types may respect your accomplishments and ambition. Charmer types regard you as mostly withdrawn from life and too uppity to hang around with. Gambler types think that because you play so safe you miss out on great opportunities. Drifter types have no regard for you, because your repetitive routines seem boring to them.

Alpha academic: Solid long-term planner. Highly intelligent, ambitious and loyal to close ones.

Expected Occupations: Lawyer, Doctor, Investment Banker, Chief Accountant, Corporate Consultant, Head Engineer, Stock Broker, Business owner (professional skill/knowledge based business operation)

Beta academic: Not as intelligent or ambitious as Alpha Academics, but still focused on being materially successful.

Expected Occupations: Lawyer, Doctor, Investment Analyst, Accountant, Architect, Engineer, Professor, Researcher, Psychologist

Theta academic: Not as intelligent as Alpha and Beta academics, but still intelligent.

Expected Occupations: Pharmacist, Accountant, Teacher, Journalist, Computer Technician

Personality Profile Rank Click here to see your celebmatch.

Intelligence 6.2 Average Intelligence ?
Risk 4.2 Low Risk ?
Ambition 5.8 Average Ambition ?
Gay Factor 1.6 Very Low Gay Factor ?
Honor 5.0 Average Honor ?
Politeness 5.6 Average Politeness ?
Income 6.2 $30,000 - $50,000 ?
Sociability 5.6 Average Sociability ?
Promiscuity 3.3 Low Promiscuity ?


Personality Profile:

You especially enjoy the traditional way of life. Having drinks with your friends, attending parties and relaxing while watching TV are some of your simple pleasures. You may also enjoy physical exercise. Your driving force is to retire as early as possible, so that you can do the things you enjoy more often. Your main source of ambition comes from this desire.

You dont particularly like your job but you do it without complaining. You realize that the income that it provides is essential to your lifestyle. You are friendly yet competitive with your co-workers. This competitiveness may lead you to squander your earnings to match other peoples' possessions.

You operate most effectively when there is a set power structure, and the lines of authority are clear. You know your place in the ranks, you play by the rules, and will deliver what is expected of you. You do not care for responsibility; you would rather be care free.

Your view of other types
You sometimes disagree with Boss types, but you respect them for the most part. You may even be envious of their lifestyles. You find Academic types boring and uptight. You have very little in common with them. However some White collar types may respect the accomplishments for certain Academic types. You think that Artist types are unrealistic and immature. You like interacting with Charmer types, and sometimes envy their charisma. You perceive Gambler types mostly as loners and untrustworthy. However, since you may have to interact with them on a daily basis you are not hostile to them. You believe Drifters are too lazy to work for a living but you sometimes feel pity for them.

Other types' view of you
Boss types may have some things in common with Blue collar types, but for the most part they only interact with you during the course of business. Academics see White collar types as unsuccessful versions of themselves, but because of work situations they may have to interact with you often. Artists do not interact with you, for they consider you to be a slave of conformity. Charmer types may associate with you; they find that the collar types are the people that mostly want to hang around them. To the Drifter types your repetitive routines seem boring; they would prefer having more fun and excitement. They may however enjoy the company of some Blue collar types.

White Collar:
-Slightly more intelligent and ambitious than the Blue collar type.
Occupation Examples: Secretary, Police Officer, Telemarketer, Computer Programmer, Office worker

Blue collar:
-Less intelligent and less ambitious than White Collar.
Occupation Examples: Auto/Equipment Mechanic, Factory Worker, Electrician,

Personality Profile Rank Click here to see your celebmatch.

Intelligence 6.8 Very Intelligent ?
Risk 4.0 Low Risk ?
Ambition 5.6 Average Ambition ?
Gay Factor 1.5 Very Low Gay Factor ?
Honor 5.2 Average Honor ?
Politeness 5.3 Average Politeness ?
Income 6.2 $30,000 - $50,000 ?
Sociability 4.6 Low Sociability ?
Promiscuity 2.6 Very Unpromiscuous ?


Personality Profile:

You especially enjoy the traditional way of life. Having drinks with your friends, attending parties and relaxing while watching TV are some of your simple pleasures. You may also enjoy physical exercise. Your driving force is to retire as early as possible, so that you can do the things you enjoy more often. Your main source of ambition comes from this desire.

You dont particularly like your job but you do it without complaining. You realize that the income that it provides is essential to your lifestyle. You are friendly yet competitive with your co-workers. This competitiveness may lead you to squander your earnings to match other peoples' possessions.

You operate most effectively when there is a set power structure, and the lines of authority are clear. You know your place in the ranks, you play by the rules, and will deliver what is expected of you. You do not care for responsibility; you would rather be care free.

Your view of other types
You sometimes disagree with Boss types, but you respect them for the most part. You may even be envious of their lifestyles. You find Academic types boring and uptight. You have very little in common with them. However some White collar types may respect the accomplishments for certain Academic types. You think that Artist types are unrealistic and immature. You like interacting with Charmer types, and sometimes envy their charisma. You perceive Gambler types mostly as loners and untrustworthy. However, since you may have to interact with them on a daily basis you are not hostile to them. You believe Drifters are too lazy to work for a living but you sometimes feel pity for them.

Other types' view of you
Boss types may have some things in common with Blue collar types, but for the most part they only interact with you during the course of business. Academics see White collar types as unsuccessful versions of themselves, but because of work situations they may have to interact with you often. Artists do not interact with you, for they consider you to be a slave of conformity. Charmer types may associate with you; they find that the collar types are the people that mostly want to hang around them. To the Drifter types your repetitive routines seem boring; they would prefer having more fun and excitement. They may however enjoy the company of some Blue collar types.

White Collar:
-Slightly more intelligent and ambitious than the Blue collar type.
Occupation Examples: Secretary, Police Officer, Telemarketer, Computer Programmer, Office worker

Blue collar:
-Less intelligent and less ambitious than White Collar.
Occupation Examples: Auto/Equipment Mechanic, Factory Worker, Electrician,

Personality Profile Rank Click here to see your celebmatch.

Intelligence 6.2 Average Intelligence ?
Risk 4.2 Low Risk ?
Ambition 6.2 Average Ambition ?
Gay Factor 1.1 Very Low Gay Factor ?
Honor 6.6 High Honor ?
Politeness 6.4 Average Politeness ?
Income 6.7 $50,000 - $100,000 ?
Sociability 5.4 Average Sociability ?
Promiscuity 2.8 Very Unpromiscuous ?


Personality Profile:

You are a long-term planner, diligent worker and avoid risk as much as possible. You are of above average intelligence and have the ability to focus on tasks that seem unimportant at present, but can lead to greater things in the foreseeable future. You are not keen to interact with others or make social connections. You would rather gain material wealth before putting yourself in a position to be judged. You are not confrontational unless someone directly opposes your intellectual beliefs. You are highly concerned with your social status. You are keen to avoid risks that could jeopardize your long-term plans. You take a calculated approach to life, working hard to control all aspects of it in order to not leave anything important to chance.

You tend to be a perfectionist and quite self-conscious. You sometimes wish you were less reserved and more like some others you see who are more bold and outspoken in social situations. But as much as you try to be like them, you cannot, because you care too much about the future to ever be comfortable taking risks in social situations.

Your view of other types
Academic types can end up rich but it will take longer than with a Boss type. You see Boss types as potential business clients and as great resources to expand your contacts. Therefore you treat them with respect. For the most part you do not respect Artist types, however there are some Alpha Artists that you give some credit to. You look down upon Blue collar types as you consider them ignorant. You see White collar types as unsuccessful versions of yourself, but because of work situations you may have to interact with them often. You have very little in common with Charmers, therefore you avoid them. You consider Gambler types to make foolish decisions, and for the most part you do not interact with them. At times you feel sorry for Drifters.

Other types' view of you
Boss types consider you to be a valuable resource of advice. They constantly interact with you to make better decisions and they often respect your opinion. For the most part Artist types do not interact with you for they rather take it easy. They however may like you because of your knowledge of subjects that they find interesting. Blue collar types find you boring and uptight, they have very little in common with you. White collar types may respect your accomplishments and ambition. Charmer types regard you as mostly withdrawn from life and too uppity to hang around with. Gambler types think that because you play so safe you miss out on great opportunities. Drifter types have no regard for you, because your repetitive routines seem boring to them.

Alpha academic: Solid long-term planner. Highly intelligent, ambitious and loyal to close ones.

Expected Occupations: Lawyer, Doctor, Investment Banker, Chief Accountant, Corporate Consultant, Head Engineer, Stock Broker, Business owner (professional skill/knowledge based business operation)

Beta academic: Not as intelligent or ambitious as Alpha Academics, but still focused on being materially successful.

Expected Occupations: Lawyer, Doctor, Investment Analyst, Accountant, Architect, Engineer, Professor, Researcher, Psychologist

Theta academic: Not as intelligent as Alpha and Beta academics, but still intelligent.

Expected Occupations: Pharmacist, Accountant, Teacher, Journalist, Computer Technician

Personality Profile Rank Click here to see your celebmatch.

Intelligence 7.0 Very Intelligent ?
Risk 3.6 Low Risk ?
Ambition 5.9 Average Ambition ?
Gay Factor 1.4 Very Low Gay Factor ?
Honor 4.2 Average Honor ?
Politeness 5.1 Average Politeness ?
Income 6.4 $30,000 - $50,000 ?
Sociability 4.1 Low Sociability ?
Promiscuity 2.4 Very Unpromiscuous ?


Personality Profile:

Your main drive is to be admired by those with similar interests to you. Money and influence is not of your concern. You are interested and may be active in certain political movements which you consider to be moral. You may act or dress in a unique way to reflect your eccentric personality. Your emotions fluctuate fairly often resulting in you going through incredible highs and devastating lows. When someone is attacking you personally you tend to ignore them, for you do not like to argue with those who you consider to be barbaric. You may however simply be fearful and timid. You generally enjoy interacting with other and have some acquaintances.

You may enjoy using drugs to escape reality and explore different perspectives. You spend much of your time doing what you love. You are employed for the sole reason of sustaining yourself. You may even be unemployed. But you may be great at your passion and making good money off of it.

Your view of other types
You consider Boss type to be egotistical and selfish so you may only interact with them during your employment. For the most part you do not interact with Academic types for you rather take it easy. You may like certain Academics because of their knowledge of interesting subjects. You tend to avoid Charmers because they may attack you verbally. You consider Gambler types to be duplicitious loners. You do not interact with the White collar or Blue collar types, for you consider them to be slaves of conformity. You sympathize with Drifters.

Other types' view of you
You do not concern Boss types for they look down on you; they believe that you waste too much time. For the most part Academic types do not respect you, however there are some Artists that they give some credit to. Blue collar and White collar types think that you are unrealistic and immature. Charmer types see you as an attention seeker and are often the people who criticize you. Gambler types see you as a fool who has no focus on financial success. Drifter types may enjoy your relaxed personality; they believe they can relate to you.

Alpha Artist: Most intelligent and ambitious.

Expected Occupations: Designer, Computer Graphic Artist, Painter, Professor, Professional movie critic

Beta Artist: Somewhat intelligent. Adopts styles like goth; styles that are unconventional and are intended to show their uniqueness.

Expected Occupations: Social Worker, Chef, Music Producer, Theater Actor, Theater/Film Director, Physical Therapist,

Theta Artist: Adopt new styles quickly. Not concerned with being looked down on.

Expected Occupations: Cashier, Unskilled laborer

Personality Profile Rank Click here to see your celebmatch.

Intelligence 7.0 Very Intelligent ?
Risk 3.6 Low Risk ?
Ambition 5.9 Average Ambition ?
Gay Factor 1.4 Very Low Gay Factor ?
Honor 4.2 Average Honor ?
Politeness 5.1 Average Politeness ?
Income 6.4 $30,000 - $50,000 ?
Sociability 4.1 Low Sociability ?
Promiscuity 2.4 Very Unpromiscuous ?


Personality Profile:

Your main drive is to be admired by those with similar interests to you. Money and influence is not of your concern. You are interested and may be active in certain political movements which you consider to be moral. You may act or dress in a unique way to reflect your eccentric personality. Your emotions fluctuate fairly often resulting in you going through incredible highs and devastating lows. When someone is attacking you personally you tend to ignore them, for you do not like to argue with those who you consider to be barbaric. You may however simply be fearful and timid. You generally enjoy interacting with other and have some acquaintances.

You may enjoy using drugs to escape reality and explore different perspectives. You spend much of your time doing what you love. You are employed for the sole reason of sustaining yourself. You may even be unemployed. But you may be great at your passion and making good money off of it.

Your view of other types
You consider Boss type to be egotistical and selfish so you may only interact with them during your employment. For the most part you do not interact with Academic types for you rather take it easy. You may like certain Academics because of their knowledge of interesting subjects. You tend to avoid Charmers because they may attack you verbally. You consider Gambler types to be duplicitious loners. You do not interact with the White collar or Blue collar types, for you consider them to be slaves of conformity. You sympathize with Drifters.

Other types' view of you
You do not concern Boss types for they look down on you; they believe that you waste too much time. For the most part Academic types do not respect you, however there are some Artists that they give some credit to. Blue collar and White collar types think that you are unrealistic and immature. Charmer types see you as an attention seeker and are often the people who criticize you. Gambler types see you as a fool who has no focus on financial success. Drifter types may enjoy your relaxed personality; they believe they can relate to you.

Alpha Artist: Most intelligent and ambitious.

Expected Occupations: Designer, Computer Graphic Artist, Painter, Professor, Professional movie critic

Beta Artist: Somewhat intelligent. Adopts styles like goth; styles that are unconventional and are intended to show their uniqueness.

Expected Occupations: Social Worker, Chef, Music Producer, Theater Actor, Theater/Film Director, Physical Therapist,

Theta Artist: Adopt new styles quickly. Not concerned with being looked down on.

Expected Occupations: Cashier, Unskilled laborer


Personality Profile Rank Click here to see your celebmatch.

Intelligence 5.8 Average Intelligence ?
Risk 5.4 Average Risk ?
Ambition 5.7 Average Ambition ?
Gay Factor 1.1 Very Low Gay Factor ?
Honor 4.8 Average Honor ?
Politeness 5.3 Average Politeness ?
Income 5.9 $30,000 - $50,000 ?
Sociability 6.0 Average Sociability ?
Promiscuity 3.9 Low Promiscuity ?


Personality Profile:

You especially enjoy the traditional way of life. Having drinks with your friends, attending parties and relaxing while watching TV are some of your simple pleasures. You may also enjoy physical exercise. Your driving force is to retire as early as possible, so that you can do the things you enjoy more often. Your main source of ambition comes from this desire.

You dont particularly like your job but you do it without complaining. You realize that the income that it provides is essential to your lifestyle. You are friendly yet competitive with your co-workers. This competitiveness may lead you to squander your earnings to match other peoples' possessions.

You operate most effectively when there is a set power structure, and the lines of authority are clear. You know your place in the ranks, you play by the rules, and will deliver what is expected of you. You do not care for responsibility; you would rather be care free.

Your view of other types
You sometimes disagree with Boss types, but you respect them for the most part. You may even be envious of their lifestyles. You find Academic types boring and uptight. You have very little in common with them. However some White collar types may respect the accomplishments for certain Academic types. You think that Artist types are unrealistic and immature. You like interacting with Charmer types, and sometimes envy their charisma. You perceive Gambler types mostly as loners and untrustworthy. However, since you may have to interact with them on a daily basis you are not hostile to them. You believe Drifters are too lazy to work for a living but you sometimes feel pity for them.

Other types' view of you
Boss types may have some things in common with Blue collar types, but for the most part they only interact with you during the course of business. Academics see White collar types as unsuccessful versions of themselves, but because of work situations they may have to interact with you often. Artists do not interact with you, for they consider you to be a slave of conformity. Charmer types may associate with you; they find that the collar types are the people that mostly want to hang around them. To the Drifter types your repetitive routines seem boring; they would prefer having more fun and excitement. They may however enjoy the company of some Blue collar types.

White Collar:
-Slightly more intelligent and ambitious than the Blue collar type.
Occupation Examples: Secretary, Police Officer, Telemarketer, Computer Programmer, Office worker

Blue collar:
-Less intelligent and less ambitious than White Collar.
Occupation Examples: Auto/Equipment Mechanic, Factory Worker, Electrician,

Personality Profile Rank Click here to see your celebmatch.

Intelligence 6.1 Average Intelligence ?
Risk 4.2 Low Risk ?
Ambition 5.8 Average Ambition ?
Gay Factor 1.3 Very Low Gay Factor ?
Honor 5.4 Average Honor ?
Politeness 5.9 Average Politeness ?
Income 6.5 $50,000 - $100,000 ?
Sociability 5.8 Average Sociability ?
Promiscuity 3.4 Low Promiscuity ?


Personality Profile:

You especially enjoy the traditional way of life. Having drinks with your friends, attending parties and relaxing while watching TV are some of your simple pleasures. You may also enjoy physical exercise. Your driving force is to retire as early as possible, so that you can do the things you enjoy more often. Your main source of ambition comes from this desire.

You dont particularly like your job but you do it without complaining. You realize that the income that it provides is essential to your lifestyle. You are friendly yet competitive with your co-workers. This competitiveness may lead you to squander your earnings to match other peoples' possessions.

You operate most effectively when there is a set power structure, and the lines of authority are clear. You know your place in the ranks, you play by the rules, and will deliver what is expected of you. You do not care for responsibility; you would rather be care free.

Your view of other types
You sometimes disagree with Boss types, but you respect them for the most part. You may even be envious of their lifestyles. You find Academic types boring and uptight. You have very little in common with them. However some White collar types may respect the accomplishments for certain Academic types. You think that Artist types are unrealistic and immature. You like interacting with Charmer types, and sometimes envy their charisma. You perceive Gambler types mostly as loners and untrustworthy. However, since you may have to interact with them on a daily basis you are not hostile to them. You believe Drifters are too lazy to work for a living but you sometimes feel pity for them.

Other types' view of you
Boss types may have some things in common with Blue collar types, but for the most part they only interact with you during the course of business. Academics see White collar types as unsuccessful versions of themselves, but because of work situations they may have to interact with you often. Artists do not interact with you, for they consider you to be a slave of conformity. Charmer types may associate with you; they find that the collar types are the people that mostly want to hang around them. To the Drifter types your repetitive routines seem boring; they would prefer having more fun and excitement. They may however enjoy the company of some Blue collar types.

White Collar:
-Slightly more intelligent and ambitious than the Blue collar type.
Occupation Examples: Secretary, Police Officer, Telemarketer, Computer Programmer, Office worker

Blue collar:
-Less intelligent and less ambitious than White Collar.
Occupation Examples: Auto/Equipment Mechanic, Factory Worker, Electrician,


Gender: FEMALE
Personality Profile Rank Click here to see your celebmatch.

Intelligence 6.3 Average Intelligence ?
Risk 5.0 Low Risk ?
Ambition 4.9 Low Ambition ?
Gay Factor 1.0 Very Low Gay Factor ?
Honor 6.3 Average Honor ?
Politeness 7.1 High Politeness ?
Income 5.6 $30,000 - $50,000 ?
Sociability 6.9 High Sociability ?
Promiscuity 4.0 Low Promiscuity ?


Personality Profile:

You especially enjoy the traditional way of life. Having drinks with your friends, attending parties and relaxing while watching TV are some of your simple pleasures. You may also enjoy physical exercise. Your driving force is to retire as early as possible, so that you can do the things you enjoy more often. Your main source of ambition comes from this desire.

You dont particularly like your job but you do it without complaining. You realize that the income that it provides is essential to your lifestyle. You are friendly yet competitive with your co-workers. This competitiveness may lead you to squander your earnings to match other peoples' possessions.

You operate most effectively when there is a set power structure, and the lines of authority are clear. You know your place in the ranks, you play by the rules, and will deliver what is expected of you. You do not care for responsibility; you would rather be care free.

Your view of other types
You sometimes disagree with Boss types, but you respect them for the most part. You may even be envious of their lifestyles. You find Academic types boring and uptight. You have very little in common with them. However some White collar types may respect the accomplishments for certain Academic types. You think that Artist types are unrealistic and immature. You like interacting with Charmer types, and sometimes envy their charisma. You perceive Gambler types mostly as loners and untrustworthy. However, since you may have to interact with them on a daily basis you are not hostile to them. You believe Drifters are too lazy to work for a living but you sometimes feel pity for them.

Other types' view of you
Boss types may have some things in common with Blue collar types, but for the most part they only interact with you during the course of business. Academics see White collar types as unsuccessful versions of themselves, but because of work situations they may have to interact with you often. Artists do not interact with you, for they consider you to be a slave of conformity. Charmer types may associate with you; they find that the collar types are the people that mostly want to hang around them. To the Drifter types your repetitive routines seem boring; they would prefer having more fun and excitement. They may however enjoy the company of some Blue collar types.

White Collar:
-Slightly more intelligent and ambitious than the Blue collar type.
Occupation Examples: Secretary, Police Officer, Telemarketer, Computer Programmer, Office worker

Blue collar:
-Less intelligent and less ambitious than White Collar.
Occupation Examples: Auto/Equipment Mechanic, Factory Worker, Electrician,

Personality Profile Rank Click here to see your celebmatch.

Intelligence 7.5 Very Intelligent ?
Risk 4.0 Low Risk ?
Ambition 7.4 High Ambition ?
Gay Factor 1.0 Very Low Gay Factor ?
Honor 6.9 High Honor ?
Politeness 2.1 Very Low Politeness ?
Income 7.9 $50,000 - $100,000 ?
Sociability 4.0 Low Sociability ?
Promiscuity 4.0 Low Promiscuity ?


Personality Profile:

You are a long-term planner, diligent worker and avoid risk as much as possible. You are of above average intelligence and have the ability to focus on tasks that seem unimportant at present, but can lead to greater things in the foreseeable future. You are not keen to interact with others or make social connections. You would rather gain material wealth before putting yourself in a position to be judged. You are not confrontational unless someone directly opposes your intellectual beliefs. You are highly concerned with your social status. You are keen to avoid risks that could jeopardize your long-term plans. You take a calculated approach to life, working hard to control all aspects of it in order to not leave anything important to chance.

You tend to be a perfectionist and quite self-conscious. You sometimes wish you were less reserved and more like some others you see who are more bold and outspoken in social situations. But as much as you try to be like them, you cannot, because you care too much about the future to ever be comfortable taking risks in social situations.

Your view of other types
Academic types can end up rich but it will take longer than with a Boss type. You see Boss types as potential business clients and as great resources to expand your contacts. Therefore you treat them with respect. For the most part you do not respect Artist types, however there are some Alpha Artists that you give some credit to. You look down upon Blue collar types as you consider them ignorant. You see White collar types as unsuccessful versions of yourself, but because of work situations you may have to interact with them often. You have very little in common with Charmers, therefore you avoid them. You consider Gambler types to make foolish decisions, and for the most part you do not interact with them. At times you feel sorry for Drifters.

Other types' view of you
Boss types consider you to be a valuable resource of advice. They constantly interact with you to make better decisions and they often respect your opinion. For the most part Artist types do not interact with you for they rather take it easy. They however may like you because of your knowledge of subjects that they find interesting. Blue collar types find you boring and uptight, they have very little in common with you. White collar types may respect your accomplishments and ambition. Charmer types regard you as mostly withdrawn from life and too uppity to hang around with. Gambler types think that because you play so safe you miss out on great opportunities. Drifter types have no regard for you, because your repetitive routines seem boring to them.

Alpha academic: Solid long-term planner. Highly intelligent, ambitious and loyal to close ones.

Expected Occupations: Lawyer, Doctor, Investment Banker, Chief Accountant, Corporate Consultant, Head Engineer, Stock Broker, Business owner (professional skill/knowledge based business operation)

Beta academic: Not as intelligent or ambitious as Alpha Academics, but still focused on being materially successful.

Expected Occupations: Lawyer, Doctor, Investment Analyst, Accountant, Architect, Engineer, Professor, Researcher, Psychologist

Theta academic: Not as intelligent as Alpha and Beta academics, but still intelligent.

Expected Occupations: Pharmacist, Accountant, Teacher, Journalist, Computer Technician

>>January 17, 2005 at 7:27:19 PM GMT+8

2005 年 1 月 12 日 星期三 【微冷】

倫倫不是我貼上來的啊 ...

今天quiz econ.~!
十條mc 先o岩得o個1條咁大把

之後computer 重派卷添!!!!!
唔通only 溫SQL都俾我合到格咩

就唔會攪到我分心啦 >"<~~~~~
好過擲鐵餅 =_=~~~~~~
唔知邊個講女中豪傑 哈哈

心想: 咁佢幾多歲呢...
林少君重笑佢話佢要減多2分1個人先正常添 um.............................

~_~ .... 不過見到好多中學同學同佢地d小學同學重十分friend
真係好羨慕啊 @v@~~~~~

佢重話: 最衰我唔係女人 我想受依重苦都受唔到
真係印象即刻懷晒 er......

之後上網sent 左野俾阿井
然後我就o係度玩d無聊遊戲啦 哈哈
真係korea 的遊戲幫公仔換衫~~~
真係覺得自己好白痴 玩d咁ge野玩咁耐

然後林少君細佬sent 左 x'mas d 相來
個林少君叫住佢sent 佢都走去訓覺
解壓之後sent 左俾哥哥睇
哥哥重話我同譚淑儀好似樣添 (某一張 : 互餵士多啤利那張 )
哈哈 都唔會似啦 可能o個張暗罷了~~~~

不過唔知點解up 相個網壞左
冇得放上o黎嚕~ -o-

>>January 12, 2005 at 7:09:41 PM GMT+8

2005 年 1 月 11 日 星期二 【乍雨乍晴】

相佑就不同了 cc

識得分 貓 狗 牙齒 醫生 魚 星星 等等等等等
不過唔識分 月亮 和 太陽
哈哈 ~~~~ 真有趣

一心諗住RECESS 去搵個歐陳
佢自己走上來 ,云 : 今日邊位同學個人短講
不過佢都話OK 架 :)

最後O個堂miss cheung 個 quiz 真係頂癮啦
今日LUNCH 打算溫又冇乜溫O個就出晒
一共出三條 有兩條 擺到明陰你唔識 (因為佢筆記和功課都冇做過 )
之後得返一條 不過都唔係好野 因為要寫的內容好多好多
都應該又係悲劇收場架啦 -_-~~~~

由於掛住溫書中午冇食 lunch
AND 魷魚絲~~~~~

林仔SENT 了些聖誕食BUFFET的相過來

大學啊 大學啊

>>January 11, 2005 at 6:56:41 PM GMT+8

2005 年 1 月 10 日 星期一 【晴】



>>January 10, 2005 at 1:16:35 AM GMT+8

2005 年 1 月 8 日 星期六 【乍雨乍晴】

中史又是特低分 q_q.....
miss cheung 話將失敗當係激勵....

>>January 8, 2005 at 9:34:40 AM GMT+8

2005 年 1 月 8 日 星期六 【晴】

10月 27日 星期三 01:55 更新


奧庫外號「危險」(Danger),居於肯尼亞西部維多利亞湖畔,來自奉行一夫多妻制的羅族群(Luo ethnic group)。奧庫在當地被視為英雄,是推動羅族文化的象徵。他身高7呎,穿上卡其色短褲、及膝長襪、白恤衫、結上領帶,頭戴牛仔帽,外貌威嚴。







I think this news is just the real case of a story named The Round Dozen which i borrowed from the ERS =V=.........

>>January 8, 2005 at 9:17:17 AM GMT+8

<< 76  77  78  79  80  81  82  83  84  85  86  87  88  89  90  91  92  93  94  95  96  97  98  99  100  >>


♬♪♩♬ Guten Tag ♬♪♩♬

Wie geht es Ihnen ?





路人留言   |

>>July 26, 2011 at 9:13:25 AM GMT+8

>>June 16, 2009 at 4:03:35 PM GMT+8

dear 滿: <br> <br
>>January 13, 2009 at 10:41:49 AM GMT+8

I don't know you
>>January 13, 2009 at 6:27:42 AM GMT+8

nice <br>
>>January 6, 2009 at 1:53:22 AM GMT+8

>>December 21, 2008 at 1:11:49 AM GMT+8

藍莓之夜! <br>藍莓批沒被挑
>>August 12, 2008 at 8:06:32 PM GMT+8

你記得就好啦 <br>但你好似唔
>>July 11, 2008 at 6:16:34 PM GMT+8

你係咪 金田貓呀 ?!!!!!!
>>July 10, 2008 at 1:02:13 AM GMT+8

有冇搞錯, 521後無我份
>>May 18, 2008 at 2:23:18 PM GMT+8

>>April 11, 2008 at 11:41:41 AM GMT+8

路過的。 <br>見到你前幾日話
>>March 2, 2008 at 9:13:03 PM GMT+8

你記唔記得點唔見架!? <br>
>>January 13, 2008 at 12:26:59 AM GMT+8

>>December 27, 2007 at 9:34:10 PM GMT+8

考試...唉! <br>我死左3
>>December 15, 2007 at 11:35:34 PM GMT+8

>>December 8, 2007 at 12:50:03 AM GMT+8

>>September 23, 2007 at 11:19:20 PM GMT+8

死女人 唔俾我做電燈膽...
>>July 13, 2007 at 6:05:14 PM GMT+8

好耐無留過言了, <br>依原來
>>July 8, 2007 at 12:41:48 PM GMT+8

太好了!! <br>恭喜joll
>>October 21, 2006 at 10:12:16 AM GMT+8

昨天我真係無抵死ge, <br>
>>October 21, 2006 at 6:24:21 AM GMT+8

小姐係你要打爆人地個頭先 <br
>>September 29, 2006 at 6:43:45 PM GMT+8

hello!!! <br>很久沒
>>September 26, 2006 at 4:05:35 PM GMT+8

喂個人創作者, 一切純屬虛構
>>September 24, 2006 at 7:54:59 PM GMT+8

豬莉 加油呀! <br>&#25
>>September 14, 2006 at 8:50:56 PM GMT+8

>>September 3, 2006 at 11:44:08 PM GMT+8

>>July 23, 2006 at 11:02:01 PM GMT+8

>>July 13, 2006 at 7:08:26 PM GMT+8

家庭是心靈最後的依歸 <br>朋
>>June 1, 2006 at 6:07:01 PM GMT+8

好衰架~~~ <br>我日日朝早
>>May 28, 2006 at 8:53:53 PM GMT+8

林少君弟弟的言行是甚樣的?? <
>>May 27, 2006 at 11:50:17 PM GMT+8

>>May 25, 2006 at 10:45:07 PM GMT+8

julie你點呀? <br>好想
>>April 30, 2006 at 7:09:52 PM GMT+8

你隻野好似大左喎~~ <br>都
>>April 21, 2006 at 2:27:54 PM GMT+8

>>April 13, 2006 at 7:59:05 PM GMT+8

>>April 8, 2006 at 4:54:48 PM GMT+8

>>March 25, 2006 at 7:44:37 PM GMT+8

>>March 13, 2006 at 11:36:53 PM GMT+8

死仔 <br>你睇下 你隻野一轉
>>March 7, 2006 at 11:46:31 PM GMT+8

>>February 28, 2006 at 8:30:48 PM GMT+8

>>February 26, 2006 at 12:18:15 AM GMT+8

>>February 24, 2006 at 9:38:24 PM GMT+8

歌~~是我新看的韓劇歌啦 <br
>>February 21, 2006 at 11:58:37 PM GMT+8

先看這裏~~ <br>check
>>February 20, 2006 at 11:43:04 PM GMT+8

快申請一隻水滴放在日記 然後ad
>>February 20, 2006 at 11:34:10 PM GMT+8

>>February 17, 2006 at 1:25:34 PM GMT+8

>>February 4, 2006 at 10:31:50 PM GMT+8

我今日留到言啦~ <br>勁!!
>>January 19, 2006 at 1:26:53 PM GMT+8

JULIE~~~ <br>快D搵
>>January 9, 2006 at 8:26:08 PM GMT+8

>____<我要睇harry p
>>January 5, 2006 at 9:41:46 AM GMT+8

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